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S no. Topics Pg. no.

1 Acknowledgement 3
2 Abstract 4
3 Introduction 5

4 Problem Statement 7
5 Research Objectives 8
6 Scope of Study 8
7 Literature Review 9
8 Research Methodology 12
9 Discussion 13
10 - Promotion/Networking 13
11 - Consumer Behavior 20
12 - Competition 28
13 - E commerce 32
14 Result 34
15 Conclusion 34
16 Recommendation 35
17 References 35


The completion of this report could not be possible without the help of Almighty
Allah so, first of all we would like to thanks the most merciful and the most
gracious Allah.
We are also thankful to our most respected parents who supported us
emotionally and encourage us to work on that report.

We would also like to thank our most respectful and honorable teacher Sir Shair
Muhammad whose expert advices and kind cooperation gave us great strength to
complete this report.

Lastly, thanks to all group members whose superb ideas, hard work and
contribution helped us to complete this report.

The variables of this report are consumer behavior, competition, ecommerce and promotion. The
report is exploratory and descriptive in nature. Data collection method is secondary which
includes internet sources, research papers and articles.

This report focuses on the trend of digital marketing in Pakistan. The purpose over a wide span
of time and its future in the globalized world. As showcasing has turned into an important device
for each industry to achieve the customer it's turned out to be exceptionally unpredictable as to
choose what is the correct medium for showcasing. As the world has modernized significantly in
the most recent decade computerized media has achieved each home what's more, subsequently
turn into a vital vehicle for promoting. This venture will cover advanced advertising patterns and
its future, general issue confronted and little recommendation to conquer it alongside few cases.
The world is at its peak stage of globalization where everyone is connected to each other through
the versatile use of internet. The internet also offers ample of benefits not just only to businesses
but to the consumers as well, which can easily help them to buy and sell online just by a click.

The Internet also offers ways for businesses to reduce its cost through designing effective supply
chain system. Selling through online system can give an advantage to businesses of having
limitless shelf life in order to store their product without the hassle of taking decision of
assorting the products, which can take place in case of a traditional store.

It also provide consumers the comfort of convenience and ample of information in order to easily
compare one good to another. [Butler and Peppard, 1998]. Also a speedy delivery of order on
consumers door step gives the individual an edge over the traditional shoppers.

However there are still a lot of customers who prefer to shop the traditional way since reliability
is their main concern, also many customers’ wants to get the satisfaction of the product by
viewing it live before purchasing it.

This report is based on a very significant and emerging topic of Marketing. The main variable of
this entire report is ‘DIGITAL MARKETING’.
Digital Marketing is an umbrella term for the marketing of products or services using
digital technologies, mainly on the internet, but also including mobile phones, display
advertising and any other digital medium. [Wikipedia]

Since Digital Marketing is a method by which companies are spreading awareness about their
products and services or in other words they are promoting their offerings to the audience, so the
businesses can gain customers through creative and effective ideas.

Purchasing of goods and services online have become a very acceptable and predominant means
of shopping in this fast moving lifestyle.[Bourlakis et al., 2008].

We have also high lightened that how and what factors are considered while shopping and
buying online. As well as how Digital Marketing is influencing these sub- variables which are 1)
Consumers Behavior, 2) E-Commerce, 3) Competition, 4) Networking/ Promotion, to play its
part in the world of internet.

This report is also covering the essential role played by Digital Marketing in different and
prominent service sectors such as (Electronic, Fashion, FMCG and Tourism) in Pakistan.

A research was conducted in some of the major cities of Pakistan which showed for how long
consumers are shopping online;
This analysis showed that majority of people currently are not too much into the idea of shopping
online since it’s apparently a new concept in Pakistan.[Adil Bashir,2013].

This report was concluded on the bases of that what will be the future of Digital Marketing in the
Pakistani environment.

1.2. Problem Statement

What is the value of digital marketing across different industries of Pakistan?

