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Vocabulary words class V April to June 2019

1. Abhorrent -(adj) distasteful, horrible, horrid

2. Apprehensive (adj) anxious or fearful that something bad or unpleasant will
3. Abstruse( adj. ) Difficult to comprehend.
4. Accelerate (Verb) To add to the speed of or quicken the motion of.
5. Accessible (Adj) Easily approached, entered or obtained.
6. Accomplice (Noun) One that participates with another in a crime either as
principal or accessory
7. Adjunct (Noun) Something joined or added to another thing but not
essentially a part of it.
8. Adversary (Noun) opponent; an enemy.
9. Adverse (adj.) Unfavorable or antagonistic in purpose or effect.
10. Advisory (Noun) A report giving information (as one issued by a weather
bureau on the progress of a hurricane.
11. Affiliation (Noun) The state or relation of being attached as a member or
12. Aggravate (Verb) To make worse, more serious, or more severe.
13. Ambiguity (Noun) The condition of admitting of two or more meanings, of
understood in more than one way, or of referring to two or more things at the
same time.
14. Ambivalent (adj) Characterized by a mixture of opposite feelings
15. Amendment (Noun) A change, modification, correction or
16. Anecdote (Noun) A usually short narrative of an interesting,
amusing, or
curious incident.
17. Frivolous (Adj ) not having any serious purpose or value.
18. Fugitive ( noun ) a person who has escaped from captivity or is in
19. fulminate-(v.) criticize severely
20. Fatal-(adj.) causing death,leading to failure or disaster
21. Fastidious(adj.) –giving careful attention to detail
22. Feasible (adj.)-capable of being done with means of hand
23. Dejection-(n.)unhappy or disappointed
24. Domicile-(n.) a home
25. Dominant-(adj.) having power and influence over others
26. Dominion-(n.) authority,control,command.
27. Decisive-(adj.) settling an issue , having or showing the ability to
decisions quickly and effectively.
28. Dubious(adj.) hesitating or doubting not to be relied upon
29. Doughty(adj.) brave and resolute
30. Degrade(v.)- treat or regard someone with disrespect
31. Dowdy(adj.)-not smart or fashionable
32. Drastic(adj.) -having a strong or far reaching effect
33. Dullard(n.)- a stupid person
34. Digress(v.) depart from the main subject temporarily
35. Garrulous(adj.)- very talkative
36. Gangling(adj.)- tall, thin and awkward
37. Gazette(n.)-a journal or newspaper
38. Gawky(adj.) – awkward and ungainly
39. Genesis(n.) – the origin of something
40. Genteel(adj.)- affectedly polite and refined
41. Gibber(v.)- speak rapidly and unintelligibly
42. Gloat (v.)- pleased about your own success or another’s failure
43. Glorify (v.)- represent as admirable or important
44. Gobble (v.)-eat hurriedly or noisily
45. Hallucinate(v.)- see something which is not actually present
46. Hamlet(n.)-a small village
47. Harass(v.)- subject to constant pressure or interference
48. Haywire- (adj.) out of control
49. Hectic-(adj.) full of frantic activity
50. Hefty(adj.)- large,heavy and powerful
51. Heed (v.)- pay attention to
52. Hermit (n.)- a person living in solitude especially for religious
53. Hideous(adj.)- very ugly
54. Hooligan(n.)- a violent young troublemaker
55. Hospitality(n.)-friendly and generous treatment of guests
56. Lousy (adj.)- very bad
57. Longevity(n.)- long life
58. Lunatic(n.)-a mentally ill person
59. Lukewarm(adj.)- slightly warm
60. Lethargy(n.)- lack of energy
61. Lanky (adj.)- tall,thin and awkward
62. Languish(v.)- become weak or feeble
63. Laudable(adj.)- deserving praise
64. Lethal(adj.)- able to cause death
65. Liberty(n.)- freedom
भाई परमानंद विद्या मंददर
कक्षा – पााँचिीं
शब्दकोष ( अप्रैल -२०१९)
१. तन्मय – सं० (वि०) तल्लीन,मग्न

