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Kali Phos – Top Homeopathic Medicine for Tension Headache

Kali Phos is top grade medicine for tension headache triggered by stress, anxiety and emotional
disturbances. It also works well in case a tension headache is linked to depression. Symptoms like
sadness, excessive weeping, weakness, exhaustion, a sensation of a heavyweight in the back of the head
and sensitivity to noise indicate the need for Kali Phos.

2. Cimicifuga Racemosa – For Tension Headache with Contracted Neck Muscles

Cimicifuga Racemosa is a medicine prepared from the roots of a plant named ‘black cohosh’ of natural
order Ranunculaceae. It is a well indicated homeopathic medicine for a tension headache with
contracted neck muscles. The pain is present in the entire head and radiates to back of the neck and the
shoulders. This is attended with soreness of the neck and shoulders.

3. Gelsemium Sempervirens – For Tension Headache with a Band Sensation around the Head

Gelsemium Sempervirens is a natural medicine prepared from the plant yellow jasmine. This plant
belongs to family Loganiaceae, and bark of its root is used to make the medicine. This medicine is used
for tension headaches where the person feels as if a band is tied tightly across the forehead. Along with
this, there is a dull pain in the head. A sensation of weight, pressure, and heaviness in the head is also
present. In most cases, pain begins in neck muscles that extend over the entire head. Applying pressure
and sleeping tends to relieve the headache.

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