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Diyah Proboyekti, SSt.FT., M.Or

 Body massage
 Massage for treatment
 Baby massage
 Lower Limb
Prone lying
Supine lying
 Back Area
 Chest and Abdomen
 Upper Limb
Client posisioned supine :
 Metatarsal
 leg
 Thigh
Client positioned supine :
1. Thumb glides betwen metatarsal
2. Effleurage up lower leg (ibu jari membuka
atau telapak tangan menutup sempurna)
3. Petrissage medial aspect of lower leg
4. Tumb glides up of lower leg
5. Around the knee (medial-lateral)
 Effleurage on quadriceps
 Effleurage on IT band
 Petrisage on quadriceps
 Effleurage on thigh (medial to lateral)
 Tumb glide and friction on quadriceps
 Tumb glide and friction on IT band
 Du poing on quadriceps

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