२. तत्थ्यात्थमक – सं० (वि०) िास्तविक

३. ज्योत्थसना – सं० (स्त्री०) चंद्रमा का प्रकाश

४. दावनश – फ़ा० (स्त्री०) अक्ल,बुवि,वििेक

५. दुललभ – कठिनाई से प्राप्त होनेिाला

६. कसौटी – (स्त्री०) परख,जााँच

७. ख्यावत – सं० (स्त्री०) प्रवसवि , यश , शोहरत

८. कनक – (सं०) गेहाँ , सोना

९. कलेिर – सं० (पु०) शरीर,देह

१०. कांवत – सं० (स्त्री०) चमक , आभा

११. करुणा – सं० (स्त्री०) दया,रहम

१२. कमला – सं० (स्त्री०) लक्ष्मी ,धन,संपवत

१३. वखताब – (पुलल्लंग) उपावध ,पदिी

१४. घूणलन – सं०(पु०) चक्कर लगाना

१६. गौरि – बड़प्पन ,महत्त्ि

१७. जिाहर – (पु०) रत्न , मवण

१८. जाह्निी – सं० (स्त्री०) जह्नु (ऋवष) से उत्थपन्न नदी

१९. वचरं जीि – सं० (वि०) बहुत समय तक जीवित रहनेिाला

२०. वगरीश – (पुलल्लंग) पिलतों का राजा

२१. गुफ्तगू - फ़ा० (स्त्री०) िाताललाप , बातचीत

२२. दुगलम – सं० (वि०) जहााँ पहुाँचना कठिन हो

२३. दीवप्त - सं० (स्त्री०) प्रकाश,उजाला

२४. दैनवन्दनी - सं० (स्त्री०) डायरी

भाई परमानंद विद्या मंददर
शब्दकोष (जुलाई से ससतम्बर - २०१८)

