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Our distance learning plans are set and ready to begin. There are two ways you can access
the distance learning. If you have internet access and a device you can use Khan Academy.
Students will go to ​​ and click “sign in with Google” and use their
dawggle account. Here are the class codes that students will use for my classes:

Algebra I: ​HRXDKU2K

Geometry: ​422AHCYF

The other option is to get paper packets. The paper packets will be for 3 weeks at a time
and will be distributed next week 10 am until noon on April 20, April 22, April 24, and April
27. There will be a second distribution in May for the second 3 weeks of material.

I will have office hours to help students on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday from
10am - 12pm and Thursday from 4pm - 6pm. They can email me at​, call or text me at 616-439-1305. I will check my email and
phone throughout the day but these will be specific times I will be available to answer
student questions and do potential video chats. There will also be supplementary videos on
the class website for extra help/activities at

Students have a chance to earn 25 points per week for the work they are doing on Khan
Academy or in the paper packets. I will be looking at both the time spent online and the
scores from exercises and quizzes. Paper packets will be looked at when you are able to
drop them off at the school, once it designates a safe procedure for that.

I know this will be a difficult undertaking for students and parents. We are asking students
to do math for 45 minutes a day. What is accomplished in those 45 minutes will look
different for different students. I am not looking for students to get everything 100%
correct, but rather that they are making a good faith effort to continue their learning. Any
math work you do now is an investment for next school year and it will pay off in the fall.

Thank you for your patience and understanding as we get through this together!

Alicia Kimble

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