According to the past studies of various research papers it has been described that with the world
progressing it is really important that the businesses adopt the growing trend of digital
marketing. This is very beneficial because those who don’t adopt these new techniques have very
less chances of growth. In another paper it stated that there are two types of people in Pakistan,
those who readily accept digital marketing and those who are slightly doubtful about it. As far as
the consumer behavior is concerned online shopping is popular among young generation. It is
not adopted at a higher rate by the citizen of Pakistan due to safety concerns. Use web journals
and other online promotional tools to connect with clients .Propose that social media be
considered a hybrid component of the promotional mix and therefore be incorporated as an
integral part of the organization’s IMC strategy. Use digital based limited time instruments to
draw in clients. Provide data, be over the top, and provide exclusivity. Design items with ideas
and customers' fancied mental self portraits as a primary concern are some helpful points in

Research Gap
The purpose of the research is to spread awareness about the benefits of digital marketing in
tourism and FMCG industries in Pakistan.

Importance of research gap

Since tourism and FMCG are important are essential and becoming one of the popular industries
in Pakistan so on a wide scale research should be held on these industries.

1.3. Research Objectives.

 To examine how individual behavior, social media accessibility, competition, e-commerce
and advertisement effect digital marketing.

1.4. Scope of Digital Marketing

From traditions to creativity to smart technological usage and acceptance the new consumer is
ruling the world .Interactive digital marketing is so infectious that it is influencing the way we
live and move around. Transformations in information access are shaping how we buy and sell
Digital marketing is the new game. It’s no longer limited to a single consumer but it is driving
entities to global efficiencies and competitions. Single target population domain is gone

The role of digital marketing for customers, students, management and

This study is applicable on the target audience belonging from Asia, Pakistan

Digital marketing has allowed viral information access and sharing that allows customers to buy
from global platforms, avail massive variety of products and services, compare prices,
share views and reviews, rate product and applications. Digital user interfaces are
developed for highly customized customer needs and preferences.


Digital marketing has given platform to students to think on a wider scale, student’s interests are
growing day by day. The field of study is so huge and promises that students can interact
and experience new domains of their own interest. Platforms like,
LinkedIn, twitter and even Facebook now are encouraging students to invest time in the
real world while carrying their educational responsibilities encouraging career growth.


Due to the increasing interactive marketing the working entities are now forced to look globally.
Competition has gone universal. Management working strategies are now based on online
rules. A firm can get ratings in a minute and it can also lose its goodwill in minutes.
Critic’s evaluations and interactive channels have made competition and provision of
product/service quality to an intensely volatile sate.


Technology and innovation is changing rapidly technicians are thus developing new ways to
develop interface that are highly interactive, easy to use, and generates high successful
ratings (SEO). The technicians are improving technologies for a user friendly domain that
gives a customer all that it wants.
1.5. Literature Review
Digital Marketing in Pakistan
In a research paper (Fawad Khan and Professor Dr. Kamran Siddique, 2005) they have
investigated the perception of digital marketing in Pakistan. They used the sample size of
200 marketing professionals. Data was analyzed by descriptive analysis. The results show
that the Pakistani marketers are somewhat cynical towards digital marketing and they
consider SMS and MMS as effective way of digital marketing. This behavior is due to the
consciousness about spreading faulty information.


Since digital marketing is all about promotion so in today's time, online networking channels, for
example, Face book, Twitter, Google and other web-based social networking firms have
effectively changed the states of mind and view of shoppers and at last helped many
organizations in advancement of their marketing and promotion.

Promotion can be defined as the “function of informing, persuading, and influencing a consumer
decision” equally important for non-profit and profit organizations, and equally important for
products or services. Promotion can be used in order to increase sales, attract new customers,
create awareness, change attitude or create an image, through advertising, personal selling, direct
marketing and interactive/internet marketing (Dhunna, Chakrabarti, Katiyar, Mallick, & Harish,
2012; Esu&Ebitu, 2010). Finally, one of the most important tools nowadays is digital Marketing.
It is a product of information technology and its development and it represents field for various
research. Depending on the focus group for the promotion, effective promotion strategies that
will include the best combination of promotion tools have to be created. One of the newest
addition to the promotion strategies are social media sites (Esu&Ebitu 2010). Mangold and
Faulds (2009) named social media as “the new hybrid element of the promotional mix”.

