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Suciati Ningrum

ELT for Young Learners 503

Video Analysis
The video is taken from YouTube, an account named American English and the title is
Unit 4: Young Learners. This video was publised on June 13, 2013. The video is about teaching
grammar to young learners in the classroom. The teacher teaches the students grammar by
focusing on 3 words. The teacher use total physical response as her teaching method. She also
drill students with some sentences during teaching and learning activities.
1. In the beginning, it is good the teacher asks the students to listen first then repeat after her.
The teacher give or familiarize the students first with the words before the students repeat
2. The activities at the beginning of the lesson are also very fun and I don't think it's boring for
students because they learn while playing. In this case, practicing what they learn with
3. The teacher also asks students to make 3 lines into U lines so that the teacher can see them
clearly one by one.
4. The teacher provides a lot of examples and uses pronoun and present future tense, so
students will recall the previous lesson while learning the present material.
1. When students are told to sit down and the teacher starts to explain the material, I think the
students began to feel bored. This is also due to continuous repetition so students are bored. I
saw a girl yawn in the middle of the video.
2. Maybe the teacher can make a little joke with students during the lesson so that the learning
doesn't seem too monotonous.
3. Repetition is the main thing for learning for young learners, but excessive repetition can
make children become not interested in what is taught by the teacher. This is what happened
in the video.
4. I don't see the students make or produce anything on their own in this video. All they do is
repetition. Usually at the last minutes, the teacher will ask students to make something to
comprehend their understanding. In this case, the teacher might ask students to draw a
person or some people who are walking / drinking / eating and writing the sentence below
the picture, it can function as the assessment too.

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