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1. Discuss the importance of understanding individual behavior in the organization.

2.Explain how improving job characteristics increase work motivation.
3. Discuss and compare Blanchard model and Vroom model.
4. Explain expectancy theory of motivation and its components.
5. Identify organizational practices used to manage diversity effectively.

1. Understanding individual behavior in an organization is important in which it would be

the driving force of the company to lead to its success. As we all know that employees
are the backbone of the organization, they are the one to make the organization either to
fail or success. Without them there would be no organization. One factors that affects the
effectiveness of a person in the organization is the environment of their work in which if
you know each person in organization then each person could be able to act accordingly
in an environment they know without degrading other the person. Understanding each
person means knowing the efficiency and the capacity of each person and what level of
work they are capable.
2. Improving job characteristics increases work motivation in sense that it allows individual
to do task that is suitable for them. Job characteristics could increase work motivation
that could lead to a positive outcome. It affects employee’s attitudes and behavior
towards the work. They have motivation to finish the work they have because they know
they can do it base on the level of their own capacity. They know how much effort they
need to exert. And they could perform the task efficiently because they know or they are
familiar of the task assigned to them.
3. The Blanchard model is a situational leadership theory that suggest that leaders should
adjust theory leadership style base on its members’ abilities. Leaders should consider its
members and the factors that affects their performance before deciding how to lead them.
The Blanchard model focuses on the behaviors of the follower as the key on this theory.
While Vroom model is a situational leadership theory that allows the leaders to determine
whether the members should be involved in decision making or not and to what extent
they should involve. Vroom model focuses on the amount of participation of the
members that the leader must consider.
4. Expectancy theory is a motivation theory that is based on the idea that work effort is
directed toward behaviors that people believe will lead to desired outcomes. Through
experience, we develop expectations about whether we can achieve various levels of job
performance. We naturally direct our effort toward outcomes that help us fulfill our
needs. It includes three components such as the effort-to-performance (E-to-P)
expectancy is the individual’s perception that his or her effort will result in a particular
level of performance. Another is performance-to-outcome (P-to-O) expectancy is the
perceived probability that a specific behavior or performance level will lead to specific
outcomes. It comes to an efficient and effective outcome as employee is learning while
working. And last is Outcome valence that focuses in the anticipated satisfaction or
dissatisfaction that an individual feel toward an outcome
5. Diversity in the workplace can be a great reason for the organization to failed if not
properly manage. Thus there are organizational practice that are used to manage diversity
effectively such as surface-level diversity which talks about the demographic or
physiological differences in people, such as their race, ethnicity, gender, age, and
physical disabilities. Another deep-level diversity that allows the organization to know
the differences in the psychological characteristics of employees, including personalities,
beliefs, values, and attitudes.

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