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ISSN: 2309-7892, Volume: 2, Issue: 2, Page: 121-126, October-December, 2014

Review Paper


H. Mehraj1, A.S.M. Nahiyan2, T. Taufique1, I.H. Shiam1 and AFM Jamal Uddin*1

H. Mehraj, A.S.M. Nahiyan, T. Taufique, I.H. Shiam and AFM Jamal Uddin (2014). Growth and Yield Response of Twenty Four
Wheat Lines. Int. J. Bus. Soc. Sci. Res. 2(2): 121-126. Retrieve from

Received Date: 14/09/2014 Acceptance Date: 29/10/2014 Published Date: 01/11/2014

An experiment was conducted at horticulture farm, Sher-e-Bangla agricultural university,
Bangladesh during November 2013 to March 2014 to evaluate the performance of wheat lines.
There were 24 wheat lines coded from L1 to L24 on the experiment following Randomized
Completely Block Design with three replications. Maximum plant height (70.9 cm), leaf area
(31.4 cm2), CGR (29.1 g/m2/day), NAR (4.1 g/m2/day), number of tiller (22.4/plant), number of
effective tiller (18.9/plant), spike length (10.3 cm), number of spikelets (17.9/spike), number of
grains (52.1/spike), 1000-seed weight (63.2 g), grain yield (4.1 t/ha), straw yield (5.9 t/ha) and
biological yield (10.0 t/ha) were found from L13 which was followed by L15 and L16 for most of
the parameters while minimum was found from L1.
Key words: Wheat lines, growth and yield.
Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) belongs to Poaceae family, is one of the major cereal crops next to rice in
Bangladesh. Shortages of food due to rising population and land deficiency are enforcing nation to grow
food crops on unutilized land. Area under wheat cultivation during 2007-2008 was about 923 thousand
acres producing 31975 thousand M. tons of wheat with an average yield of 976 kg/acre (BBS, 2010). Its
average yield is low compared to that of some other wheat growing countries of the world (Hossain and
Teixeira da Silva, 2012b). Crop varieties within a species may show marked differences for various
characters. Different wheat cultivars responded differently in grain yield (Black and Siddoway, 1977).
The improvement of 35-50% in wheat has been achieved by the introduction of newly high yielding
cultivars (Whiteman, 1985). However, some research on varietals performance was also conducted in
Bangladesh to find out the most suitable variety. Therefore, present study was conducted to identify the
suitable variety considering to growth and yield of wheat.
Materials and Methods
An experiment was conducted at Agronomy field, Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University, Dhaka,
Bangladesh from November 2013 to March 2014. Experiment consisted 24 wheat lines coded from L1 to
L24 following Randomized Completely Block Design with three replications. Seeds of 24 wheat lines
were collected from Advanced Seed Research and Biotech Center (ASRBC), ACI limited. The size of
the individual plot was 3.5 m x 2.5 m with inter plot spacing of 0.50 m and inter block spacing of 1 m.
All fertilizers were applied at the rate of BARI recommended dose as 200 kg/ha urea, 180 kg/ha TSP, 50
kg/ha MOP, 120 kg/ha Gypsum (BARI, 2011). Data were collected on plant height, leaf area, crop
growth rate, net assimilation rate, number of tillers/plant, number of effective tillers/plant, number of
ineffective tillers/plant, spike length, number of spikelets/spike, number of grains/spike, 1000-grain
weight, grain yield straw yield, biological yield and harvest index.
Crop growth rate (CGR) was calculated using the following formula:
CGR = [(1 ÷ GA) × {(W2 – W1) ÷ (T2 – T1)}] gm2day-1
Net assimilation rate (NAR) was calculated using the following formula:
NAR= TDM ÷ [{(LAI1 + LAI2) × (T2 – T1)} ÷ 2]
Where; GA = Ground area (m2), W1 = Total dry weight at previous sampling date (T1), W2 = Total dry
weight at current sampling date (T2), T1 = Date of previous sampling, T 2 = Date of current sampling,
TDM = total dry matter, LAI = Leaf area index
Biological yield was calculated by using following formula:
Biological yield = Grain yield + straw yield
Harvest index was calculated by using following formula:

