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THE 4 MALAYAN Talecen 15H (fot) Net Gt y* STORY 4s CBs.) Reng 1781 ; » . op a PHILIP N, NAZARETH 4 er, Towo(re-Ist1) Clad. 1600 WE Lasaty. Naive. Vitlp & | PETER CHONG & CO SINGAPORE MACMILLAN AND CO LIMITED ST MARTIN'S STREET, LONDON 1958 Pra aoe 955 Regret craton) 1957 1858 FOREWORD by the Chef Minister, Singapore ‘The urgent need for textbooks writen witha Malayan pat of view has ‘been recognised for along ime. tis easy to say that books with & Malayan [ackgromd must be wets, bat much more diel to find the people vho ‘are wig nd abl o write them. Tm, therefore, pardclaly delight 9 ave this opprtmaity, on the eve of th consideration of our White Paper ‘on Edneation and of the departure of the Merdeka Misslon, express my thanks © Mr. Philip N. Nazareth forthe hard work and scholarship tt ‘he has ut Info the production of a book that fe wordy to be a Malevan textbook. Those who read The Malayan Story wil have an enjoyable ‘Singapore, 9th April 1956 FOREWORD ‘by the Chief Minister, Federation of Melara 1 patialarty appropriate at this tine when Malaya sands ow the ‘dreshoi of Independence, that sory ofthe country in pctre and story should make its appearance. I consider ts most Important that the youth this country shel be given an insight nto the history and background of their ow land and not be concened to much with regions 0 fa dstant ‘rom the country of thelr birth. Unfortunately the mumber of rach works in ‘the pass eer all to limited. It 15 tue to say at this moment tht ness 4 greater effort Is made to overcome the shortcoming In the rtilar spect our boys will grow up ignorant of thelr surroundings and. without ‘re inthe country ofthe birth. For that reason I give a peal Wek ome {0 The Malayan Story, which iti hoped wil lla mach-scoded pap. Nook forward to the completion of your work with every confidence tat k will ey the success deserves, te (Chief Minstor, Federation of Malaya Kuala Lampar, 28th April 1956 CONTENTS Fouswoan by the Chief Minister, Singapore Fonewoan by the Chief Minister, Federation of Malaya 1, Tae Cavepwenus . Tae Porms ‘Tur Avoninois oe Matava: Tar Noes Tar Sno. ‘Thm Avontemsal Matave Omer Kiyopows . _ ancy Comes Dauumves me SoomrEAsr ASA 1. ORANG Meave PARMMOSWARA 5 ‘Tu Krvopow or Matacea (1403-1511) “Acronso D'ALaLQUERQUE ieee: De Sequusna’s Furr ARRIvis IN MALACCA (1505) ‘D'Ausuquenqur Curruris MaLacca (1511) 1. Tae Portucuese IN Matacca (1511-1641) Vovaces oF Discoveny Comets pe Houman’s Vovact 10 Java (1596) ‘Tae Unirep Durex East INpia Company (1602) : 1. Tae Durcet CAPTURE MALACCA FROM THE PORTUGUESE (1641) ‘MALAcca Bscomes A Province oF Baravis (1641-1795) 9. Tae Encuis Ease INDIA Contras (1600) ‘Tus KiNavom oF JonoRe-Rito THE FOUNDATION O° PeNANG (1786) és , Tas Baur Tax MatAcca mon Tue Duree (1785) - |. Tas Conquest oF Java (1811). 4. ‘Tu FOUNDATION OF SmvoaPORE (1819) ‘Tue Stars Serruamrs (1826) . Haas Brooks: ns Bosco ‘Tae Matar STATES 5s 5. Th Fubexaren Matar Sraves (1896) ‘Tem Unmepexano MaLay StaTss ). Wom War F (1914-1918) J. Devetorants 1 MALAYA. 9, Tu JAPANESE DXVASION : |. MALAYA AFTER WorLD Wax II. (QUESTIONS AD ExeRciss Remmmcs. . + ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Tam very grateful to Professor C. Northcote Parkinson, Professor of History at the Univer- sity of Malaya, for reading my manuscript and giving me valuabla*Fuggestions which I have incomporated in the book, I am also indebted to Mr. M. W. F. Tweedie, Director of Rafiles Museum and President of the Malayan Branch, Royal Asiatic Society, for permission to use hore WA AREAS UNDER DUTCH Oven RULE BY 1750 Qe Epsom macs / J Dutch had one che sim in capsing Malate, They vant Batavia oe the sl colo he Eater dea inode to thy hd (lth ade of Porte Sere ee 5a 10 cy had bern ble wet copmand ofthe eas ode Mat err rade to Baa Bot there was swap the poy that Malan scl rhe ae hand of ome et Earp poet aed cme a song alt Btn eu The ony way pee his happenin ms To cape Malus ws 8008 a posible weainake a prone (Or substation) of Bata 2 Malacca, after its capture in 1641, had to serve Batavia in two ways: firstly, as a fortifiod station to keep out all rivals to the Dutch from the Straits of Malacca; econdly, s a collecting centre for the products of the Malay Peninsula, especially tin. LLLP EOE eipemant ‘The Dutch did not take much interest in Malaya and during the rule they allowed theit ally, the Johore-Rhio Kingdom, to fall into ruin. By 1800 the different riverstatas belonging ‘to this vast kingdom broke away from their overlord, the Sultan of Johore, and made them selves independent. CHRIST CHURCH This is Malaya’s oldest Protestant church. Dutch settlers of Malacca worshipped in the old Catholic church up St. Paul's Hill before Christ Church was built. The Duteh, who were Protestants, decided to have their own church; plans for building were laid and Christ Church was completed in 1755._‘The church was handed over to the Church of England in 1838 to- ~ grther with the Church Plate and Records dating from 1641, the year when the Dutch began their occupation of Malacca It is atypical Dutch church, with Dutch windows and bricks. Chris: Church celebrated its 200th amniversacy in 1955, THE STADT HOUSE ‘The Stadt House is believed to have boon built between 1641 and 1640 and to be the oldest, existing Dutch bullding in the Far East. It is also believed that parts f the walls, or atleast their foundations, are Portuguese, Additions were made to the building by both the Dutch and the British, 2 Ole) Gee CWGUE eee Ass 0 ents tok place in 1580 which brought disster to Portugal and her mpi n the ast ‘Fry, Drake tone fom his voyege sound the word and revealed to Europe tal, so far from being maser of the Eat, the Portuguese were kept busy al th tine defending thee Tong taderoutes and widely-seutered stalons against many enemies. Secondly, Portugal an Spain became nied unde Philip who was iter enomy of the Dutch and the English. This union put Portugal into the tsemy camp and made bet possaons in the East lable to attack by the Dutch and the English. The English had Jong been buying spices ‘om the Dutch at high prices, and now they saw thelr opportunity to e0 to, the East Tikes and break into the spite tnd Many Englishmen pasted through the Malay Archipelago after Sir Francis Drake. Jin 1586 Thomas Cavendish began a voyage round the world, He pased through the Straits fof Magellan and reached the Philippines, ‘Macassar and Java. He then sailed straight home round the Cape of Good Hope and ar- rived in Plymouth in 1588. This round-the- ‘world voyage was as important as Drake's, for itadded to the English knowledge of distant seas. Ralph Fite, who lived in Asia for eight years (1583-1591), came to Malaca in January 1588. ‘He was the fist Enalish visitor to Malaya and ‘he remained in Malacca for seven weeks looking ‘around and studying conditions of trade. When __ he returned to England in 1591 he gave a gest eal of information to English merchants ‘egarding trade in the East. English interest in the Fastern trade was aroused and a group of merchants fitted out a ‘small et of three ships which left England'in 1591, One ship returned before reaching the Cape of Good Hope and a second sank in a ‘sorm off the east coast of Aftice. The third Ship, under James Lancaster, reached Penangin June 1592. Many of the men on board. were Sick and were taken ashore. ‘Twenty-six of “THE SK HEN FROM LANCASTERS siuP Wene n TiNoeD AT PeNANG. TWENTYSDc OF THEN — them, however, died and were buried in Penang. Di. ‘Lancaster sailed in Malayan waters for some 0 ‘months and captured several Portuguese ships carrying Yaluble cargoes of wine, aks, veves and olker fe oth ‘He arrived in England in 1594 after many adventures and ‘with only twenty-five survivors, ‘The London merchants, however, did not think that Lane caster’s raiding methods would help to win the trade of the East, They believed thatthe best way would be to form a company with enough capital to send out fects with leters and gifts from the Queen to the Eastern Sujkans, asking for Permission to trade peacefully in theisteritoties, This East ‘dia Company was formed on 3Ist December 160, ‘The Company's first fet of four ships arrived at Achin fn June 1602. Its leader, James Lancaster, present to the Sultan a letter and gifts from the English Queen, and the Sultan gave the English permission to trade at Achia. A. few months later the feet Went to Bantam, where Lancaster followed the same procedure with success. The lost loaded ONGINAL ARMS OF THE CAST total cargo of 1,000,000 Ibs. of pepper and was ready £0 Nea sail home. But before leaving in 1603 Lancaster obtained permission from the Sultan for some English Agents t0 remain behind at Bantam to prepare cargoes for future ‘rading lets from England, After the success of the frst voyage the Fast India Company sent flets regularly to the East. At first the Dutch, who had stations at Bantam and other key positions in the Archi- pelago, accepted the English competition, for they were both at war With Spain. But after England and Spain had made their peace in 16M there was less good feeling between the Dutch and the English. ‘Tho Dutch and the Spenish ended their war in 1609, and from that year the Dutch claimed ‘the monopoly of the Moluccas, ‘They had captured Amboyna in 1605 from the Portuguese and had spread their influence over all the Moluccas Islands. ‘They now declared that the English were interlopers and tried to prevent them from ‘fading with the Moluccas. ‘Tho East India Company was ‘no match for the Dutch Com- pany, for it was only a private concern. The Dutch * Com pany had eight times more capital, five times moze ships and was fully supported by the whole Dutch nation. Never- ‘theless by 1613 English Agents ‘were competing with the Dutch at Bantam (leva), Macassar (Celebes), Sukadana‘and Banjer- 7 ‘asin (Bomeo), Achin (Sum- ‘au au apne anon S am) anda Pata and Ayutia iam), 1a ts of nt atin ene ore oars ee eer ie fe Conencet ee ae Sere Te is Sex mann gon ace ge Dek gi ed Trem geen mun aves noe sor ng The Duck names eee (ee eee fare eae eae eee a eee eee asia ees arate ate rete oe ame toe ee rae eens eae ia ee a eee aus pgdone, Me Gar MOET) ‘The Kingdom of Johore-Rhio was founded by the fugitive Sultan of Malacca Sultan Mah- ‘mud. It Included Jobore, Pahang, Trengganv, ‘the Rhio Archipelago, the Karimon Islands and allthoss parts of Malaya not under Portuguese control. This meant nearly the whole of the Malay Peninsula for the Portuguese (and later the Dutch) could control only the coastal areas between Malaora and Batu Pabt. ‘The rulers of the Johore-Rhio Kingdom were ‘weak and unable to govern the country well. ‘The kingdom had s-verl capitals, the most {important being at Schore Lama, Kota Tingei and Rhio, Often thee were civil wars which Teft the nation weak and exhausted, and it was not long before outside enemics BeBAR £0 ag “3 ivpear on the scene. SS me 2 arly in the 17h century the fees IN Benak chinese atiacked. sever parts of — 2% poy 3 Malay, killing people, destroying vie lages snd felde and caring. ay ‘hos of Malays as slave to Achoh ‘The Bupis began to arrive in large numbers in Malaya about the bepn- sing of ti 18th century. They were 4 bold fighting rae from Celebes and they soon made. themselves power- fal in Tohore and Selangor. Usually = i ‘when the Bugis sted ina place thie Chiefs married into. the local noble families and thus made their position in te country srongex. ‘The Dutch in Malacca did not interfere with the Bugis and allowed the Johore-Rhio King- dom to fall into their hands, Tt was only when the Bugis became serious trade rivals, espoci- ally in tn, that the Dutch took steps aguinst them, Finally in 1784, the Datch captured Rhio, the capital of the kingdom, and made the Johore-Rhio Malays vassals of Holland. Ia this ‘way they hoped to keep control over the Bugis, which they did toa certain extent In 1773 tho litle States now known as Negri Sembilan broke away from the Johore-Rbio Kingdom and formed theic own State under 4 prince from Sumatra. The Malay people Who live in this part of the country are of Minangkabau origin, ie. from Minangkabau in Sumatra, ‘While the Sultans of the:kingdom lived in Rhio their Bendahara ruled in Pahang, their ‘Femenggong in Johore and another high offcial in Trengganu. As time went on these chiefs became almost independent sultans in thei respective States, until in the end the Sultan of Johore-Rhio was left with Tohore, the Rhio Archipelago and the Karimon ‘ands, In 1819 the Britsh established a station on Singapore Island, but there was a strong pro- test from the Dutch who elaimed that Singa- pore was part of their vassal Kingdom of Tohore-Rhio. Finally a treaty was arranged in 1824 by which Singapore and the Malay Peninsula came under British influence, and Rhio and most of the Indonesian Islands under Dutch influence, North Sumatra, whieh was under the strong control of the Sultan of Ache, was left neutral, ‘Thus it happened that after 1824 only Johore was left ofthat vast Johore- Rhio Kingdom of the 16th century. 3 ‘After the Massacre of Amboyna in 1623 the East India Company closed most of its stations jn the Malay Archipelago and moved to India. Some private merchants, however, continued to trade in Kedah, Malacea, Jobore, Achin, Bantam ‘and Macassar. ‘The East India Company opened ‘soul station at Bencoolen in Sumatra in 1688 to trade in pepper, but this station could not ‘To Ceptain Light's pleasant surprise the Company decided to build a port at Penang and appointed him Superimendent of the settlement. Light took formal possession of the island’ on Lith August 1785, Renang was to be a dependency of Bengal and under the control of the Government in Calcutta, ‘The island was uihinhabited except for some ‘Malay fishing folk who fived in the present Tanjong Tokong area. Captain Light set to work to clear a space for a town and a fort. He encouraged his Malay workmen to clear the jungle by fring bags of siver dollars into the forest. The Malays lost no tine in cutting Ihope to be a great sooces, for it was t00 far off ea the main trade routes. coe ‘The Company prospered in India and by 1763, became ruler of large parts of the country. At ‘the same time the Royal Navy won the com- ‘and of the Indian Ovean, thus encouraging the Company to develop its trade in tea, porcelain and silk between Calcutta and Canton. Many settlers came from the mainland and Penang grew rapidly. Chinese end Indian merchants quickly sew the advantages in coming to Penang because it was a free port. Everyone was free to buy end io sell and there were no high taxes to pay. The days of monopoly of trade in the Straits of Malacca had come to an end. In a short time Penang was a busy settlement. Two yea after it foundation the population was about 1,000; by 1804 it was 12,000. Malays formed the biggest pert of the population, the Indians ‘came second and the Chinese third, Theve were also smaller groups of Europeans, Eurasian, ‘Armenians, Parsees, Arabs, Mélays from Somatra and the nearby islinds, Bugis from Borneo and Celebes, Javanese, Burmese and Siamese. ‘The Company now began to look fora suitable place in the Straits of Maluoca to serve as 4 port of call for its ships on the long voyage between Tndia and China. The Company also hoped that this port would prosper and in the years to come replace Dutch Malacca as a centre ofthe Malayan trade About this time (1770) a young Engtish trader called Francis Light was a captain of 4 ship belonging to a firm of merchants in ‘Madras Jourdain, Sulivan and de Souza. His ship traded between India, Lower Siam, ‘Malaya and Acheh, Captain Light learned the Malay and Siamese languages and be- ‘came a great frend of the Malay and Siamese chiefs, He knew that the East India Com- ‘pany was on the look-out fora place in Malayan ‘waters where it could establish a station. He ‘considered threo likely places — Achin, Kedah, ‘and Junk Ceylon—and finally decided on Kedah. ‘There was some misunderstanding regard {ng the terms under which the Sultan of Kedah had given Penang to the Company. But the matter was settled in 1791 when the Sultan scoepted a treaty whereby he was to receive {6,000 Spanish dollars a year in perpetuity. This amount was raised to $10,000 a year when Province Wellesley was added to Penang in ‘The Sultan of Kedah was willing to give the seaport and fortress of Kedah Town and the control of the whole Kedah coast as far ak Penang to the East India Company in return for English help against bis enemies, the