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Hello, my name is Jesus Apolo and today, I will talk about how I manage money and the
different ways I invest it.

First, there are people who think that money is not important and does not bring happiness.
However, we need it for the most basic needs, such as eating, dressing or transporting
ourselves. So that idea, as good as it sounds, is still romantic and idealistic. Money is
definitely important in achieving things in life. It is essential to meet our needs, present and
future. Money, on the other hand, is a scarce resource. So, we have to learn to manage it
well, take care of it (protect ourselves) and make it grow. Which also means assigning it
according to our goals in life.

In my life, my parents, they are the ones who support me financially since I do not live
alone, although many times I look for other ways to get it, as an architecture student, I got a
job in a project company and there I also managed to get it. some money, in others.
Sometimes, with the help of my artistic skills, I sold some paintings, I could also sell hand-
painted shirts, among other ways.

I spend the money on myself and the things that I like, I generally like to spend it on
musical events, some walks, I also share with my partner and my friends in different plans,
although many times I try to save it, I feel that I cannot make it, however, they are habits
that must be improved since saving helps us to prevent, because the main idea is precisely
that, trying to save for when necessary, That is why if we do not save the lack of money
causes so many problems. It is, without a doubt, one of the main sources of stress for
people. The feeling of not having to end the month, of not being able to pay something, just
not being sure if we can eat the next day is certainly terrible.

For many reasons, human beings must learn to save, we must identify the things that are
really worth spending and investing without wasting everything, what is the best way to
save? For me it is to start separating a monthly amount of our money after discounting our
fixed expenses, although we believe that the money, we are saving is little by little, it will
grow. The important thing is to generate the habit of saving.

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