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LEARN . FRENCH BY PODC CAST AUDIO PODCASTS FOR LEARNERS Lesson 07: Tuesday, June 27th, 2006 Level: beginner. + visiter, rendre visite a + re" verbs + Te Futurimmédiat + le Futursimple Hello once again, and welcome to Leamn French by Podcast. My name is Hugh Nagle and here with meis ‘Amélie Verdier. Welcome back, Amélie! Bonjour! Today, we're going to talk about. le futures projets /Favenir. _. that i, « the future », So, Amélie, tell us about what you doin general during the summer holidays Parle-nous de ce que tu fis en général pendant les grandes vacances. En général, je este chez moi au mois de juin parce {que j'ai beaucoup de choses 3 faire la maison. Je pars souvent deux semaines en juillet pour rendre Visite 8 mes patents Ils habitent dla campagne et {jaime beaucoup y aller pour prendre air. Au mois «aot, mon petit ami et moi partons souvent ala» ny". montagne ou ala mer pendant une semaine. loccasion de se détendre et de passer de bons mb Let's hear that En général] ‘And one final time... En général Now first you told us what you de... sald Je reste chez moien juin, We can say simply « juin», which is: en juin. 01 «... ithe month of June », which is ‘au mois de juin +: aumois de...9, that is «. in the month of In July, you visityour parents, right? ui, en ule jerends visited mes parents qui habitent la campagne. Bon, ca cesten juillet, et enfin, au mois d’aodk, quest-ce aque tu fais? ‘Au mois d'aodt, mon petit ami et moi, nous partons souvent 3 [a montagne ou 3 la mer. So, let's stress that point once again, in a particular ‘month is simply en, followed by the month. If we wish to, be slightly more emphatic, using the expression in the month of, we say. -aumois de, partonsinthiscase! Ts test pen plat theve pari West theta pe ered eae aes gu bse ad ert gg ay ogee Inher wns sg We exes portrl=tolene] eps ‘ups ete ang nossa vase Isles |_,/@@0 Remember Cetfoasindepaser dbus eee Lesson 07: Tuesday, June 27th, 2006 Level: beginner. + visiter, rendre visite a + “are verbs, + Te Futurimmédiat + leFutursimple And let's not forget that the sat the end of le mois is silent. Now, you said that, generally, you stay at home in June... Oui, je reste chez moi Je reste... , thats the verb raster. We should note that this verb has nothing to do with «testing »! (That's different verb - se reposer or se détandre.) Now, « he stays in Paris for a week at Christmas » would be.. reste a Paris pendant une semaine & Noel And, one more example: «We stay at home on Monday nights » Nous restons chez nous lelundi soi [Another expression you used was «| have a ot todo...» oF, « Ihave a lot of things te do... ». Now that's an essential phrase. You sad. ‘Tal beaucoup de choses fair. So, Marie cart come because she has lot of things to 06 verb do...» would be ‘Marine peut pas vnirparce quelle a beaucoup >. pourti=topeai dechosesa faire. rere hee ‘Now, tellus again what you do in July ai Jerends visita mes parents ls habitent a = campagne. eopon Let's pause here and look again at that expression... Je rends visite a mes parents When we're talking of visiting aplace, we can use the verb visiter. For example,"The tourists visit the Louvre Museum" would be, Les touristes visitent le Musée du Louvre. Stéphanie and Caroline visit Notre Dame Cathedral... ‘Stephanie et Caroline visitent I Cathedrale de Notre Dame, The verb visteris an easy one:its another of those 900 “re verbs F verbs. On the other hand, when we' ing people, we use a different expres rendre [tomake, todo, etl French: that's ents rendre visite 3. ‘urs ete ena towed In other words, “to pay (or make) avisit”So, welll need to ‘oerender learn the conjugation of rendre —a regular“-re” verb. Isfelevendent (terete cree retarted eee eee ar ee etd eee Benen emt 2 common conjugation. Some other*-re" verbs would Lesson 07: Tuesday, June 27th, 2006 Level: beginner. + visiter, rendre visite a + re" verbs + Te Futurimmédiat + le Futursimple Include... perdre. That's‘to lose’ Vendre, ~ orto teach" - depending on the context. So, to come back to the expression “rendre visite & quelqu’un’ (‘to visit someone"), let’ try afew examples: I visit Carole. Je rends visite Carole. Here, let's not forget the preposition & before Carole, That's an important element ofthe sentence. 