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From the question, djet = 0.075m u1=25m/s , Q = 25π(0.075/2)2 = 0.11 m3/s

Force normal to plate is

FTx = ρQ( 0 - u1x )

FTx = 1000*0.11 ( 0 - 25 cos 30 ) = 2.39 kN

Q10) The force exerted by a 25 mm diameter jet against a flat plate is of 650 N and normal to
the surface of the plate. What is the flow rate in m3/s ?

From the question, djet = 0.025m FTx = 650 N

Force normal to plate is

FTx = ρQ( 0 - u1x )

650 = 1000Q ( 0 - u )

Q = au = (πd2/4)u

650 = -1000au2 = -1000Q2/a

650 = -1000Q2/(p0.0252/4)

Q = 0.018m3/s

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