By adopting digital marketing means getting into competition with others. In an article by Kit
Smith (2016), he described very important points and strategies that are necessary in acquiring
competitive advantage. The variables are analyzing competitor’s strengths and weaknesses,
producing innovative products, getting inspiration from competitors. The tools that can be
helpful in tracking the competitor’s activities are also mentioned. The purpose of the article is to
give awareness that how one can excel in digital marketing.

.Consumer Behavior
In order to write about the consumers’ behavior towards digital marketing, some of the research
[papers were referred in which everyone have their own findings.

The book written by [Black well, et al, 2006 edition 10th] talked about consumers behavior
focusing on three main dimensions that is obtaining, consuming and disposing the products and
services. It also stated that what is the impact of decision making processes on the chooses of
customers purchases.

However, the paper written by [Wang ,et al] also stated the same elements of the decision
process but from a different angle.

Different surveys were conducted in context with the impact of digital marketing the different
and important service industries of Pakistan.

Adil Bashir wrote quite a detailed report on the consumers’ behavior towards the online
shopping of electronics in Pakistan. He conducted a survey and the findings showed various
attitudes towards buying electronic product online. His analysis also showed that Electronic is
the most purchased product online.

However a survey about consumers behavior towards online buying of clothing in Pakistan
which showed that people mostly prefer to buy cloths over the internet because its more feasible,
whereas the survey result also showed that cloths are the most purchased item comparatively to

The rest research was done on bases of exploratory and own experience.

According to an article it is very important to keep in mind the preferences of their audience as
they not only rely on the message conveyed to them but also on the reviews they get from
their friends and families. (Afrina Yasmin et al., 2015)


The purpose of the articleHala syed (2015) by is cultural and creative industries of Pakistan. It
focuses on nitty gritty foundation of industry and their collaboration with UK. They have also
discussed the role of Pakistani government. Wardha saleem the CEO of pakistani council
declared that 2014 had been a land mark for the clothing industry in Pakistan. The panel
consisted of British council director peter capton , UK based consultant craig specler and some
major pakistani experts like Rabi Javeri highlighted the importance of pakistani designer.Role of
pakistani governmentthe gap between academic and industry linkage.experience base research are the
variables. Industrial sector is Clothing industry
2.1. Study Approach: Secondary research, Library research (Exploratory, Descriptive)

2.2. Data Sources:

 Internet sources
 Research papers
 Articles
 Library source

2.3. Target audience:

Internet users such as
 Consumers
 Students
 Entrepreneurs
 General public



1. Digital Promotion/Networking
Digital promotion is the use of different forms of electronic media to market or publicize a
product or brand. Marketing or publicizing platforms that are used includes social media,
electronic billboards and mobile phones. Digital promotion is how a brand or an organization
advertises on public websites, on their own websites or to make a versatile mobile application to
promote their product or service.
Digital promotion is commonly used as a part of an organization’s digital marketing strategy
implemented to grow sales of a product or service as well as to drive consciousness of the brand
to the audience. This is mainly done through social media and social engine optimization (SEO).

1.1. Traditional Promotion vs. Digital Promotion

Practically anything can be a promotional medium, from your logo on a client's espresso mug to
a painting on your parking-lot wall. These incorporate conventional promotional things, for
example, pens and date-books, deals flyers, show advertisements in daily papers and magazines,
and radio or TV advertisements.
Digital media incorporate high-tech vehicles, for example, sites, cell phone applications, web
journals, Twitter sustains and Facebook pages. Both styles of promotion are substantial and
viable, when utilized intelligently.
Traditional advertising models created in light of the fact that the economics of the industrial era
demanded it. Association was costly, so information about the expected benefits of consumption
of items must be squeezed into trademarks, characters, and logos, packed into thirty-second TV
promotions and radio spots. With the coming of advance information age nevertheless and cheap
digital connection, these models are falling to pieces.
What's replacing it is digital promotional models where consumers are currently in control. They
can debate about brands and discuss expenses connected with and the advantages of the brand in
incredibly rich points of interest. The more Less expensive this communication gets, the more
consumers become connected and the more they will converse with each other – and the less
time they will spend through listening to the regularly fake promises of advertisers. The
information gap made in the past too vanishes in these conditions and advertisers are left

Engagement rate: calculated as the average no. of likes, comments and shares per post on a given
day divided by the total number of fans on the page. It reflects the% of fan base that engages
with the page.

