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Division of Kinesiology and Health, University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyoming; and 2Department of Electrical and Computer
Engineering, University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyoming


Layer, JS, Grenz, C, Hinshaw, TJ, Smith, DT, Barrett, SF, and quats are effective resistance exercises for increas-
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Dai, B. Kinetic analysis of isometric back squats and isometric ing lower extremity strength and performance
belt squats. J Strength Cond Res XX(X): 000–000, 2018—Belt (7,26). Squatting posture and neuromuscular coor-
squats seem to provide an alternative to back squats. However, dination are similar to those of many common
activities, allowing for greater transferability of the lower
it is not clear how musculoskeletal loading differs between the
extremity strength gained by squatting to these activities
two. This study compared lower extremity and low-back kinet-
(30,32). For example, an 8-week back squat intervention re-
ics during isometric back squats and isometric belt squats.
sulted in significantly greater improvements in jump perfor-
Sixteen men (age: 22.6 6 3.4 years; height: 1.74 6 0.11 m; mance compared with a leg press intervention (32). In
mass: 82.0 6 5.6 kg) and 10 women (age: 21.5 6 2.5 years; addition, the closed chain nature of squatting also makes it
height: 1.64 6 0.10 m; mass: 68.9 6 7.1 kg) performed iso- well suited for post–anterior cruciate ligament injury reha-
metric back squats and belt squats at 4 squat depths. Joint bilitation (23).
resultant moments were calculated from kinematic and ground Squats are considered safe for healthy individuals when
reaction force data. Linear interpolation was used to estimate performed correctly (6,18). However, the spinal loading
peak vertical forces and joint moments at a 458 thigh segment associated with squats needs to be carefully controlled, espe-
angle. Subjects increased peak forces, ankle moments, and cially for individuals with pathologies of the spinal column
knee moments but decreased low-back moments from back and associated musculature (18). In traditional back squats,
to belt squats (p # 0.023). Hip moments did not significantly
the external weight placed on the shoulder imposes an exter-
nal vertical force to the lifter’s trunk. For safety, it is recom-
change between 2 squats. Subjects demonstrating smaller
mended that the trunk be kept as vertical as possible
ankle and knee moments during back squats showed greater
throughout the movement (6). However, lifters commonly
increases in these moments from back to belt squats (p #
demonstrate forward trunk lean to maintain stability (33). As
0.012, R2 # 0.24). Subjects whose back squats were charac- the forward trunk lean increases, so does the horizontal dis-
terized by greater low-back moments displayed greater de- tance between the low back and external force, resulting in
creases in low-back moments from back to belt squats (p , an increased external trunk flexion moment that must be
0.001, R2 = 0.98). Compared with isometric back squats, iso- counteracted by low-back muscles (27). Forces generated
metric belt squats may provide a similar or greater external by muscle contraction apply compressive and shear loads
loading for the musculoskeletal system of the lower extremities to the spine that can significantly exceed that of the external
while reducing external spinal loading. Belt squats may be con- resistance (18). Small changes to the lifter’s form can impact
sidered by individuals with upper-body or spinal injuries and the horizontal distance between the low back and external
those displaying excessive external back moments. load, magnifying or reducing low-back loading (21). This can
also lead the lifter to alter the relative load distribution of the
KEY WORDS lower extremity, biomechanics, training, injury, involved joints (15,16,21), potentially causing structural over-
performance, spine load. Because commonly used squat variations such as the
front and back squats require the load be applied to the
shoulder, upper extremity and spinal pathologies may pre-
vent the development, maintenance, and testing of lower
Address correspondence to Boyi Dai, extremity strength through traditional squat variations. From
00(00)/1–9 all causes, the general population of the United States was
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research estimated to have experienced approximately half a million
 2018 National Strength and Conditioning Association incidences of low-back pain and more than 3 million