Siamese in the north and the Bugis in Selangor. Light wrote to India irgng the East India Company to accept the offer, but the Company ‘yas not keen on Sighting battles against Siam or Selangor for the sake of the Sultan of Kedah. So the offer was not accepted, But Light continued to press the matter and finally in 1785 hae obtained « new agreement from the Sultaa of Kedah. The Company could occupy Penang 1800. A Spanish dollas was worth about $1.25 Island in retuen for an annual rent and help against the Sultan's enemies. in our money. Py 35 She Gritish toke Malacca from the Dutch (1798) Sars Jn 1993 France declared war on Britain and Holland. The next year France overran Hole land and made the Dutch decare war on Britain, This. meant that French warships ould use any Dutch port in the Fast asa base to attack British ships and colonics therefore became necessary for the British to fake over Dutch ports wherever possible to ‘Prevent them from falling into French hands ‘Malacta was the nearest Dutch port to Penang and it was peacefully occupied by British forces in 1795. The Company's officers in Penang knew ‘that Malacca would have to be returned to the Dutch when their country became fee at Ihe conquest of JAUA (15M) ‘When the English captured the Moluccas Islands from the Dutch in 1808 Raffles heard that Lord Minto was thinking of sending him there as Liev- tenant-Governor. He waited anxiously for this promotion, but the months passed without bringing hhim any definite news about the new post. At last in June 1810 he went to Calouta to soe what had Jhappened. Lord Minto told kim that someone else, ‘a much older man, was being sent as Lieutenant- Governor of the Moluccas. Ralles then suggested that there were other islands, fo instance Java, which ‘the Governor-General might find worthy of intrest. ‘Actually, Lord Minto had long been planning to capture Java to prevent it from falling into French hhands, but be did not have accurate information about the island, the strength of the enemy and the route from Malaya to Java which a large number of a LE ‘the end of the war. So in the time they LAL thong ita goat ea to tsb tae ot Macca to Poona, desoy he for apd te iy, and remove the 15000 people to onang, Slacen thu could vot become tage el to Penang whos later the Dutch pot bac Second ia cae thy fad to aac Malas se oome fre date he forts Would not be thereto op them. The Supreme Goverameat Gaeta supported this move. heavily Joaded ships could safely and secretly follow. He now decided to use Ratfls’ know- ledge of the Malay language and Malay affairs and appointed him ‘Agent to the Governor- General with the Malay States His work was to collet all necessary information and prepare fo the invasion of Java. ‘Rafles set up his headquarters in Malacca and within a few months he seat enough valuable information to Calcutta to enable Lord. Minto to sail immediately for Malacca. A fet of 81 ships carrying 11,000 men arrived in Malacca on 9th May 1811. ‘srt or ors oA oA ‘The work of destruction was begun in 1806 and was almost completed by 1803. The time then came to stat the work of removing goods, sores and people to Penang. Luckily, Mr, Stamford Ratfles happened t0 be in Malacca fn sick leave about this time. He had come fo Penang as an assistant secretary in 1805 and ‘was Keenly interested in the Maley people and their lnguage, history and customs, He liked the old city of Malaca, and without consulting his superiors in Penang (he knew they would object) he wrote to Lord. Minto, Governor- General of India, not to abandot it. In his letter he explained the value of Malacca's old ‘buildings, its fine rce-elds, is regular annual ‘revenue, and, most important ofall, the wish of the people not to be uprooted from their homes, ‘The Governor-General accepted his advice and ‘Malacca was saved. The genius of young Mr. Rafles (he was just twenty-seven yes old) was ‘beginning to be felt. 36 “There were two routes from Malacca to Java, a direst route through the Karimata Passage and a long one round North Borneo and through the Stesits of Macassar. Everyone agreed that the direct route through Kerimata Passage was impossible because of motsoons and currents. But Rafe had secretly tested this route and had found it quite safe. Lord Minto ‘took his advice to use the direct route and the great fet left Malacoa on 1th June 181, with Raffles on board the Governer-Genera's ship as Adviser to Lord Minto. ‘The fect sighted Java on 25th July, but it was on dth August that the troops were landed at a point ten to twelve miles east of Batavia. Five days later a section of the army entered Batavia without any opposition, for the Dutch and some French) forces had moved to Cornelis, about seven miles south of Batavia, On 26th August the British troops attacked Cornelis fand in the fierce batle that followed the France-Dutch army was almost wiped out. About 2,000 men were killed ox wounded and more than 5,000 mea were made The British fosses were 633, ineluding over ity ofcers. As a result of this victory Java soon fell into ‘Bridsh hands. ‘Lord Minto stayed five weeks in Java setting up a new government, and before he left he appointed Ratlles Lieutenant-Governor of Java, Raffes governed Java and its dependencies ‘yell and when th islands were returned to the Dutch in 1816 he went on leave to England. ‘He was knighted in 1817 for his services in the East. The founda we snes tt ve MG ODOT EES) Bencoolen, en unhealthy and unprofitable lite station in southwest Sumatra, He tried what Re could to make a success of Ben- coolen, but all the time he was very muck ‘worried about the future of British trade in the Malay Archipelago. ‘The war in Europe had ended and the British were returning all former Dutch ‘to Holland, The Dutch had at- ‘coolen could not ei [Rhio and Betavia. These two stations were ‘notin a good position to win the trade of the Malay Archipelago, for one was too far up the Straits of Malacca and the other too far (off the main trade routes, He felt that the ‘only. way out was tp establish a British station somewhers to the south of the Malay Peninsula, which could be easily reached from Malaya, Sumatra, Java, Borneo and ‘other neighbouring countries, Singapore Tbland seemed to be the most suitable choice. ab 1 438 SINGAPORE Rafe hurried to Calcutta and obtained per- mission from the Governor-General to carry ut his plan. A few weeks Tater he was in Penang gesting topether a small fet of six ships. On 1th January 1819 the file Neet lett for Singapore, Nine days later it anchored of ‘Pulau Sekijang (this Malay name has now boen corrupted into St. John's Island) near Singa- ‘pore. A small boat carrying two Europeans and 42 scpoy guard set off for Singapore, One was ~ Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles and the other was a ‘Major Farquhar. The boat reached a clearing : ° + where there was a village of about fifty attap ——— houses and a somewhat bigger house, the Sc. residence of the Temenggong or Chief of the = fsland. Raffles had a long talk with the Temenggong, who was wiling to allow the British to settle in Singapore; but he did not know whether the Sultan fof Johore, who lived in Rhio, would give his permission. He also told how the Bugis had put the present Suian on the throne, after his father's death in 1812, while his elder brother Tengka Husain was away in Pahang. Raffles decided to ask the Sultan in Rhio permission to start a settle- ‘ment in Singapore, but he didnot expect to get it, forthe Sultan was under the control of the Dutett ‘who certainly would not want British val station 80 near to their ports of Malacca and Rhio. ‘On 30th January 1819 Raffles made a fist ‘agreement with the Temenggong who allowed the British to settle in Singapore in. return for a pension of $3,000 a year. Then Raffles, having eceived "No’ for an answer from the Sultan in Rio, sent for Tengku Husain, On 6th February 1819 Tengku Husain came secretly from Rhio and ‘was installed with great pomp and ceremony as Sultan of Johore. ‘The new Sultan then signed a teaty agreeing to the promises made by the ‘Temenggong for the British to establish a settle- ment in Singapore in return for a pension of $5,000 a year for himself and $3,000 a year for the Temenggong. ‘Tho next day Rafles returned to Bencoolen, lenving Major Farquhar to carry on the work ‘he had started. When the Dutch heard what Raffles had done they protested as strongly as they could, ‘But the settlement was at once a great success and the Governor-General of India, Lord ‘Hastings, took no definite action on the matter for the time being. This delay and the slow means of communication in those days gave the settlement what it so badly needed — time to prove its strategic and commercial importance to the Directors of the East India ‘Company in London, THE LAST PAGE OF THE TREATY SNE ON StH FEDRUARY 189. » =] ‘An tovan Seren oF te Laur (OF SiNcAPORE TOWN 1025 _, Newcomers (Chinese, Bugisand Malacca Malays) Nocked to Singapore and within five months Increased the population from 150 to 5,000. The next year the population went up to 10,000, ‘Trade of course was excellent and soon Singapore did more business than Malacca and even Penang. Singapore's success was due chiely to two reasons, It was in a perfect postion for trade, being atthe meeting-place of the main sea-routes. Secondly, it was a fre port where everyone could come and bring in his goods duty-free. LUEUTENANT JACKSON'S FLAN OF SINGAPORE TOWN, 163 0 ‘Anyone could see that Singapore was too valuable to be given up, Fortunately an agree: ment was reached betwoun the British and the Dutch in 1824. By the Treaty of London (1824) the British gave up Bemeoolen and the Company's possessions in Sumatra while the Dutch ave up Malacca and promised never to interfere inthe afurs of the Malay Peninsula, They ‘also withdrew all objections to the British making a setlement on Singapore Island. Latepn the same year (1824) a Further treaty was signed with Sultan Husain and the Temeng- gong ceding the whole isand of Singspore to Britain. Sir Stamford Rafles kept a close watch on Singapore, which had beon made a dependency ‘of Bencooleo, and saw his infant settlement grow strong and vigorous. He moved to Singa- [pore in October 1822 ard lived thee for eight ‘months. During that peiod he drew up plans for Singapore's future asa great free port. He ‘ave the people a legal cde and courts to en= force it, © police force to kecp law and order, proper ules and regulations for carrying on trade, a town-planning scheme and an educa- tion plan. Before he lt Singapore in June 1823 he Taid the foundstion stone of Raffles Tastitution Rafles died in Fnglan¢ on Sth July 1826, one day before his birthday, ¢ tied oid man of only fortysive. He was a gret man and his work ‘will never be forgotten a Malaya, His statue stands in front of the Vitoria Memorial Hall in Singapore, Tn_1826 Penang_with Province Wellesley, Malacca and. Singapore ‘were joined. together. 10 form thi Straits Setlements. Penang, the ‘oldest settlement, ‘was made the ‘capita. As the years passed Malacca eclined in importance. Penang de- veloped steadily, but Singapore rose in population and trade so rapidly ‘that in. 1832 the capital was trans- ferred thee ‘A VIEW OF EARLY PENANG, WITH THE HILLS OF a a | ‘The Straits Settlements were under the control of the Governor-General in Caleata, and soon the merchants ofthe Straits, especially of Singapore, began to complain thatthe officals sn far-off India. were ignorant of the conditions of life and trade in Malaya, and were in fact In 1834 the East India Company's monopoly of astern trade Was abel indering the development of the country. This was tre, forthe East India Company had Heese Jos its monopoly of the China Trade ia 1834 and was no Tonge interesed inthe Sts Ste: Degeseraelie eet pa timeand energy in expand- ‘The people fl they could progres faster without conto rom Indi and they sent patton jog Bash trade and to the British Government asking tat the Strats Setloments be separated from nd snd fiveace inthe Malay pul under the Colonial Ofice in London. 1. took several years to study tho mater, But at Archipelago, In fac, after last in 1867 the peopeof the Strats ha their way. The Straits Setlments were separated from 1834 1 did not have much India and were made a Crown Colony directly under the contol ofthe Colonial Ofice in {| -—~vwse even for Penang and Leadon. = Singapore. However, it vas feted that a young ‘man, inspired by Raffles’ career and writings, was to ‘make it his personal b ness to extend British ‘uence in that large island of Borneo, just 400 miles away from Singapore His namo was James Brooke. James Brooke, soldier: srader-explorer, azived in 1 Singapore ia May 1839 in his yacht, the Royalist, on his way o explore Borneo, Just before’ his arrival some British seamen had been shipwrecked i Brunei and had been very wel treated by a relative of the Sultan of Brunei, a nobleman ‘named. Raja Muda Hassim. Governor Bon- ham of the Straits Settlements and the British ‘merchants of Singapore took the opportunity ‘0 ask Brooke to take letters of thanks and some gifts to the Raja, ‘VIEW OF SINGAPORE TOWN FROM GOVERNMENT Hi, 1266 SANE BROOKE tn Borneo Raff, when he founded Singapore, hoped it would be a terminus where ships from Europe ‘could meet the native craft from the surrounding countries, especially from China, He also hoped that it would be a base for expanding British trade god influence in the Malay Peni sula and in those parts of Borneo not under Datch cont Unfortunately, pirates made it dificult for aatve trading eraft to move frely in Eastern ‘Seas and the rich Chinese junks on their way to Singapore oftan fll prey to Chinese, Malay and Dyak pirates in the South China Sea. To a certain extent this frightened Chinese craft ‘away from Singapore, and it was left to tho better-armed European vessels (the pirates seldom attacked them) to sil into Chinese waters and trade with Canton, When Hong Kong was ‘made Brooke Raja of Sarawak in September founded in 1841 Singapore lot its chance of evec becoming the chief centre of the China trada, 18a, a2 2 Sultan of Brunei, whose lands extended from Tanjong Datu to the far north of Borneo. Brooke met him at Kuching in August 1839 and both men became good friends. Brooke soon left Kuching to explore the coasts of Bomeo and Celebes. He returned to Kuching 1 year later and was surprised to find that Raja “assim bad not yet erushed the rebels. The Raja asked Brooke to help him, Brooke reorganised the Raja's army and soon put an end to the rebellion. In gratitude the Sultan of Brunei Raj Brooke ruled the country well and with a firm hand. Pirates who had infested the coasts of Sarawak and Brunei for over a hundred years found in him a dangerous enemy. With the help of the navy in the Straits Settlements he put down piracy and brought law and order tothecoasts of North Borneo. As a result the population doubled within afew years of his rule. Coal was discovered in Labuan, an island off the north-west coast of Borneo, and Raja Brooke advised the British Government to annex Labuan so that it could be used as a cosling- station by the newly-invented steamships voyaging in Eastern Seas. The British Government ‘was interested and in 1846 obtained Labuan from the Sultan of Brunei, who was anxious that the British should uso te island as a base against pirates, ‘When Raja Brooke went on leave to England in 1847 he was knighted and made Governor of Labuan and British Consul-General in North Borneo, Sir James Brooke soon returned to Borneo, where he worked hard to stamp aut piracy and to develop trade between Sarawak and Singopore. He retired from Borneo in 1863 and went to lve ia England, When he died in 1868 his nephew succeeded him as Raja. Twenty years later in 1888, Sarawak was made a British Protectorate. The Brooke dynasty ruled Sarawak for a hundred years, 1861 to 194, when the Japanese occupied the country until 1945, Sarawak was ceded to Great Britain by Sir Charles Vyner Brooke, the ruling Raj, on Ist July 1946, when it beeame a Crown Colony. The chief town is Kuching, with a population of about 40,000. Its about 400 miles from Singapore and 8,700 from London. The total area of Sarawak is about 50,000 square miles, the population being about 600,000 — Sex Dyaks, ‘Land Dyaks, Malays, Chinese, and others. SARAWAK, BRUNEI AND LABUAN. moa ; The Malay States ‘The merchants of the Straits Settlements had long been anxious to trade with the Malay ‘tates, expecially in those areas where tn was mined — Perak, Selangor, Sungei Ujong (in Negri Sembilan) and Pahang. The East India Company, however, had not encouraged this becavse ‘there was no law and order in the Malay Peninsula under the Malay rulers and it did not want ‘tp fight « war agninst them in order to recover the property of these merchants. (Often there were wars among the Malay chiefs and then everybody's life and property were in danger. Crops and houses were destroyed and men and women were taken away as slaves, And there was no one to whom the victims could complsin. Moreover, the villages were usually along the rivers and at their mouths, and for hundreds of years pirates had raided and looted them without any check by the Malay rulers. ‘These disorders increased after 1850, when new deposits of tin were discovered in Larut (Perak). Chincie from Penang, Selangor, Sungei ‘Ujong and Singapore locked to Larut and were soon fighting among themselves and with the ‘Malays for the sole control of the rich Larut ‘insfelds, These disturbances carried on for several years. As a result Chinese merchants in Penang, Malacca and Singapore, who had invested money in tinemining and other enter- prises in Perak and ceewhere, often sullered heavy loses. ‘Now that the Straits Settlements were no longer under the control of the Fast India Com- pany, the businessmen of the colony thought that the British Government would establish [Peace and order in the Malay Peninsula and thus help them to carry on trade with the Malay States. On 28th March 1873 they appealed to His Excellency, Major-General Sir Harry Ord, Governor of the Straits Settlements, for help. PETITION We, the wxdersigned, Chinese merchants and traders, British subjects and inhabitants of Singa- ‘pore, Penang, and Malacca, beg 0 approach your Excellency on the eve of your departure fom the ‘Siraits Settlements and to'soict your Excelleney’s attention tothe following important fact, ‘regarding trade in which we are allso much interested and concerned. For many years past we have, wer the British flag, enjoyed the privileges of trang with the territories and states surrounding the Settlements... Hitherfo there has ben a large trade with the Native States of the Malay Peninsula, but owing to iternal disensions, this has in some cases ‘entirely ceased... Nearly the whole ofthe West Coast ofthe Peninsula om Malacca to Province Wellesley, the richest part ofthe Peninsula, is the hands ofthe lawless and turbulent. We ask for no privleges or monopoles all we pray of ow Most Gracious Majesty the Queen i, ‘tha she will protect us when engaged in honest occupations. Signed by 248 merchants. 4s But the British Government at this time di not wish o interfere inthe Malay States and sent pete “If persons, knowing the risks they run, owing to the disturbed sate ofthese countries, shoose to risk their fives ad propares forthe sake ofthe lage profits wich they hope to make, they must aot expect the British Government to be answerable if thls venute proves une lecesful™ By the end of 1873, however, Britain's interest in Malaya quickencd for several reasons. ‘The Suez Canal was opened in 1869 and this shortened sea-travel between Europe and Eee Ala Yor si 171 Sgngre was connected with England =p, ‘making communication between Malaya and Europe swift and easy. The result was that ‘Buropeans (British as well as Germans, French, Dutch and Danes) became interested in Malaya and other parts of South-East Asia. ‘The Dutch at this time were busy occupying North ‘Sumatra, which fad been left neutral by the Anglo- ‘Dutch Treaty of 1824, The French had conquered Indo- ‘China and were preparing to spread to Siam. Once Siam was in their hands might they not take a special interest in the Malay States? All this rivalry helped to ‘make up the British mind to consider the future of the Malay States. British subjects in the Straits Sette- ‘ments, both Chinese and European, were long waiting ‘0 invest large sums of money in the tn-mines of Perak, Selangor, Sungei Ujong and Pabang. The time now ‘came to make this possible by bringing these States under British protection. | ‘The new Governor ofthe Straits Scitlements, Sir Andrew Clarke, arrived in November 1873, sand within a year he took the States of Perak, Selangor and Sungei Ujong under Britsh Pro: tection. ‘The rulers signed treaties by which they agreed to accept a British Resident whose Advice should be asked and taken in all matiers ‘escep those concerning Malay religion and eus- tom, ‘Sungei Ujong was the fist of the Negri Sembilan States to come under British Protec- ae ion, Other Negri Sembilan States asked for ‘British Offices as the years went on, e.g Jelebu jn 1883 and Rembau in 1887, until by 1895 a the whole of Negri Sembilan became British ee protected. British Protection reached Pahang in 1888, She Federsted Wala Ketose. Before the Malay Stats came under British protection they were backward and undeveloped. ‘Tae total population of all the nine Malay States was certainly not more than 400,000. Mest ‘of the people lived near the banks of rivers and the coastlines, while the rest of the counter remained jungle land ‘There proper system of government. Each chef ruled his district asa kind of feudal ford. He collected taxes and used them as he pleased. There were no roads, public buildings, Schools or courts of law. There was slavery in the land, and forced labour foo. When the British Residents arrived in Perak, Selangor, Sungei Ujong and Pahang they Quickly set about, with the help of the focal people, to organise an efficient form of govern. ‘ment. At fit thete were great difcuties, but as time went on the Residents leamed t over- orme them. The wisest of the early Residents was Mr. (later Sit) Hugh Low, who worked iz Perak from 1877 to 1889. Hee set up a State Council on which sat the Sultan, the Malay Chiefs a leader of the Chinese ‘and himself, They discussed all kinds of things this Council — taxation, land laws, abolition of slavery, building of railways, compulsory vacein- ation and so on, The chiefs were made collectors ‘of taxes for the State i their own areas and were sven a part of the collection as compensation. ‘They were no longer allowed to collect taxes for their own use. ‘The State was divided into dis- twists which were run by Furopean officers with Malay assistants. A district was further divided into ‘mukims’ and ‘penghulis’ (headimen) were appointed to fook after the kampongs. In this ‘way law and order spread to all parts of Pert. Mc. Hugh Low brought prosperity to. the land by building roads and’ railways and by a ‘encouraging the Chinese to open up tin mines in the interior, He also helped agriculture by starting plastations of coffee and tea, and Inter rubber, His methods were followed by Resi ents in other Malay States and in time there ‘was peace and prosperity in all the four States under Brush protection. ‘At fest progress was slow duc to a shortage of labour. Tho Malays worked hard fn their plots of land planting padi, coconuts ‘and fruit and had no wish to leave their homes to work on the estates and mines. A solution ‘was found by bringing lage numbers of Tamils from South Tada, whose services could be sed the estates, the Public Works Department andthe State Railways. Chinese had long been Coming to Malaya to work in the mines and shops, and now their numbers began to in- tease year by year. The Government of the Straits Settiements encouraged Chinese im ‘migration, for Chinese labour was urgently required to open up now mines and estates and to. build roads, railways, bridges and public buildings in the Malay States. In 1889 Mr, Frank Swettenham succeeded Mr. Hugh Low as Resident of Perak. Mr. Swettenham saw the great progress that would follow if the four States of Perak, Selangor, [Negri Sembilan and Pahang were joined to- ‘gether ina Federation, He put his plan before the Governor of the Strats Settlements who ‘gave his consent, The Malay Rulers and the ‘ther Residents accepted the idea of Federation fd in 1896 the four Malay States under British SLOP vou. Protection became the Federated Malay States. ‘Kuala Lumpur was selected, on account of its central postion, fo be the capital of the F.MS. ‘The fimt Resident-General was Sic Frank ‘Swettenham. 48 Ber IN ‘With federation came rapid development The population of the four States increased from 424,000 in 1891 to 860,000 in 1905. Tia- mining was organised on modern methods and ‘Malaya became the chief supplier of tin to the world, After 1900 rubber plantations were started all over the country bringing gre pros- petity to the people. The revenue from tin, rubber and other products provided Govern: ‘ment with money to build more roads, bridges, railways, schools and hospitals and to tackle the problem of malaria In 1874 the States had no post office, not a single hospital or even a mile of first-class road. ‘Thirty years later, in 1904, about 10 million covers were handled in the numerous. post offices in the Federated Malay States, and 46000 in-patients and 130,000 outpatients were treated in hospitals and clinis all over the country. By the end of 1904, nearly 2,400 miles of first-class road werein use and a train service was in operation between Prai and Seremban, Malaria was one of the greatest problems in the easly days of the Federated Malay States. In some areas malaria killed hundreds of people every yeas, making it almost inipossible 10 camry on work on the estates and mines. Fortunately, it was found that the mosquito was the cause of the sickness. This was followed up by two more discoveries, firstly tha! mosquitoes hhad their own breeding grounds, and secondly that malaria could be reduced ty destroying the larvae in the breeding grounds near estates and mines. As the years went by great progress ‘was made inthe stady of malaria contro, and this helped very much in the opening up of more sider plantains, ot only in the Federted Malay Sats but aso i he ret ofthe Maley ‘The Unfederated Malay States British protection extended only to the tin- ‘producing. States of Perak, Selangor, Negri Sembilan and Puhang. ‘The other States were considered poor and unimportant. After 1900, however, rubber was planted in these States with great success and investors began to get interested in these areas ‘Then in 1906 came a rubber boom. The motorcar had just been invented, and there ‘wasa heavy dessand for rubber to be made into tyres forthe hundreds of cars that were turned ‘ut dally by motor factories all over the world, ‘specially in the United States of America, ‘The price of rubber rose steadly and rubber- planting became an important industry in Malaya. ‘The Brish Government now thought it wise to bring the ret of Malaya under its control and Sa date fone between Sim ad Bltsh Malay A treaty was ined Wi Sam {1909 and Kelantan, Trenggano, Kedah and Pets came tinder Beitehproteion ‘These Slates ei not join the Federated Malay States but formed a separate group he Unfderated Maley Sue Beish Advis were seat to thse States to belp the Slane fo un the county efficiently. ta Sohore wa indy with he Bes in Sings pore sacs the days ‘of Ralls, a+ result of Thich both Singapore and Jobore prospered When rubberlandna ‘was introdsced nto Jokes the nut Se Rede sn ays were. bt and may ote po were nat Thes in 1914 Johore ised @ Treaty with Britin and accepted a Britsh ‘Ades. It did nt join the Federated Malay Stats but remained an unedeated State sph tas had the potas ater (0 Th Cron Colony fe Sy Ste: rents — Singapore (acing Chrsinas Island and the Cocos sand), Penang tnd Provincs Wolly, Maleces and Labuan. © The Federated Malay States— Peak, Selangor, Neg Somblan and Pahang (6 The Unfoderated Malay States — Kelan- tan, “Trengganu, Kedah, Peis and Sokore, 50 World War 2 (7918-798) ‘War broke out in Europe in 1914 between Germany and Great Britain and her alles. The struggle spread feom country to country until nearly the whole world was at war. Malaya twas very litle affected by this World War for several reasons. Firstly, France and Japan were Britain's alles and thus Malaya enjoyed the protection of friendly neighbours from British India to French Indo-China, even as far as Formosa, which was then a part of the Japanese Empire. Secondly, the Dutch were neutral and therefore Malaya had nothing to fear from the Dutch East Indies. Thirdly, there was no German base anywhere near to attack or invade ths country. ‘Malaye's duties in this war were simple. She was to earry on peacefully, producing rubber and tin to tend to the Allies, The people of Malaya, however, made one special contribution to Britain's war-elfort, They presented the battleship wats. Malaya (30,000 tons, eight 15-inch guns) in 1915. ‘Though World War I was rather a remote affair to us in Malaya, we had our share of the horrors ef war when the German cruiser Emden sank a Russian cruiser and a French torpedo boat in Pecangin 1914, and when an Indian battalion, the Sth Light Infantry Bengals), mutinied in Singapore on 15th February 1915. Sena ‘The Gzrman cruiser Emden, commanded by Captain von Muller, had been raiding British ships in the Indian Ocean and the Eastern Seas since September 1914. She caused millions Of dolla’ worth of damage and continued to escape capture. Scarcely a day passed without news coming of the sinking of some British vessel; but no one knew where the Emden was atthe ond of October 1914, last of all the people of Penang. Then at dawn on Monday, 28th ‘Octoter 1914 the raider, disguised by a dummy funnel to resemble the four-funnelled British cruiser Yarmouth, stole ito Penang harbour and took postion about 300 yards or so abreast fof the Russian cruiser Zhemichug. ‘This cruiser was engaged in convoy duty across the Indian ‘Ocean and had recently come to Penang bringing 356 men. ‘When the guard on the Zhemtchug challenged the incoming ship fhe received the reply *Yarmou coming to anchor. ‘Then before anything more could be done, the Zinden shot a couple of torpedoes and poured heavy gunfire into the Russian cruiser. In a few minutes ‘there wat a terrific explosion and dead and wounded Russians ley in heaps when the doomed ship senk amidst huge clouds of black smoke. Penang was agog with excitement as the Emden fred several shells in vatious directions to ‘warn anyone who tried to stop her, ‘Then she stsamed out ofthe harbour. There were several French torpedo-boats lying at anchor and one of them, the Mousguet, gallantly gave chase. But it was ikea terrier attacking a tiger and soon the heavy guns of the Enden sank the litle French stip. st ‘Meanwhile launches from Penang brought back the torn and bleeding bodies of the Russians, many of whom were still alive. ‘The Ainden, however, had done her last job, for in Tess than a forinieht the ‘Australian Navy caught her trying to destroy the cable staton in the Cocos Islands. The ‘Australian cruiser opened fie, killing 200 fof the Germans outright. In the coofosion that followed the Bnden was battered 10 pieces on a reef, and her commander and about 150 of his men were taken prisoner. ‘The second incident of the war took place afew month later. In 1915 the garrison in Singa- pore consisted of an Indian battalion, the Sth Light Infantry (Bengals), with some European Soldiers, afew Sikh gunners andthe Volunteers. The men ofthe Sth Light Tafantry had shown thee discontent for some time but nothing was done to settle their grievances. At lst they rose in mutiny on 1Sth February 1915, ‘There were 300 or more Germans imprisoned at Tanglin Barmcks, and guarded by members ‘ofthe Singapore Volunteer Corps. The Bengali soldiers, thinking that the Germans would help them, killed the guards and released the Germans. ‘The Germans, however, had no wish to join the mutineers, though some of their leaders took the opportunity to escape to the neural Dutch East Indios. ‘The Volunteers and some hundred sailors from a gunboat drove the mutinesrs from theit barracks in Alexandra Road to the outskirts of the city. ‘There followed frequent sniping at night, but there was no actual fighting after the fist day or two when thirty to forty of the ‘mutiesrs were ied and their leader Wounded. {In the first amcions days of the uprising the Sultan of Johor, Sir Ibrahim, led 150-men of the Johore forces, both Malay and Indian, to the rescue. He stationed fity of his men at Fort ‘Canning and took the rest to the guard house at Government House, Then when other reliet forces atsived, the Johore forees returned to Johor. Within a month most of the mutineers surrendered or were ‘aken prisoner. Then followed ‘the trials of these men. About forty of them were sentenced tc death and were shot in public. Others were given Tong terms of imprisonment. The reanants of the battalion were ‘transfered for duty in British West AVica, where they did much to win back the name of the Sth Light Infantry. 