*Corresponding Authors Email:

Department of Horticulture, Sher-e-Bangla agricultural University, Dhaka-1207, Bangladesh
Advanced Seed Research and Biotech Center, ACI Limited, Dhaka
Growth and Yield Response of Twenty Four Wheat Lines 122

Harvest index (HI) = (Grain yield ÷ Biological yield) × 100

Collected data were statistically analyzed using MSTAT-C computer package program and mean
differences among treatments were evaluated by Least Significance Difference (LSD) test at 5% level of
significance (Gomez and Gomez, 1984).
Results and Discussion
Plant height: Plant height was varied significantly among the wheat lines. Tallest plant was found from
L13 (70.9 cm) followed by L16 (69.8 cm) while shortest from L1 (50.1 cm) (Table 1). Wheat varieties
showed a significant effect of varieties on plant height ( Nadeem, 2001; Mattas et al., 2011; Mohammad
et al., 2011) and varied greatly among various wheat cultivars (Afzal and Nazir, 1986; Dencic et al.,
2000; Mudassar, 2005; Singh et al., 1986; Passioura, 2007; Ashraf and Harris, 2005; Ford and Throne,
2001). The differences in plant height due to various cultivars might be due to varied genetic constitution
of cultivars.
Leaf area: Leaf area showed significant variation among the wheat lines. Maximum leaf area was found
from L13 (31.4 cm2) followed by L15 (30.9 cm2) and L16 (30.3 cm2) while minimum from L1 (19.4 cm2)
(Table 1). More leaf area provided more photosynthesis and ultimately leads to higher yield (Welbank et
al., 1966). Leaf area index is a growth indicators used as a photosynthetic system measurement. LAI is
related to the biologic and economic yields and increase in LAI causes higher yield (Singh et al., 2009).
Crop growth rate (CGR): Wheat lines showed significant variation for the CGR. Maximum CGR was
found from L13 (29.1 g/m2/day) followed by L15 (28.6 g/m2/day) while minimum from L1 (22.7 g/m2/day)
(Table 1). Crop growth rate (CGR) can be used to indicate the change in crop growth over time on an
individual plant basis, for a population of plants. CGR is directly affected by light interception by the
crop and represents net result of photosynthesis, respiration and canopy area interaction, it is considered
as the most meaningful growth function (Haider, 2007). The greater variation of CGR among cultivars
indicates the problems of less efficient photosynthetic activity, their source to sink relation and managing
of leaf area through plant population (Hussain et al., 2010).
Table 1. Performance of wheat lines on growth related attributes X
Wheat CGR Number of
Plant height (cm) Leaf area (cm2) NAR (g/m2/day)
lines Y (g/m2/day) tillers/plant
L1 50.1 p 19.4 w 22.7 v 1.9 n 15.2 v
L2 54.2 n 22.6 t 24.4 r 2.5 k 16.0 r
L3 59.5 i 24.7 p 25.3 o 2.8 i 16.5 n
L4 58.2 j 27.1 k 26.5 j 3.1 g 17.6 k
L5 59.4 i 24.9 o 25.4 n 2.9 h 16.4 o
L6 67.1 d 21.0 v 23.1 u 2.1 m 15.5 u
L7 56.5 l 23.1 r 25.0 q 2.7 j 16.3 p
L8 68.2 c 28.7 e 27.7 e 3.6 d 18.9 e
L9 61.3 g 28.5 f 27.5 g 3.5 e 18.5 g
L10 64.7 e 22.7 s 23.9 t 2.3 l 15.6 t
L11 60.2 h 27.4 h 27.1 i 3.3 f 18.0 i
L12 55.1 m 27.2 j 26.4 k 3.1 g 17.7 j
L13 70.9 a 31.4 a 29.1 a 4.1 a 22.4 a
L14 60.0 h 25.1 n 25.7 m 2.9 h 17.0 m
L15 68.3 c 30.9 b 28.6 b 3.8 b 20.9 b
L16 69.8 b 30.3 c 28.4 c 3.8 b 20.5 c
L17 68.3 c 29.7 d 28.0 d 3.7 c 19.0 d
L18 59.6 i 26.3 m 26.0 l 2.9 h 17.4 l
L19 63.2 f 27.0 l 27.2 h 3.3 f 18.0 i
L20 53.5 o 22.1 u 24.0 s 2.3 l 15.7 s
L21 61.2 g 28.3 g 27.6 f 3.5 e 18.6 f
L22 57.1 k 27.3 i 26.4 k 3.1 g 17.7 j
L23 58.1 j 27.1 k 27.2 h 3.3 f 18.1 h
L24 56.4 l 23.7 q 25.1 p 2.7 j 16.2 q
LSD0.05 0.4 0.01 0.01 0.03 0.01
CV (%) 3.6 2.9 6.9 3.9 5.7
In a column means having similar letter(s) are statistically identical and those having dissimilar letter(s) differ
significantly as per 0.05 level of probability
Wheat lines
Net assimilation rate (NAR): Wheat lines showed significant variation for NAR. Maximum net
assimilation rate was found from L13 (4.1 g/m2/day) followed by L15 and L16 (3.8 g/m2/day) while
minimum from L1 (1.9 g/m2/day) (Table 1). NAR was found a significant variation among the wheat
varieties and was influenced by temperature, light, carbon dioxide, water, leaf age, mineral nutrients,
chlorophyll content and genotype (Hussain et al., 2010). Growth analysis is still the most simple and
precise method to evaluate the contribution of different physiological processes in plant development
Mehraj et al. 123