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Back and Belt Squats

presentations with upper extremity injuries at emergency METHODS

departments (22,28). Squat variations that do not require Experimental Approach to the Problem
the spine and upper extremities to support the resistance Each subject performed 1 maximal effort isometric back
need to be developed and validated. squat and 1 maximal effort isometric belt squat, at each of 4
The belt squat differs from traditional squat variations in different squat depths. Three-dimensional kinematic and
that the external weight is applied to the pelvis rather than ground reaction force (GRF) data were collected and used to
the shoulder (13). Pelvic load placement minimizes the need calculate lower extremity and low-back moments. Linear
for upper extremity involvement and likely decreases spinal interpolation was used to estimate peak vGRF and joint
loading. The relative balance of back and knee strength in- moments at a 458 thigh segment angle. The thigh segment
fluences lifting strategies (20). In addition, both hip and knee angle was defined as the angle between the thigh segment
strength can be limiting factors in dynamic back squat per- and vertical line in the sagittal plane. Thus, a 458 thigh seg-
formance (16). In the cases of individuals whose squatting ment was similar to the thigh segment angle achieved during
ability may be limited by back or hip strength, the belt a half squat. Subjects also performed a full range of motion
squat’s pelvic load placement might allow for greater total body-weight squat. The low-back moment of the body-
force production. Despite extensive research on dynamic weight squat was used as an estimation of the belt squat’s
backs squats (4,9,15,21,27), only 2 studies have quantified low-back moment. The peak vGRF, lower extremity mo-
lower extremity muscle activation during dynamic belt ments, and low-back moments at a 458 thigh segment angle
squats with submaximal loads, one using dynamic free were compared between isometric back squats and isometric
weight belt squats and the other dynamic lever-style belt squats. Pearson correlation was used to analyze the rela-
machine belt squats (13,17). Despite the apparent potential, tionship between back squat forces and moments and the
the understanding of the biomechanics of belt squats is amount they changed from back to belt squats.
Isometric back squat variations seem to provide a valid Subjects
and convenient method of estimating the performance of Based on a pilot study with 2 men and 1 woman, a large
dynamic back squats and testing lower extremity strength in effect size was expected for peak vGRF between the
specific ranges of motion (1,3,12,14). Excellent reliability (in- isometric back squats and belt squats. A previous power
traclass correlation coefficients $0.97) has been demon- analysis was performed to estimate an adequate sample size
strated for peak forces produced in isometric back squats. for the comparison between squat variations. Assuming an
In addition to being reliable predictors of dynamic back effect size of 0.8 for a paired comparison, a sample size of 15
was needed for a type I error at the level of 0.05 to achieve
squat performance (3,12), isometric squat testing has been
a power of 0.8. Sixteen men and 10 women participated,
shown to be sensitive enough to detect changes in strength
with an age range of 18-31 years (Table 1). All subjects had
and rate of force development (1). Isometric back squats
experience with dynamic back squats and participated in
have been used, in conjunction with kinematic and kinetic
exercises or sports for a minimum of 2–3 hours twice per
analyses to examine the relationship between knee joint
week at the time of testing. However, subjects were not
angle specific strength and jump-landing kinematics (14).
experienced in either isometric squats or belt squats. Individ-
Compared with dynamic tests, isometric strength tests, can uals were excluded if they (a) lacked squatting experience or
be more efficient, easier to administer, and easier to stan- were not physically active, (b) had suffered any major injury
dardize (1). Overall, the literature supports the validity of requiring surgical treatment within the past 3 years, (c) sus-
using isometric squats as a more convenient way to assess tained a lower extremity injury, which prevented participa-
lower extremity strength and dynamic squat performance. tion in physical activity for a period greater than 2 weeks
Therefore, isometric back squats and isometric belt squats within the preceding 6 months, (d) possessed any condition
may be useful for estimating and comparing the kinetics of
dynamic back and belt squats.
As an initial step toward understanding belt squat bio-
mechanics, the purpose of the current study was to compare TABLE 1. Demographic information and p values
the peak vertical ground reaction force (vGRF), lower of t-tests between men and women.
extremity joint moments, and low-back moments between
isometric back squats and isometric belt squats. It was All subjects Men Women p
hypothesized that the isometric belt squat would result in Age (y) 21.5 6 5.3 22.6 6 3.4 21.5 6 2.5 0.35
greater peak vGRF, ankle, knee, and hip moments, but Height (m) 1.70 6 0.11 1.74 6 0.11 1.64 6 0.10 0.036
Mass (kg) 77.0 6 8.9 82.0 6 5.6 68.9 6 7.1 ,0.001
smaller low-back moments compared with the isometric
back squat. Findings will provide a quantitative comparison Measurements expressed mean 6 SD.
between isometric back and belt squats and inform future
biomechanical analyses of dynamic belt squats.
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preventing maximal effort participation in sporting activities, same as for the body-weight squat. Before data collection,
(e) were pregnant, or (f ) were allergic to adhesive tape. This subjects were instructed to use their normal lifting technique