कक्षा – पााँचिी

1. चंचला – सं० (स्त्री०) विद्यत

ु ् ,बिजली
2. चंद्रिार – सं० (प०
ु ) सोमिार
3. चंद्रालोक – सं० (प०
ु ) चंद्रमा का प्रकाश ,चााँदनी
4. चतुरानन - सं० (प०
ु ) ब्रह्मा
5. चमन – फ़ा० (प०
ु ) छोटा िगीचा , फुलिारी
6. चयन - सं० (प०
ु ) चन
ु कर अलग करने की क्रिया , चन
ु ना
7. चयननका - सं० (स्त्री०) चन
ु ी हुई कविताओं का संग्रह
8. चरमािस्त्था - सं० (स्त्री०) अंनतम अिस्त्था
9. चरमोत्कर्ष - सं० (प०
ु ) चरम बिंद ु
10. चचकीर्ाष - सं० (स्त्री०) काम करने की इच्छा
11. चचरं जीि - सं० (वि०) िहुत समय तक जीवित रहनेिाला
12. चनु नंदा – फ़ा (वि०) चन
ु ा हुआ , श्रेष्ठ , उत्तम
13. नछद्रान्िेर्ण - सं० (प०
ु ) दोर् ढाँ ढना
14. जगत्साक्षी - सं० (प०
ु ) सयष
15. जघन्य - सं० (वि०) अनत ननंदनीय और िरु ा
16. जिाहर - (प०
ु ) रत्न , मणण
17. जायज़ा – (प०
ु ) जााँच –पड़ताल , क्रकए गए कामों का वििरण
18. जायफल – (प०
ु ) एक सग
ु ंचित फल जो मसाले और दिा के रूप में काम में
लाया जाता है |
19. जाजेट - (प०
ु ) एक तरह का कृबरम रे शमी कपड़ा
20. जाह्निी - सं० (स्त्री०) जह्नु (ऋवर्) से उत्पन्न नदी
21. जजगीर्ा - सं० (स्त्री०) जीतने की इच्छा ,विजयकामना
22. जजजीविर्ा - सं० (स्त्री०) जीने की चाह
23. जजज्ञासाकुल - सं० (वि०) पछताछ या जानने की इच्छा से व्याकुल
24. जजतिैया – (वि०) विजय प्राप्त करनेिाला
25. जजतें द्रद्रय - सं० (वि०) जजसने इंद्रद्रयों को अपने िश में कर ललया हो
26. जीिंत - सं० (वि०) जीता – जागता ,प्राणिान
27. जीिंनतका - सं० (स्त्री०) अन्य िक्ष
ृ ों पर फैलनेिाली लता
28. जग
ु त - (स्त्री०) तरकीि , यजु तत , कौशल
29. ज्ञानेंद्रद्रय - सं० (स्त्री०) विर्यों का ज्ञान करानेिाली इंद्रद्रयााँ ( जैसे – आाँख
,कान ,जीभ ,त्िचा )
30. ज्योत्सना - सं० (स्त्री०) चंद्रमा का प्रकाश
31. झेंप – (वि०) झेंपनेिाला ,संकोची
32. टकैत – (वि०) टकेिाला , िनिान , अमीर
33. ठाँ ठ – (वि०) िक्ष
ृ का िचा हुआ द्रहस्त्सा
34. तटस्त्थ – (वि०) जो समीप रहता हो , ननकटस्त्थ
35. तत्काल – उसी समय , फौरन
36. तत्कालीन - सं० (वि०) उस समय का
37. तथास्त्तु – ऐसा ही हो
38. तथ्य - सं० (प०
ु ) यथाथष , सच्चाई
39. तथ्यात्मक - सं० (वि०) िास्त्तविक
40. तद्भि - सं० (प०
ु ) क्रकसी भार्ा से विकलसत शब्द
41. तननष्ठ - सं० (वि०) िहुत दि
ु ला – पतला
42. तन्मय - सं० (वि०) तल्लीन , मग्न
43. तपनांशु - सं० (प०
ु ) सयष की क्रकरण
44. तपजस्त्िनी - सं० (स्त्री०) तपस्त्या करनेिाली स्त्री
45. तपेद्रदक – फ़ा० (स्त्री०) क्षय , टी० िी० का रोग
46. तप्तायनी - सं० (स्त्री०) दख
ु का लोक , पथ्ृ िी
47. तरकश – फ़ा० (प०
ु ) तीर रखने का चोंगा
48. तनजा – (स्त्री०) यमन
ु ा
49. तरुण - सं० (वि०) नियि
ु क , यि
ु ा – परु
ु र्