(Seyed Sharifi and Raei, 2011). (Hokmalipour and Hamele Darbandi, 2011) indicated that physiological
growth analysis is the important in prediction of yield.
Number of tillers/plant: Maximum number of tillers was found from L13 (22.4/plant) followed by L15
(20.9/plant) and L16 (20.5/plant) while minimum from L1 (15.2/plant) (Table 1). Significant variation in
number of tillers/plant among the cultivars was also found by Ahmed et al. (2006).
Number of effective tillers/plant: Number of effective tillers was varied significantly among the wheat
lines. Maximum number of effective tiller was found from L13 (18.9/plant) followed by L15 (17.9/plant)
and L16 (17.8/plant) while minimum from L1 (13.4/plant) (Table 2). Number of fertile tiller was differed
due to the variation of varieties (Mattas et al., 2011; Jahfari, 2004). Different varieties respond
differently due to difference in their genetic make up (Jan et al., 2003 and Irfan et al., 2005).
Number of ineffective tillers/plant: Maximum number of ineffective tillers was also found from L13
(3.5/plant) followed by L15 (3.0/plant) while minimum from L1 (1.8/plant) (Table 2).
Spike length: Spike length was varied significantly among the wheat lines. However, longest spike was
found from L13 (10.3 cm) followed by L15 and L16 (10.1 cm) while minimum from L1 (7.5 cm) (Table 2).
It was found that significant variations among the varieties for spike length of wheat (Mohammad et al.,
2011; Falaki et al., 2009; Shafiq, 2004). The results indicated that there was genotypic differences in
length of spike might be due to genetic makeup of the genotypes (Irfan et al., 2005).
Number of spikelets/spike: Maximum number of spikelets was found from L13 (17.9/spike) followed by
L21 (17.8/spike) while minimum from L1 (14.5/spike) (Table 2). Spikelets/spike showed significant
variations among the varieties of wheat (Mohammad et al., 2011; Falaki et al., 2009; Shafiq, 2004).
Number of grains/spike: Number of grains/spike was differed significantly among the wheat lines.
Maximum number of grains was found from L13 (52.1/spike) followed by L15 (50.5/spike) and L16
(50.4/spike) whereas minimum from L1 (45.3/spike) (Table 2). Significant differences among the
cultivars for number of grains/spike were found in wheat (Mohammad et al., 2011; Falaki et al., 2009;
Shafiq, 2004; Akmal et al., 2000; Nadeem, 2001; Johnson et al., 1966; Afzal and Nazir, 1986; Sadiq and
Lalah, 1986) and it may be due to the variation in the genetic potential.
Table 2. Performance of wheat lines on some yield related attributesX
Number of Number of
Spike length Number of Number of
Wheat lines Y effective ineffective
(cm) spikelets /spike grains/spike
tillers/plant tillers/plant
L1 13.4 s 1.8 i 7.5 r 14.5 r 45.3 v
L2 14.3 o 1.7 j 7.8 o 15.3 n 46.2 r
L3 14.5 m 2.0 g 8.1 l 16.2 j 47.0 o
L4 15.5 k 2.1 f 8.8 i 17.1 f 48.0 k
L5 14.5 m 1.9 h 8.0 m 16.1 k 47.1 n
L6 13.5 r 2.0 g 7.6 q 14.7 q 45.5 u
L7 14.4 n 1.9 h 7.9 n 15.7 m 46.8 q
L8 16.6 e 2.3 d 9.5 d 17.8 b 49.0 e
L9 16.5 f 2.0 g 9.3 e 17.7 c 48.8 f
L10 13.6 q 2.0 g 7.7 p 15 p 45.9 s
L11 15.9 i 2.1 f 9.1 f 17.5 d 48.4 h
L12 15.5 k 2.2 e 8.9 h 17.1 f 48.1 j
L13 18.9 a 3.5 a 10.3 a 17.9 a 52.1 a
L14 15.7 j 1.3 k 8.3 k 16.5 i 47.5 m
L15 17.9 b 3.0 b 10.1 b 17.5 d 50.5 b
L16 17.8 c 2.7 c 10.1 b 17.5 d 50.4 c
L17 17.2 d 1.8 i 9.9 c 17 g 49.3 d
L18 15.4 l 2.0 g 8.6 j 16.9 h 47.7 l
L19 16.2 h 1.8 i 9.1 f 17.5 d 48.3 i
L20 13.5 r 2.2 e 7.7 p 15.1 o 45.8 t
L21 16.5 f 2.1 f 9.3 e 17.8 b 48.7 g
L22 15.7 j 2.0 g 8.9 h 17.1 f 48.1 j
L23 16.3 g 1.8 i 9.0 g 17.4 e 48.3 i
L24 14.2 p 2.0 g 7.9 n 15.8 l 46.9 p
LSD0.05 0.04 0.07 0.03 0.08 0.05
CV (%) 2.1 4.5 1.9 0.3 1.1
In a column means having similar letter(s) are statistically identical and those having dissimilar letter(s) differ
significantly as per 0.05 level of probability
Wheat lines
1000-seed weight: Significant variation was found for 1000-seed weight of wheat lines. Maximum 1000-
seed weight was found from L13 (63.2 g) followed by L15 and L16 (60.8 g) while minimum from L1 (43.6
g) (Table 3). This larger variation in grain weight may be due to diverse genetic make-up of wheat
cultivars and their differential response to prevalent environment during grain filling stage (Ali et al.,
Growth and Yield Response of Twenty Four Wheat Lines 124