study was approved by the University of Wyoming Institu- and keep their trunk as vertical as possible to minimize injury
tional Review Board. All subjects signed an informed con- risk (6). During squat trials, subjects were given consistent
sent form before participation. loud verbal encouragement, “go, go, go!” Each squat condi-
tion was preceded by a 50% effort practice trial. The sub-
sequent official trial consisted of a 3-second maximal effort
Subjects wore a spandex top and bottom, a hat, and Ghost 5
isometric effort, in 1 of the 2 squat variations. The belt squat
athletic shoes (Brooks Sports, Inc., Seattle, WA, USA) for
was resisted by a chain affixed to the platform, between the
data collection. Subjects completed a general warm-up
subject’s feet. For the back squat, subjects placed a standard
consisting of 5 minutes of light treadmill running at a self-
Olympic bar across the upper posterior region of their del-
selected pace, then 30 yards each of walking toe touches,
toids, squatting up against the squat rack safety bars.
walking quadriceps stretch, walking lunges, 2 sets of lateral
Although bar placement was self-selected, all placements
shuffles; followed by a specific warm-up including 2 sets of were below the cervical prominens and less than 2 inches
10 back squats with an unloaded 20.5-kg barbell for 10 from the top of the deltoids. No effort was made to restrict
repetitions each. For the specific warm-up, subjects were bar movement in the horizontal plane. However, such
instructed to squat through their normal squatting range of movement was resisted by the friction between the Olympic
motion. Retroreflective markers were placed on subjects’ bar and the squat rack’s safety bars. At each height, both
legs, pelvis, trunk, head, and arms (Figure 1) to capture squat squat variations were performed before moving to the next
kinematics using 8 Vicon Bonita-10 infrared cameras height. Squat depth order was randomized, and squat varia-
(Oxford Metrics Ltd, Oxford, United Kingdom) at a sampling tion order was counterbalanced for each subject.
frequency of 160 Hz. Markers placed on the pelvis were A minimum rest of 4 minutes was provided between maxi-
removed during belt squats to accommodate the hip belt mum effort trials.
(Spud, Inc., Columbia, SC, USA). GRF applied to each foot
were captured using 2 FP4060-05-PT force platforms (Bertec Data Reduction. Marker coordinates and GRF were filtered
Corp, Columbus, OH, USA) at a sampling frequency of using a fourth-order Butterworth filter at a low-pass cutoff
1,600 Hz. Three-dimensional kinematic and GRF data were frequency of 15 and 100 Hz, respectively (10). A lower
synchronized and collected by the Vicon Nexus 1.8.2 soft- extremity and pelvis model was established to calculate joint
ware. All trials were conducted inside a squat rack modified moments (25). Low-back moments were calculated around
to include a reinforced aluminum lifting platform adapted for the midpoint between 2 iliac crests, corresponding to the L3
use with force platforms. or L3-4 spinal level (5). The hip joint center was defined 25%
Subjects first performed one static trial in a T-pose and of the distance from the ipsilateral to the contralateral
followed by a deep body-weight squat trial. The static trial greater trochanters (29). The knee joint was defined as the
was performed to calibrate the relative positions among midpoint between the medial and lateral knee markers, and
markers on the same segment (24). For the deep body- the ankle joint as the midpoint between the medial and
weight squat, subjects started standing and kept their arms lateral ankle markers (25). The pelvis, thigh, shank, and foot
parallel to the ground while squatting as low as possible. reference frames were defined according to the International
Subjects performed 1 maximal isometric back squat and 1 Society of Biomechanics recommendations (34). Segment
maximal isometric belt squat (Figure 1) at each of 4 different reference frames were established during the static trial
squat depths for a total of 8 squat conditions. During pilot and reconstructed during dynamics trials (24). A thigh vec-
testing, substantial fatigue effects were observed when 2 or 3 tor was defined as a vector passing from the knee joint to the
trials for each condition were performed. Therefore, subjects hip joint. The thigh segment angle was calculated as the
only performed 1 trial for each condition. Squat depths were angle between the thigh vector and global vertical axis in
evenly distributed from the lowest posture subjects achieved the sagittal plane.
to a standing posture for each squat variation, without Three-dimensional ankle, knee, hip, and low-back mo-
including the standing posture. Isometric back squat depths ments were calculated through a bottom-up inverse dynam-
were manipulated by adjusting the height of the squat rack’s ics approach (19). Because of the minimal movements
2 safety bars. Isometric belt squat height was controlled by during isometric squats and small acceleration during the
adjusting the length of the chain affixed between the lifters’ deep body weight squat, the linear and angular acceleration
feet. To control stance width, subjects squatted with their of each segment was constrained to be zero for calculation
feet flat and their heels centered on strips of tape, placed purposes. Segment mass and center of mass were estimated
parallel to the subject’s midsagittal line and separated by through anthropometric assumptions (11). The joint resul-
one and a half times the subject’s interacromial distance. tant moment was calculated as the magnitude of the 3-
Subjects used their preferred foot orientation and hand dimensional joint moment vector representing the overall
placement (back squat). Belt squat arm position was the joint effort. Joint moments were expressed as internal