50. तजजषत - सं० (वि०) जजसे डराया – िमकाया गया हो , अपमाननत
51. तर्षण – (सं०) अलभलार्ा , इच्छा
52. तहलका – (प०
ु ) उत्पाद , उपद्रि
53. तहे द्रदल – फ़ा० (वि०) अंतमषन
54. तांडि - सं० (प०
ु ) लशि का उग्र नत्ृ य
55. तात्पयष - (प०
ु ) अलभप्राय , आशय
56. तानाशाह - (प०
ु ) स्त्िेच्छाचारी , ननरं कुश शासक
57. तापें द्र - सं० (प०
ु ) सयष
58. तामरस - सं० (प०
ु ) कमल
59. तारतम्यात्मक - सं० (वि०) िमिद्ध
60. तारीक – काला , स्त्याह , अंिकारपणष
61. ताक्रकषक - सं० (वि०) तकषशास्त्र का ज्ञाता
62. नतकड़मिाज़ी – (स्त्री०) घात , उपाय , चालाकी
63. नतजारत – (स्त्री०) रोज़गार , व्यापार
64. नतनतक्षा - सं० (स्त्री०) सदी-गमी ,दख
ु आद्रद सहन करने की शजतत
65. नतलमंगल - सं० (प०
ु ) व्हे ल मछली
66. नतलमत - सं० (वि०) अचल , शांत
67. नतलमर - सं० (प०
ु ) अंिकार
68. नतलमरारर - सं० (प०
ु ) सयष
69. नतरस्त्कार - सं० (प०
ु ) अपमान , अनादर
70. नतरस्त्कृत - सं० (वि०) अपमाननत
71. नतरोभाि - सं० (प०
ु ) अदृश्य हो जाना
72. नतयषक - सं० (वि०) नतरछा , आड़ा
73. नतलांजलल - सं० (स्त्री०) नतल ि जल मत
ृ क के नाम से छोड़ने की क्रिया
2. हमेशा के ललए साथ छोड़ना
74. नतहुाँलोक - सं० (प०
ु ) तीन लोक – स्त्िगष ,पथ्
ृ िी , पाताल
75. तीथषकर - सं० (प०
ु ) जैननयों के 24 महान व्यजतत
76. तीथाषटन - सं० (प०
ु ) तीथषयारा
77. तुतकड़ – तक
ु िंदी करनेिाला , सािारण कवि
78. तुरंगी - सं० (प०
ु ) घड़
ु सिार
79. तुरमती – (स्त्री०) लशकारी चचड़ड़या
80. तरु ही – (स्त्री०) फाँ ककर िजाया जानेिाला लंिा िाजा
81. तुर्ार – पाला , िफष , द्रहम
82. तजु ष्ट - सं० (स्त्री०) संतोर् ,प्रसन्नता
83. तजृ प्त - सं० (स्त्री०) आिश्यकता परी होने पर लमलनेिाली मानलसक शांनत
84. तर्
ृ ा - सं० (स्त्री०) प्यास , अलभलार्ा , इच्छा
85. तष्ृ णा - सं० (स्त्री०) प्यास , विशेर् कामना रखनेिाला
86. तेजजस्त्िनी - सं० (स्त्री०) तेज से यत
ु त स्त्री
87. तेजस्त्िी - सं० (वि०) शजततशाली , प्रतापी
88. तैजस - सं० (वि०) तेज से यत
ु त , साहसी
89. तैनतक्ष - सं० (वि०) सहनशील
90. तोय - सं० (प०
ु ) जल , पानी
91. तोयाशय - सं० (प०
ु ) सरोिर , सागर
92. तोर्क - सं० (वि०) संतोर् दे नेिाला
93. त्यागी - सं० (वि०) जो सांसाररक सख
ु – सािनों में ललप्त न हो
94. रस्त्त - सं० (वि०) भयभीत
95. राता - सं० (वि०) रक्षा करनेिाला
96. रद्रु ट - सं० (स्त्री०) भल , कमी
97. त्र्यंिक - सं० (प०
ु ) लशि , एक कनाषटकी राग
98. त्िरता - सं० (स्त्री०) शीघ्रता
99. त्िष्टा - सं० (प०
ु ) विश्िकमाष , िढ़ई
100. थोथा - (प०
ु ) खाली , खोखली
101. दं गल – फ़ा० (प०
ु ) कुश्ती आद्रद की प्रनतद्िंद्विता , अखाड़ा
102. लमथ्या - सं० (प०
ु ) लमथ्या ( झठा ) अलभमान
103. दक्ष - सं० (वि०) कुशल , ननपण

