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What is the best advice your ever Received

Advice are some opinions or suggestion are what things should do.
Advice that you may attain from your friends\ family or even teachers
when you are at the down part of a rolling coaster of your life. Advice
that you may keep or just leave it to keep advice as a guide from one
goal or to make your self improve or to prove some instances. Advice
that I also keep and realize advice comes from a virtue person with
wisdom from a heat and mind an advice from a truly best friend.
He gave me this advice to make me who am I. Advice that gives me
identity. It gives me a true vision of knowledge from learning and to be
a good student. Work and attain excellence with my own is the best
advice I ever had. Because from the past year as a student I just let
someone to write for me an essay work and making my project and
being coached when I am reciting but that all has steppedly change for I
had been realize that having an excellence without doing your best or
doing by yourself is nonsense and not having truly happy in attaining
such excellence without knowledge. Knowledge that you must
experience hard times in order to make you strong. Knowledge attained
through giving your best. Work with your own that gives best version of
yourself or being unique.
Advice that will be a basis of giving you a good opportunity.
Opportunity to change for a better and with the advice of my best
friend. Opportunity to give my best shot of my own. To attain
knowledge with my own way and not just letting the others do it for
myself. Advice is meant to be realize if that gives you good things or
bad things but you must consider also the others if that also give or bad

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