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Mesoporous materials
David M Antonelli* and Jackie Y Ying t

There have been advances in mesoporous structures in from a source of silica and a cationic trimethylammonium
extending the composition to include transition metal oxide bromide surfactant at concentrations under which micelle
analogs of MCM-41, in understanding the mechanism of formation of the organic phase is favorable (Fig. 1).
formation of these exciting materials, and in the application This approach relies on the Coulombic attraction be-
of these materials to catalysis and nanoscale electronics. tween the inorganic phase, consisting of polysilicate and
polyaluminosilicate anions, and the organic template. By
adding dopants such as titanium isopropoxide [30) the
Addresses composition of the silicate or aluminosilicate walls of
'Department of Chemistry and Molecular Sciences,
University of Sussex, Falmer, Brighton BN1 9HR, UK;
MCM-41 can be altered such that small amounts of other
e-mail: metals are included in the mesostructure. Tanev et 0/.
tDepartment of Chemical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of [30) also described how neutral amine surfactants can be
Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA; e-mail: used in place of charged surfactants to form MCM-41-like
'Current Opinion in Colloid & Interface Science 1996, 1:523-529 structures (termed H~IS [hexagonal mesoporous silica))
of lower crystallinity than the Mobil material [1,Z). On
© Current Science ltd ISSN 1359-0294
the basis of a lack of a signal in the 14N-magic angle
Abbreviations sample spinning (~IAS) NMR spectrum, the authors
HMS hexagonal mesoporous silica concluded that the amine head group remained' in the
LAT ligand-assisted templating
neutral form in the as-synthesized, material. Using this
approach, a purely alumina analog of HMS was also
synthesized [31--); however, no purely transition metal
Introduction analog was reported. Although neutral surfactants do not
Since Mobil first reported the discovery of MCM-41 in yield materials with high crystallinity, the amine could be
199Z [1,Z), there has been a great surge in interest in easily washed out with ethanol, hence avoiding calcination.
the study of mesoporous materials [3-10). This silicate Recent work [3Z-] demonstrated that, by using well
material and its recently prepared transition metal oxide defined aluminosilicate clusters as precursors, rather than
analogs ~I-T~ISI (M = Nb,Ta,Ti) [11--,IZ--,13-,14--,Pl) bulk oxides or alkoxides, it was possible to control the
consist of a high surface area (up to 1400 m 2 g-l), amount of aluminium in the wall and in some cases retain
hexagonally packed array of inorganic tubules ranging from the local geometry about each aluminium atom throughout
Zo-100 A in diameter. They are formed by rernplating the synthesis procedure.
inorganic oxides onto a self-assembled liquid crystal Figure 1
mesostructure. Mesoporous materials are of great interest
to catalysis [15-Z5) because of their large and uniform
pore sizes, which allow sterically hindered molecules,
which are unable to diffuse effectively through the smaller
microporous channels of zeolites, to diffuse facilely to
internal active sites. These same properties could also
lead to application in gas sorption processes. Mesoporous
materials are also important because the regular pore
structure can serve as a support for conductive and
magnetic materials, leading to quantum wires for smart
electronic devices [Z6-Z9). The compositional extension
of the mesostructures to the transition metal oxide based
M-TMSI family provides further flexibility in the tailoring
of oxidation states, coordination chemistry and electronic
properties. This review will cover three main areas in
the study of meso porous materials since 1995> first,
compositional and mesostructured phase variation; second, Liquid crystal templating used to form mesoporous hexagonally
the mechanism of formation; and third, the applications of packed channels of silica.
these materials to catalysis and nanoscale electronics.

Composition and mesostructured phase

variation The extension of MCl\I-41-like structures into the realm
MCr-.I-41 is synthesized using a micelle-based liquid of pure transition metal oxides would represent an impor-
crystal templating method at a variety of pH values, tant leap from both catalytic and electronic standpoints
524 Applications in chemistry I chemical engineering

