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Matthew Wulbrecht

HDF 492
Leadership Inventory 10 Pieces of Evidence
Outcome Sections: Self-Leadership, Interpersonal and Organizational, Leadership Theories,
Inclusive Leadership, Critical Thinking.
Outcome 10- I chose this piece of evidence because it represents the project I completed as a
part of HDF 414. My projected was on sexual assault advocacy among college aged females,
and working on it truly opened my eyes to what was happening on college campuses.

Outcome 13- I chose this picture as my evidence because it accurately represents the five
sections of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. Each of these needs holds different significance and
priority for each of us, and finding ways to fulfill each of them is very important.

Leadership Theories:
Outcome 25- I chose this picture for my evidence because how theory X and Y relates to
working and management. My personal style of supervision and management is very
personable, with a lot of development and continuous improvement. This visual helped me
understand that and elaborate on it for the theory.
Matthew Wulbrecht
HDF 492
Leadership Inventory 10 Pieces of Evidence

Out 26- I chose this photo as evidence because I was able to apply what I learned from theory X
and Y and apply it to my role as coordinator with the Leadership Institute. As coordinator, I
made sure to work with each Peer Leader to help them grow and develop as leaders. I definitely
used theory Y in this role.

Inclusive Leadership / Diversity and its Application to Leadership:

Outcome 89- I used this image as my evidence because it is what I used to help visualize this
theory and apply it to my learning. Based on these 6 stages, I could identify where I currently
am and working towards advancing to the final stage of integration.
Matthew Wulbrecht
HDF 492
Leadership Inventory 10 Pieces of Evidence
Outcome 90- I used this picture from Orientation as evidence because it was my first group as
an Orientation Leader. As an Orientation Leader, I had to help orient and guide incoming first
year students of all different backgrounds. Some students had cultural practices, or religious
needs that I needed to cater too as their leader. This model helped me understand that I need
to be respectful and understand of all worldviews and properly cater to everyone’s needs.

Critical Thinking:
Outcome 99- I used this picture from Institute as evidence because it was an experience where I
had to incorporate a lot of critical thinking in my role as Coordinator. I wanted to help make
training as effective and fun as possible, which required a lot of creativity.
Matthew Wulbrecht
HDF 492
Leadership Inventory 10 Pieces of Evidence
Outcome 108- I used this picture as evidence because it shows the presentation I helped with in
HDF 412 on Crisis Leadership. It was very interesting learning about this topic, even though it
involved different crisis’ and sad moments in history.

Interpersonal and Organizational Concepts & Skills:

Outcome 145- I chose this screenshot because it is the first time I publicly announced that I
accepted the offer to work with Hologic, Inc. as a Supply Chain Analyst! I spent so much time
preparing for each interview, that it felt amazing to put an end to the search, and accept a job I
was happy with and excited for.

Outcome 159- I chose this picture as evidence because it is with two of my biggest mentors in
college, Ben Ratier and Trent Anderson. Both of them were instrumental in my growth as a
person and leader. This pictures is from orientation, and I credit both of them a lot for helping
me get there. It was a prideful moment, and great experience being able to share it with them.
Matthew Wulbrecht
HDF 492
Leadership Inventory 10 Pieces of Evidence

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