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Introducing a dress code in our school

School dress codes have been used in private institutions for years. However, it is
often claimed that wearing uniforms in public schools, like ours, would improve
safety and discipline among students.

First of all, dress codes promote safety in schools. By ensuring that every student
looks relatively the same, violence that can occur due to socioeconomic
differences won’t happen so frequently. Likewise, if all students wear a uniform, it
is easier for the school community to identify strangers inside the establishment.
Moreover, some dress codes require students to have the belt line exposed, which
can reduce the fear of concealed weapons.

On the other hand, wearing uniforms at school may improve discipline. That is to
say, students will be more focused on their education, because they are less
concerned about fitting in with their peers. Some scientific studies have proved
that students who wear uniforms at school score higher when tested. Similarly,
when schools introduce a dress code, there is an improvement in attendance. In
other words, the absence rate falls about 7% in middle and high schools after a
uniform becomes enforced. Furthermore, as students spend less time deciding
what to wear, they manage their time better.

All things considered, I believe that introducing a dress code in our school would
be a good measure and the students would benefit from it.

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