8 Note! He visits his grandparents. Trend visite 8 ses grand parents. ~ >) Dent forget the: ets tea, They visit me. Nose ste bs lis me rendent visite. Let's just be aware, inthis last example, of the object pronoun “me” which comes infront of the verb: ‘Ils me rendent visite’ that is,"They vist me’. Now, on a different point, you said your parents live in the ‘country... ‘Oui. Iishabitent la campagne, ‘... ila campagne! Now,".. in the mountains” would be. su la montagne, And by the sea" or"... near the sea" would be... ‘la met, Let's remember those:" campagne". la montagne”. sla mer” Now, there's a notable exception which we find when we're talking about people living “in the city” or "in town’*My friends live in the city” would be. ‘Mes amis habitent en ville. en ville": let's remember that expression. Lesson 07: Tuesday, June 27th, 2006 Level: beginner. + visiter, rendre visite a + “are verbs, + Te Futurimmédiat + leFutursimple So, Amélie, we've been talking about what we doin {general during the summer. What about this summer ? Oi ‘tu partir en vacances ? En ullet je vals aller &la campagne chez mes parents pendant une semaine. Je vas faire du vélo, Je vais nager la piscine ete vais me promensr au bord du lac ou dans les bois. Lets hear that once again... Enjuillet [And one more time. Enjuilet(.] Let's look closely atthe following expressions you used: aller ala campagne... faire du velo. ager... + Jevvais me promener.. Do you notice the pattern? Each of these expressions consists of the verb “aller” (which means"to go"), followed by a second verb in its infinitive form. In other words, we haveI'm going... followed by“to go" “to swim, "to walk’, and s0 on. It’s an easy formula and provides us with an easy way of discussing the future. We need to make sure that we know the verb aller Then, we ‘an simply put the infinitive form of any verb after it. Let's try some more examples: "John is going to go climbing”. John va faire de Fescalade. Thérése is going to go shopping, Thérace va faite les courses. Danielle is going to paint the house. Danielle va peindre la maison, This form of the Future tense is known as the Immediate Future or. Te Futur immediat. OF course, itonly requires slight modification inthe negative: "Thomas isnot going to work today”. Thomas ne va pas travaillraujourdnui. Great. Now, to wrap up this lesson, Amélie, what about travelling abroad ? Aimes-tu parti a étranger? Oui, bien sir. ‘adore voyager !Jaicaileurs preva dd parti 'année prochaine en Thallande. Je visterai Bangkok. Je feral du vélo et jirai la plage. Je passera la journée sur ma serviette! Je nagerai et je me ferai bronzer !Ce sera formidable! LD 6 Note! aur dacos dans ini Tt. thet inthe woes? ele jeava rowalans ‘ovale Tevet Toast med at ‘Sosy wha yarepoingiu do [adda 2nd website foetal alpen haha pm Tas Ssanmang afte Fre ns “Ieasomes ced he ‘eanpadpas atonstino pu) raul vba, ‘depp pen int Yonants emo bow east camps meson umber ae wl nt sal at Is Theta na: Lesson 07: Tuesday, June 27th, 2006 Level: beginner. + visiter, rendre visite a + re" verbs + Te Futurimmédiat + le Futursimple Tell us once more about your planned trip to Thailand... ‘Now. this time you were aso talking about events inthe future, but you used a different formula: you said, for © Remember example... The Sau fatursinpe Jevisiteral. tee of stl: Je feral... Je passeral vistertovsr ape sepa st sJenageral.. + peal) ele ens This is a second way of discussing the future in French. roxsestons Remember that, in English, there are two ways of doing aed this also: for example, we say "Jack is going to play —— football’ and “Jack will play football’ We haveea similar ao ree asia ens situation in French. fiche ve The second way in which the future is formed in eae og ower French consists of taking the infinitive form of the verb, ee for example... visiter| _. and adding specific endings. In the frst person, welll have... Je visiteral... You'lfind the full set of Future tense endings in our PDF Guide, downloadable from our website at www Let’s hear one or two ‘more examples. Amélie:"Shelll visit the Eifel Tower’ Elle visitera la tour Eifel Well visit the Sacré-coeur., ‘Nous visiterons le Sacré-coour Regarding this second formation of the Future Tense, we must be aware that there are quite a number of exceptions: the verbs étre, avoir and faire, for example, are not formed according to the pattern above. We'll point ‘ut these exceptional forms ofthe Future as we meet them during our lessons. So, in general, let's remember: there are two forms of the Future tense. The Immediate Future is composed of «caller» in the Present tense, plus the infinitive. The Simple, Future, on the other hand, is composed of the infinitive form with a special set of suffixes. ‘Now if all of tis sounds alitie complicated, don't worry. You'll find it all n our PDF Guide, available from our website, Lesson 0; juesday, June 27th, 2006 Level: beginner. + visiter,rendre visitea + “re verbs: + Te Futurimmédiat Futur simple Once again, Amélie, we've covered an amount of new vocabulary and useful grammar points today. To our listeners, don't forget that all ofthis lesson‘s content can bbe found in a comprehensive PDF Guide, downloadable from our website at wwwlearnfrenchbypodeastcom. Until next time | ‘Ala prochaine ! / Ifyou understood our lesson, then you should be ready for... Hus Publi ‘They stayathome inthe month of July. 2. Werhave alot todo. 1 She vss me. In Toulouse, ist Jacques They lveby the sea, Paul and Jacquelinelivein the cy 1 Imgoing to work today. John is not going to work on Mondays. ns, 2006. All igh ( @ 6 Vocab extrat

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