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Loesser said, ‘I try to examine characters, not events.’ When describing his approach to writing
songs. Therefore, plot is maybe seen as less important than songs in this.

HOWEVER – based on a book, which must have worked as a story on its own – therefore, not carried
by songs. BUT other side stories added, etc. WOULD IT HAVE BEEN SUCCESFUL AS A PLAY?

How does score move action forward?

How does it affect emotional response to show?

How does music contribute to understanding of larger themes of show? LARGER THEMES: gambling,
religion, morality, love

How do music and lyrics evoke time and place?

In which ways is music indispensable to plot? E.G Havana

Different musical styles – how did choice of style define dramatic action of each number?

Sounds in Adelaide’s lament – deepen emotional texture of seemingly comic song

Music and lyrics can compress or elevate importance of information

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