104. दगैल – (वि०) दगािाज़ , कपटी
105. दमन - सं० (प०
ु ) आत्मननयंरण , िलपिषक शांत करने का काम
106. दयनीय - सं० (वि०) दया करने योग्य
107. दयािंत - सं० (वि०) दयालु
108. दरीिा - (प०
ु ) िह िाज़ार जहााँ एक-सी चीज़ें बिकती हो
109. दशषनालभलार्ी – सं० (वि०) दशषन करने की इच्छा रखनेिाला
110. दलशषका - सं० (स्त्री०) मागषदशषन करनेिाली
111. दशक - सं० (प०
ु ) दस िर्ष का समय
112. दलील – (स्त्री०) यजु तत , तकष , िहस
113. दरिेश – फ़ा० (प०
ु ) लभखारी , फ़कीर
114. दज़ाष - (प०
ु ) स्त्थान ,श्रेणी , कक्षा
115. दस्त्तर – फ़ा० (प०
ु ) प्रथा , रीनत , ननयम
Class V

July- Sep

1. aboriginal-(adj) existing in a country from its earliest times

2. anthology- (n) a collection of passages from literature especially poems
3. antisocial- (adj) destructive or hostile to other members of the society
4. archaic- (adj) belonging to former or ancient times
5. articulate- (adj) spoken distinctly; able to express ideas clearly
6. barbarous- (adj) uncivilized; cruel; coarse or unrefined
7. hallucination (n) an illusion of seeing or hearing something
8. brutal- (adj) harsh, merciless, coarsely cruel
9. shrewd- (adj) showing good judgement,; clever
10. hard-headed- (adj) shrewd and practical
11. spectator- (n) a person who watches a game, incident, etc.
12. bystander (n) a person who stands by but doesn’t take part; a mere spectator; an
13. eminent- (adj) famous; distinguished
14. contradictory (adj) expressing a denial or opposite statement
15. lethargy (n) extreme lack of energy {lethargic – adj (lazy)}
16. liberal (adj) generous; open-minded
17. credible (adj) believable {credibility- noun}
18. incredible (adj) unbelievable; very surprising
19. prudent (adj) careful to avoid wromh consequences
20. despair- (n) complete lack of hope
21. dismay (n) a feeling of anxiety or despair
22. swindle ( v) to cheat in a business transaction
23. diddle (v) to cheat; swindle
24. vision (n) ability to see; something seen in the imagination or a dream
25. visionary (adj) fanciful; not practical
(noun) a person with visionary ideas
26. wanderlust- (n) a strong desire to travel
27. solitude (n) loneliness
28. omniscient (adj) knowing everything
29. amiable (adj) warm and friendly
30. callous (adj) emotionally hardened
31. chide (v) scold or reprimand severely or angrily
32. reprimand (v) scold; rebuke
33. demure (adj) quiet and serious; shy or modest
34. eloquent –(adj) expressing yourself readily, clearly, effectively
35. flabbergast ( v) surprise or astonish
36. haughty (adj) having or showing great pride or showing arrogant superiority
37. flamboyant (adj) showy in appearance or manner
38. jubilant (adj) full of high-spirited delight {delight (abstract noun)- joy}
39. novice (n) someone new to a field or activity; an inexperienced person
40. superfluous (adj) more than is needed, desired or required
41. serendipity (n) making of pleasant discoveries by accident
42. sycophant (n) a person who tries to please someone to gain an advantage
43. vex (v) annoy; irritate
44. budge- (v) to move or shift
45. deprive (v) to take or keep something away from someone
46. exasperate (v) to irritate, annoy or anger
47. extravagant (adj) spending or using excessively; going beyond what is reasonable
48. kin- (n) one’s relatives
49. jubilation (n) a feeling or expression of great joy
50. exotic (adj) brought from abroad; colourful; unusual
51. obsolete (adj) out-of-date; no longer in use; out-dated
52. exemplary (adj) outstandingly good; serving as a warning to others
53. protagonist (n) main character of any play or story
54. evasive (adj) somebody who is not frank
55. thrifty (adj) careful about money; economical
Class V