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Back and Belt Squats

Figure 1. Side (top) and front (bottom) views of the back (left) and belt (right) squats at an approximate 458 thigh angle.

moments and normalized as a percentage of the subject’s actual thigh segment angles for each squat variation and
body height and body mass (25). vGRF was normalized to subject. The estimated dependent variable at a 458 thigh
body mass (10). angle was used for further analyses to control for the effect
Data were extracted at the time of peak bilateral vGRF, of kinematic variations on kinetic measurements (Figure 2).
during each of the isometric squat trials. The isometric squat Linear interpolation used the values immediately above and
data included bilateral vGRF, ankle moments, knee mo- below a 458 thigh angle for estimation. This linear interpo-
ments, hip moments for both left and right legs, and low- lation approach has been used and supported by the litera-
back moments. Because isometric squat depths instead of ture, which has shown a close to linear relationship between
actual thigh segment angles were controlled, linear interpo- squat depths and peak isometric force production during
lation was performed between each dependent variable and isometric back squats when the knee flexion angle was
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between 20 and 1008 (14). Low-back moments were not iables during back squats and their changes from back to belt
calculated for the belt squats because of the removal of pelvis squats. The Benjamini-Hochberg procedure was applied to
markers. Instead, low-back moments at a 458 thigh angle all statistical tests to control the study-wide false discovery
during the ascending phase of the deep body-weight squat rate to be 0.05 (2). To assess the effects of outliers and vio-
were used to represent low-back moments for belt squats. lation of normal distribution on parametric statistical tests,
Because the load applied by the belt was below the iliac the p values of independent and paired t-tests were com-
crests, the external low-back moments of the body-weight pared with Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney and Wilcoxon
squat and isometric belt squats were assumed to be equal for signed-rank tests, and the p values of Pearson correlation
a given thigh segment angle. Data calculation was performed tests were compared with Spearman’s rank correlation tests.
in MATLAB R2016b (MathWorks, Natrick, MA, USA). Cohen’s dz and Cohen’s d were calculated to quantify the
Statistical Analyses
effect size of comparisons between squat variations and
The peak bilateral GRF represented the peak total force between sexes, respectively. Cohen’s dz or d less than 0.5,
generated by the 2 legs during squats. Because ankle, knee, between 0.5 and 0.8, and greater than 0.8 were considered
and hip moments changed similarly between sexes and squat “small,” “medium,” and “large” effect sizes, respectively (8).
Statistical analyses were performed using the SPSS Statistics
variations for the left and right sides, the 2 sides were
22 software (IBM Corporation, Armonk, NY, USA).
averaged to represent unilateral joint moments. Outliers
were identified as values with z-scores greater than 2 or less RESULTS
than 22. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was used to check
Men were taller and heavier than women (Table 1). Ten of
for normal distribution. A 2 (back vs. belt squats, within-
260 numbers were identified as outliers. Five of 20 variables
subject variable) by 2 (men vs. women, between-subject vari- (5 dependent variables during back and belt squats for men
able) analysis of variance was performed for each dependent and women) did not meet the assumption of normal distri-
variable. Sex was included to detect potential interaction bution. However, statistical significance was consistent
between sex and squat variation, while squat variation was between parametric and nonparametric tests. To keep con-
the primary variable of interest. Independent and paired t- sistency among variables, all results were based on paramet-
tests were performed when a significant interaction was ric tests. The largest p value for a significant test was 0.023
observed. To further quantify how forces and joint moments after the adjustment for the false discovery rate.
changed from back to belt squats, Pearson correlation anal- Both sexes increased peak vGRF, ankle moments, and
yses were performed between the magnitudes of these var- knee moments and reduced their low-back moments from

Figure 2. The linear interpolation approach to estimate peak vertical ground reaction force at a 458 thigh angle for a subject. BW = body weight.