because transition metal oxides have variable oxidation before addition of the inorganic precursor. This approach
states that are useful towards tailoring catalytic, electronic was only successful in the synthesis of Ti-TMSI [11--]
and magnetic properties; aluminium and silica oxides (the first hexagonally packed mesoporous transition metal
do not have this advantage. Early attempts to prepare oxide molecular sieve) if acetylacetone was added to the
transition metal oxide analogs of l\ICM-41 without any alkoxide precursor prior to hydrolysis with an aqueous
silica or alumina employed a liquid crystal templating solution of a phosphate surfactant. We proposed [11--]
approach using trialkylammonium bromide surfactants (0 that the acerylacerone slows down hydrolysis of the highly
synthesize hexagonally packed mesostructures of W, Pb, reactive transition metal alkoxide long enough for it to
Sb, and Fe oxides [33-35]. Other researchers showed that achieve the appropriate interaction with the phosphate
a mesostructured vanadyl phosphate material could be surfactant head groups for mesostructure formation to
prepared using a similar methodology [36]. None of these take place. Ti-TMS 1 was partially stable (0 calcination,
materials, however, were stable to surfactant removal, and and yielded materials with mesoporosity stable to several
hence. no mesoporous materials were obtained. Further hundred degrees and surface areas of up (0 ZOO m 2 g-I.
studies- [37--] revealed that the W-based material was Infrared evidence indicated that at least some of the
actually a mesostructured salt in which the individual phosphate head groups remained in the structure after
W oxo-clusters comprising the walls had not condensed. calcination, while nitrogen adsorption showed that some
Although this work did not lead (0 the derivation degree of pore collapse had occurred during calcination.
of mesoporous materials of novel composition, it was
important in showing that it .was possible to synthesize The second approach (0 transition metal oxide meso-
rnesostructured phases out of transition metal oxides. porous materials [1Z--,13-,14--,Pl] used ligation of the
It also showed that, by subtly varying the pH and surfactant head group directly to the metal alkoxide prior
surfactant: metal oxide ratios, cubic and layered phases of (0 hydrolysis and condensation" thus establishing the
these materials could be obtained. This study in many required interaction between the organic and inorganic
ways paralleled work by Mobil on the MCM-41 system phases before introduction of water (Fig. Z). Another
which showed that with increasing surfactant: silica ratios key feature of this ligand-assisted ternplating (LAT)
they could isolate hexagonal (MCM-4l), cubic (MCM-48), approach was that the metal was directly ligated to the
and finally layered (MCM-50) phases [3,4]. inorganic precursor without a charge matching or hydrogen
bonding interaction as previously described in this review.
In 1995, two approaches to synthesize the first stable This LAT method yielded mesostructures of Nb and
hexagonally packed, mesoporous transition metal oxide Ta oxides with surface areas of up to 600 m 2 g-I after
molecular sieves were developed [1l--,lZ--,13-,14--,Pl]. surfactant removal by acid washes. These structures had
Prior approaches for synthesizing mesoporous materials remarkable thermal and hydrothermal stabilities ranging
such as MCM-41 relied on the presence of a soluble from 300-800·C. The LAT method is advantageous
inorganic oxide monomer or oligomer and could not be because the ligand-metal bond was easily cleaved by acid
successfully applied to the synthesis of early transition for surfactant removal, thus avoiding calcination which
metaloxide rnesostructures. This is because such oxides could damage the structure. It also allows for NMR studies
and related' oxo-clusters are normally either highly inert or to be conducted, yielding direct information through both
irisoluble. Because of this, metal alkoxides, which are both scalar and dipolar Nl\IR coupling constants between the
more soluble and more reactive than the corresponding ligand head group .and the metal center. The synthesis
oxides and oxo-clusters, were employed instead. In conditions of Nb-TMSI could also be easily varied to
all previous approaches to mesoporous materials, the yield cubic and layered mesostructures, as well as crystals
surfactant was first dissolved in water or water/ethanol as large as several millimeters [14--].
Figure 2

Ligand-assisted templating as a method

of synthesizing transition metal oxide
MCM·41 analogs, such as Nb-TMS1.

+ CJ2112\NII2
Mesoporous materials Antonelli and Ying 525

Figure 3

S denotes surfactant head group

x, y and n denote the stoichiometries in the cluster of
the metal, hydrogen, and oxygen respectively
m denotes the.charge on the entire cluster; the charge
depends on the number of oxygen and hydrog en atoms
in the cluster, as well as on the nature of m

