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DAY 2 (31/7/2018)

Today is the second day of my practicum. In the morning, the pupils had a
briefing on ‘Hari Bertemu Pelanggan’ by the teacher at the Dewan Terbuka. The
teacher also informed about Hari Skaf Sedunia which will be held on tomorrow
morning, from 7.40 a.m. to 8.15 a.m. As we have not got the RPT yet, the teacher
would be coming to the class first. Wujuje went around the school and entered the
remedial room. We had a long chat with the school remedial teacher, Puan Nadia
about the pupils in the school, including the indigenous. And the, we went to the
language lab and library to look around for any materials or things that can be used
as our teaching aids in the classroom.
Around 11.10 a.m., I got a relief for Year 4 pupils which is the class that I will be
teaching. Puan Azeeda told me to be in the library with the pupils as they were
having Nilam. This was my first relief and my first time to get to see the pupils whom I
will be teaching. I could see that they were excited when they saw me. I did not talk
much to them. I observed that they like to ask meaning of some words that they do
not understand a few times. When I talked and asked in English to them, there are
some simple words that they did not understand or confused that they could not
answer my question. I find this as one of the challenges for me during my teaching
later. After the relief, we and Puan Azeeda discussed about our class and lesson
plan. She also informed us about the pupils’ behaviour and how to control them in the
classroom. Around 2 p.m., we went back to IPG.

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