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Jackson's Island

Tom and Huck witnessing such a terrible fact, they felt unhappy, one afternoon Tom and
his friend Joe thought about doing something exciting, they along with his friend Huck
decided to go to live on the island of Jackson where they felt free, played, swam and they
had dinner next to a campfire, while these children felt their relatives happy and the people
of St. Petersburg believed they had drowned, came back and learned that they would make
them a wake on Sunday, they felt heroes, on Sunday when everyone they were in the small
church, the three dead boys enter the church and their families hug them and feel happy, the
boys felt loved by their relatives.

Vocabulary finder
• Secret: That it is only known by a limited number of people. "We must keep this a secret"
• Fear: Feeling of anguish caused by the presence of a real or imaginary danger. "The two
boys were afraid"
• Hero: the word hero refers to a man who is famous, illustrious and recognized for his
virtues or exploits. “The three boys felt like heroes and laughed”
• Funeral: Burial or funeral adjective the deceased's family headed the funeral entourage.
"There will be a funeral for us on Sunday in the church"
• Reverend: Treatment that is used preceding the proper name of ecclesiastical dignities and
the prelates and graduates of religious orders. "The Reverend looked up and stopped
• Exciting: adjective of the verb excite. "Let's do something exciting!"
• Stars: Astro or celestial body that shines with its own light in the sky. "We sleep under the
• Summer: Season of the year between spring and autumn. “It was summer and there was
no more school”
• Pirate: Person who navigates without a license and is dedicated to assault ships on the
high seas or steal off the coast. "Pirates The life of a pirate is exciting"
• Interesting: adjective, What interests. “I heard some interesting things”

Question writer

• Who killed Dr. Robinson?

• Where is Jackson Island?
• Who was the funeral for?
• Why did the children feel unhappy?
• What do pirates do?
• What did they take for dinner on the island?
• Why couldn't tom sleep?
• Who were heroes?

Story mapper

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