Oct- Feb

1. kin- (n) one’s relatives

2. jubilation (n) a feeling or expression of great joy
3. exotic (adj) brought from abroad; colourful; unusual
4. obsolete (adj) out-of-date; no longer in use; out-dated
5. exemplary (adj) outstandingly good; serving as a warning to others
6. protagonist (n) main character of any play or story
7. evasive (adj) somebody who is not frank
8. thrifty (adj) careful about money; economical
9. dejection- (n) disappointment
10. divulge (v) to give away information
11. fallacious (adj) fake or mistaken belief or statement
12. absurd (adj) illogical; inappropriate; silly
13. amalgamate (v) to unite or mix
14. ambiguous (adj) vague ; not clear; having two or more possible meanings
15. diffident- (adj) lacking self-confidence; modest
16. mentor- (n) a trusted advisor
17. emulate-(v) to strive(try) to equal or excel
18. feign-(v) to give false appearance or impression
19. fervent-(adj) highly emotional; showing intense feeling
20. fictitious-(adj) imaginary; not true
21. flounder-(v) move clumsily as in mud; to become confused when trying to do
22. garrulous-(adj) talkative
23. laudable-(adj) praiseworthy, commendable
24. noisome-(adj) harmful; destructive; evil-smelling
25. ponderous-(adj) heavy; dull; awkward; massive
26. superfluous-(adj) surplus ; excess; being more than enough; unnecessary
27. subtle-(adj) difficult to analyse or describe ; making use of clever and indirect
methods to achieve something
28. tranquillity- (n) the quality or state of being calm ; peaceful; undisturbed
29. turmoil-(n) state of great unrest, trouble and confusion
30. partiality- (n) bias, favouritism
31. wretched-(adj) extremely pitiful or unfortunate
32. rigour-(n) strictness, severity; harshness of weather or conditions
33. totter (v ) move without being stable; walk unsteadily
34. transfixed-(v) to become motionless with horror, wonder or astonishment
35. pungent-(adj) having a sharply strong taste or smell ; bitter
36. mellow- (adj) pleasant; melodious
37. shriek-(v) to scream; high pitched screeching sound especially as an expression
of terror, pain or excitement
38. mellifluous-(adj) sweet- sounding; pleasingly smooth and musical to hear
39. avenge (v) to take revenge
40. rogue- (n) a dishonest or mischievous person
41. ambidextrous (adj) able to use either hand equally well
42. predicament- (n) a difficult situation
43. reluctant (adj) unwilling
44. procrastinate- (v) postpone action
45. resplendent (adj) brilliant with colour or decorations
46. sullen ( adj) gloomy and unresponsive; dark and dismal
47. sequel (n) a book, film or programme that continues the story or develops the
theme of an earlier one
48. shackle (n) pair of metal rings used to fasten a prisoner’s wrist
49. pirate (n) a person on a ship who robs another ship at sea or raids a coast
50. placid (adj) calm, not easily upset
51. servile (adj) excessively willing to serve or please others
52. steady (adj) not shaking
53. tickle (v) touch or stroke lightly so as to cause a slight tingling sensation
54. vigil (n) a period of staying awake to keep watch or pray
55. vigilant (adj) watchful
56. candid (adj) truthful, straightforward, frank
57. mousse (n) a frothy creamy dish
58. piffle (n) nonsense
59. melancholy (n) mental depression; sadness; gloom
60. cafard (n) deep depression; melancholy
61. cajole (v) persuade someone to do something by flattery
62. mourn ( v) feel or express sorrow about (a dead person or lost thing)
63. calibre (n) the quality of something, especially a person’s ability
64. ceaseless (adj) never stopping; constant
65. odour (n) a smell
66. appease (v) make someone calmer by agreeing to their demands
67. hostile (adj) showing or feeling dislike or opposition
68. ogre (n) a man-eating giant in fairy tales; a terrifying person
69. hotchpotch (n) a confused mixture
70. horrendous (adj) highly unpleasant or horrifying
71. hoard (n) a secret store of money or valuables; a store of useful information
{verb- gradually collect something and store it away}
72. hitch (n) a temporary difficulty; (n) temporary know used to fasten one thing to
73. hither (adv) to or towards this place (in simple words- ‘here’)
74. hobble (v) walk awkwardly, typically because of pain ;{n- awkward way of
75. limp (v) move with difficulty {(adj- not stiff or firm; lacking energy)}
76. lineage (n) a person’s ancestry
77. nepotism (n) favouritism to relatives or friends in giving them jobs
78. peculiar (adj) strange
79. rabble (n) a disorderly crowd
80. quiver (v) shake or vibrate with a slight rapid motion
81. queasy (adj) feeling slightly sick
82. pioneer (n) a person who is one of the first to explore a new region or subject
83. elementary (adj) relating to the most basic aspects of a subject
84. elicit (v) draw out or produce a response or reaction
85. embezzle (v) steal money placed in one’s trust or under one’s control
86. embankment (n) a wall or bank built to prevent flooding by a river
87. elucidate(v) make something easier to understand
88. spoilsport (n) a person who spoils others’ enjoyment
89. emancipate (v) set someone free from legal or social problems or from slavery
90. embellish (v) make something more attractive, decorate, add extra
91. flitter (v) move quickly here and there
92. flick (v) make a sudden sharp movement
93. flicker (v) shine or burn unsteadily; make small quick movements
94. flimsy (adj) weak and fragile; light, thin and unconvincing
95. heedless (adj) showing lack of care or attention
96. irresistible (adj) too tempting or powerful to be resisted
97. lexicon (n) dictionary; (n) the vocabulary of a person, language or subject area
98. liable (adj) responsible by law ; legally required to do something
99. valiant (adj) brave
100. vacuous (adj) unintelligent; expressionless
101. monopoly (n) the exclusive possession or control of the supply of a
product or service
102. yowl (v/n) (make) a loud wailing cry
103. motif (n) a single or repeated image forming a design ; a theme that is
repeated in an artistic or literary work
104. well-being(n) good health, prosperity and happiness
105. oblation (n) an offering made to God
106. plucky(adj) brave and determined in the face of difficulties
107. toil(v) work or move laboriously

108. misconceive (v) fail to understand something correctly; be badly judged or


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