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Limited Utility of Chest Radiograph

After Thoracentesis*
William G. Petersen, MD; and Robert Zimmerman, MD

Study objective: To assess the utility of chest radiograph (CXR) immediately after routine
Design: Prospective cohort study.
Setting: Multispecialty clinic/teaching hospital.
Participants: All outpatients and inpatients undergoing thoracentesis in the procedure area from
October 1995 to January 1998.
Measurements: Immediately after thoracentesis, the physician completed a questionnaire assess-
ing the likelihood of a complication. CXRs were obtained at physician discretion. Patient
demographics, indications for thoracentesis, use of ultrasound guidance, level of training,
radiographic interpretation, and eventual patient outcome were recorded.
Results: Two hundred eighteen patients were enrolled for a total of 278 thoracenteses. Two
hundred fifty-one procedures performed on 199 patients could be prospectively evaluated. A
complication was suspected in 30 procedures; immediate CXR confirmed such in 9 (30%). There
were 221 procedures with no clinical suspicion or indication of a complication. Ninety CXRs were
obtained immediately after the procedure; the remaining 131 procedures had no CXR. The
complication rates were 3.3% and 2.3%, respectively, for these groups. Four postthoracentesis
radiographs demonstrated additional findings regardless of the indication for the radiograph.
Conclusions: In the absence of a clinical indication of a complication, chest radiography is not
indicated immediately after routine thoracentesis. Aspiration of air strongly correlates with the
occurrence of pneumothorax, whereas pain, hypotension, and dry tap do not. Use of a vacuum
bottle to withdraw fluid obscures the appreciation of this finding and was identified as a risk
factor for subsequent pneumothorax. Additional radiographic findings are rarely detected and
may not contribute to clinical management. (CHEST 2000; 117:1038 –1042)

Key words: chest radiograph; complication; pneumothorax; thoracentesis

Abbreviations: CXR ⫽ chest radiograph; OR ⫽ odds ratio

t is common practice to obtain a chest radiograph
immediately subsequent to thoracentesis.
spectively a subgroup of hospitalized patients that
should not require a CXR.3 These patients were
This standard has persisted unchallenged until the identified as requiring only one needle pass during
recent emphasis on cost-effective medical treatment. the procedure, having no aspiration of air, remaining
Whether the CXR is universally indicated after stable throughout, demonstrating no other signs of
thoracentesis remains unsettled. pneumothorax, and having no prior history of chest
The growing interest in this question has been irradiation. However, there are no prospective out-
reflected in recent studies. The American College of patient studies specifically addressing this issue.
Chest Physicians 61st Annual International Scientific Routine CXRs are usually obtained to exclude a
Assembly produced two independent retrospective possible complication. The anticipated complications
studies that suggest CXRs may not be needed after would include pneumothorax, hemothorax, re-ex-
thoracentesis.1,2 A 1996 publication identified retro- pansion pulmonary edema, and organ laceration. Of
these, only pneumothorax is likely to be revealed by
*From the Department of Pulmonary Medicine and Critical immediate CXR. The incidence of pneumothorax is
Care, Scott & White Clinic and Memorial Hospital, Scott, variably reported as 4% to 30%.1– 8 The number that
Sherwood and Brindley Foundation, Texas A&M University
System Health Science Center, College of Medicine, Temple, require subsequent intervention is significantly less,
TX. up to 3.9% of all patients undergoing thoracentesis,
Manuscript received June 22, 1999; revision accepted October or up to 33% of those with demonstrated pneumo-
27, 1999.
Correspondence and reprint requests to: William G. Petersen, thorax.4 – 6,8 Hemothorax occurs rarely, with one re-
MD, Scott & White Clinic, 2401 S. 31st St, Temple, TX 76508 port of 1.2% occurrence.3 Hemothorax after thora-