2 DEVELOPMENTS 1 Htolaga ‘The Governments of the Straits Settiements and the Malay States worked hard to develop Malaya in various ways. They encouraged trade and industry in order to increase the wealth ‘of the country, forthe greater the woalth the more revenue there would be to use for the good of the country. Malaya prospered steadly, the revenue of the Straits Setlements rising more than five times in less than forty years and that of the Malay States more than nine times ‘within the seme period, oo [|B ; Gs » [BRBBBE = REVENUE OF THE MALAY STATES » [os oN - (GBESBOEES — ‘A good part of the revenue was used to build up a useful Syste oF CommunicaTtOons. Roads nd railways were bult ll over the country linking the mines and estates withthe coast. Before British protection spread to the Malay States in 1874 the chief means of getting about the interior had been by river. By 1937, however, about 4,558 miles of road were constructed in the Federated Malay States, 1,165 in the Straits Setlements, and about 2,500 in the Unfederated Malay Sates. ‘The fist train service in Malaya was started between Taiping and Port Weld in 1885. As the years went by more rail ‘way tines were built in ‘West Malaya, until in 1909 people could travel from Singapore to Penang by train, ‘There were ferry %, services between Prai and Penang. "The completion fof the. Johore Causeway 1923 brought the line into Singapore which al- ready had a railway from Tank Road to Bukit ‘Timah since 1903. Communications in Fast Malaya were rather slow in developing. but jn 1931 goods and passengess could go by train from Gemas to Kota Bharu. 3B ‘Next inimportance to the building of roads and ralwayscame HEALTH AND MEDICAL Sexvices. ‘Malaria was the chit killer in the Malay Peninsula. In 1898 Sir Ronald Ross, an officer of the Indian Medical Service, traced this disease to the anopheles mosquito which bred ia swampy areas. In 1901 Dr, Malcolm Watson, District Surgeon of Klang, was given permission by the Federated Malay Stales Government to test Ross's theory. Dr. Watson had the town of Klang thoroughly drained and within two years this very malarious disteit became almost free from the disease, ‘The Federated Malay States Railways decided in 1911 to have a deep-water port on the Klang River to serve Central Malaya. There is no natural harbour on this river and so = port, the present Port Swettenham, was built on a mangrove swarap to the south of the Klang River ‘estuary. Within a few months malaria killed so many people at this port that ships refused to call there. Dr, Watson at once set to work draining the mosquito-breeding swamps and soon the port was saved. ‘These successes proved that malaria could be controlled and large sums of money were spent every year to introduce anti-malarial measures wherever possible. By 1920 malaria was ‘under control in most parts of Malay. Hospitals were built inthe bigger towns, and clinics, dispensaries and infant welfare centres served thousands of people in towns and kampongs everywhere. Malayn’s medical services are about the best in South-East Asia and they have done a great deal to make Malaya one of ‘the healthiest tropical countries in the wari. Next inthe record of progress in Malays came CLEARING OF SLUM AREAS gnd IMPROVEMENT IN Aonicutture. Actvesteps were taken between 1920 and 1940 to teach people to make use othe ‘hospital fecilties, for many were afraid to go toa hospital or seea doctor. They prefered to wse native medicines prescribed by the‘sinse’or the "barao'. Things, however, gradually changed. People learned to lose thei fear ofthe hospital and to realise the benefits ot Western medicine. ‘At the same time people living in slum areas began to see how much healthier it would be to live in clean houses and in non-rowded areas. ‘They were encouraged to move away 80 that the slums could be cleared and new airy buildings put up in thee place, This rerulted in a sendy ‘movement of people from crowded city areas to the suburbs, Ia this way the health of the poptlation improved, the danger of epidemics was reduced and the spread of diseases like tuberculosis checked, Great improvements were made in agricl- ture also. ‘The Departaent of Agriculture taught the farmer better methods of cultivating the sol Itencouraged the growing ofcopraand ‘viexppies. Aysicuiural schools were opened {o supply instructors to help the kampong people. A Drainage and Irigation Department ‘vas started in the Federated Malay States in 1952 to make more land aveilable for eultiva mn, while the Rubber Research Tastitute did all it could to assist Inthe Sruueoe Fpu- ccamon progress was slow but steady. Tt is ‘wiin the last ten years that progress has been rapid indeed. English schools were built by ‘Government in most towns, There were also many English schools run by the Christian Missions like the Brothers’ Schools, the Conveats and the Anglo-Chinese Schools. A ‘Techical College was established in Kuala ‘Lumpur and trade schools were started in diferent parts of the country. ‘The College fof Medicine was opened in 1910 to supply the country with doctors and. dentists, and Rafles College in 1928 t0 give higher educa- tion in the ats and the sclenoes. These two alleges formed the nucleus of the Univemity of Mala which etme into being in 19. Jn the Malay States boys’ and grist Malay schools provided free education forthe children of the Malays who form the majority of the population. ‘The Sultan Tdtis College at Tanjong “Mali produced teachers for these schools. In regard to Tamil schools, by Jaw all atte Bad to provide elementary education in Tamil for the ciléren of the Tamil estat (Chinese education in Malaya was a real problem. Since the earliest days of the Chinese in Malaya, the Chinese had provided their own schools. Most of their teachers were China-horn and their textbooks had a Chinese background. After 1924 the Government assisted these Schools with grants of money. At fist the schools were afraid to acept the grants, thinking that Government would control their schools, but when they found their fears were groundless, ‘more and more schools applied for grants, Government, however, constantly urged all Chinese schools to use textbooks with a Malayan background and to teach their students ‘@ Malayan way of life. In the years after the Japanese War, Government increased the grants to Chinese schools, and now that the Malayan Chinese are becoming part of the Malayan tation i is expected that Chinese education wil gt equal treatnent with English education in Malaya, 5 ee | ‘The past ity years have also seena change in Lasour Coprrioxs anda rise in the SraNanD co Living in Malaya, At frst Tamils were brought from India under the indentured labour system to work on the estates for stated periods under contract, earning a fixed wage but ‘with housing and perhaps food found for tLem by the employer." After their time was com- pleted, the labourers could go back at government expense or remain in Malaya as free Tabourers. Aftec 1910 indentured labour was abolished and Tndian labourers came to Malaya ‘through Kanganies or recruiting agents sent bythe estates for that purpose. As the eonltions of work ia Malaya improved more and more Indians arrived in this country at their own expense, By 1937 more than three-quarters of the labourers from India eame on theit own. The Malayan Labour Code proteced the interests of all workers and sought year by year to sprove their conditions of work und raise tsi standard of living, ‘Chinese labourers came in lasge numbers to Malaya to seck work and when they found gota better pay than the Taal labourers, Tee Chinese prefered to do contract or piece-work? ‘ery few of them liked to work on a monthly basis. The Chinese also supplied the skied and unskilled labour in workshops and factories. ‘They were well able to look after them- elves, a5 they belonged to some guild, Kongsi or associ- ‘After 1900 the standard of | living of the workers rose steadily, though when com- pared with that in Europe land America it was quitelow. Fify or sity years ago there c ‘were few things that the Jabourer could buy for his comfort. Now there are numerous things within his reach: eg, beter food, clothes, shoes, ‘watches, bieycles, amusements (nemas, packs, radios), books, papers, schools Tor his children, ‘maternity clnis for his wife, decent ving quarters for the family, and so.on, ‘Malaya was a peaceful and fairly conterted country when for the second time in a little ‘over twenty years Great Britain and Francs were foree to take up arms against Germany on Sed September 1939, Malaya was not immediately affected by the war. for she was far away {rom the battl-zone. Her function was to produce more rubber and tin to be made into war ‘terial in Britain snd America, After the First World Wer Japan had become & rival ofthe ‘United States of America in the Pacifle Ocean and had built up a powerful Army, Navy and Air Force, However, when war broke out in Europe in 1939 Japan kept out of it. She was ‘busy fighting in China and in strengthening hor infuence in Indo-China an Siam; but every- body knew that one day she would enter the war against Britain and America. So we see that ‘wherees inthe First World War Malaya wes surrounded by ftiendly countries she now faced unknown dangers on her eastern and northern flanks. 56 She Japanese (rvasiip ‘The Second World War began in Burope on 3rd September 1939, By June 1940 Norway, Holland, Belgium, Luxembourg and France were occupied by German troops and Britain was Tet ~~ alone to hold back the mighty forces of Germany. Japan had long desired to & control the rich lands of South-East ‘Asia, and on 8th December 1941 she (3 seized the opportunity to enter the war fon the sie of the Germans, ‘At dawn that_morning. Jepancse planes suddenly attacked the American fect at Pearl Harbcur in the Hawaiian Islands and almost wiped it out. At about the same time bombs were diopped on Singapore and. Manila, and landings were made at Singora aad Patani in Siam and near Kota Bharu in the Malay Peninsula, The Japanese met with fete resistance at Kota Bhar, but with ther naval guns this aircraft and thet supetior numbers they won the day. Meantime Admiral Phillips sailed from Singapore with two warships, the Prince of Wales and the Repulse in a desperate attempt to sink the invasion fect olf Kelantan ‘He know that two warships were not enough but he thought he would approach the enemy undec ‘cover of the cloudy monsoon weather aad do his bost. Unfortunately, « Japanese plane savy his ships steaming towards Kelantan and it flew back to warn the Japarese Meet. Admiral Pillips decided to turn back to Singapore, but his ships were attacked and sunk. ‘Malaya had not much opposition to offer to the Japanese Navy nor to their Ais Foe forthe Dr ivy and Air Force were fully engaged in the West ard no help could be sent tothe East. By 13h Deemer 1941 Japanese wore in Kedah and tad stated Gels tog Push down tomards Singapore an everass Fate of tn les ty On hs igh a 20th and Stat Jeary 982 Beish troops Joe were withdrawn t0 Snape Ian, whieh [7 then Sattred at) the ors et hens Shalig ead bombing. Then under cover of ey fe the Sepanee Torey landed {3 the nortenest comes af Singapore on 8 Fobra. Win thee days Sepncse men td tanks ween Bolt Tan Te an ohig thatthe ender could do thot Sir support and so Sngspore surrendered fo {he enemy on TSth Fobra IE Sh) The Japanese st wp Military Adin SEF tation for Malye, which lated forty ‘ont. ‘The oocpation wats peat had. ‘hp for moet peop, tnt tha ead came when Tapen soesdead in Augan Dts s a Wlalaye afte World War British forces under Lord Louis Mountbatten reoccupied Malays on Sth September 1945 ‘and a British Miltary Administration was sot up to run the country. The Beitsh Military ‘Administration ran the country for seven months until the cv government was eady to take over on Ist April 1946. On that day the pre-war system of having three political units in Malaya was ended. Under the new sysiem the two setlements of Penang and Malacca were ‘combined with the nine Malay States to form the Malayan Union, and Singapore became & separate Crown Colony. Labuan, which before the war Was part ofthe Straits Settlements, Was now joined to British North Borneo, There was one Governor in Singapore and another in ‘the Malayan Union. A Governor-General was appointed to co-ordinate policy in Singapore, ‘the Malayan Union, Sarawak, Brunel and British North Borneo, ‘The sim of the Malayan Union was to unite the whole country under one central government as a first step towards building up a Malayan nation. Indians, Chinese and others who were bborm in the country or who had lived there for a numberof years were to be given citizenship wide equal rights withthe Malays, ‘The Malays, who had always been ina favoured position in the Malay States, were bitterly against the Malayan Union. ‘They feared that the Union would bring about the ead of the ‘Malay States as separate units and reduce the Sultans to mere figureheads. They were also afraid of the competition from the new citizens in government poss hitherto reserved for ‘Malays. A United Malays National Organisa- ton was formed to oppose the Union and before the end of 1946 the British Government author- jsed the Governor-General to. consult. the United Malays National Organisation sbout ‘making a new constitution. ‘The new constitution came into operation on» Ist February 1948, ‘The Malayan Union was abandoned and a Federation of Malaya was set vp in its place. Under the new arrangement the Sultans’ powers were restored and the citizenship rules were tightened up to allow only the right people to become Federal Citizens. Singapore was to con ‘tinue as a seperate Crown Colony. ‘There was to bea Governor for Singapore and a High Commissioner for the Federation of Malaya. The Governor General's post was changed to that of ‘Commissioner (General for South-East Asia’. ‘Malaya is at present divided as follows © The Crovm Colony of Singapore, Christmas Island and the Cocos Islands. ‘The total area is about 300 square miles. Singapore Tsland is Separated from the Federation mainland by about half a mile of water bridged by a eauso- way. (@ The Federation of Malaya which consists of the ‘Malay States of Perak, Selangor, Negri Sembi= Jan, Pahang, Johore, Kedah, Peis, Kelantan, ‘Trengganu and the settlements of Penang (including Provinoe Wellesley) and Malacca. ‘The total area is about 50,000 square miles, of which nearly four-ifths is jungle land, 8 QUESTIONS AND EXERCISES ‘THE CAVE-DWELLERS 1. When did the cave-dvetles lve in Malaya? / 2 Why do we call tiem cayedwaie? 43. Tn-what pat of Malaya did they ive? 44 What were thei tools ad weapons made of?) 53 Name some of the tools and weapon they used. 6 How did the cavedwelers get re” Did hese ancient people grow fod or keep domestic animals? ‘What was the reason for hi? On what id they lve? ‘Why did they have no time to think out ways of improving thee living conditions? Pratieal work: (@) Visit a museum to se the eis ofthe cave-dweles for yousevet. (@) Draw an outline map of Malaya and fil inthe pacts whete the cave-dwellers lived, (© Copy the pictures on Page {io your note book. (@ Wate a short composition on A day in the Iie of «caveraa’s son". [NOTE thatthe eave-dwellers were not the ancestors of the Malays we know today. 7 & 5 0. ‘THE POTTERS When did the potters ive in Malaya? Where did they have their vilages! 3: Why do we eal these people pots? id! hey lead a beter fe tan the cave dwellers? 5. What were thes houses lke? Did they Know how to use metal? What were thei clothes made of? Hw did thoy overcome thet food problems? ‘What food did they grow? ‘Name some animals thst they had in thee villages ‘Were they fishermen and hunter 90? 9: What weapon did they generally ase fo hunt wit animals? ‘Were the potters good crasmea? What artiles did they ake? ‘Why di they hav the Ieisure to make these Sine article, to carve decorations on the woodwork ‘oftheir hows and go on? Practical work: (@) Visita museum tose the rei ofthe potters, (©) Copy the pitures on Page 2 into your note book (6) Draw an outline map of Malaya and fil inthe sts where the potters lived. (@The caverdvellers and potter lived in prebistorte umes; ais, the period for which xo “written records exist. How thea do we Know about the ife of theo poople? Find out who “archaeologists ace and what work they have done in Mla, (e Deseribe in what ways the puters were more advanced than the cave-dweles, [NOTE thet the potters were not the ancestors of the modera Malays. ‘THE ASORIGINES OF MALAYA. 