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Stencil and Template for Visio 2010

Visio 2010 re pre se nts the first notice able im prove m e nt in usability since Visio 2000, but no e nhance m e nt in the
funtionality, upon which the UML 2.2 shape s are built upon. The re fore , the shape s for Visio 2010 are the sam e as for
Visio 2007; the re are m inor change s in the te m plate .

Install: If you'd lik e the te m plate to appe ar in the "Software and Database " cate gory whe n you click File /Ne w,
toge the r with Visio's own te m plate s, cre ate in any folde r a subfolde r calle d "Software and Database ", for e x am ple ,
"...\My Docum e nts\My Shape s\Software and Database ". You could choose any folde r, except of the Visio program
folde r, i.e ., don't use C :\Program File s\Microsoft O ffice \O ffice 14\Visio C onte nt\1033. Unzip the ste ncils and te m plate
into "...\My Docum e nts\My Shape s\Software and Database " or the folde r you cre ate d.

Start Visio, click the File tab, click O ptions, click Advance d, and the n, unde r Ge ne ral at the ve ry bottom , click File
Locations. Type full path of this folde r without the last se gm e nt "Software and Database " into the fie lds "Ste ncils"
and "Te m plate s". That is, type in "C :\Docum e nt and Se ttings\<use r nam e >\My Docum e nts\My Shape s\" . The
te m plate "UML 2.2 Te m plate (Visio 2010)" will appe ar in the cate gory "Software and Database ".

If you'd lik e the UML 2.2 te m plate to appe ar in anothe r cate gory, such as a "UML" cate gory, use "UML" inste ad of
"Software and Database " in the ste ps above .

The ste ncils and te m plate are he re :

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