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centesis would usually be diagnosed by monitoring The interpretation of the independent radiologist was also cor-
vital signs in the postprocedure period. Likewise, related with the opinion of the research team. In two cases, an
arbitrating radiologist was asked to reconcile a difference in
organ laceration is rare as is re-expansion pulmonary interpretation. Finally, charts and radiograph files were reviewed
edema. These complications will not be discovered on all patients after 3 months to assess the possibility of a late
on immediate CXR but rather suspected from sub- complication and determine final diagnosis and outcome. The
sequent clinical deterioration. daily census for the treatment area was reviewed periodically to
Some reports have suggested that the CXR is capture those procedures for which the physician did not com-
plete a questionnaire. This was to ensure against a selection bias
useful for the evaluation of structures previously excluding possible complications despite the intended transpar-
concealed by pleural fluid or for documentation of ent nature of the study.
the postprocedure fluid level.9,10 However, there are Comparisons of proportions were made using the ␹2 test or
no studies addressing the clinical application of these Fisher’s Exact Test. Odds ratios (OR) were computed to compare
findings. The last major indication for obtaining a the risk of pneumothorax in the presence of a risk factor to the
risk in the absence of that factor. Probability values ⬍ 0.05
postthoracentesis CXR is medicolegal. In the current indicated statistical significance.
atmosphere of litigation, many physicians may con-
sider the radiograph essential documentation even in
those patients who clinically show no need for Results
concern. Again, there are no outcome studies dem-
onstrating that a postthoracentesis CXR enhances A total of 278 thoracenteses were performed on
the safety of the procedure or influences outcome. 218 patients. Complete data allowed for evaluation
From November 1995 to January 1998, we pro- of 251 procedures on 199 patients. Those data were
spectively studied all thoracenteses performed in the evaluated to assess the utility of the CXR. The
procedure area that serves both the hospital and physician declined to complete the questionnaire for
clinic patients. We hypothesized a limited utility of 27 procedures performed on 25 patients; because of
routine CXR in patients undergoing thoracentesis in multiple procedures, six patients appear in both
the absence of physician suspicion or clinical signs of groups. The data on the 27 procedures are only
a complication. We further proposed insufficient included in the determination of overall rates of
information is gained to justify a postthoracentesis complications and associated risk factors. No patients
CXR ostensibly performed to evaluate thoracic struc- were lost to follow-up.
tures or determine postprocedure fluid level. The study sample consisted of 112 men and 106
women with a mean age of 66 ⫾ 16 years. There were
156 outpatient procedures and 122 inpatient proce-
Materials and Methods dures. One hundred seventy-four patients had only one
thoracentesis; 44 patients had multiple procedures
Subsequent to approval by the institutional review board, all
patients having thoracentesis performed in the treatment area (range, 2 to 5 procedures). The predominant causes of
from October 1995 until January 1998 were prospectively en- the effusion were malignancy (41.7%), parapneumonic
rolled. As this study constituted comparison of two accepted effusions/empyema (15.5%), congestive heart failure
regimens (process research), consent was not required, and the (12.9%), no definitive diagnosis (8.3%), and postoper-
study was transparent to the physicians and patients. Exclusion ative effusions (7.6%).
criteria included thoracentesis outside the treatment room, con-
comitant tube thoracostomy, or positive-pressure ventilation. Thoracentesis was performed by an experienced
The decision to perform thoracentesis was made by the staff physician (n ⫽ 15, 9 pulmonologists, 3 thoracic
patient’s primary physician or consultant before enrollment in surgeons, 3 other staff physicians) in 142 of 278 cases
the study. The method used was left to the discretion of the (51%). Pulmonary fellows (n ⫽ 6) performed 99 of
performing physician, although the vast majority used a 278 procedures (35.6%), and the remainder were
catheter over a needle (Arrow-Clark Pleural Seal Thoracente-
sis Kit; Reading, PA). The CXR was obtained as deemed performed by residents or medical students (37 of
prudent by the performing or supervising physician. After- 278 procedures or 13.3%). Ultrasound guidance was
ward, the performing physician and assisting nurse each obtained in 36 of 278 cases (13%). Staff physicians
completed a questionnaire. Data collection included the indi- were less likely to use ultrasound (12 of 142 proce-
cation for procedure, technique used, level of physician dures or 8.5%), than fellows (17 of 99 procedures or
experience, physician evaluation for possible complication,
clinical indicators of possible complications, and the rationale 17%) and residents (7 of 37 procedures or 18.9%;
for CXR if requested. The performing physician indicated if p ⫽ 0.06). However, for those procedures in which
the procedure was intended to be solely diagnostic, therapeu- no complication was suspected, staff physicians were
tic, or both. The physician was also unrestrained in his more likely than fellows, but not residents, to order
definition of a complication. a CXR (46 of 110 procedures [41.8%], 27 of 80
All radiographs were reviewed by a member of the research
team for evidence of a complication as well as additional findings. procedures [33.8%], and 15 of 29 procedures
For the purpose of this study, a pneumothorax was defined as any [51.7%], respectively; p ⫽ 0.16). A vacuum bottle
air demonstrated in the pleural space on any radiographic study. was used to withdraw fluid in 25 of 251 cases (10%).