1, Name the three main type of Abosgines living in Malaya. ‘Tom Neonsres: 2. Describe the Negros, 3, How many of them are there fo Malays? » - ‘Where do they ive? Why do we ell the more backward Negrtosfood-gatherers and hunters? How doa) the men, and () the women, help in geting food for the emily? What i het favourite weapon? The Negi food gatherers and hunters usually wander abou in the jangle in groups. How big, ace these grospa usualy? 9, Desrbe the camp inthe jungle, 10. How long do they remain in ope place? 11, Why do they move to another place so soon? 12, How do the Negstos catch si? 13, What do the yey backward Negitos wear? 14, What do the Negsios living near Enmpongs wear? 15, What js the selon of tho Negstos! 16, What language do they speak? Practical work: (@ Visit a maseum to look atthe setion on the Neonr0s or Matai. (6) Copy some of the pictures into your notebook. (0 Draw an outline map of Malaya and show where the Negrits ere found, 18, How many of them are there in Maleya? 18. Whees do they ive 20, Describe the Sen dwellings. 21. What a liane? 22. Do the Senci know how to cultivate the land and rear domestic animals) 25, Complete th fllowing sentences 5. The Senoi grow. fn their ladang, ii They rene, The forests end steams supply them with much of their food. They gather _ ‘and hunt - iv, Ther hie Wea mn om 24, For what purposes do the Seno use the ipo" and ‘tubs’ poisons? 235, The forests supply the Senoi with many Useful things besides food. Name some of these things sod tel wha use the Seno make of them. 26, What clothes do the Seaoi wear? 27. What i der religion? 28. What language do they speak? Proctcal wok: (@) Visit auseum to look at the section on the Senor oF MALAYA. (©) Copy sce ofthe pictures into your nate-book. (© Draw en outline map of Malye and show where the Senci five NOTE: No one is certain when the Malayan Aborigines came to Malay. It i generally ‘believed thatthe Senol came to this country afier the Negrtos but before the east clot. The popslar opinion i tht the Senoi are Linked withthe Vedda of Ceylon, the ‘Toals of Cesbes, the Bataks of Sumatra, tke Dyaks of Boras and some hillcibes of Indo-China, Thete isa theory that thee Isolated groups may te the remnants of un anceat people whove teritory extended ftom Tadia and Ceylon through Malaysia to Australi ‘We cat this ancient type of people Tndo-Austaloi’, ‘Tm Avomionsst: MALAvs: 29, Where do the Aboriginal Malays lve? 430. How maay of them are therein Malaya? 31, How do the Orang Darat get thir food? o {32 What do the Orang Laut do for thei ving? 33, Who are the Orang Sekt, the Orang Kallang and the Kon Seleta? ‘34 What isthe veligion of the Aboriginal Malays? 435, What language do they speak? Practical werk: (c) Visita museum to look atthe section on the ABORIGINAL MALAYS OF MALAYA. (6) Copy some ofthe petres into your nowe-book. (6) Draw an ouline map of Malaya and show where tbe Aboriginal Malays ive {@ Draw an oulline map of Malaya and show the distribution of the thre main types of Malayan “Aborigines. (© Copy the following nto your note-book and fl inthe missing words Deseripion Malays call them They le in ze emall Negro-like people, with = ound fies, fat noses, thick lips, Sark chocolatebrows skins and crinkly hai, fare phy ter, stim, wavy-alred,. brown-akioed people. ‘bodies; they look like Malays. (The children of the Negstos, te Seno, and the Aboriginal Malays generally do not lead the stme type of We Explain rome ofthe ways in which thei Hvesdifer from one enothr, LANGKASUKA, Whee did the Indians begin to arsive in Malays? | Why did they come to Malaya? 53. Whereis the Merbok River! 4, How did the settiement inthe River Merbok area grow into w ct kingdom? 5, When was this ciy-kingdom founded? 6 What was the name ofthis kingdom? 7 « ‘What cid the Indien traders el and what dd they bay? How did the people of Langkasuka become rich? 9, What was the religion of Langkasuka? 10, Why did Chinese pilgrims come to Lanekasuka? {L, What contacts did Langkavuka have withthe Emperors of Choa? 12; Describe the clothes ofthe people of Langkasula, 13, How di the King wave about? Practical work: () Vist & moseoms to look at the section on ANCIENT INDIAN CoLTURE IN MALAYA AXD SounEAsT ASIA (@) Copy some ofthe pictars into your notebook. (© Draw the map on Page 7 and sty it carefully. ‘OTHER KINGDOMS 1, How id ite maiats o ting ans grow up Here an see slong he cont of Ma 2. Name some Indian-type kingdoms in the Malay Peninsula and Indo-China, a 5 hes nate Sa Wye Klnpsom ound? 4 How tong di ita 5 Wasewetets ere & Where cpt 1 Wadi he l o S4 Way eto he Bop of Chiat Wht thy rete a rs a & Why did Chinese Buddhists visit Palembang? 9, Who was Yi Teng? 10, When was the eapial of Soi Vijaya removed from Palembang to Melayu? LL, Whoee is this town of Melayu? 2 What was the new name ofthe Soi Viaye Kingdon” 13, Who brought about the downfall othe Melayu Kingdom? How did they doit 14 When did the Melayu Kingdom fnlly end? 15) What did the rulers ofthe kingdom do? Protea work: {@) Visit» muscum to look atthe sein on the Bovanize KisoDows oF SOUMI-EAST A. {8) Draw the maps on Popes 8.and 9 and study then euel {6 Copy some af he pices into your noteook, ‘Oa a outline map of South Hast As, lin the following from memory: {O Langiasula, Pa Pas, Fonte, Chup, Chen La, G@ Sa Vinya, Wong Thad, Peombang, Mey, Majapeht, Tunasek, Putas, Cambodia, ‘Indian were the st foreigners to come to Hive inthe Milay Archipelago. Many of cheir words (© vce he May inpups ed rsa we a ayes adeno, Mond ese ‘words came from Sanskrit, Tamil and Hindastan. From Sanshit asa (hope); bodob (Colish; cinta (ove, care); sgak crow); exh clephant); gina (of we); hasty); arg (price); ala (net); kapes (cotton; kasturi (us; lawang, (Glove); pands (se); pala (nutes); peti (box); rapa (appearance) ‘From Tani: auta (laf); cherutu (ga): gudang (godows); kappal (host); kal (bo); eda (Shop); Ketumbar (oriandes); Kolam (pond); Kuli (abourer); tnd (verses). From Hindustani: appa (eather sandals); dobi (washerman); Kabis (cabbage); Korma (aca in rch gravy); perata (Indian bread of flour and ghee); rot (bread); tambur (sum); tot (ecevenge!). Collet as many ofthese words as you can and add to the above lst. (f) Find out in what dierent ways the coming ofthe Indians to the Malay Archipelago belped to improve the life of the native people. EARLY CHINESE INFLUENCE IN SOUTH-EAST ASIA. 1, Deseibe the ancient land outes that ren from Chins to Europe. 2 Deserbe the long sea-roue from China tothe Mediterranean Sea. 5, Did the Chinese readily take tothe sea in those days? 4 1, What did the Chinese Emperors send to the kings of these vassal kingdoms? , 12, Were there any permanent Chinese settlements inthe Malay Archipelago in the carly centuries? 13, When did the Chinese traders come to live in Sumatra, Borneo and Java 14, When does the story ofthe Chinese in Malaya beg? Practical work: {@ Copy into your note-book the map showing the ancient trade-xoutes between Asia and Europe. (6) Ga aa outline map of Asa, draw Ga diferent colours) the routes akon by Fa Hsien and Yi i (© lnazine you were walking slong a street in Palembang inthe year 4, 671 and you met Yi ‘Tsing, the Chinese pilgrim. Deseribe che conversation you had with hits, o ORANG MELAYU 1, When did the Mays fr got the nae “Orang Melayu"? How did they set it In what parts Of Asin do aople of Malay stock live? Whats thir ota poplition today? ‘What the present ameof the sty of Melayu? Practical work: (@ Daan outine map of South-East Ai and show th counts were pop of Malay tock mainly ve (©) Find out the local nanes for the illrent types of Malay people living in South-East Asia —— ‘6g. Bugis, Tbas, Bafarese, Sundance, (©) Fiad ou: how igs woups of people of Malay descent came to lve outside the Malay lands, chiey in South Afie, Ceylon, HaWal she United States of America, Brain and Dutch Guan, NOTE: No one knows whee the caret Malye ray came fom, but inst peopl hak that ther enesors td ther orginal home in Sonthxt Chios paca a onan. rom tls cote te peed sothward to indo-Chig, the Malay Peau sad the sends te Malay Arhpiago inca the Philpine ands. "This move tok lace between “Sow octet capo fom th stint Malay Kingdom ori moe counts, owe ame om te set Mays of Suna You wi ce how hs happened a ou ead on PARAMESWARA, i vas Parameswara? did the Majapahit warriors drive kim out of Sumatra? did Parameswara fee? ‘To whiom did Singapore telong at that time? yaa the Governor of Singapore whea Parameswara landed onthe island? at apres ths Gra? Paramesvare rule in Singapore? {How didhis peo? What happened when nevs arcved that a strong Siamese fleet was coming to Singapore? 10; Where did Parameswara and his poopl settle next! 11, How did they vein thirnew seulement? 12, Si elt some Oren Lat brought hi sews ofa Sa se fora ew permanent etme. Where was i 13, Who wa living atthe village at this time? Ta, What did Parameswara do about the new site? 15, Whea was Malacea founded? 16, How did Malacca get its mae? Give two explanations, 17, Which probably is the tras story? Practica work: @ Copy some of the pictures into your note-book. (©) Parameswara was a wicked mann Singapore ~an assassin and pirat captain — but he became ‘good and wise ruler in Malacca. Find out the reavons for ths greet change in his Lie- Hee if ‘THE KINGDOM OF MALACCA (1403-1511) 1, What did Malaca look Hike in the early days of Parameswarn's re? 2 What was the popalation ten yeas late? 3. What tribute did Malaea pay to Siam? Why did Matacea have to accept Sama as is overlord? 4, Who was Yin Ching and what di be want of Parameswars? ‘5: Why did Parameswara with to become a rasal ofthe Emperor of Chins? {6 What did the Chinese Emperor send htm in 1405? 6 1, How did Paramesvara become 4 king and his land a kingdom? 8, Why did eaders from all pars of Asia come to Malacca? 9, What were the mila goods bought and soldat Malacca? 10, Whea did Malgoe fee bers from Sia? 11, How di the Sultans of Melacce extend their empire over the Malay Peninsula? And over the river States of Bast Sumatra? 12, How did Islam come to Malacca? 13, What was Paramesware's religion? 14, Whea wat the yal family completely converted to Islam? 15. What wat tho rsul: of this conversion? 16, When wa the Malicea Kingdom a the eight of ts power aod glorft Practical work: (@ Visita mascum to see what you can of the semaing ofthe period of the Malacca Sultanate (1403151), e@. the tombstones of some of the Sultans and the wring on them. (@) Copy some of the pictures into your notebook. (@ Draw the mapson Pages 13 and 14 and study them carefully. (G) Leaen to lin all the nase of places meationed inthe lesion, and pay special attention to the maps showing the extent of the Kingdom of Malacca andthe imporance of Malacca City fas. centre of the Easter trade inthe I5th eotury. (6 One fly lrg ouline map of Malays e2d Sumatra show dhe extent ofthe Malacca Empire ‘nd filin the folowing names and paces: Malacca, Patani, Kedah, Trengganu, Perak, Pahsng, Jobore, Bintang, Rho, Lngga, Roksn, Sisk, Kamar, Indra. (D Copy this into your note-book, fling i the banks yours tthe begining ofthe 16th century Malacca was fry, the capital of a grat... secondly, it was the chief contre of in Tegan = Chinese ann a and’ Malaysian thirdly was oe eadgaarters of Sc missonary activity in te (@) You have been piven the wonderful opportunity of visting Malacca in 4.0. 1500, Describe the city, ie people the sipe inthe hacbour and anything elee you care to mention. ALFONSO D’ALBUQUERQUE |. When and where was Alfonso éAlbuguerque bor? What was irs We sete of Bue a thse days to go to new Ids aoe the unknown 3. Why were they expecially Keen on going to the Eas "How did some Fast goods tickle into Burope? ‘What city in Europe was the centre ofthe Batten cade? Why were the profi o high in spices, alk and other Eastern goods? . Why were the Portuese una to jin inthis profitable trade? 3: What did they desis to do sbou 9. Who blocked the overland route to Eastern Asa? 3. How then could the Portuguese hope to reach the East? Hoy far did Bartholomew Diaz suceed in nding 2 sa-rouo to Tada? ‘When wa the sea-out at ist found? And by whoa? ‘Why di the Portugese waat to win contol ofthe Indian Oooas? . When waste fist Portoguee fort bull ia Indi, and where was i built? ‘By whit year did the Portuese manage to win mastery of the Indian Ocean? 5: Which ety deplacel Venice as the chit market in Europe for Asian goode? Where were the Petuguese now ready to go in otder to obtain control of the trade in spices and other Eaten goods? 18, Who was appotated Governor and Captan-Generl of Portuguese possessions in Asia in 1509? 18, Where were his headquarter? 20. Where id he remove his headquarters in 1510? 64 Practical work: (@) Copy some ofthe pictures into your note-book, (0) The famous Venetia traveller Marco Polo (1252-1324 lve fifteen yeas in Cathay (China) and vised many pars of Asa including Champa, Ligor (Soath Sim), Bintang and Perla ‘Aehit). He arote book (The Wonders and Mare of the World), and init e described the {iabulous things ho saw in Cethay and the East. Geta book on Maco Polo's travels and read i You wil enjoy i (6 Draw the map on Page 15 and stady the routes taken by Bartholomew Diaz and Vasco da Gama, (4 Find out wy the Portuguese were unable (o bull fort at Calicut though it was the it place ‘they reached in Tn DE SEQUEIRA'S FLEET ARRIVES IN MALACCA (1509) 1, When di the rst European sips arive in Malacca? 2. Why did they come? 53 What did the Malays do when the Portuguese landed? 4 How were the Poraguese treated by the Bendahara etfs? ‘5 What did the Arab and Indian Muslims tll the Bendahara about the Portuguese? {6 How did tho Bendahara and his men plan to capture the Portuguese and thet ships? 7. How were the Portuguese saved? & What happened to Captain de Aranjo and his men who were buying cargo on shore? 91 What did Admiral de Sequera do then? 10, How éid Alfonso d’ATbuquerque take the bad news? 11, What was occupying him st chat time? 12, What did he do by May 15117 Practical work: (@ Get road map of Malacca and look for Sequeira Road, Teteea Road and D’Aranjo Road. ‘You wil find them inthe Portaguete Setement. Draw a plan f the area showing thess roads; then add the following notes! Sequeira Road is in memory of Admiral do Sequeira whose ships were the fist European ‘hips to come to Malaya (st August 1508), Tetzera Road reminds vs ofthe offer, Captain Tescze, who was sent ashore by Admiral ‘de Seaeira to deliver presents nd eter to th Saltan orto the Bendahara, _D’Aranjo Road: a.1509 the Malays seaed an office, Ruy de Aranjo, and some twenty woarmed ‘Portuguese who wre on shore buying cargo. They were cased When the ety Was aboot (0 ‘beattacked bythe Portuguese a 111, After the capture of Malacca, «°ATbuquerque appointed de Aranjo Factor and Oversee ofthe fortress with power to decide disputes between local beadmen. © Copy some ofthe pictures into your not-book. D'ALBUQUERQUE CAPTURES MALACCA (1511) 1. When did d'ATbuquetau's fleet enter Malaoce Harbour? 2, How many ships sad mon did he eve? What did d'ATbaquerqus demand ofthe Sultan? Why di che Sultan make excuses and delays? How strong wero the defences of Malacca? ‘What did the Portuguese do to te Muslim bouts inthe harbour? Why dia’t they touch the Chinese and Hindu boats that were allo there? ‘Were the prisoners finally released? Dia this satis Albuquerque? What did he then do? |. What was his plan of attack? 6s 12, When did the fst auack begin? 13, Why was ita falure? 14, When did the second attack tke pcs? 15, What part did a tall Chinese junk pay inthis attack? 1S. What was the relt ofthis tooad battle fo Males? 17, What did the Petipuere gunner do throughout the night of 10 August 15117 What happenedto the ely next morning? Where di the pple of Malacca go? Where did Satan Mahrsud and his faily est Proctical work: (@) Show D’Albaguergue Road on your plan of the Portuguese Setlemeat'in Mslacea and add this ote DAlbupuerque Road, is named after the famous Adnital AMonso d'Albuqvecque who eap- tured Malacsa from the Malay Sultan on 1h August 151 (8) Copy some cf the pictures into your notebook. (9 The name of Albuquerque's Bagship was Flor de la Mar, Look for it on Page 16, It sen loading supplies at Cochin. ‘THE PORTUGUESE IN MALACCA (1511-1641) ‘When did the people who had run away during the battle of Malacca return to their homes? a: What labour and materials did the Portuguese use to alld tei fortress? When was the new enlarged fortress bull? I, What buildings were erected within the walls of this fortes How did d'Albuuerque restore order and trade inthe ity? ‘Who wat the fir man to sil round the worl? What conaetion di he bave with Malo? Why did «Albuquerque issue anew coinage? 