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How to talk lovingly to yourself?

Although there are definitely successful methods to learn to love yourself that include a phase in
which you tell yourself that you love yourself while it doesn't feel genuine yet, in this lesson we
will take an easy, genuine approach. It will involve .. easy, fun and heart-opening steps.

We will cultivate self-love by talking to ourselves in the most loving way we can.

Aren’t we talking to ourselves all the time? Inside our minds we say things to ourselves like: ‘I
lost my wallet, how stupid of me!’ or ‘I should get better at this.’ or maybe we tell ourselves: ‘I
hate you.’ Let’s make these conversations with ourselves more loving!

Start out with: “I want to learn how to love you!”

You have made the decision that you want to learn how to love yourself more. That’s great! Why
not put a hand on your heart and find your own words to say to yourself something along the
lines of: “I have decided I want to love you more than I have ever done before. I don’t know yet
exactly how to do that, but I’m willing to learn. I want to make you feel loved, I want to make you
feel happy. I care about you.” The exact words don’t matter, just get the message across in a
loving and genuine way.

Keep sending that love!

And just as lovers like to tell each other sometimes even multiple times a day how much they
love each other, even so, it does not hurt to tell yourself multiple times a day that you want to
love yourself even more. Your heart will be happy to receive your loving messages time and
time again. There is no limit to the amount of “I love you’s”.

Get Creative

Love can be expressed in an infinite amount of ways. Your heart will love it if you find more and
more ways to express your love. Here’s a little list of loving things to say to yourself, you can
say these sentences to yourself now, and we encourage you to use them as inspiration to also
find your own creative ways.

- I love you exactly as you are.

- You are beautiful.
- You are so sweet.
- I want to be as sweet to you as I can.
- I love spending every minute of this life with you.
- Thank you for everything.
- I forgive you for everything of the past, the present and the future. You are now forgiven
- My heart is open for you.
- My heart is your home.
- I love all of you.
- You are the best.
- You melt me.
- I am here for you.
- Whatever happens, whoever you will become, whatever you will do, I love you.
-. My love for you is unconditional
- You are welcome.
- You are perfect the way you are.
- I accept you.
- I will love you through every hardship
- I am here to see all of you.
- I am not afraid of your shadow side, I want to know you as deeply as possible. I embrace the
dark within you.
- You light up my heart.
- Thank you.
- I love you.
- I want to tell you whatever you want to hear.
- I am looking for more ways to express my love to you, and I am open to know your every
desire so that I can give you even more love.
- I give you my heart.
- I surrender to loving you.
- I dedicate myself to you.
- I want you to feel loved always, and I will tell you “I love you” as many times as needed for you
to feel my love every second of your life deeply anchored in your heart.
- You are important to me.
- I will always love you.

Take this moment to come up with a minimum of 3 other ways to express love to yourself. Put
your awareness in your heart space and say those things to yourself. Allow yourself the time to
feel what is does to you.

Part of Cultivate Self-Love

With Love,


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