2008). Some cultivars may reduce yield due to warmer environment (Nahar et al., 2010). An ideal wheat
genotype should be high yielding under any environmental conditions (Carvalho et al., 1983). However,
since genetic effects are not independent of environmental effects, most genotypes do not perform
satisfactorily in all environments. When an interaction between a genotype and the environment occurs,
the relative ranking of cultivars for yield often differs when genotypes are compared over a series of
environments and/or years (Al-Otayk, 2010). The result of the current study indicated that different
genotype respond differently under a specific environmental condition.
Grain yield: Grain yield/ha was differed significantly among the wheat lines. Maximum Grain yield was
found from L13 (4.1 t/ha) followed by L15 and L16 (4.0 t/ha) while minimum from L1 (2.1 t/ha) (Table 3).
The findings of Afzal and Nazir (1986), Pandey and Agarwal (1991) and Aheer (1993) are in close
agreement with the results of this experiment. Mirbahar et al. (2009) and Farooq et al. (2009) found
significant variation among the varieties. When an interaction between a genotype and the environment
occurs, yield often differs when genotypes are compared over environments (Al-Otayk, 2010).
Genotypes studied responded differently to a particular environmental condition suggesting the
importance of assessing genotypes in order to identify the best genetic make up for a particular
Straw yield: Wheat lines showed a significant variation for straw yield. However, maximum straw yield
was found from L13 (5.9 t/ha) followed by L15 (5.6 t/ha) and L16 (5.5 t/ha) while minimum from L1 (4.0
t/ha) (Table 3). Islam et al. (2013) found the significant variation in straw yield on different rice varieties.
Biological yield: Biological yield was varied significantly among the wheat lines. Maximum biological
yield was found from L13 (10.0 t/ha) followed by L15 (9.6 t/ha) and L16 (9.5 t/ha) whereas minimum from
L1 (6.1 t/ha) (Table 3). Islam et al. (2013) found the significant variation in biological yield on different
rice varieties.
Harvest index (HI): Harvest index of wheat lines was varied significantly. However, maximum harvest
index was found from L16 (42.1%) followed by L17 (41.9%) whereas minimum from L1 (34.4%) (Table
3). Harvest index greatly influenced due to the variation of the genotypes (Shah et al., 1991).