9. How was mest of te trading formerly dove? ‘Was thee a May coinage in existence under the Malay Sultans? | What were the new Portuguese coins made of? Describe how the frst sus ofthe new coins was made. . What arrangements did d'Albuqueeque mao to run the city of Malacca before be left for Goa? 1 When di d'Albaqueraue sail away? 1S, What pits dd be take with him forthe King and Queen of Portugal? 16 What happened this ships? 17. How loog di us Portuguese rulein Malas? 18, What did the five Sultan of Malacca and his descendants do when they knew that the Port guese would not go evay from Malacca? 19, What was the exeat ofthe Johore-Rhio Empire? 20, Did thas Sulrs try to take Malacea back by force? 21, Were they suceeful? 22) Who were the Ackinese? 2 26 Why did the Actineteatack Malacce eeverl times during the Portuguese period? ‘Way didn't Acheh and Jobore-Rhio eo-operatein an all-out Maslimeffot to dr ‘oat of Males! 25, Name the chit tase ofthe Portugues in those days (a) in Asn, (2 n South-East As 26, Nam some Porigucie trading station i South-Fast Aa in the 16th and 170s centuries, 27, Name the Portuguese fried stations in South-East Asia during the same pesiod. 28, What was thes dae forthe Ching trade? 28! Why were the Portuguess uble o Keep up so many stations a Gat? 430, Why were the Portuguese unable to stop the Eaglsh and the Dutch ftom coming to the Fast? 31, What new religion did the Portuguese bring to Asi? ‘32! In what countsie did tele mislonarie each the ew Pith? 438, Who was the mest famous tionary ofthat time! 34, Why ise famous in Malaya? 35, When did fit come to Malacea? the Portogucse 66 136, When and where did he diet 37. Who was Manuel Goditho de Eredia? 38, What was the population of Malacca about 16132 3. Are there any descendant of the Portugdee in Malaye today? 2. Wikre do they fine? |. Do they stil speck Portugues? What names do they usualy have? 48. Nape sone Maty nods which ave en rowed from the Portage sn ie hi ening Practical work: (@) Show Eredia Road on your plan ofthe Portuguese Setlement in Malacca, and a this note: ‘Eredla Road is named after Manvel Godino de Fredia who publihed «history of Malacca ‘in 1613. Eredia was bora in Malacca in 1363 and was student of St, Paul's College, founded by Sc Francs Xavier (8) Copy some ofthe pictures Into your note-book. (© Collet pictures of historical places and remains referring tothe Portuguese in Malaya, (@) Visit «museum fo look atthe section on the PORTUGUESE IN MALAYA. (@) Draw the maps on Pages 19, 20 and 22 and study them carefully. () Many Malay words have boon formed from the Portoguee language, Make a collection of fs maoy of these words st you can (e) Ci Cross: When Admiral de Sequeira came to Malacca in 1509 he had no opportunity to pu up a padrao or stone pila normally used to mack Portuguese discoveries, A ton cross ‘was se up in a rockin the sea after Malacca was captured in 151 Find the postion ofthe City Cross on a modern map of Malace. (0) A gand pageant was held in Malacca in 1952 to elebrate the 400th anniversary of St, Francis Xavier's acrival in that ety. Collect pctores of this pageant (© Make a list of the changes thatthe Portuguese brought about in the ife ofthe people of ‘Malice in the 16th cent. VOYAGES OF DISCOVERY 1, How fr id Bartholomew Dias each down the west cout of Africa? 2. Who found the sex-route tothe Fast? 3. Waean did Christopher Columbus rch America? ‘4 Wao was the frst man to sll ound the word? '5 Waen did make thie wage! {When did Job Cabot reach Newfoundland? 7, Who sas the ist Englishman to sll round the world? , When did he make thie woyege? 19, What wat the importense of his round-the-world voyage? 10, What was his zoute? Practical work: (@ Draw three outline maps of the world and show on one map the routes followed by Bartholo- mew Diaz and Vasco da Gama, on another the routes fllowed by Columbus and Magelio, And oa the thied those of John Cabot and Francis Drake, (Try and see if you can get a picture ofthe Victoriz, the frst ship to go round the world, CORNELIS DE HOUTMAN'S VOYAGE TO JAVA (1596) 1, Who were Portugal's chief buyer of spies and other Eastern goods? 2. Where did they astibue the goods? 3: How did the union of Portugal and Spein under Philip II in 1580 afet the Dutch? 4 What did the Dutch folly deide to do? ‘5. Who was Cornelis de Houtinan and how did e come int the picture? ‘When di the frst Dutch fet arive at Bantam? . How di the local offcas teat the Dutch vsttors? 0 aL. BESHSSSRSRRRES sess |. What di the Portuguese Viceroy in Goa do when he heard of de Houtmat ‘What did the local traders do? Where did de Houtman go fom Bantam? ‘What happened to his feet north of Surabaya? ‘What ote paces did he visit in Java “ow long di the ep fom Holland to Java and back take? “How many men went onthe voyage and how many retamed? ‘What ad happened to the reat? 5. Was the voyage a commercial sucess? What prof did the Dutch merchants make? ‘What did they lara from this voyage? Practical work: (@ Copy the picture on Page 24 into your note-book. (@) Draw the map showing de Houtmas route to Java end study it enrfuly. ‘THE UNITED DUTCH EAST INDIA COMPANY (1602) ist to Java Under what strict orders id de Brito sil fom Goa? ‘What was his ole uty? ‘Where was de Hoviman's feet when de Brito reached Bantam? ‘What id de Brito then do? ‘Was he acting according to orders? 7 Hoy did the Javanese answer ix? ‘What ruined Portuguese prestige forever in the eyes ofthe natives? >. What was de Brito’ next move? What did the Dutch merchants organise after de Houtman's return? | How many ship dd these merchants sond tothe East Tadies between 1596 and 1601? ‘Whore did the Datch open tbe fit trading stations? ‘What did the Portuguese in Goa snd Malacca do to stop the Datch from coming to the East ae a they tt Wy id he ndoesin rks ncourge he Dutch hp to come to thes Why ade Dt od i nyt compete wih he Portas! Wins war the Und uch Pax ida Company formed ‘What ads he toh niet oem ‘What was icp ‘What pore the Dutch Goreme soto he Company? ‘What Raped to th ols Dutch ston the Ea Tne? ‘What wa he Companys fst etal pesos the Maly Arcipagot ‘When at capes? ‘har dite Buc it ke an tomo io conse Macs? Who bpd ie Datchin he shack gaa Poupte Masse? hyd ty dot Wu dhe combina Dutch Maly aac cet For hoy anny es mere ide Fergus held Mal? ‘Wat the Due plan od about the Mola lnt . Who ws appoltedi 60 to tring ts sou ‘hoe wen hs extgurieret What be manapeto do in fiw sea? re Femat end Teo pr of the Moluccas ads ‘Gast wes noc rede and Terma or many yas? ‘Wine the Spas fom he Flips Goo sop te Dt fom ling Taos ad Tera tocar het cont? Why col thy snd? Whos wat Ra founded? Wart ori Maley oat Who sth ouner of Bui? 40. Why was the capital ofthe Dutch East Indies removed from Amboyna to Bata? 41, Did Batavia flourish? 42. Which port was its only va? 43. What star Gi the Dutch cootol from Batavia? “44, What Were the Dutch planaing to do bout Malacca? Practical work: (0) Copy some of the pictures into your note-book. (@) Draw map showing the earliest trading stations of the Dutch. (@) Find ou the presen name of Batavia and oven the new nate was given (@ Visit « museum to se what you caa of the pictures and writings on the Duca mx Sours- East AMA. THE DUTCH CAPTURE MALACCA FROM THE PORTUGUESE (1641) |. Who was Antonio van Diemea? ‘Whe was appointed leader of the Dutch forces attacking Malacca in 1640? ‘When gid the Dutch fet leave Batavia? ‘What was the Dutch plan fo capture Malacca? . Wha was to blockade Malacca by sex? ‘What daties were gvea tothe Johore Malays who came to help the Dutch? ‘Wher di the Dutch ect arrive in Malacsa? . When and where were the fist landings made? ‘What asthe strength ofthe Dutch troops on () Sth September 1640 and (2) Sth December 1640? What ha redaced the forse ro srt ‘What were the conditions in the ety uct? ‘When did the final Dutch attack on te forzees begin? ‘What was th original strength of the Portuguese frees in the fortress? How many of them were thereto stop the Dutch on Ith January 1681? ‘When di the forces fall into Detch hands? How long had the sage lata? Practica work: (@ Study the map on Page 27 carefully and Jook for St. Domingo’ Bastion, Christ Church, Stadt House, Santiago Gate (also known as Dutch Gate), and City Cross, (© Compare the map on Page 22 wit the one on Page 27 and see what changes took place during all thes yee. (@ Find out rougly from the map on Page 27 the area of the Portuguese fortress, (@magine you were in Malacea daring the siege ofthe cc bythe Dutch. Write a short account of what happened there between June 1640 and 14th January 1641. en ee MALACCA BECOMES A PROVINCE OF BATAVIA (I64I-1795) 1. What was the Dutch Company's chit aim in capturing Malacca? 2. Why did the Dutch want to kl the trade of slsca?™ 2 What happened to the trade of Malacca between 1619 and 1640? ‘4 What posit was there that some day Malacca might again become a sval to Batavia? ‘5. What was the only way to prevent this fom happening? 6 i which wo ways had Malas to serve Batvin afer 1641? 7, Did the Dots ake much interetin thie lly, the Johore Rhio Kingdon? What happened tothe kingdom by 1800 5. Which i Malaya's oldest Protestant church? 10, When was it bait? LU How olds it now? 12, Whats the oldest existing Datch building inthe Far East? 13, Whats the meaning of ‘Stadt House’ (Stadthuys)? 14, When was i bait? 15, Whats the building wed for today? o Practical work: (@ Copy the map on Page 28 and stody it carefilly. Compare the territories under Dutch control jn 730 withthe Dutch Company’ cary ding stations (map on Pass 29. (@) Ifyou have an opportunity to g0 to Ma ita point to vs the histor places in the are, (6) Geta road map of Malacea and make a ist of street end place names a follows: Malay names | iv, Portuguese names Indian names ¥. Dutch names 5H Chinese names Mi English names ‘Those names remind us of Malaost’s long and colourful history. (@ Vin the museum and library 10 see pictures and objects refering to the Dureu Peuoo MALAYA. ‘THE ENGLISH EAST INDIA COMPANY (1600) 4. Two events took place in 1580 which brought dsastee to Portugal and her Empire inthe East. ‘What were they? 2, From whom did the English buy spices in the 16th Century? ‘3. Who was the is Englishman to reach the Spice Isiandst 4 When was tat? ‘5. Whoa the next Engishman to sil round the world and bring back more information of distant seas? , When did his voyage take place? 7. Deserbe the route he took. 8, Who was Ralph Fitch? 9, How long di he ive inthe Bast? 10, When did be come to Malacca and how long did he stay ther? LL! What did he do wile he was n Malacen? 12; What vn the value of the travels of Ralph Fitch to the merchants in England? When was James Lancaster’ itl et of three ships sent out Asia? What bappened to two of th ships during to voyage? . When did James Lancaster reach Penang? What dd he do with the ick men on board? |. How many of his men were buried in Penang? 5. What was Lancaster's purpose in sling in Malayan waters? 9. Who Beld Malacca at this tie? 201 When did Lancaster ge back to England? 21, What di the London merchants think of his raiding methods? 22! How did they think they could win the trade of the East? 23, What dd tey do about it? 28, Whea was the Engish East India Company formes? 25, When was the Set trading fest seat out? 26, Wao vas its leader? 27. How did the English get permission to trade in Achin? 28, What was the next spice por thatthe leet vised? 23, Was Lancaster given permission to trade there? 430. What was te total cargo of pepper collected on this st expedition? 31, Way were some English Ageot let behind at Bantam? 4321 Were other trading Nees set tothe Eas? 33, How did the Dutch take the coming of te English to the Eas Indies? 134 Why were they friendly? 435, Why dida' ths fendly attude continue after 160s? 36, When did the Dutch and Spanish end ther war? ‘37, What did the Dutch claim after this? ‘38 What action did they take against the English? 439, Why wasn't tho English East India Company able to fght back? 40. In what parts of South-East Asa did the English have their trading agents by 16137 0 4, What did the Company finally decide to do when the Dutch gave the Bogish traders too much trouble? ‘What happened at Amboyna in 1623? 3. What was the effect of this event on the Eas eda Company? ‘Wea did the Company appear again on the Nalayan scene? 5: Did Bngishmen come to the spice ports aller the withdrawal of the English Far adia Company from the Malay Archipelago? Who were they? Proctcal work: (2) Copy some ofthe drawings into your not-book, (@ Draw an outline map of South-East Asia and show the early Bogs stations at Bantam, ‘Macassar, Sukadane, Banjormasin, Achin, Patani and AYuthi (6 Nine Japanese and one Portuguese were ako tortured at Amboyna in 1623, Find ot the fll sory about thi incident. Find out also way the King of England di not iake strong action ‘against Holland over this massacre. (@) You have just returned from a holiday in Amboyes. Daring your slay there you learned something Interesting about the massacre which had taken plage in thet town in 1623, Tell your clas all about i. anes ‘THE KINGDOM OF JOHORE-RHIO 1, When was the Johore-Rhio Kingdom founded? 2. Who founded ie? 53. What territories did it include? ‘4 What pars of Malaya were under the control ofthe Europeans? ‘5; What mere the chief defects of the rulers of th Johore-Rlo Kingom? 6 Name three important capitals that the Kingdom had. 7. When did the Achinese begin to raid parts of he Malay Peninsula? What was hele purpose? ‘9, When did the Bugis appear on the Malayan sene? 10, Who were they! 11, Where were their man setemeats in Malaya? 12, Why di tol chits usually marry ito the Yes! noble fmios? 13, Did the Dutch in Malacca interfere with che Bugis at fst? 18, When did they begin to take seps against them? 18, What happened to Rhio in 1784? 16, Why dd the Dutch make the Jobore-Rhio Kingdom a vassal of Holland? 17, What di the litle States ow know ae Negn Sembilan do in 17737 18, Where are the Negri Sembilan Malays orgialy fom? 19, Who ruled in Pahang, Treaggans and Johore while the Sullan of the Joore-Rhio Kingdom lived in Rhio? 20, Waat did these mea do asthe years went by? 21; What tertories were finely lef tothe Sula? 22: On what grounds did the Dutch protest against the foundation of Singupore by Sic Stamford Rafe in 18192 23, How was the dilicly solves? D4. What were the terms of the Anglo-Dutch Treaty of 18242 25, What was left of the Johore-Rio Kingdom ater 18247 retical work (6) Copy the drawings into your note-book. (@) Draw the maps on Pages 32 and 33 and sy them carefully (© Vist the museum and libcary wo see what you can of the pictures, relics, monuments and ‘Books refering tothe Jonons-Riuo Exes, (@ Visit historia places in your district. au ‘THE FOUNDATION OF PENANG (1786) 1. When did the Past india Company start a small station at Bencoolen? 2 Why could it not hope to bosome a great suscess? 3, What was te condition of the Company i India by 17632 4. Who eld the cowsmand of the Tol Quen a i ae? 5; Did the Company carry on trade with Caine during the I6t century? 6 Which Chinese part id the Company's ships usually go to? 1 What did the Company buy from Chia? ‘8. Why was the Company anxious oextablsh a tation in the Straits of Malaca? 9, Who was Captain Francis Ligh? 10, What was he doing in the Strits of Malacca? 11, Which plies did he think would be sulablefor the Company to bull a satoa? 12, Which place di he ally decide upon? 13, On what terms was the Sutan of Kedah prepared to give permission forthe Company to stat 8 station on his tertory? ¢. Why didn't the Company acept the ofler? 1S, Did Captain Francis Light give up the Wea cfa station in Kedah? 16, What did he arrange with the Sultan of Kedah in 1785? 17, What did the Company desde to do this tne? . Who was appointed Superintendent ofthe stlement? 18, When did Light take formal postession of Penang Island? 20, Where was the Supreme Goverameat tat cantroled Penang in ts early aye? |. What was the population of Penang when Light ook it over? 22; How did Captain Light encourage his workmen to cleat the jungle? 