Response rate: Percentage of wall posts that get responded to by the company.

1.2. Electronics
Nokia Pakistan’s photo of the two Lumia cell phones – these high-end devices has been
marketed by key social media influencers. Along with successful advertising, Nokia
Pakistan was able to obtain 52,000 interactions on this particular post.

1.3. Tourism
The important task of promotion is that “it fills the perceptual and informational gaps that exist
between suppliers of tourism (industry) and the tourists (market)” (Esu&Ebitu, 2010).

Individuals these days can make speedier and less expensive touring plans including on the web
inn booking. Also, with the development of web-based social networking sites and digital
promotions of different travel and tour guides now individuals are more mindful of everything
that is circumventing them. For instance, with regards to voyaging, individuals are more aware
of the new traveler spots that have been found in the nation. With sites, they get hold of the data
about a place, which generally would have been troublesome for them.

There are no. of Pakistani based travel and tour guides websites: your perfect hotel one click away
Flight connection travel & tours (Pvt) ltd.

1.4 Fashion
Online purchases by customers have been observed as s gigantic rise which is understandable
considering females make up 31% of Pakistan's Face book populace of very nearly 7 Million and
the age gather from 18-34 years makes 76% of the said populace. These details plainly deduce
that Digital promotion has unquestionably turned into a successful medium of transforming
information and communicating with this present industry's objective group.

In essence, the affordable average clicks received by cost per click advertising campaigns CPC of
$0.20 and costs per thousand impression average CPM of $0.03 have given a wide range of
brands the influence to advance and to promote themselves in online networking advertising for
their advantage, particularly if conventional mediums like bulletins, print promotions, TVCs and
so forth are out of budget plan.

Remembering these details and patterns, one can clearly presume that digital and eventually
mobile promotions have immense potential for the Fashion Industry. If the development patterns
keep on moving in a similar direction and at a comparative pace, there should certainly be no
barriers for web-based social networking promoting from making brands re-dispense their
budgets from conventional to online mediums.

Chen One Mid-Season Sale has begun!

Visit to get up to 50% OFF on all stock including new winter Collection

Chen one recent promotional advertisement on Facebook and their website. Chen One uses
digital promotion as their advertisement tool and they have succeeded securing their objective
market through digital advancement.

Though Stylo is likewise a top brand in Pakistan and uses the social network as their promotional
instrument. Stylo dependably concocts new limited time offers at their Facebook page and their
site conveys full data and It's easy to shop online from stylo site.
1.5. FMCG

In this day and age, individuals don't need to visit market to get data about item they need. They
appreciate being at home since without much of a stretch get data of items and service. Imtiaz
Super market a place where you can discover all your required FMCG items. Imtiaz gives every
single data including costs of items on their website. Following is their winter promotional Offer:
With 128,000 total connections, Nestle FruitaVital's giveaway has whipped the Most Popular
Post spotlight, requesting that viewers share a video to enter a fortunate draw. Their
#GetRealbattle worked advertising wonders, as well as did well in connecting with consumers.

1.6. Fame game

Social media provides simple opportunities for marketers to promote products and services. if
they only post advertisement , audience may stop following brands altogether. To promote the
product Brands endorse celebrities. Pakistani people are fan of Pakistani celebrities whether they
belong to social media, showbiz, sports, and so forth. These days Pakistani celebrities post
pictures and videos on their web-based social networking profiles about whatever brand they use
and wear and they also post remarks about brands in this way individuals who follow celebrities
likewise follow the brand. Not just enormous brands or existing brands promote their items
through celebrities however new brands and brands that are not entrenched likewise promote
themselves by product as gifts to celebrities and later celebs post about the brand.

There are numerous popular famous people of Pakistan, who are the brand ambassadors of
enormous or little brands like we can see Ayeza khan (Drama actress) posting usually on her
Instagram profile about several fashion brands. “Thankyou for sending this
traveling bag” ayezakhan.ak

2. Consumer Behavior
Consumer behavior is defined as activities people undertake when obtaining, consuming and
disposing of products and services. [Blackwell, et al, 2006, 10th edition].

