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Aurora is a natural phenomenon that resembles a radiant glow of light in the

ionosphere layer of a planet as a result of the interaction between the magnetic field that
belongs to the planet with charged particles emitted by the Sun (solar wind).

On earth, auroras occur in the area around the North Pole and its magnetic South
Pole. Aurora which occurred in the northern region known as Aurora Borealis, which was
named after the goddess of the Morning Rom, Aurora, and the Greek name for the north
wind, Boreas. This is because in Europe, auroras often look reddish in the northern horizon
as if the Sun will rise from that direction. Aurora borealis always occurs between September
and October and March and April. The phenomenon of auroras in the South known as
Aurora Australis has similar properties. But sometimes auroras appear on mountaintops in
tropical climates. Some important things related to the formation of auroras, namely the
magnetic field of a planet, solar wind, Interaction particles of the earth's atmosphere with
charged particles from the sun.

Therefore, we as humans must always give thanks to God Almighty. Aurora is a

common occurrence in the polar regions. The danger of aurora to humans until now has
never been proven. However, this phenomenon can disrupt telecommunications networks.
The effect of protons colliding with atoms in the atmosphere can interfere with radio,
television and telegram reception. This is because when points in the atmosphere are
disturbed by protons from the sun, the atmosphere no longer holds the signal and reflects it
to the earth. The signal is actually transmitted to space.



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