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How to Cook Pork Adobo

This version suggests marinating the pork to make it more flavorful.

Pork belly and other fatty cuts of pork are ideal for this recipe.

The first thing to do is marinate the pork belly in soy sauce and
crushed garlic. It is best to marinate it overnight. If time is limited, one
hour should be enough. Some like to add vinegar during the process.
You may do so if preferred.

Drain the marinade. Save it for later. The marinated pork needs to be
browned. Heat a cooking pot. Add pork with garlic. You can also add
a few tablespoons of cooking oil. Cook the pork until it turns brown.

The pork needs to be cooked until tender. Do this by pouring the

remaining marinade, if any. Also add water. Let the liquid boil. This is
the part where I put the whole peppercorn and dried bay leaves.
These ingredients complete my pork adobo. Boiling for 40 minutes
should be enough to tenderize the pork. There are times when you
have to cook longer.

If you have not added the vinegar as part of the marinade, pour it into
the pot and let it cook for 10 minutes. Salt is an optional ingredient for
this recipe. Use it only if you think its needed.

Pork Adobo Alterative and Additional Ingredients

Pork – Use any cut of pork that you prefer. I suggest pork belly for
best results. However, use leaner parts if you are trying to avoid fats.
Pork tenderloin is a healthier choice. This is very tender and contains
way less fat than pork belly. You can also use other proteins such as
chicken and goat meat using this recipe.

Onion – This recipe does not suggest the use of onion. I think that
onions help improve the taste of adobo. Use red, yellow, or white
onion for this recipe. Make sure to chop it into small pieces.
Dried Bay Leaves – this is an ingredient that you can almost always
find most of the time in the spice section of your local supermarket.
Believe it or not, but this makes a huge difference when cooking

Whole Peppercorn – this is a traditional ingredient. It will not matter if

you use crushed peppercorn or ground black pepper. Sichuan
peppercorns are also good alternatives.

Sugar – adding a teaspoon of sugar will move your pork adobo on the
sweeter side. I personally love the taste of adobo with a bit of sugar.

Try this Pork Adobo Recipe and let me know what you think.

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