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Essay plan – Ninh 

 The video games in 21th century 

1. Introduction 
Facts about the topic: The game industry has been developing for 50 years. 
Common opinions: It is often said that young people have spent too much time
and money playing the video games. 
My opinion: In my view, the game industry is a very potential industry, and It
have been bringing a lot of benefit to human life. 
2. Main body 
1. Arguments in favour of a topic 
First, the industry earned billions of dollar each year, and this amount of money
has been increasing in recent years. 
Second, the researches of this industry have helped a lot for other aspects of
human life. 
Third, the industry has created some new careers for humans. 
2. Arguments against a topic 
A part of young people has lost their life because of video game addiction. 
Some evils and some crimes have been born from the video game. 
3. Conclusion 
A summary of the arguments:  Although the game industry is facing a lot of
criticism, it has been growing rapidly. 
A personal opinion: I think that the game industry is really a useful amazing
industry, and some issues which was born from the industry will definitely be
solved in the future. 
A recommendation, warning or prediction:  
The solution to the problems completely depend on the education people.  
If we have success in solving the problems of the game industry, it will definitely
become one of the biggest industries in the future.   

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