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1. Hook

Unemployment is one of the main problems suffered by Dominican youth.

2. Supporting statement
The level of unemployment among the population aged 15 to 29 in the Dominican Republic
remains high and stagnant at 14% in the last 10 years
Thesis statement

Unemployment is one of the main causes of countless problems facing young

1. Point (Argument)
Youth unemployment in the Dominican Republic is a problem of great importance, it is
above the Latin American media and represents three times the world average, and the
result of a wide variety of conflicts such as corruption, crime, among others.
2. Information (Supporting statement)

-55.3% of Dominican youth are unemployed or inactive, leaving the remaining

44.7% to formal and informal workers.
- The executive director of Educa, Darwin Caraballo, said that is worrying, because
if that situation is not corrected in 10 to 15 years there will be a huge risk of
- The level of unemployment among the population aged 15 to 29 in the Dominican
Republic remains high and stagnant at 14% in the last 10 years
- The unemployment rate increases by 30 % between the period

3. Explanation

The percentage of unemploved in Domican republic is quite striking and currently

presents a gowth that could lead to a number of problems

1. Restate your thesis

The youth population of the Dominican Republic is being seriously affected by

2. Synthesis of your point
High percentages of insecurity, crime, corruption and other problems arising from
unemployment experienced by young Dominicans.
3. Wrap-up sentence

the population of young people grows and with it their unemployment, if strategies
are not implemented to reduce the numbers that young people have, they will be
forced to exercise the illicit, which indicates a great risk.

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