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How was the university born in the world?

The emergence of universities in the world has a bit of controversy, because in different study
sites and web pages they tell us about the emergence of these, showing us dates and times other
than creation. In some historical records they tell us that this word had a clue 2,200 years before
Christ and that this term was used when a meeting of several people who talked about a topic or
situations not necessarily academic was held. Some time later, we wanted to start creating
organizations for education and teaching due to the series of events that happened, this beginning
did not have a strong start due to the political problems that arose in ancient times such as the
inquisition or intervention of the church Catholic bourgeoisie and other different groups.

It was in the middle ages in the 15th century that the momentum can be said, the main
organization of the universities can be said, it was also like the Second World War that created a
much greater study boom due to its events that led to its increase The study of all the past and
future things of the world created different main branches of research such as mathematics,
medicine and astronomy. It was then that the investigation of all the things of today gave rise and
the subject of the university education that had its main or main beginning in the Asian continent
became global.

I think it is a very difficult subject to specify since many researchers wrote and taught because of
the different events of humanity, and that many of these were themes with different historical
dates. and in other cultures other subjects were taught such as the education of their culturality or
customs and this makes the topic or the date of creation very tedious to give a concrete answer.

Fredy Antonio duran Macías.

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