Whether consumers buy offline or online the processes of consumers’ decision remain the same.
The difference occurs only in the shopping environment and the communication processes.
2.1. Consumer Decision Process:
A consumer’s decision process represents a road map of consumers’ minds that marketers and
managers can use to help guide product mix, communication and sales strategies. [Black well,

The traditional consumers ‘decision processes consists of Need recognition, Search Information,
Alternative evaluation, Purchase and after Purchase evaluation. [S.H.Teo, et al, 2003, Omega 31]

In the modern terms that are when people shop online their needs are shaped when consumers
get influence by viewing ads and promotions online and/or thru word of mouth. [Laudon and
Traver, 2009].When need recognition is attained it leads the consumers towards searching the
information of needs which are not yet achieved .The consumer is able to acquire the
information both thru internal and external sources. Internally a person can gain knowledge thru
its memory whereas externally thru family and friends word of mouth or surfing the internet. In
the next stage the individual’s assess different possibilities which have been gathered during the
search processes. The consumers will look for comments and critics about the product and which
brand suits best to their needs. During the purchase stage the consumer will go thru two stages,
one is which retailer to opt for and secondly thru which medium to buy from [Blackwell, 2006],
but in case of online shopping people will go for internet as a medium. The post purchase stage
is a
very significant one. It shows that whether the consumer is satisfied or not with the purchase.
[Blackwell, 2006] Also sometimes consumers might face problem with their purchase which can
easily be catered in this important stage. [Liang and Lai, 2002].

2.2. A General Example in Context to Consumer Decision Process:

Since online buying is becoming so versatile and the competition is so intense among the
consumers now individual needs are shaped on the bases of their wants. For example a smart
phone is a want but by portraying attractive and eye catchy ads of a smart phone will capture
and trigger the interest of the consumers’ and so they will desire to buy that particular product
which will automatically become their need. Before buying that smart phone they will search
and gather information by various sources such as by viewing comments and critics of the past
buyers. Once the information is gathered the consumer itself will analyze and compare the
information with one brand to another. Finally the purchase will take place on the bases of
desired evaluation and so the last stage which is one of the important one that is post purchase
evaluation. This stage will show that whether the consumer is satisfied or dissatisfied with the
product as well as if the individual is facing any concern or problem related to the product and
what steps have been taken in order to rectify that problem.

2.3. Impact of Consumer Behavior on Digital Marketing in Various Sectors

of Pakistan:
Electronic Industry

A survey was conducted by Adil Bashir in some of the major cities of Pakistan which
showed various result according to consumers attitude towards buying electronic goods

At least once 77 61%
1 to 3 times 33 26%
More than three time 17 13%
Grand total 127 100.00%
The result of this question showed that majority of consumers buy electronic goods once a year
which might because of limited access to financial resources as well as consumers are not
addicted to the idea of buying online frequently

This shows that consumers needs were influenced on the bases of word of mouth of family and
friends and the second highest rating is people viewed ads online and then shopped online for the
electronic item.
Consumers do visit online stores for gathering information before online buying the desired
product therefore companies should conduct a strong market research before launching the

This result shows that people do go for post purchase evaluation, therefore after buying the
product they do discuss with mostly with their families and if small number of people face any
problem they do contact the retailers

Fashion Industry

A survey was conducted by the students of IBA related to the consumer behavior towards online
shopping of clothing in Pakistan.

Consumers’ attitude towards online buying of clothing was reflected on the bases of price,
convenience and brand reputation. Individuals are more in favor of searching and buying best
design clothes from the comfort of their home rather than visiting an outlet which can both be
hectic and time consuming. Comparing online shopping of clothing with the electronic sector
shows that clothing is more cost friendly, as it is purchased higher in volume as well as various
websites offering variety of designs and price ranges is an added value for the customers.

Fast pace life has forced people to adapt the behavior of shopping online for groceries which is
not only time saving but also feasible. Ordering online and goods being delivered at door step is
a very excellent opportunity for working individuals.

