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Homeopathic Medicines for Dry Eczema

1. Graphites – Top listed medicine

Graphites are very effective in homeopathic medicine to treat cases of dry eczema. Persons needing it
have red, inflamed spots on the skin which are very dry and sometimes it is attended with cracks.
Excessive itching has also complained along with this. Few persons may develop open sores on the skin
after scratching. After this, they may get infected. Graphites also help in such cases where a superadded
infection has appeared after scratching the dry eczema patches. In such cases the key feature to use it is
sticky, gluey discharges from the sores.

2. Apis Mellifica – For managing burning and stinging pain

Apis Mellifica is indicated to manage intense burning and stinging pain in the skin rashes. Cases requiring
it has dry, red rashes on the skin. These rashes also itch violently. Itching feels like pricking on the skin. It
is relieved by scratching. The skin area with rash also appears swollen. The rash is also sore, painful and
sensitive to touch.

3. Sulphur – To relieve itching and burning

Sulphur offers great help to soothe the itching and burning sensation in the skin rash. The itching gets
worse at night where Sulphur is indicated. After scratching there appears burning in the affected skin
areas. Sometimes bleeding also arises from the dry skin areas after scratching. Few people also feel pain
in the skin after scratching it. Other attending feature is formication (insect crawling) sensation on the
skin. Rest of the features that may be present include prickling or stitching sensation on the skin.

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