23, Many people soon came to liven Penang. Where did they mostly come fom? 24, What atwacted Chine snd Tadian merchan’s to Penang? 25, What isa ee port? 26, Was there any fre port under the Mslay Sultans, the Portuguese or the Dut? 27, What is meant by “monopoly of tade"! 28, What was te population of Penang (a) in 1785, 2) in 1804? 29! Name the three lnpst racial groups in early Penang, inthe order oftheir population figures, 30. Name the smaller racial groups that also lived in ealy Peasng. 51: What were the terms of the new treaty between the Company end the Sultan of Kedah signed in rst 32. Under what terms was Provine Welesy ade to Penang? 33, When did this take plaet 34. When people spoke of dolla’ in those days what dollars di they meas? 835, How mush was a Spanish dollar worth in ou money? Practical work: (@) Copy some of the pictures ato your notebook. (@) Draw the map on Page 34 and study the postion of Ach, Kedah and Juak Ceylon. Fiod ‘out why the Company was anxious to secure a good harbour somewhere along the west cosst of Malaya. You wil id the answer to tat i you Took ato the working ofthe monsoons and {heir effect on sips of sal. (@ Note that Junk Ceylon is Known as Ujong Sslang in Malay and Puket in Slameee (@ Vist the mussum nd Ibary to study fe pes, mapa, dovuments, monuneats, et, of iRLY PONANG, (© The China trade was a one-sided afore: fst. The European merchants bought large quar- ties of tea, sill, porcelain and shubarb and sold but ltl. Infect they had great dificlty in finding someting or which there was.a demand in China. How then did they pay forthe pods they bought from the Chinese? Why were the people England aginst sending “ballon” out of the country? About 1770 the Compaay found a way to pay for its purr chases at Canton without parting with tulion’, Whit was i? (A The Sutan of Kedah was anxious fo make the giving of military aatatance to him by the East India Company one ofthe conditions of granting Penang 0 the Company, ‘Ths condition was not acepted by the Company, and ia 1791 ce Sulla ted to take Penang back by force “He was defeated by Capita Ligh’smen. treaty wn signed on Ist May 1791, agreable n to both partes, Find out if the clzuse on mltary assistance wich the Sultan desired 0 ‘uch wat included fa this ety, (@) In what ways do you thnk could the Sultan andthe people of Kedah bene by having the Brish in Penang und Iser also in Province Welesley? (i) the days of Captain Prauuis Light tn esentn! rt ras roan te aeaur where some Ifah century houses sil stand, I yu have an opportunity, vst this area and 10k for these houses. (9 People of many nations have lived in Penang since its foundation. Geta road map of the Island and mak lists of names of paces and streeis whic show signs that Tadian, Chinese, Malay, Sumatran, Burmese, Siarnese and British people have lived there, Your father isa small rade in Maacea in 1790 and is frend is tying to persuade him to ‘pena business in Penang. ‘What eneis could your father get by taking hs friend's advice? ‘THE BRITISH TAKE MALACCA FROM THE DUTCH (1795) 1, 1n 1793 a new war started in Europe. Between whom was tis war fought? 2. What happened to Holand ia 1794 ‘3, What was the elect ofthis on Dutch pouessions overseas? ‘4 Why didi become necessary forthe Bish t take over Dutch ports wherever possible 5, When was Malice occupied by the Britsh? Did the British meet with any resistance? {6 What did the Company's ofcers in Penang decide to do with Malacea about 18057, 7. What were thet reasons for taking euch sep 8. Did the Supreme Government at Cleats approve of this scton? ). When was the work of destruction beguc? row far bad the work gone by 1808? ‘Who happened to bein Malagea at tis ie? What was he doing there? Who was Me. Stamford Rafe and whea had be come to Malaya? What was his work in Penang and wht special hobbies dd he have? s. What did be think ofthe Penang Governments plan fo abandon Malacca? 16, What action di be take to save Mala? 17, On what grounds did he base his ques to Lord Minto, the Governor-General of India, not to abandon Malas? 18, Did the Governor-General tke his advee? eee Practical work: (@ Cotect pictues of Malacca's historical places. (©) Copy the drawings into your not-boak. : (6) How did Rees" great interest inthe Malay, thls language, is arose? (Woo was John Leydes? What was His work in Calcutta? What was hs special position with the Governor-General, Lord Minto? When and where did young Rafe meet Leydea? What ‘common interests made them great fiends? “How did Lejden help Rafles to win the good ‘opinion ofthe Governor-General? Perhaps the knowledge that Lord Minto thought well of fim encouraged Rafles to writ tat Iter on Malaca; what do you thisk? (© Rae ent his letter (or report) on Malacca to Leyden, equating him to putt before Lord ‘Minto, "Why did't Ras send the ter direct to Lord Minto? (P The liter was great succes and Leyden wrote this to Reffes:*Lord Minto has dered me to say that he should be graied in exiving immediately from yourself any communications respecting the Easier parts ofa simi nature: What was the ect of this Welcome new on Rafle istry and customs help him in ‘THE CONQUEST OF JAVA (1811) 1. Why did Ralls go to Cateuta in June 1810? 2. What news did he hear about the post of Lisutenant-Governor of the Moluccas Islands at an interview with Lord Minto? ‘3, What did e then suggest to Lord Minot B SS a What had Lord Minto long been planing about Java? 5. What information was he weiting for? What cite now decide o 40 with Rites? 7 What was Rates new post to be calkd? What were the dates of this new post 3. Where did Rails se up his heaaquarers? ‘What was the result of his workin afew months? |. What was the stength of the Reet tha arrived ia Malacca on th May 181? DDeseite the two rots from Malacca Java, ‘Why was the direct route through Katimata Passage known to be dangerous during the months of June-July (ie of movement of Lord Minto's eet from Malacca to Batavia)? . Why did Ras advise Lord Minto to sil by the diect route? . When did the great feet leave Malaco? In what capacity did Ralls accompany the Meet? ‘Wren did the feet sight Java?’ When and wiere were the troops linded? When was Batavia oscupied? Why was there no opposiion to the itis soldiers at Batavia? ‘What happened at Cornelis on 26t8 Angust 1811? | What was the result ofthe battle? ‘What were the foses of) the Franco-Dutch army, (8) the British troops? 3. How long did Lord Minto remain In va? ‘Who was appointed Lietenant-Govertor of Java before Lord Minto's departure to Inia? 5. Was Raffles a great succes in Javel ‘When was Java returned tothe Dutch? Where did Rafes go from Java? low did his country show its spprecaion of his work inthe Bast? Practical work: (© Draw the map on Page 37 and stly the route taken by Lord Minto's feet from Malacca to Java, © Copy tis Into your note-book: Raifles as Liestenant-Governor of Javadi his job well, He obtained fe-band information cf the country and its needs by inspection tripe and feguent talk with cal cies He improved the ind laws and reorganised the administration of the country. ‘He put the currency on @ sound footing, brought iw and orer to various pars of the county and abolished the slave tendo in Jeva and ite dependencies, fewaea esa sada flo hisiyand atte yen wore pubs i 1164 try ‘THE FOUNDATION OF SINGAPORE (1819) ‘Where was Sir Stamford Raffles posted on his return tothe Eas? ‘Why was Ralls worried about the Tua of Brite trade fa the Malay Archipelago? Why did he think that Penang and Bencooln Would! not beable fo compe wit te Dutch ports of Malas, Rho and Bates? ‘What solution dd he have in mind? ‘What id he do about if ‘What was he doing i Penang in January 18192 ‘When did Sir Stamford Rls and Major Fargubas enter Singapore Rive? ‘Was the Temenggong wiling to alow the British to make a setement in Singapore? Was his {Permision enough, or Was there a higher person whoge peomsson bad ala to be obtained? ‘What did the Temenggong tell Rales about te Sultan of Jobore who lived in Rhio? What did Ramos then decide to da? |. Did be expect a tatisfactory reply fom the Sultan in Rho? Why dirt het 3. What agrecment di the Temengyong sign on 30ch Janay 1819? ‘What reply did the Sultan i Rho send to Rafe? 5. What did Rafe then do? ‘What happened on Sth February 18192 ™ 20. i 35, ca a 2, ‘Wat treaty did the new Sultan sgn? “Where did ales go the nextday? ‘Who was left in Singapore to carry on the work Rais bad started? What action did the Dutch take when they head what Rafls had done? What id the Governor-General of India do sbeat the Dutch potest ‘Who was the Governor-General at that time? “This delay and the slow means of communication in those days gave the selement what itso badly nesded. What wnt thatthe infant settlement needed eo gently? ‘What wat the population of the setement (=) in February 1819, (6) in July 1819, (@) in 1s How did Singapore's trade fare i those early days? How did it compare with that of Malacce fand Penang! ‘What were the two main reasons for Singxpore'y succes? “Were th British prepared to give up Singapore because of Dutch protest? ‘What were thes feasoas? Hlow was the mattr finally settled? ‘What were the terms of the Anglo-Dutch treaty iged in 1820? A second treaty was signed later inthe same year between the Company and Sultan Hussin (and the Temenggong). What were th terms of this eaty? ‘Under whose contrl was Singxpore placed afterits foundation? ‘When did Si Samford Rafles move to Singapore? Tw lon id he ny eid ‘What did he do for Singapore during this short serio! ‘When did Sc taraford ales lay the foundation stone of the schoo! that bears his name? ‘When did Rates leave Singapore for England? ‘When did Raffles puss away? How old was heat the time of his death? What had ruined his health ‘Why wil his work never be forgotten in Malaya? ‘Where dos his statue standin Singapore? Practial work: (@) Visi the museum and library to study pictus, maps, documents, monumeats, etc, of EARLY SnaAroni. (@) Draw the maps on Pages 38 and 40 and study them carefily (© Copy some ofthe pitas into your noe-bork. (Why was the Temnazong gad to have the Irish in Singapore? ‘The answer wo this probably lies inthe struggle for power between the Bags and Malay chiefs at the capital of te Sultan Of Johore in Rio. ‘The Bugs ruled the country inthe ame of the Soltan The Malay chiefs id not lke tus and there was constant trouble between the two partis. Finally some of the Malay chief lef Rho, One of them was the Temenggong, & member ofthe Bendabara fanly; heand his followers made ther home on Singapore Island. “The Sultan had two sons He strange to have the elder son, Husain, brought up bythe leader ‘or the Malay ehiets ia Rho, and the younge on, Abdu'-Rahman, by the Bugis Undetking. ‘Thon he hisslf went token Lives. Sultan Mahmod died in 1812, ‘Unfortunaely, Tengku Husain was away in Pabang and the ‘Bugis Undeeking who had brought up the younger son, Tengu Abdu’r-Rahman, quickly set ‘him up as Sultan. ‘This strengthened the potion of the Bugis in the tertoris of te Johore Empire ‘When Rafles made his proposition to the‘Temenggong, the wise Maly chef saw in it the ‘opportunity to put the Malay chiefs and ths protgs isto power. If Singapore prospered ‘under the British, Rhio would surely decline in importance andthe Bugis would sullex. More- ‘over hs know thatthe British were stronger han the Dutch had e not himself sen the mighty ‘eet that sled pest Singapore Islandia 1811 on ts way to capture Jave fom the Dutch) sand he realised tat with ther help and protection the Malaysin Jobore State Would shace in the prosperity that was bound to come to Singapore. Looking at preset-day Singapore and Tohore, can we say then that the Temenggong, by helping Ralles to found a settlement on Singapore Island, did more for Malaya thaa any other Malay in or before his time? Give ‘easons to suppott your answer. (©) The knows history of Singapore goes back hundreds of years. [has sen Indian, Sumatra Javanese, Siamese, Malay, Britsh and Japancse rler. Singapore's olé name was Turmsek. How was it changed to Singapore? What was its name durig the Japanese eccupation? (P) ‘Eno uatimely fat avaits it, Singapore promises to become the eroporium and pride of the ast” Sir Thomas Stamford Rae said these words in 1823. How fur Bas chis forecast come true? (Get a recent road map of Singapore and compare i ith the one on Page 40. Look forthe Singapore River round which the town is eroded. he oldest pat ofthe town is on both fides of the rier, particularly the southern alde. Nee the bridges across the ive, More than a million péople now live in Singapore, of whom two-thirds are ccowded in the ety rea (3-5 square mies. Most ofthese two-titds Tveclose (othe waterfront ofthe southern Dirt ofthe east coast (@) Copy this into your notebook: ‘Singapore isthe melting-pot of the nations. Here Eastand West meet on equal terms. Malays, Chines, Indians, Pakistanis, Arabs, Jors, Furasians and Europeans — Musing, Hindan, ‘Buddhists, Jews and Christians — live end work togeber in tolerance and understanding. ‘THE STRAITS SETTLEMENTS (1425) 1. When ware the Straits Sottements formed? 2, Which setement was made the capital? Why? 53, What happened to Malacot asthe years went by? 4, How did Penang fare with the competition from Singapor? 5, What happened to Singapore's trade and population yearby year? {6 Where was the capital tansferred in 18321 17, Why wast transfered there? 8, What complains dd the merchants of the Stats Settlements have agnnet the ofials ofthe Supreme Government in Caleats? 9, Was there any truth ia thee complaints? 10, What petition did the people send tothe Brish Goverameat? 11, What was the raul of the pettion? 12, When did the Stalls Settlements become a Crown Colony? Practical work: (@) See if you can recognise any place, street or building inthe pictures of Early Penang and Easly Singspore, (@) Find out the meaning of ‘Crown Colony (©) Which ofthe three stements took lading part inthe agitation fr separation ftom Inds? (@) if there are, in oF near your town, any buildings, tombs or other remains dating from before themiddle ofthe 19th century, desebe them and say with what historical persons oF incidents they are connected, (@ Waites short history of your town or district. Try and get the local Historical Society to help you. (f) What do the leters "$8. meant? JAMES BROOKE IN BORNEO 1, Ras had wo bie aims in founding Singapore. What wer they? 2 What ightoned Chinese and other native era from Singa3ore? 3, Why wa it left to the Earopeen ships fo sail nto Chinese waters to twade with Canton? 4. What was the eect ofthe foundation of Hong Kong on Singapore's ambition to become the ciel conte of the China trade? 5, Why didnt the East Todia Company want to spend its tine and eneay in expanding rita trade and influco inthe Malay Archipelago afer 1634? (6, What was James Brooke doing in Singapore in May 1839? 7. Why did Governor Bonbam and the Brish merchants send letters of thanks and gifts to Raja ‘Mead Hlassim of Brunei? 48, Who took these ltters and gilts tothe Raj? 9, What was Raja Hasse doing in Sarawak this ime? 16 10, Ia what way did Brooke help the Raja? LU, How dig te Soft of Brunel repay Brooke in September 18417 12, How did Raja Brooke rule Sarawak? 15, What did be do to put down piracy? 14, Why did the Brish Government annex Labuan? 15, When did this happen? Ig, What position did Raja Brooke holdin 1847 () in Sarawak, (9) in Labuan, (@) in North Borneo? 1, Who succeaded Raja Brooke whea he died in 1863? 8, When did Sarawak become a British protectorate? 19, How long did the Brooke dynasty rule Sarawal? 20, How end when did the Brooke role in Saravak end? 21, When was Sarawak coded to Great Britain and by whom? 22. Namo Sarawal’'s chief tov and give its population 23. How faris this town (rom Singapore (from London? 2« 25 What i the total area of Sarawak? 5. What is the population of Strawal? Practica! work (@) Draw the maps on Pages 43 and 44 ato your note-book (@) ‘Pulau Kalimantan’ (Sago sland) was the oldest name of Borneo, How did ite this name? (6) Ifyou liven Borneo and ther eon or near your towa, any building, tomb ox other remaing dating fom before te nile of the 19th century, desebe thera abd say with what historical persone or indents they are connected. I (a Wiite a short history of your town, district or State, Try and get the Joel istrcal Society to lp you. (6 Copy the folowing into your note-book and sil inthe blanks Area Population Capital Federation of Malays (Colony of Singapore Strewak | ‘Britoh North Borneo | Brunet Tor Nil ‘THE MALAY STATES 1, Why were the merchants ofthe Straits Setlements anxious to trade with the Malay States, especie ally with Pecak, Selangor, Sungei Ujong and Pahang? 