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At present the country of Indonesia is plaguing the corona virus outbreak, not only in
Indonesia but also throughout the world is undergoing a health emergency due to the corona
virus outbreak. Previously, this corona virus was a new type of coronavirus that was
transmitted to humans. This virus can affect anyone, both children and adults. This virus
infection is called COVID-19 and was first discovered in Wuhan City, China at the end of
December 2019. The virus is transmitted quickly and has spread to other regions and
throughout the world.

According to (World Health Organization, 2019) Corona virus is a virus that causes
the common cold to more severe illnesses such as the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome
(MERS-CoV) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV). eventually spread to
other countries one of which is Indonesia. Corona virus is very influential on the tourism
industry because at present many countries are locking down foreign tourists to prevent the
transmission of the virus to spread to various countries.

The impact of the corona virus has been felt by several countries throughout the
world, especially in Indonesia. Starting from the impact of the health sector, the economy to
the tourism sector. At first the Indonesian state was preached that it was free of the corona
virus and reportedly Indonesian citizens were free of the corona virus. When other countries
close access to and out of their countries, it is different from Indonesia which actually
promotes tourism by cooperating with foreign media.

President Jokowi is trying to get the Indonesian people to be united against this virus
completely so that tourism and the economy can run as usual and government operations can
run properly because there are indeed many government employees working from home
which is certainly not effective. President Jokowi hopes that the Corona Virus case will
quickly complete and not take many victims in the future.

And with this virus, the world economy will improve and develop again. Because
actually, China which is the center of this virus, has gradually improved, and of course
hopefully the World will also improve.

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