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Three staff physicians accounted for 19 of those 25 There was no CXR obtained after the remaining
procedures. For all procedures, the performing phy- 131 procedures. Three subsequent pneumothoraces
sician indicated that the intent was therapeutic in 60 were detected in follow-up. For two patients, a CXR
of 278 procedures (21.7%), diagnostic in 126 of 278 was obtained at subsequent evaluation but showed
procedures (45.3%), both in 89 of 278 procedures no pneumothorax. However, CT scans performed
(32%), and uncertain or unavailable in 3 cases. immediately thereafter demonstrated air in the pleu-
The overall rate of postthoracentesis pneumotho- ral space. For the third, the patient presented to the
rax for all patients enrolled was 18 of 278 procedures emergency department the following day with a
(6.5%). The other complications noted in the study resolved transient neurologic deficit. Admission CXR
were dry tap in 19 of 278 procedures (6.8%) and pain was obtained when the patient had a hypotensive
and symptomatic hypotension in 3 each of 278 episode while in the emergency department. A
procedures (1.1%). moderate pneumothorax was demonstrated; how-
Complete data collection allowed for prospective ever, deep venous thrombosis of the thigh was also
evaluation of 251 procedures (Table 1). This group diagnosed. The exact cause of the hypotension was
did not differ significantly from the whole in terms of never ascertained. None of these three patients
performing physicians, diagnoses, or rates of compli- required intervention for the pneumothorax.
cations. However, procedures indicated as being Only four radiographs performed immediately af-
both diagnostic and therapeutic were more likely ter thoracentesis revealed a new finding. In three,
(97%) to have complete data than those that were the radiologist commented on new or increased
only diagnostic (87%) or therapeutic (88%) atelectasis or infiltrate. In the fourth, a right hilar
(p ⫽ 0.03). In 30 of 251 procedures, the physician mass was revealed. In none of these cases was this
indicated some likelihood of a complication, sus- information essential to establish the diagnosis (amy-
pected pneumothorax in 15, dry tap in 11, and pain loid, postoperative effusion, parapneumonic effu-
or hypotension in 4. The only reason indicated by the sion, and lung cancer).
performing physician for a suspected pneumothorax
was the return of air through the catheter system (13
of 15 cases). For the other two procedures, no reason Discussion
was listed for suspecting a pneumothorax. Immedi-
ate CXR was obtained in all 15; pneumothorax could This study represents the first prospective evalua-
be detected in 9. In each of these nine patients, free tion of the role of immediate CXR after thoracentesis
aspiration of air was noted by the performing physi- for both inpatients and outpatients. The overall rates
cian. Tube thoracostomy for treatment of pneumo- of complication were similar to those of previously
thorax was required in four of these patients. When published series, as was the requirement for subse-
the suspected complication was other than pneumo- quent tube thoracostomy.4 The rate of pneumotho-
thorax, a CXR was obtained in only 4 of the 15 rax was similar for experienced staff physician (9 of
procedures. Follow-up visits and subsequent radio- 142 procedures, 6.3%) and the fellows (5 of 99
graphic studies did not reveal any further complica- procedures, 5.0%) but was slightly higher for the
tion in those patients. residents/medical students (4 of 37 procedures,
In an additional 90 procedures, a CXR was ob- 10.8%) (p ⫽ 0.49). This finding agrees closely with a
tained immediately after the procedure, although no prior study as well.4 Other apparent risk factors for
complication was suspected. A pneumothorax was pneumothorax in this study included the use of a
detected in three, and a chest tube was required in vacuum bottle (OR, 4.6; p ⬍ 0.01), a prior thoracen-
two for resolution of the pneumothorax. A vacuum tesis (OR, 2.4; p ⫽ 0.08), ultrasound guidance (OR,
bottle had been used in all three cases of unsus- 2.8; p ⫽ 0.05), and pleural biopsy (OR, 2.6;
pected immediate pneumothorax. p ⫽ 0.22).