2, Why didnt the East Todia Company encourage this trade? 3 Desurbe tho diiclt condition that existed im the Malay States at that time, 1, When did these dluordersinveaso and why? 5. Why did the Chinese flock to Larut? é i 4 Why aid they ght among therseves and withthe Malays? ‘How long di these disturbances carry on? ‘What was the eflect of these disturbances on the Chinese merchants in Penang. Malocca and Singapore who bad invested money in tinsmining and othr enterprises inthe Malay States? 9, What dd the businessmen of the Straits Setlements think the British Goverameat would do ow thatthe settlements were no longer under Indian contro? 10, What reply did they gee when they appealed to the Governor for beg? 11, Wheo, Rowever, did Botan’ interes in Malaya quicken? 12, What chit reasons le to this change of poli? 13, dn what way did’ che opening of the Svez Canal sod tho starting of the tlegaph system in Singapore help to make Furopeans more intersted in Malays? n 4, How di the vay of the Dutch andthe French finally make th Brith decide to take an interest in the Malay Stator? 15, When di the new Governor ofthe Strats Setlements arrive i Singapore? 16, What was his name? 17, Which States di he bring under British protection within «year What were the main terme of the treaties that the Sultans signed withthe British Government? 19, Whereis Sangel Ujong? When did the other States of Negri Sembilan come under Betish pro= tection? 20, Whea did British protection reach Pahang? Practical work: (@ Find out details ofthe way in which the States of Pera, Selangor, Negri Sembilan and Pahang ‘ume under Brush protection. (@) Copy some ofthe pictures into your noe-book. (© Draw the map on Page 46 and study i careful. (@ What happened to Mr. James Wheeler Woodford Birch, Srt Resident of Perak, om 2nd ‘November 1875? (6 Find out the exact duties ofa Bish Resident in the Malay States. ‘THE FEDERATED MALAY STATES (1896) |. What was the condition ofthe Malay tates before they came under Brish protection? ‘What was the total population of the nine States before 18709 Where did mest ofthe peopl ive? ‘What was the system of goverment inthe Malay States before 18747 5. What is the meaning of ‘Tedal lord? Who collected the axes, and for what porpote were they used? Wer there any good road, public buildings, schools or court of lw inthe country? ‘Were slavery ad fore labour from fee men recogalzed in the Malay States? What did the Bridsh Residents do a soon as they arived in Perak, Selangor, Sungei Ujong and Pahang? 10. Did they hav to fue many dificules? And wore thee éificules later overcome? 11, Who was the witet ofthe erly Residents? 12. Why did he setup a State Council? 13, Who st onthe Council? 14, What subjects were discused atthe council metngs? 15, How éid Mr. Hagh Low tackle the problem of collecting taxes forthe use ofthe Sits? 16, Why wens the State dsided into dates and mukime! 17, Who ran the ais of the districts? And ofthe kamipongs? 18, How did Mr. Hogh Low bring prosperity to the land? 19, What did he do to help agriculrue? 20, Were his methods taken up by Residents in other States? 21, What was te result of the new aystem Inthe four protected Maley States? 22. Why was progres rather slow at st? 23. Why didn't the Malays wish to work on the estates and inthe mines? 24, How was the problem of finding labour forth eates and mines solved? 25, How did the State Reivays and Public Works Department ol thes labour problemi? 26, Did the Government, the mines and estates use Chinove workers 100? 27, Were the Chinese brought ove bythe Goverament or did they fad their own way ere? 28. Why eid the Government encourage Chinese imirition? 29. Who succeeded Mr. Hugh Low in Pers? When was tis? 30, Why did Mr. Sweiteahim wish fo have the four States of Perk, Selangor, Negri Sembilan and Pahang joined together in a Federation? 31, What di the Governor think of Mr. Swettenbam’s plan? 32, Did the Malay rulers and the other Residents like the idea of federation? 33, When did the Federated Malay States come into being? 34, What was the capital ofthe Federated Malay States?" Why was this town selected? 3S. Who was the fit Resdent-Generl? 36, Did federation bring progress? Ey “7 37. Describe the development in (@) population, 0) tin-mining, (@) rubberplanting, (2) roads, (© railways, (postal services, () hospitals and clinics 238, Why was malaria avery great problem in the early days of the Federated Malay States? 38. What thre discoveries helped to reduce malaria? 40. How did progress in malaria control bela in opening up the interior? Practical work: (@) Copy some ofthe pictures ito your note-book, (@) Draw the map on Page 48 showing the Straits Seulements and the Federated Maley States, (6) Visi the local muscu and brary. (@) There were three kinds of slaves in the Mla States — bought slaves, captured saves (i war), sod debtsinves, Find out more about this subject. (@ The Malay freeman alto had to render feudal service to the ruler, What were his service sed for?” What were the hardships caused by the Malay Forced Labour Taw (kaown a "Kecal in Malay)? (D) Mr, James Birch, th first Resident of Pera, made severs! mistakes in dealing with the Malays ‘What were tee mista? Wat hppeod to Mr Bc? Why was Mr. Hg La more successful Resident than Mr. (@ Gera oad ap of Ipoh and ook fr Hah Low Stet an he Bich Memos Tis sd that coring streets often mean that the town has along story. In the old days the ‘Malays built their kumpongs along rivers, and the Sultan Bul is cepital atthe mouh ofthe tain river. If this iver made great bends neat its mouth the old strets usually followed the carves. Refer (othe road map of Malacca and seit this etre. Normally his does no: happen jn new towns because the strets are planned for foture expansion. Tpob is quite a mew town and ts bul in two separate but skort identical parts on iter sie ofthe Kint River. (2) Study the road map of Kuake Lumpur and you will know from the patera of the areas in ‘the centre ofthe cy that there was no towa-planning in the ealy days. This ea sign that Kasla Lumpur i older than mort Federation towns. ‘The oldest sad most crowdee part of Xosla Lumpur is that area east of Klang River where the River Gootbak mets i "Kiel ‘Lampur? means ‘muddy mectng-place of rivers ‘Kuala Lumpur, as described by Sir Frank Swettenham in 1876, was merely a viluge of a dozen atap hus. Late it became the centre of Chinese tin rush, Aer 1890 British lantect ‘began fo plant rubber in that area and Kula Lumpur became a centre of mining and rubber plating (9) After whom are Port Weld and Port Swetenbam named? When were these pots bul? G) The frst railway was begun in Jobore in 1869, but the vcheme soon came fo an end. Find out iy the scheme was absndoned, In 1885 a tran serie was started between Port Weld and Talping. At what speed id this Grst tain travel? How long did tain normally take 12 complet the eight miles betneen Taiping snd Port Weld in thot days? The allway from Kuala Lumpur tothe ite ofthe present Port Swetteaham was builtin three stapes — Kuala Lumpur to Bakt Kuda (sear Klang) in 1886, ten across the river by Con- ‘anught Bridge to Klang i 1890, and on to the Port Swettenham stein 1999, Lite by lt the rally spread to many parts ofthe Malay Peinisla. Find out the Full story of the growth of tho railway system in Malaya, (Write a short history of your town, dstrct or State. Get the local Historia Sosit to help you. ‘THE UNFEDERATED MALAY STATES 1. Why were he Sues of Pais, Kedah Kelantan, Trengganu ad Jhote tft consider poor and unimportant! 2 Wheo di investors begin to get inteestd in these States? 5. How was the rubber boom of 1906 caused? 4, What fet did the rubber boom have on rubber planting in Malay? ‘S| What did the British Government then do inorder that other nations might not interfere in the northern States of Malays? 6, What happened to Peis, Kedah, Kelantan and Treaggunu by the Anglo-Siamese Treaty 21909? T. Did these Sats Jon te Federated Malay Sate? 4, What was the tle give fo the British olers sent to the Unfederated Malay Sates? 2 9, What were their dates? 10, When did friendly connections between Johore and Britain begin? I, When was rubber plated in Johore ona large scale? 12, What was the result ofthe prosperity that came tothe State of Fohore? 13, Whea did Johore accept a British Adviser? 14 Did Tohor join the Federated Malay Stats? 15, Name the three politcal units in Malaya after 1914, Procticl work (Copy the picture and map on Page 50 into your note-book. (Why wore the British oficers in the Federated Malay Stats called British Residents while those inthe Uafederated Malay tates were knowa as British Adviers? How di their duties Gite (@ Vist the local museom and bray. (@ Write short history of your town, distit or State, Get the local Historical Society to help you. WORLD WAR I (1914-1918) 1, Whea and where id World War T begin? 2. Why was Malaga very lide aeted by this war? 43, What were Malaya's che? duties in World War 1 ‘4 What special contribution di the people of Malays make to Britain's war effort? ‘5. Dwo incident took place (one in 1914 and the other in 1915) tint brought the horrors of war to Malaya. What wore these incidents? 6, Tol the story ofthe Znden ridin Penang Harbour. 7. Tel the story ofthe mutiny that took place in Singapore in 1915. Practical work: (4) Copy some of the pictures into your note-book. (@) Vinita museum and library to see pictures sd books on the Ender's raids in the Tndian Ocean sod the Strats of Malaess, and onthe mutiny in iagapore. (6 There ie memorial tablet in the Victoria Memerial Hall (Singapore) containing forty names ‘of people led by the muriners in 1918. Ifyou ive in Sigapore go and se i. DEVELOPMENTS IN MALAYA 1. What was the revenue of the Straits Settements in 1901? What was it in 19372 2. What was the revenus ofthe Malay States in 8977 What was itn 1937? 3, Why did the reveate of Malaya increase so greatly? 4 hi fe Govern ofthe Stata Siemens and te May Sates do with he evens of ecountey? 5. How did the Government improve the system of communication? 6 What was the chief means of geting about the county before 1814? 7, Hoow many miles of road were bull by 1937 in (athe Stas Setements, 2 the Federated Malay States, and (the Unfederated Malay States? . When and wire was the fi rin service started ia Malaya? 9, When was the Singipore to Penang tin service started? 10 How did passengers and goods go from Singapore to Johore and from Pra to Penang? 1H When wa the Johere Causeway completed? 2. Why were communications in East Malaya rather slow in developing? 13, When ye a trun sevice from Gemas to Kota Bhara bogun? 14, Who discovered thatthe anopheles mosquito was the cause of malaria? 15, How did Br, Watson free the Kiang ditt from malaria in 1901? 16, When Port Swetenbarn was bult malaria killed so maay people there that ships refused to call tbat por. How was te port saved? 17, Whit aid the Government do to bring malaria under control in difeeat pars of Malaya? AE What li wee rove oe og he rend pon ee wet %0 19, How was the problem of slum clearance tackle? 20. What were the benefits derived from clearing the sum areas? 21, What improvements were made ia agriculture after 1900? 22, What was the progress after 1900 in (@) Faglih education, (2) Malay education, (@) Tamil encation, and (i) Chinese edscation? 5. Show how the labour conditions and standard of living have changed forthe biter in Malaya during the past iy years 24, What vas Malays chet function ia World War 1? 25: In World War | Malaya wa eurrounded by friendly countries, but when World War I started in 1539 Malaga faced danger on hereastera and northern flaks, Explain what this danger was and bow it developed. Prateal work: (@) Copy sme ofthe pictures nto your notebook, {B) Woke a few seatenoes on the developments that have taken place in your are during your ‘etme. ‘THE JAPANESE INVASION 1, When did the Sosond World War begin? 2. What happened to mest of Barope by 19407 3, Who was left alone to ght Germany? 4 When id Japan enter te wart 5. What happened at Peal Tarbour at dawn on that day? 6, What two important cies did the Japanese bomb ary that morning? 1, At wbat points did the Japanese land in Siam and Malaya? When di they lan? , What was Admiral Philip intention in salig to the Gulf of Siam with only two warships? 58, Name these two sips. 10, What heppened t these ships? 11, Why wasn't there sufient opposition to the Japanese Navy and Air Force in Malays? 12, Whea did the Japanese troops reach Kedali? 15, How fit did they travel towards Singapore? 14, When di they reach Fobore Bau? 15, When di the British troops withdraw to Singxpoce Island? 16, What di che Japanese then do to Singapore? 17, When did the Japenet land ia Siogapare? Where dif they make ther fist landings? 18, When di Japanese soldiers snd tanks reach Bukit Timah? 19, Why were the defenders wtb to pu up a stronger resistance? 20. When did Singapore surrender? 21, What organisation di the Japanese se up to rle the country? 32, How long were the Japanese in Malaya? 23, When did the Japanese surrender? Practical work: (@ Look for Norway, Holland, Belpiams, Luxembourg, France, Germany, Taly, Rossa and Balin on 2 map of Europe. (& Copy the pictures into your notebook. {© Dis the tap shoming the Inpvese sdvanco and study iteereflly. GB Fine oat ‘what the conditions in Malaya were under the Japanese: (Q food, (i) schools, (ji) employment and forced abou, (x) camency, (0) prises of goods, () trade and dusty, Beatles ner.) sewer a, Buc at, bem i) civil police. MALAYA AFTER WORLD WAR IL 1, Wen di th Brits forces reoeoupy Malaya? 2, Who commanded thee forces? 43, What orgaitation was eet upto rue the county? ‘4 When did the civil government take over? a ‘5. What new sytem of government was setup on Ist April 1946? “& What heppened to the three pro-war pola! units in Malaya— the Stats Setements, the Federated Malay States and the Unfederated Malay tates? 7, What was arranged about Labuan under dhe new politeal syste? . How many Gevernors wee appointed in Malays? There was 4 Governor-General too. What were his dui? 10, What atthe aim ofthe Malayan Union? 11, Who were to be given ctzeaship with equal sights with the Malays? 12, Why were the Malays bitenly agsnst the Malsyan Union? 13, What organisation did tey form to oppose the Usioa? 14 What aid the Brtish Government authorise the Governor-General todo befor the end of 1946? 15, When did the now constittion come into being? 16, In whet way was the pew exrangement better than the 1946 ons? 17, What mas the slats of Siagapore to be? 18, What the tle ofthe highest British oficial in the Federation of Malays? 19, What new post was created to replace that of Governos-General? 20, Malaya is at present cvided into two politcal units. Name and desribe them. Prvctical work’ (@) What do the Iter $S, F.MS., UMS, JM.Ay BMA, UMNO. represent? (@) Find oot the exact difecnce between ‘non’ and Yederatio (6 Find out what the Commissoner-Genera's duties are, (@) Copy the drawing and map on Page 58 into your note-book. (© Visa amoseum and brary, and places of torical interest in your ditt, REFERENCES allo Malaya Broadcasts to English Schools—Notes for Teachers, Malyan History: Cave ‘Duellersn Perak and Porters in Kelantan. ‘Preistore Malaya by M. W. F. Tweedie. An iiroduction tthe Malayan Aborigines by P. D. R. Wiliams-Hunt A History of Moieya by B.O. Winsted. The Malays: A Cultural Hisory by R. 0. Winset Malaya and ts Blstory by Sit R. O. Wiaste. Malaya, Outline of a Colony by Vitor Purcell ‘The Chinese in Malaya by Vitor Parel ‘The Indians in Malaya: A Pageant of Greater Ina by R.B. Krishnan. British Molaya 1824-67 by L. A. Mil British Maloyaby Sic Frank Swettenham, South-East Asia: A Short History by Brian Hartson. An Outine Alas of Eastern History by R.R. Selman, ‘The Stary of the Dutch East Indies by Vike, A Short History of Malaya by C. NorthootePackiason, Meleya's Fist Bitish Pioneer by H.P. Clodé. Raffles of Singapore by Reginald Coupland. Rafles ofthe Earn Iskes by C. 2. Wurtburg. Nietenti-Cenury Borneo by Grabam Irvin. Public Adminstration in Malaya by 8. W. Jones One Hundred Yers of Sngopore, Vols. and TL. South-East Asta by E. H.C. Dobby. The Brith Orereas by C. B Carsington. AnnualReport ofthe Government of Shgpore. mpm Mc i SERS oan of

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