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Financial support for further education courses

Further education courses are known to be crucial in order to develop personal skills. Although
this is true, it is often claimed that they lack financial support, which shrinks the quality of the
programs. In this essay I will discuss which type of course deserves extra fundings from the

First of all, people seem to be less interested in art nowadays, which endangers the maintenance
of the country's cultural heritage. Consequently, new artists are needed. Dance, painting and
music courses could be supported by the government, helping to develop creativity and empathy
in students. This would certainly lead to a greater interest in art exhibitions and shows, also
allowing the learners to improve their performance in front of a large public. Besides that, the
programs would be able to provide free travels for their students, spreading the national culture in
festivals abroad.

Secondly, subsidies could be offered to people involved in sports programs. Not only does
physical activity boost productivity, but it also develops personal skills such as co-operation and
empathy. In fact, such competences are essential in the business world. While this would
encourage students to get healthier, professional athletes could rest assured that their
representation in international competitions would be funded by the government.

Taking everything into consideration, there are many good arguments for giving extra financial
support to art courses. Both students and community members would benefit from this support,
because awareness would be raised about the importance of our cultural heritage.

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