Table 1—Utilization of CXR After Thoracentesis*

Suspected Complication
physician, No. of Suspected Other suspected CXR obtained—no No CXR—no
procedures pneumothorax complication suspected complication suspected complication

Staff physician, 129 7 (5) 10 48 (3) 64

Fellows, 91 6 (2) 5 27 53 (3)
House Officers, 31 2 (2) 0 15 14
Totals 15 (9) 15 90 (3) 131 (3)
*All thoracenteses, n ⫽ 251; numbers in parentheses indicate pneumothorax detected.

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It is interesting to note that each of the three suggests that use of a vacuum bottle for removal of
unsuspected pneumothoraces was associated with pleural fluid possibly increases the severity of com-
the use of a vacuum bottle. Perhaps such a vacuum plication.
device prevents the detection of aspiration of free The rate of pneumothorax was similar whether the
air. As recently reported, prior thoracentesis was also procedure was intended to be simply diagnostic,
identified as a risk factor for pneumothorax in this therapeutic, or both (5.6%, 6.67%, and 7.9%, respec-
study.8 It may be that the chronicity of the pleural tively; p ⫽ 0.80). The combined rate for all proce-
effusion, adhesions, or altered compliance of the dures intended to be either solely therapeutic or
pleura and lung are more germane to the develop- simultaneously diagnostic and therapeutic was also
ment of the pneumothorax than the actual cause of not significantly different (7.3%). A recent study by
the pleural effusion per se. We likewise were unable Colt et al8 also found no association between the
to show a correlation between pneumothorax and intent of the procedure and subsequent pneumotho-
specific diagnosis. rax. This is in contradistinction to the study by
The use of ultrasonic guidance did not appear to Raptopoulos et al,11 who reported an 18% pneumo-
offer protection, because 5 of 36 cases performed thorax rate with therapeutic procedures but only a
with ultrasound resulted in a pneumothorax as op- 6% rate with diagnostic procedures. A critical dis-
posed to only 13 of 242 cases performed without tinction from our study is the experience of the
ultrasound (p ⫽ 0.05). This is quite the opposite performing physician. In that study, ⬎ 90% of pro-
from the study of Raptopoulos et al,11 who described cedures were performed by physicians in training, a
an 18% rate of pneumothorax without ultrasound factor that has been shown in our study as well as
guidance. We postulate that the use of ultrasound in others to strongly influence complication rates. We
our study is more likely a marker of a difficult observed no re-expansion pulmonary edema associ-
procedure and, thus, a higher risk patient rather than ated with therapeutic thoracentesis. One patient had
a factor leading to the development of pneumotho- transient hypotension without any other complica-
rax. It might also be that ultrasound guidance confers tion during a therapeutic thoracentesis on two sep-
some degree of false assurance leading to more arate occasions. However, that number is too small
aggressive advancement of the needle. to be significant. Overall, therefore, it would appear
Pleural biopsy was performed in only a few cases that the rate of complication of a therapeutic thora-
(14 of 278 procedures). However, the rate of pneu- centesis is not significantly different from a diagnos-
mothorax was substantial (2 of 14 procedures, tic procedure; thus, in and of itself, a therapeutic
14.3%). Both cases were prospectively identified by thoracentesis is not an indication for a postprocedure
aspiration of free air at the end of the procedure. CXR. This observation runs counter to the guidelines
Our study suggests that if aspiration of the pleural proposed by the American Thoracic Society.12
space after pleural biopsy yields no air, then a CXR Finally, we questioned the utility of the CXR for
would be unlikely to demonstrate a pneumothorax. demonstrating findings that were previously ob-
Fifteen patients were prospectively thought to scured by the pleural fluid. Excluding the detection
have a pneumothorax; aspiration of air was the of pneumothorax, there were only 4 new findings for
clinical indication in 13. Of those, nine (69%) had a the 105 prospectively evaluated films. None was
pneumothorax. When not suspected at the time of required to establish the diagnosis nor did the
the thoracentesis, 6 of 236 patients were ultimately information affect the management. We did not have
found to have a pneumothorax. In two patients, the a case in which the entire hemithorax was completely
pneumothorax was an incidental finding on subse- opacified by pleural fluid. Perhaps in such a case,
quent CT, although the CXR did not demonstrate CXR immediately after thoracentesis might direct
pleural air. In one patient, the pneumothorax may or management; however, our experience suggests this
may not have been a delayed event. For each of the to be a rare event.
other three, it is suspected that the use of the It is much more difficult to clarify the relevancy of
vacuum bottle either increased the likelihood of a baseline film to judge the rate of recurrence of
pneumothorax or obscured the finding of aspiration fluid. More often, the decision to repeat a therapeu-
of free air. tic thoracentesis will be based on the severity of
As in other studies,5,6,8 few patients with subse- dyspnea rather than a specific level of fluid in the
quent pneumothorax (5 of 18 procedures, 28%) thorax. Thus, comparison to a prior postthoracentesis
required tube thoracostomy. However 3 of 5 pneu- film would not seem crucial. Nor is it evident that the
mothoraces (60%) after use of a vacuum bottle determination of the degree of residual pleural fluid
required subsequent chest tube but only 2 of 13 immediately after thoracentesis aids in diagnosis,
pneumothoraces (15.4%) not associated with use of a speeds the resolution of an effusion, or significantly
vacuum bottle required a chest tube (p ⫽ 0.10). This lengthens the interval between therapeutic thora-