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Copyright ª 2018 National Strength and Conditioning Association

Back and Belt Squats

TABLE 2. Mean values 6 standard deviations of dependent variables and p values of ANOVAs.*†

p values of ANOVAs

Back squat Belt squat Squat Sex Interaction

Peak bilateral vertical ground reaction forces (N/BW)

Men 2.94 6 0.48 3.50 6 0.80 ,0.001 0.001 0.308
Women 2.23 6 0.38 2.59 6 0.48
All subjects 2.67 6 0.56 3.15 6 0.82
Ankle moments (N$m/BW/BH)
Men 0.09 6 0.04 0.12 6 0.03 0.006 0.006 0.304
Women 0.07 6 0.03 0.08 6 0.03
All subjects 0.08 6 0.04 0.11 6 0.04
Knee moments (N$m/BW/BH)
Men 0.16 6 0.03 0.19 6 0.03 ,0.001 0.002 0.736
Women 0.11 6 0.04 0.16 6 0.03
All subjects 0.14 6 0.04 0.18 6 0.04
Hip moments (N$m/BW/BH)
Men 0.27 6 0.05 0.27 6 0.05 0.394 ,0.001 0.587
Women 0.19 6 0.03 0.18 6 0.03
All subjects 0.24 6 0.06 0.23 6 0.06
Low-back moments (N$m/BW/BH)
Men 0.36 6 0.09 0.09 6 0.01 ,0.001 0.002 ,0.001
Women 0.24 6 0.05 0.08 6 0.01
All subjects 0.32 6 0.09 0.08 6 0.01

*ANOVA = analysis of variance; BW = body weight; BH = body height.

†Moments were extracted at the time of peak bilateral vertical ground reaction force; ankle, knee, and hip moments were the
average between the left and right sides. Bold values indicate a significance level of 0.05.