Few of the online retailing examples exists in Pakistan and among them the best one is what
Imtiaz Supermarket is offering. Consumers are able to choose from variety of products’ online
and can avail ample of promotional discounts without visiting the stores physically. By viewing
description and price range of various products over the internet can give the customers an
opportunity for selecting what suits them in every dimension.

Tourism Industry

Internet technology has offered variety of uses but the new emerging use of online booking for
tourism purpose have put people in a frenzy. Just by a click people are able to travel from one
place to another. Consumers are also easily able to download trip advisor app from the internet
and can book their next desired travelling plan simply by sitting in the comforts of their home.

This increasing trend in Pakistan has led consumers’ toward booking online easily for hotels’ and
tickets on the bases of their travelling convenience and affordability factor. On the internet they
are also able to view and take benefit from ample of promotional travelling packages. In this way
a person is not only able to save his /her time by visiting airline offices but can also save the cost
of paying to travel agents.
3. Competition in Digital Marketing

In the world of technology where everything is working at a higher rate now than before, it has
helped the sellers to find a platform for their goods and services to be reached to consumers
easily. Moreover, it has also helped buyers to choose from a variety of goods and services from a
single place. Since companies are increasingly using this technique so there has started
considerable amount of competition among them. This has not only of changed the fate of
companies but also the behavior of consumers.

In a research paper the term ‘cyber consumer’ is used. It is described that these consumers can
categorize products according to the desire attributes, price, functionality etc. They can also vary
their behavior depending on their own experience and experiences of others. So therefore,
companies must be careful about what they sell and how they sell online. It also important for the
industries to update or modify their marketing strategies from time to time.

Providing the products and services to the target customers according to their preferences is very
important. Also creating virtual communities helps in manager to customer interaction. (Jerry
Wind , Vijay Mahajan, 2002)

For digital marketing to provide effective results accessibility, speed and navigation are the
characteristics of marketing. (Kanttila, 2004).

Another way of making a site popular among target and potential customers is word of mouth
on social media (Trusov, 2009). This helps in increasing the number of new customers and
makes the site prominent considerably.

Blogging about the products and services provides reviews to the audience which enables them
to get a good idea of the things being sold and customers also give feedback about their
experiences. Blogging helps the companies and sites to earn good amount of sales revenues
especially for those products on which the reviews are given. (Zhang, 2013).
The above mentioned statements describe the fact that the strategies used by the companies help
them to flourish and serve their audiences in a better way. These statements also highlight the
point of keeping in mind the needs and preferences of the target customers are very essential in
keeping your business going. There are many factors that can affect the customer’s behavior
among which most important is reviews and positive word of mouth. In order to make your
digital marketing successful it is highly recommended to provide a better service to the audience
from your competitor and gain their trust.

Doing a SWOT analysis of your own brand/site can also give you the idea where you stand.
Minimizing the threats and weaknesses is a better option than trying to eliminate it due to
the fact that threats can never be totally eliminated.

SEO is also an effective way of keeping track of your competitors’ activities (article)

The famous saying that ‘keep your friends close but keep your enemies closer’ is appropriate to
describe the function of Search Engine Optimization (SEO). The function of search engine
optimization is analyzing your competitors’ progress in terms of their offerings, price strategies,
new launches etc. This tracking is done by looking at the key words for searches, most items
searched etc. Many softwares have been developed for this purpose such as Moz local listing
score,, Google Analytics, Open Site Explorer and many more.

Another factor that gives the websites of the different brands and e commerce is the reliability.
The more reliable your online services are the more the chances of retaining old customers plus
attracting new customers. Reliability includes avoidance of any kind of frauds, timely
responses and timely delivery of the orders placed.