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centeses. Because of the rather subjective nature of or detection of new diagnostic information. This is
such decision making, our study could not define the independent of the intention (diagnostic or thera-
utility of a baseline film. However, physician behav- peutic) of the thoracentesis. The use of a vacuum
ior throughout the study would suggest it was not bottle to withdraw fluid negates this finding and
believed to be critical. In the first two quartiles of the increases the risk of complication. The use of such
study, a routine CXR, in the absence of a suspected vacuum devices to withdraw pleural fluid should be
complication, was obtained immediately after thora- strongly discouraged. Otherwise, the occurrence of a
centesis 63.6% (35 of 55 procedures) and 50.9% (28 clinically significant immediate pneumothorax was
of 55 procedures) of the time. However, in the third always identified by the aspiration of free air. Out-
and fourth quartile, the rates of routine films were patient thoracentesis per se does not require subse-
23.6% (13 of 55 procedures) and 26.4% (14 of 53 quent CXR. That decision should be based on
procedures) (p ⬍ 0.001), even though the rates of physician experience, confidence, and clinical obser-
CXR for suspected complications remained fairly vations. Official guidelines may need amending to
constant at 10.9% (6 of 55 procedures) for each reflect what is already becoming customary prac-
quartile. This trend held for both the staff and house tice.13,14
officers, although not to the same degree for each
physician. We suspect behavior changed once phy-
sicians realized that the value of a postthoracentesis
CXR was limited in many cases. References
There are some shortcomings to our study. By 1 Acquah S, Villamena PC, Soliman A, et al. Are chest radio-
retrospective review of discharge coding and medical graphs necessary after thoracentesis? [abstract]. Chest 1995;
records, we were able to identify 105 inpatient 2 Bou-Khalil PK, Lorig R, Kavuru MS. Routine chest x-ray
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ers to order CXR. It may have been that staff 6 Grogan DR, Irwin RS, Channick R, et al. Complications
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dures performed by house officers because of de- 873– 877
creased confidence in the house officers’ ability. The 7 Bartter T, Santarelli R, Akers SM, et al. The evaluation of
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