Organic-Inorganic Interactions

Charge Matched: S' [MxOnHylOt- , Coulombic Forces


A general scheme for the formation of inorganic tubular mesostructures using charged or neutral surfaclants in which the .forces bringing
the ensemble together are either Coulombic in nature or hydrogen bonds. In pathway A1, as proposed by Chen et al. [41 I, the surfactants
first self-assemble into randomly ordered rod ·like micelles before contact with the inorganic species. Because of either a charge interaction
between cationic or anionic head groups with anionic or cationic inorganic spec ies respectively, or hydrogen bon'ding of neutral head groups to
hydrophilic silicates as demonstrated by Tanev et al. [301, the inorganic spec ies, which may be monomeric or oligomeric in nature and at various
stages of condensation, is attracted to the surface of the rod-like micelle. In pathway A2, this same ensemble is formed without the use of
preformed rod-like micelles. Such a charge-rnatchinq mechanism, proposed by Huo et a/. [341, is believed to operate under conditions in which
mesostructures precipitate out of solutions at concentrations well below the critical micelle concentration of the surfactant. It proposes that the
balancing of the size and charge density of the surfactant head groups is the .lmportant element in determining the type of mesostructure formed
on precipitation. Pathways A1 and A2 converge in step 8, where condensation of the walls and ordering of the tubes into a hexagonally packed
mesostructure occur.

The recent surge in interest in MCl\I-41-like materials has cleaner technology will aid l\ICl\I-41 synthesis on an
led coefforts to not only vary the wall compo sition, but also industrial scale.
create new mesostructurcd morphologies with different
templating agents. Surfactants wirh more than one head M~chanism of formation
group have been used successfully in the synthesis Since the discovery of the mesoporous silicate molec -
of 'new mesostructures of silica. In one study, gemini ular sieve l\ICl\I-41, the mechanism of formation of
surfacrants, which have an additional charged ammonium organic-inorganic mesostructures in general has been a
group tethered on a small chain to the first ammonium subject of great' interest and debate [34,37··,41]. While
head group, were used to synthesize a new silica phase there are many well understood examples of remplating
which crystallized in the hexagonal space group P63/mme of an inorganic materi al onto stable preformed structures
[38). This material retained its structure on calcining such as bacterial fibers [42,43), phospholipid tubules [44}.
to give a material with an intricate three-dimensional or metallic surfaces [45,46], the mechanism of remplating
pore structure. Two other groups independently showed onto metastable organic liquid crystal rnesostructures
that environmentally friendly neutral ethylene oxide important in l\ICM-41 and M-Tl\ISl formation is not
surfactants could be used ro make MCl\I-41 analogs of clear. The main issue of contention concerning the
varying crystallinity [39,40). It is anticipated that this mech anism of formation of MCl\I-41 in the literature
526 Applications in chemistry I chemical engineering

centers around whether or not the individual alkyl In the second mechanism (Fig. 3,. path A2), proposed
trimethylammonium surfactants form tubular micelles by Huo et 01. [34], preformed micelles are not necessary
before [41] or after [34,37--] addition of the silicate, in the formation of mesostructures. This mechanism
which is attracted to the head groups of the surfactant accounts for the observation that mesostructures form
through a Coulombic interaction between the anionic under conditions where no micelles are present. The
silicate oligomers and the cationic alkyl ammonium important feature in this case is the cooperative assembly
moieties. Condensation of these silicate units into the of the mesostructure via charge matching of inorganic
walls of the mesostructure occurs after self-assembly in species to the surfactant head group. For reasons of
both of these proposed mechanisms. Figure 3 shows charge interactions and solubility, this approach causes
the two previously established mechanisms for MCM-41 the precipitation of hexagonal salt mesostructures prior
mesostructure formation. In the first mechanism (Fig. 3, to condensation of the walls under conditions where
path At), proposed by Chen et 01. [41], the presence of micelles are not present in solution. This mechanism is
preformed alkyl trimethylammonium micelles onto which strongly supported by a series of 2H-NMR and 29Si-N~IR
the .anionic silicate species condense is the important experiments [37--].
feature. In this study, a series of 14N-NMR experiments
showed that, under the surfactant concentrations studied, The mechanism of mesostructure formation under the
the HI hexagonal liquid crystal phase was not involved LAT approach is not yet fully understood. It was found
at any stage of MC~I-41 formation and that individual that Nb-T~ISI can be synthesized using highly dilute
micellar rods in solution were first coated with two to three ethanol solutions with only steady-state concentrations of
monolayers of silica before assembly into a more highly water introduced by vapor diffusion [14--]. Under these
ordered precipitate. X-ray diffraction studies [41] of the conditions, micelle formation is highly unfavorable and
precipitate in real time showed that the first detectable hence this rules out any mechanism involving preformed
phase was hexagonal and that no layered phase existed as micelles. The cooperative assembly mechanism is ruled
an intermediate. In other studies [47], it had been shown out since this mechanism necessitates charge-governed
that layered silica mesostructures could reassemble into self-assembly prior to any condensation of the inorganic
hexagonal structures under different conditions. phase. In the synthesis of Nb-TMS1, mesostructure