3.1. Advantages of Competitive Analysis

There are many advantages that can be acquired by keeping an eye on the competitors’
activities. Some of them are described as below:

 Competitive analysis can provide an idea about competitor’s strengths and weaknesses.
 It gives an idea about their products and strategies. There is a case where you might be
selling similar products as your competitor and their strategies for marketing
overlapping yours. So by changing your target market can give you an advantage over
 Doing a research on various aspects can also help in developing an innovative product
and serve in a better way.
 It can also give you an idea and theme for your next launch or promotion.
3.2. Competitive Strategies Compare and Contrast

There many brands and businesses that are entering the market. Every business is also trying to
promote them through digital marketing. Therefore, brand war has started not only to gain
customers and make them buy product and services through physical stores but also through
online stores. So it has become important for these businesses to make strategies for online stores
as well. Following is the similarities and differences among some businesses being operated in

Official website provides limited information Official website provides detailed information
about the brand. about the brand like information the about
stock holders, investors relation etc.
The website has online chat room. There is no online chat room.
It does not do promotion via SMS. It also does promotion via SMS.
It has clothing line and accessories like hand It has clothing lines as well as other products
bags, wallets etc. like hand bags, linen, towels etc.
It has clothing line for male, female and kids It has also clothing line for male, female and
available online. kids available online.
It has online stores operated in Pakistan as well It has also online stores operated in Pakistan
as in other countries. and abroad.
This is an international website for buying and Olx is also a website that is used for buying
selling goods. and selling goods.
It has a wide variety of categories like It also has wide variety of product and services
electronics FMCG products, vehicles etc. catagories.
Ebay is not operated in Pakistan. Olx is operated in Pakistan along with other
Ebay does not have a category of jobs Olx does not have catagory FMCG products
other than furniture.
Ebay is not operated in Pakistan. Olx is operated in Pakistan along with some
other countries.
It is used by the people in Pakistan who wish It is used by the people of Pakistan who need
to buy things that are available abroad. to buy things which are available here.

This a brand of Pakistan This is a Chinese brand.

Q Mobile has a variety of products that can be Huawei has products whose prices are
bought by people of lower class to higher class. affordable for middle to higher class.

This brand uses a variety of platforms for their Huawei also uses wide range of platforms for
digital promotion. digital promotion.
Q Mobile also uses ways for sponsored Huawei has limited ways of sponsored ads.
It is functional all over the world. It may be functional all over the world.

It has its mobile application. It does not have a mobile application.

Trip advisor gives information about This website gives information about
tourism sites, hotel booking etc. for all the places in Pakistan and flight
around the details etc to
world including Pakistan. reach these places

4. Ecommerce

Pakistan's e-exchanging fundamentally includes purchasing and offering products and ventures
utilizing web or phone, using electronic means, for example, PC, fax machine, wireless,
automated teller machines (ATM) and other electronic apparatuses with or without utilizing
between net. Web based managing an account, e-ticketing for air voyaging, share exchanging
stock trade are couple of cases of e-commerce of present day advancement. With its potential, e-
exchanging can reduce the cost per exchange, increment productivity, bring down costs and
support worldwide request. It can open new territory for business in administration part like on-
line instruction, medical services, and consultancy and data exchange. It can likewise give
development in exchange through local and global statistical surveying, publicizing and
advertising. In the financial services it can make simple and fast exchanges and exchange of cash
at the very least hazard. The intriguing component of e-commerce is that an investor basically
sitting in his office or home can purchase or offer through Internet by means of versatile/tablet or
PC and before being an accomplished trader he may take in a great deal by watching market
screens or online interfaces whenever it might suit him.

Trader he may learn a lot by watching market screens or web portals at his convenience.

Most generally, three classes are very much perceived under online business, namely:

(i) Business-to-shopper (B2C) internet business: clients bargain straightforwardly with the
association, staying away from any delegates.

(ii) Business-to-business (B2B) members are associations.

(iii) Consumer-to-shopper (C2C) members are people, with one serving as the purchaser
and alternate as the merchant.
E-commerce in Pakistan' was first started in 2001. With the ban of PayPal services in Pakistan,
ecommerce business companies and merchants had to rely on cash on delivery, and bank
payment methods.

Pakistan, although a late entrant to the universe of e-commerce/ business, has recently recorded a
huge ascent in internet shopping patterns and other online business organizations. Such
exponential development drifts in the course of recent years – with US$30 million being spent on
online buys presently – depict a very positive picture for the future and the measure of Pakistan's
web based business market is required to reach over US$600 million by 2017.

