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Segundo trabajo
Agustín Huber, 6to economía

Directions: Use comparing words or nouns to fill in the blanks:

A book is fatter than a magazine.

A giraffe is taller than a gorilla.
A truck is heavier than a car.
A star is brighter than a flashlight.
A crater is deeper than an average hole.
A library is quieter than an office.
A jungle is dumper than a desert.

Complete the sentences with a comparative adjective:

Sydney is the biggest city in Australia.
The giraffe is taller than my brother. I think Italian is easier than Chinese.
Mount Kosciusko is higher than Mount Buller.
I am stronger than you.
Our dog is nicer than your cat.
Jenny is smarter than her brother.
John is the older of the brothers.

Correct the sentences:

Great white sharks are rarer than snakes.

Elephants are heavier than horses.
Dogs are bester pets than wild wolves.
Bicycles are slower than cars.
A leopard is agiler than a sloth.

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