isometric back to isometric belt squats (Table 2). The effect back and belt squats. The effect sizes between sexes were
sizes between back and belt squats were large for vGRF, large except for ankle moments during back squats. Corre-
knee moments, and low-back moments and small to lation analyses showed significant negative correlations
medium for ankle moments (Table 3). Hip moments did between moments during back squats and amount of
not significantly change from back to belt squats. Men dem- changes in moments from back squats to belt squats for
onstrated greater peak vGRF, ankle moments, knee mo- ankle moments (p = 0.004, R2 = 0.3), knee moments (p =
ments, and hip moments than women for both isometric 0.012, R2 = 0.24), and low-back moments (p , 0.001, R2 =
0.98). No significant correla-
tions were observed for peak
vGRF or hip moments (p .
0.05, R2 = 0.06).
TABLE 3. Effect sizes of pairwise comparisons.
Cohen’s dz Cohen’s d
The purpose of this study was
Back squat vs. Belt squat Men vs. women to compare the peak vGRF,
lower extremity joint mo-
Men Women Back squat Belt squat
ments, and low-back moments
Peak bilateral vertical ground 1.06 1.03 1.58 1.29 of isometric back squats and
reaction forces belt squats in both men and
Ankle moments 0.77 0.43 0.66 1.27 women. Linear interpolation
Knee moments 1.31 2.14 1.23 1.29 was used to estimate the
Hip moments 0.06 0.30 1.73 1.93
Low-back moments 3.15 3.7 1.56 0.98 dependent variables at a 458
thigh angle, controlling for
the effect of kinematic varia-
tions. As hypothesized,
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isometric belt squats produced greater peak vGRF, knee external load from the shoulder to the pelvis placed it
moments, and ankle moments, but lower low-back mo- closer to the hip, decreasing the hip’s external moment
ments. However, both isometric squat types produced sim- arm. With the increased external force being counterbal-
ilar hip moments. anced by the decreased moment arm, similar hip moments
Previous studies have examined the biomechanics of occurred in both squat conditions. Previous studies com-
dynamic squat variations and techniques by quantifying joint paring dynamic back and belt squats have controlled the
angles, moment arms, and joint moments (4,9,15,21,27). Belt load intensity by using either an 8 repetition maximum
squat studies have assumed negligible low-back loading (8RM) or 5RM (13,17). Based on the current findings, con-
while focusing on lower extremity muscle activation straining back and belt squats to the same vGRF might
(13,17). Current findings support decreased low-back mo- produce similar ankle and knee moments but decreased
ments during the belt squat. The large effect size suggests hip moments for the belt squat.
a practically meaningful decrease. In addition, the magnitude Correlation analyses showed that individuals who dem-
of low-back moment differences between isometric back and onstrated lower knee moments during the back squat also
belt squats was strongly correlated with low-back moments showed greater increases in knee moments during the belt
during back squats. During isometric belt squats, an external squat. It is speculated that these individuals likely demon-
force was applied inferior to the low back by the belt and strated greater trunk flexion during back squats. Unfortu-
chain. Because no external force was applied superior to the nately, the shoulder markers were commonly blocked by
low back, only the upper-body mass and position contrib- the bar and arms during data collection, so that the actual
uted to the low-back moments for the body-weight squat trunk position could not be quantified. Greater trunk
and isometric belt squat. Thus, the body-weight squat low- flexion would move the external resistance anteriorly closer
back moments were used to represent the isometric belt to the knees and further from the hips, resulting in
squat low-back moments, and they were found similar decreased moment arms from the external force to the
among subjects. For isometric back squats, an external force knee and potentially decreasing involvement of the knees
was applied to the shoulder by the bar. Therefore, the exter- in force production. As the external resistance moved
nal force also contributed to the isometric back squat low- posterior during belt squats, the moment arms for the knee
back moments. Because subjects’ abilities to apply forces to were largely increased and resulted in more increases in
the bar varied, there was a wide range of low-back moment knee moments for these individuals. In the current study,
magnitudes among subjects in isometric back squats. As the the isometric belt squat resulted in increased ankle and
low-back moments in back squats reduced to similar values knee joint moments. However, kinematic and kinetic
in belt squats, individuals who produced greater back squat analyses of dynamic squats are needed to understand
low-back moments experienced more reductions in their how belt squats may affect joint positions, coordination
low-back moments. patterns, and joint relative efforts.
The isometric belt squat resulted in increased vGRF, Several limitations existed in this study. Lifting techni-
ankle moments, and knee moments but similar hip mo- ques could have been influenced by the isometric nature of
ments compared with the isometric back squat. The effect the assessment and the inexperience of subjects with either
sizes between squat variations were large for vGRF and belt squats or isometric squat variations. The loading
knee moments, indicating the squat variation had the patterns of more experienced lifters may differ. Isometric
greatest effect on the knee joint. Previously, 2 studies found squat variations have been shown to be reliable predictors
similar lower extremity muscle activation between dynamic of performance in their respective dynamic squat variation
back squats, dynamic free weight belt squats, and dynamic (1). Subjects’ techniques also could have been influenced by
machine belt squats, except for the decreased gluteus the suggestion to keep their trunk as vertical as possible.
maximus activation during the machine belt squat com- Although this instruction was given for safety (6), some
pared with the back squat (13,17). These findings suggest individuals may be able to achieve greater performance
similar ankle and knee moments but decreased hip mo- with greater forward trunk lean. Only isometric back and
ments during the belt squat, compared with the back squat. belt squats were included. Other squat variations such as
This is generally consistent with the relative changes in front squats and squats with improved ankle dorsiflexion
joint moments observed in the current study. The increased may result in different kinematics and kinetics and should
vGRF might result from unloading the spine, decreasing be considered in future studies. Because of the fatigue effect
the limiting effect of the weakest joint, and allowing for observed during pilot testing, only one trial was feasible for
a more mechanically advantageous strategy. The increased each condition. Although previous studies have supported
vGRF can be considered as increased external loads, con- the reliability of peaks forces during isometric back squats
tributing to the increased ankle and knee moments. (3,12), the current study did not provide quantification
Although subjects were instructed to keep their trunk as regarding either trial-to-trial or day-to-day repeatability
vertical as possible, forward trunk lean was commonly for peak forces and joint moments. Kinematics and GRF
observed for maintaining stability. Therefore, moving the were measured to calculate joint resultant moments, from

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Back and Belt Squats

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