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In 1999, Ken Carter accepts the job of basketball coach for his old high school in a

poor area of Richmond, CA. As much dismayed by the poor attitudes of his players as
well as their dismal play performance, Carter sets about to change both. He imposes a
strict regime typified in written contracts that demand respectful behavior, a dress
code and good grades for players. Any initial resistance is soon dispelled as the team
under Carter's tutelage becomes a undefeated competitor. However, when the
overconfident team's behavior begins to stray with too many doing poorly in class,
Carter takes immediate action. To the outrage of the team, the school and the
community, Carter cancels all team activities and locks the court until the team shows
acceptable academic improvement. In the ensuing debate, Carter fights to keep his
methods, determined to show the boys that they need good values for their futures
and eventually finds he has affected them more profoundly than he ever expected.

Coach Ken Carter (Jackson) takes over the head coaching job for the Oilers basketball
team at his old high school Richmond, having played on the team himself, earning
unbeaten records. Carter quickly learns that the athletes are rude and disrespectful,
and are in need of discipline. He hands the players individual contracts, instructing
them to attend all of their classes, wear dress shirts and ties on game days, refer to
everyone (players and coach alike) as "sir", and maintain a minimum 2.3 (C+) grade
point average, among other requirements. He also teaches them to play a disciplined
brand of basketball which includes an emphasis on fundamentals, execution, defense,
and conditioning.

Carter also asks the school staff for progress reports on the players' attendance.
However, three players including Timo Cruz (Rick Gonzalez) refuse to follow the
contract and quit the team. Carter's son Damien (Robert Andrew Richard) later decides
to join the team, after quitting the private school St. Francis to play for his father.

Teammate Kenyon Stone (Rob Brown) struggles to come to terms with his girlfriend
Kyra (Ashanti) being pregnant; unsure if he can juggle basketball and aspire for
college. Later, Cruz makes a valiant effort to rejoin the basketball team after watching
them perform at a game in an inspiring victory and also after witnessing his only
family member- who happens to be his cousin (a drug dealer)- shot one night in the
streets, which Carter accepts. The team goes on to post an undefeated record
eventually winning a seasonal basketball tournament. However, Carter later discovers
the progress reports filled out by the faculty reveal some of the students have been
skipping classes and floundering academically.

Carter initiates a lockdown on the gym, banning the team from playing until they
improve their grades. The act angers the locals, as Carter is criticized by parents and
academic personnel alike. The school board eventually confronts Carter, who justifies
his actions, explaining he wants to give his team the opportunity and option to learn
good values, which is far more important for the students' futures than winning
basketball games. Although, the national media praises Carter for his commitment to
this priority, the school board, aside from Principal Garrison (Dowse) and the
chairman, vote to end the lockout, much to Carter's dismay.

Just when Carter is about to quit in disgust (after promising to do so if they vote to
end the lockout), he is shocked to find his players in the gym with desks and teachers
studying and working to bring their grades back up. The athletes decide to fulfill
Carter's original intention of pursuing academic achievement before continuing to play
their next game, with one explaining that the school board can force an end to the
lockout, but the players can't be forced to play. They work hard in the classroom,
study after school during practice time, and eventually raise their grade point average
to a point that fulfills their end of the contracts they signed. The Oilers eventually end
up competing in the regional high school playoffs, but ultimately lose to St. Francis.
Nonetheless, Carter is proud that the players accomplished their goal of attaining a
proper education with athletics. The film's epilogue displays a series of graphics stating
that a number of players went on to attend college furthering their study.

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