Pakistan's online business industry is among the most thriving areas of the economy. Various
online endeavors are propelled each month with some securing significant outside speculation. In
spite of this development, numerous worldwide overviews and even Pakistan
Telecommunication Authority (PTA) uncover that more than 80% of Pakistan's populace is still

Ecommerce has a great contribution in marketing that is increasing through by entrepreneurs

from a global buyers and sellers .

In pakistan , increasing internet penetration rate and mobile devices is one of the key factors
involved to the e commerce growth.

Now days, fashion has become a very important part of e commerce business. According to the e
commence research; clothing is leading products on the Pakistani e-commerce. In Pakistan, e
commerce business is facing upward movement for fashion products during the years.

Pakistan has turned into the most recent participant to the fast moving consumer goods (FMCG)
e-commerce retail division with a recently propelled association amongst Unilever and
Daraz, which offers delivery to more than 200 urban areas in Pakistan and accepts cash on
delivery as a method of payment. Both organizations are extremely amped up for this
cooperation," For Unilever's two premium things, to be specific Dove cleanser and Toni and Guy
hair items, more than 72 percent of aggregate deals were sourced from outside of Karachi,
Lahore and Islamabad.

“Daraz, through its two years of operations, is particularly adept in reaching consumers
through digital marketing channels and can ensure that people from all over Pakistan are made
aware of different offers and promotions.”

Promotion is an important part of any organization it’s a component of marketing strategy. As far
as our study in this report regarding promotion is that Pakistani electronics and fashion
organizations are leading in digital promotional sector but Tourism and FMCG industry are
lacking and stills needs a look after in digital promotion.

Competitive advantage can be acquired by applying marketing and promotional strategies

appropriately. Many brands are coming towards digital marketing and the statistics are higher
than before.

The outcome of consumer behavior simply shows that how consumers in Pakistan do get
fascinated by digital marketing and indulge themselves while shopping online especially for
electronic and fashion products. However majority of people are still reluctant to shop online due
to many reasons such as reliability, lack of privacy or in other words no protection of personal

This report is written to determine that what role DIGITAL MARKETING is playing
towards the sub- variables of this report and how these sub-variables are influencing the
consumers to indulge themselves into online shopping and buying.

Digital Marketing is a very strong tool in today’s era which can give a very tough competitive
edge to companies over each other. Also it has capture mostly ever individual in its essence.
Through this powerful tool consumers sitting in the comforts of their home are able to acquire
their desired product just by a click.
In this report we have stated that what is the impact of sub- variables (consumer behavior,
networking/promotion, competition and e-commerce) in some of the emerging sectors of the
Pakistani economy.

By viewing some of the past studies, there is an increasing trend of shopping online in Pakistan,
however on a wide scale there is reluctance in people to involve themselves into digital shopping
due to many reasons such as reliability and/or lack of privacy protection.

* Twitter marketing in Pakistan by connecting with digital media agencies and
independent contractors to take their brand image to the next level.

* The "Shop Now" button over Facebook is especially used by people. With "Purchase"
button over Facebook Page, customers can without much of a stretch purchase items they plan
to buy. In future, Facebook can likewise include an "Offer" button for the Groups, where
gather individuals will have the capacity to offer and buy used stuff from each other.

*Product awareness/brand discovery – with levels, engagement of entertainment challenges, and

certain prizes can be extremely compelling approach to showcase your own brands even now and
later on will be sure to develop as 'experiential promoting' assumes control from traditional

* Proper Promotion of tourism industry in digital marketing so individuals can discover the
websites and information effortlessly.

*Improvement of online FMCG items with more dependable sites on which individuals can put
their trust.


Pakistan’s Fashion Industry and Social Media Marketing: An Analysis Posted by Bramerz



Consumer Behavior [Blackwell, 2006, 10th edition]


Assessing the consumer decision process in the digital marketplace [Thompson S.H. Teo∗,
Yon Ding Yeong, 2003, Omega 31]

Online Shopper Behavior: Influences of Online Shopping Decision [ChayapaKatawetawaraks,

Cheng Lu Wang, 2011, Asian Journal of Business Research Number 2 Volume 11]

Consumer Behavior towards online shopping of electronics in Pakistan [Adil Bashir, 2013]

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