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ORIGIN: During the month of December

2019, a new type of coronavirus originated
in Wuhan, which the scientific family gave
the name of Sars-CoV-2, which can cause
COVID-19, the infectious disease that is
currently It has become a global
pandemic. Both the virus and the infection
were unknown until then.

CAUSS:What causes this severe acute respiratory

syndrome is the new strain of coronavirus, called
SARS-CoV2. Until now, it has never been
described in humans, although it caused serious
diseases in animals. This is a different virus than
that of swine flu, the mechanism of inter-species
transfer being similar, since they are zoonotic
viruses that affect animals, mammals and birds,
and that from time to time they cross species and
affect humans ”.

Prevention: The recommendation for people is not to travel to

geographical areas affected by this new virus, and in case of non-
deferrable trips to these areas, it is recommended to avoid
crowds, use of a mask when traveling and frequent hand washing.
It should be noted that there is currently no vaccine for this
disease and that both vaccines and potentially effective antiviral
medications are being investigated.The Coronavirus begins with a
set of symptoms such as cough, high fever (over 38 degrees),
shortness of breath and muscle pain. On the other hand,
gastrointestinal symptoms such as diarrhea or vomiting and, in
severe cases, pneumonia or kidney failure may also occur.

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