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Is it only us in this GALAXY ?

So many conspiracy that believe that alien was real, some people believe that we were alone in
this untravelled Galaxy. But sometimes we doesn’t believe that we’re alone at this untraveled Galaxy. So
what’s the truth actually ???

Ok we will discuss so many questions about other living things out there. So the first fact that
maybe we have to trust it first, that until right now astronomers and satellites still didn’t found any living
things yet out there. So did we have to believe it?. Believe it or not it’s all up to you. But one thing that
you have to trust that earth was oval, not like other people trust that earth was flat. Well that’s
hilarious. So many conspiracy and teory that believe there were more living things out there than just
the earth that we’re living right now. Especially when people saw some photo from Mars that there are
creature that look’s like animal in the earth, but NASA says that was just a stone or soil that what other
people thought that was a creature at the mars. So right now NASA were trying to figure it out and learn
more about Mars,so they create Mars Expo, so they will figure it out and some people says that
someday we can live at mars or minimum the moon. So all of us have to be pation until we know for sue
what can NASA and Astronaut get from the Mars, so we hope that Mars Expo will success and bring a lot
of info to all of us.

One good news that we have to know that Scientist were creating a new engine tech that can
move faster on the space, What’s that ?. First, right now the engine that usually astronomers use, it
needs 9 Months to Approach to Mars, but the engine that might be used in the future hopefully can
approach to Mars much more faster it needs around 39 days only !!! that was AMAZING isn’t it ? there
are three options for the new engine, the first was Solar Electric Propulsion , Nuclear Thermal Electric
Propulsion , Electric Ion Propulsion. Each of them have their own advantages and disadvantages.

Okay right know trending topic of Galaxy was that Earth received unknown signals from other
space, that until right now we still didn’t know what does the signals mean?. What all of us confused and
amazing that the signals goes repeatly to the earth, once that we got the signal the signal stands only
miliseconds. It was too fast for us to make a research, But some Astronomers says that it still might be
was not alien or any living things. So what’s that? How come there was signal if nobody send it?

First we most know the detail information first about the “unexplainable radio signal” from
outer space. This was the first time, scientists have detected a radio signal from outer space that repeats
at regular intervals. The series of “fast radio bursts” short live pulses of radio waves that come from
across the universe were detected about once an hour for four days and then stopped, only to start up
again 12 days later. This cycle repeated every 16,35 days for more than a year.
The bursts originated from a galaxy about 500 million light-years away. The repeating pattern,
reports Science X Network, “ suggests the source could be a celestial body of some kind orbiting around
a star or another body. In such a scenario, the signals would cease when they are obstructed by the
other body.” “ But that still does not explain how a celestial body coul be sending out such signals on a
regular basis,” Science X said. “ Another possibility is that stellar winds might be alternate boosting or
blocking signals from a body behind them. Or it could be that source is a celestial body that is rotating.”
It’s not likely to be aliens, the Massachussets Institute of Technology said in a statement, because the
signal are a sign of energetic events that are on the extreme scale of the cosmos. “Even a highly
intelligent species would be very unlikely to produce energies like this. And there is no detectable
pattern so far that would be very unlikely to produce energies that would suggest there’s a sentient
hand at play,” MIT said.

Fast radio bursts last only a few milliseconds, which makes it diffifcult to accurately determine
where they have come from. “One of the greatest mysteries in astronomy right now is the origin of
short, dramatic bursts of radio light seen across the universe,” the Max Planck Institute for Radio
Astronomy said in a statement. “ Although they last for only thousandth of a second, there are now
hundreds of records of these enigmatic sources,” the institute said.

Since 2007, according to MIT, most of the radio bursts are “one-offs,” but a small number are
“repeaters” which recur in the same place. The fast radio burst that repeats every 16 days was detected
by the Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment, a radio telescope designed and built by
several groups of Canadian scientists to study space phenomena. The future CHIME telescope in British
Columbia will help detect future fast radio bursts.

How do you think after you read this article above ??? it was amazing, beautiful, full of mystery
and incredible. One thing that we have to tust first that humans right now still can not detect is there
any aliens or something, what can we do ofcourse we have to be pation and the one that still young
have to study hard so that maybe in future we can solve this kind of mystery and anykind about galaxy.
Sebenarnya apa sih arti cinta itu ? mungkin sebenarnya memang benar bahwa cinta
terkadang tidak dapat didefinisikan oleh kata” karena cinta terjadi begitu saja. Dimanapun,
kapanpun kau tak akan pernah tahu kapan, dimana dan bersama siapa kamu akan merasa jatuh
cinta. Terkadang sekali kau sudah merasa jatuh cinta kau akan sulit untuk menemukan cinta
yang lain. Karena terkadang kita sudah larut dalam perasaan tersebut, yang rasanya seperti gula
yang telah larut dengan teh. Dan ketika kau merasakan jatuh cinta pada pandangan yang
pertama, kau akan sulit bagaimana harus menjalani rasa cinta itu, sulit bagaimana harus
mengungkapkannya, sulit bagaimana caranya agar dia bisa menjadi milikmu. Itulah cinta penuh
dengan misteri,ketidakpastian. Seperti hanya dalam beberapa detik rasa cinta dapat hancur,
dan dapat pula hanya dalam hitungan detik kalian akan merasakan jatuh cinta.

Bagaimana cara mengatasi perasaan cinta pertama ???

Tentu terdapat banyak sekali cara untuk mengatasi/menghadapinya, tergantung bagaimana
selera diantara kalian ber-2. Sebenarnya kalau saya harus jujur cara kalia
mengatasi/menghadapinya akan dapat kalian temukan sendiri berjalan dengan waktu. Karena
tidak ada yang sama dan tidak ada yang sempurna di dunia ini. Sehingga caranya pun pasti
berbeda-beda. Sebenarnya saya pribadi pun masih tidak dapat menemukan cara untuk
mengatasi-nya. Saya bergelilit dengan perasaan yang bercampur aduk entah bagaimana

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