Figure 4

Schematic drawing showing active

metal site on internal wall of MCM·41. (a)
(a) MCM-41 'Iig~nd sheet' (M denotes
a metal and L denotes a ligand). (b)
Functionalized MCM-41 surface.
Building active sites onto the walls of
MCM-41-like materials can be more
effective in catalytic processes than
imbedding the active component into the


Mesoporous materials Antonelli and Ying 527

formation is intimately coupled with condensation. This which monomeric aniline units were polymerized inside
suggests that the LAT approach may involve not only a the channels using a Cu catalyst [26). The accessibility
new way of establishing an interaction between the organic now of large millimeter-sized crystals of Nb-TMSI
and inorganic phases, but also a different mechanism of should lead to further electronic, optical and magnetic
self-assembly than those previously proposed for other applications in the future. The pores of these crystals
mesoporous materials, possibly involving helical coiling of could be easily filled with semiconductors or magnetic
propagating niobium oxide-alkoxide polymer chains with materials to yield quantum wires with unique properties.
pendant surfactant chains. The mechanism of this process
is currently under study (D~I Antonelli, C Rienstra, Conclusions
R Griffin, JY Ying, unpublished data). The past two years have seen a great increase in interest
in mesoporous materials. While catalytic and electronic
The above work demonstrates that there is more than applications of these exciting new materials are being
one mechanism for the formation of organic/inorganic explored, their full potential has not yet been achieved.
mesostructures, and that no noe mechanism is operative While their mechanism of formation was at first a
under all conditions, even for the same material. mystery, a series of elegant NMR and neutron scattering
studies has elucidated the various pathways which can
lead to mesostructure formation. With the advent of
transition metal oxide ?\ICM-41 analogs as well as new
Although MCM-41 was only recently discovered, its
environmentally friendly methods of making these porous
applications to catalysis and nanoelectronics are already
mesostructures, it appears that the field will continue to
being explored. The first catalytic study appeared in 1994,
expand as it has since the discovery of MCM-41 in 1992
demonstrating that ?\IC?\I-41 was indeed advantageous
and that commercial applications are not too far off in the
over its microporous counterparts in catalysis involving
large molecules, where a diffusion bottleneck might be
expected [30]. This work showed that Ti-doped MCM-41
The future directions of research in this area should
and HMS outperformed Ti-silicalite in catalytic peroxide-
include further extension of the composition of the
based oxidations of a wide range of substituted aromatics,
mesoporous materials to include other transition metals
including relatively inert2,6-di-tert-butylphenol. Tanev
for wider range of catalytic applicability, as well as
et 0/. [30] attributed this improvement to the enhanced
materials other than oxides (e.g., nitrides and selenides),
rate of diffusion of the substrate through the mesoporous
for semiconductor semiconductor applications; refining the
channels of MCM-41 and Hfo,lS as compared with that in
techniques for docking well defined catalysts at the inner
microporous silicalite. Later work by Maschrneyer et 0/.
walls of the porous structures' and applications to novel
[480 ] showed that the activity of similar catalytic processes
electronic and magnetic materials through host-guest
using mesoporous ~aterials could be further improved
if the active Ti was introduced not as a component of
the wall, as in the work of Tanev et 0/. [30], but as a
pendant group on the surface of the wall. This is illustrated Acknowledgements
in Figure 4. In this study [48 titanocene was used to
The authors would like to acknowledge the support of the National Science
foundation (CTS-9257223 and D:\IR-9400334) and the US Department of
graft isolated and easily accessible Ti sites onto the inner Energy (DE-fG02-94ER30231) in the nanostructurcd catalysts research and
walls of MCM-41. After calcination, the material proved survey conducted, respectively.
highly active towards olefin epoxidation. The integrity
of the catalytic sites was probed using a wide variety of
spectroscopic techniques, which were able to show that References and recommended reading
the Ti units were monomeric and bound exclusively to Papers of particular interest, published within the annual period of review.
have been highlighted as:
Si-O units on the walls of the material. Most recently,
Zr-doped Hfo,lS was found useful in the oxidation of a o of special interest
of outstanding interest
wide range of alkanes and substituted aromatics [49]. The 00

relatively large size of Zr has thwarted many attempts

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