Table 3. Performance of white lines on yieldX

1000-seed Grain yield Straw yield Biological yield
Wheat lines Y HI (%)
weight (g) (t/ha) (t/ha) (t/ha)
L1 43.6 o 2.1 o 4.0 p 6.1 s 34.4 r
L2 47.2 l 2.6 l 4.5 m 7.1 p 36.6 o
L3 49.4 j 3.0 j 4.8 j 7.8 l 38.5 n
L4 53.3 g 3.4 g 5.0 h 8.4 i 40.5 h
L5 49.6 j 3.0 j 4.7 k 7.7 m 39.0 l
L6 45.3 n 2.3 n 4.2 o 6.5 r 35.4 q
L7 48.7 k 2.9 k 4.5 m 7.4 o 39.2 k
L8 57.9 d 3.8 d 5.3 e 9.1 e 41.8 c
L9 55.8 e 3.7 e 5.3 e 9.0 f 41.1 e
L10 46.7 m 2.5 m 4.4 n 6.9 q 36.2 p
L11 54.2 f 3.5 f 5.1 g 8.6 h 40.7 g
L12 53.1 g 3.4 g 5.0 h 8.4 i 40.5 h
L13 63.2 a 4.1 a 5.9 a 10.0 a 41.0 f
L14 51.4 i 3.2 i 4.9 i 8.1 k 39.5 j
L15 60.8 b 4.0 b 5.6 b 9.6 b 41.7 d
L16 60.8 b 4.0 b 5.5 c 9.5 c 42.1 a
L17 59.3 c 3.9 c 5.4 d 9.3 d 41.9 b
L18 52.7 h 3.3 h 4.9 i 8.2 j 40.2 i
L19 54.1 f 3.5 f 5.2 f 8.7 g 40.2 i
L20 46.3 m 2.5 m 4.4 n 6.9 q 36.2 p
L21 55.8 e 3.7 e 5.3 e 9.0 f 41.1 e
L22 53.2 g 3.4 g 5.0 h 8.4 i 40.5 h
L23 54.2 f 3.5 f 5.1 g 8.6 h 40.7 g
L24 48.7 k 2.9 k 4.6 l 7.5 n 38.7 m
LSD0.05 0.20 0.04 0.05 0.01 0.04
CV (%) 7.4 5.6 3.6 2.7 2.1
In a column means having similar letter(s) are statistically identical and those having dissimilar letter(s) differ
significantly as per 0.05 level of probability
Wheat lines
Mehraj et al. 125

Finally it can be concluded that Line-13 (L13) was the best performing line regarding the studied
characters on the experimental environment condition. L15 and L16 were also performed well next to the
L13. On the other hand L1 was considered as the worst line regarding the studied characters on that
environmental condition. Further study could be suggested using L13, L15 and L16 with a check variety
recommended by BARI or other organizations for suggesting the cultivation in farmer’s field.
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