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Assignment: 02

Name: Asil Shahzad

Roll Number: 19003105007
University of Management and Technology, Sialkot
Spring 20

SE – 2102 / SE – 3731w –Software Requirement Engineering

Due Date: April 9, 2020

Assignment 2

Instructions to Solve the Assignments

The purpose of assignments is to provide you practical experience as well as to make you familiar
with the research. It is expected that students will solve the assignments themselves. Following
rules will apply during the evaluation of assignments.

 Cheating from any source will result in zero marks in the assignment.
 Any student found cheating in any two of the submitted assignments will be awarded "F" grade
in the course.
 No assignment after due date will be accepted.

Question No. 1 (5+10+10=25 marks)

Find the research paper named “SRE-Paper attached with this assignment.
Read the complete paper multiple times and answer the following questions in

a. Which problem is focused by this paper?

Ans As we know there are several RE process models. The paper here aims to
identify the problems in existing RE process models and which type of process
model is the best fit for a software development industry to get the best quality of
the software and how to increase the success of the projects. The two types focused
are linear and iterative models.

b. How the authors of this paper have solved the identified problem?

Ans The writer chooses 2 software companies and prepared a questionaries’ for
them about their RE process model. Some formal and informal meetings and some
University of Management and Technology, Sialkot
Spring 20

interviews conducted for the elicitation of information from the stakeholders. The
answers are noted down and the answers are then compared with the RE process
model the writer has chosen to figure out which RE process model is the best to
use while developing a software.

c. How the authors of this paper have evaluated the proposed solution?

Ans The solution for the best RE development software model is none because
every process has its own specification. No RE process model is perfect or best for
every type of software.
Each scenario has to get its own RE model. Choosing the RE model is completely
on the content of the project. A combination of linear and iterative was seen giving
better result than both individually, depends upon the demand of the software

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