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Task 2 - Electromagnetic waves in bounded open media

Individual work

Student name

Jaime Rivera Rosero

Group 31

Identification number 16740928


Escuela de Ciencias Básicas, Tecnología e Ingeniería

Teoría Electromagnética y Ondas

2020 16-01


In introducing the document's usually described, and a brief explanation or summary thereof
is given. A reader to read the introduction should be able to get an idea about the content of
the text before reading itself. (4 to 10 lines).

Questions: (write with your own words)

1. What are the modes of propagation of electromagnetic waves?

Direct propagation, which occurs when there is a visual between the emitter and
the receiver.
Propagation by terrestrial reflection that occurs when the earth plane acts as
an equipotential, that is, a reflective surface.
Propagation by atmospheric reflection where the different layers of the
atmosphere, due to their different density and ionization level, reflect the medium
and high frequency signals (MF-HF-VHF) as conductive surfaces.
Propagation by satellite transmission in which a satellite is used in
geostationary orbit that re-transmits the waves to the desired destination
Propagation through microwave links that consists of several repeater
antennas in charge of re-transmitting the waves
Multiple reflection propagation that consists of the waves being reflected in
various points of mountains or buildings before reaching their destination
2. What does it mean to polarize an electromagnetic wave?
Is the way in which the different components of the electric field are manifested
and the relationship that exists between them
3. What is the phenomenon of total reflection of an electromagnetic wave?
When the intrinsic impedance of the second medium is much less than the
intrinsic impedance of the first medium, then the wave as a whole is returned,
the reflection coefficient is -1 and the transmission coefficient is 0, which is
called total reflection.

4. What is the phenomenon of total refraction of an electromagnetic wave?

When the sum of the angles of incidence and refraction are 90º, the Fresnel
coefficient of reflection in the TM mode is canceled (the tangent tends to
infinity), which means that the parallel electric field is not reflected, but is
completely refracted .
5. What is the purpose of Snell's Law in the study of the propagation of waves?

Application exercises:
mW /m ¿
1. An electromagnetic wave of f =¿ MHz and P+¿=1201 , incident from the air
(η1 =120 π Ω), perpendicular to an infinite wall with an intrinsic impedance
η2=CCC Ω . Calculate the reflected power P−¿
1 and the transmitted power P2 to the
¿ +¿¿


Then first 3 digits of the identification number:167

El coeficiente de reflexión:
η2−η1 167Ω−120 πΩ
Γ= = =−0,386=0,386 ∢ 180 °
η2+ η1 167 Ω+120 πΩ

La reflactancia
R=|Γ| =0,3862=0,149=14,9 %
La transmitancia

T =1−R=85,1 %
La potencia reflejada


The transmitted power


mW /m ¿
2. An electromagnetic wave of f =¿ MHz and P+¿=120
1 , coming from a wave
generator located 12 cm from the wall, which impinges from the air ( η1 =120 π Ω )
perpendicularly on a wall with an intrinsic impedance η2=CCC Ω and 20 cm thick.
The wall is made of a non-magnetic and non-dissipative material. On the other
side of the wall is a receiver located 20cm away.
a. Calculate the coefficient of reflection and transmission seen by the
b. Determine in [%] and [mW /m2 ]the power that is transmitted to the

Then: GG= group number= 31

To obtain the phase constant:

ω=2 πf =2∗3,1416∗31∗106=194,778744∗106 rad

ω η0 2∗π∗31∗106∗120 Ωπ
β= = =1,465 rad /m
c0 η 3∗10 8∗167

Now the input impedance:

η2+ j η1 tan( βx)

η¿ =η1
η1+ j η2 tan( βx)

167∗120 π + j 167∗tan (1,465∗0,2)

η¿ = =¿
167+ j120 π∗tan(1,465∗0,2)
η¿ =(280,98− j141)Ω

Now we can calculate the first reflection coeficient in face 1

η¿ −η aire 280,98− j141−120 πΩ
Γ 1= = =−0,0956−0,234 j=0,252 ∢ 67,77
η¿ +ηaire 280,98− j141+120 πΩ

And the transmition coeficient

τ 1 =1+ Γ 1=0,9044

The first transmittance in face 1 (Wall):

T 1=1−|Γ 1| =1−0,2522 =0,9364=93,64 %

then the first reflactance in face 1 (air) is

R1=1−T 1=0,0636=6,36 %

The reflected power to face 1 (air)


The transmited power to wall

To obtain the power received by the receiver, a second reflection must be taken into account
that occurs on the face of the wall facing the receiver.

The reflection coefficient on the second face of the wall is calculated as

η aire−η pared 120 πΩ−167 Ω

Γ2 = = =0,386 ∢ 0 °
ηaire +η pared 120 πΩ+ 167Ω

The second transmitance in face 2 (receiver):

T 2=1−|Γ 2| =1−0,3862=0,851=85,1%

The second reflactance in face 2 (Wall):

R2=1−T 2 =0,149=14,9 %

The reflected power to face 2 (Wall)


The transmitted power to the receiver

The total transmittance:

T t=T 1∗T 2

T t=0,9364∗0,851=0,7968=79,68 %


Conclusion 1:

Conclusion 2:

The conclusions should be written with their own words and should focus on the
concepts explored, learned, discovered and practiced in the development of the
activity, it is suggested to present a conclusion by topic, the result of learning
obtained as evidence of conceptual assimilation.

To obtain a good writing it is suggested to read the written several times, correcting
and adjusting the text until obtaining a clear and coherent postulate. Avoid
superficiality and simplicity.


Bibliography 1:

Examples of bibliography format:

Physical book.
Surname, A., & Surname, B. (Year). Title of the book. (pp. xx-xx). City, Country:

Chapter of a physical book.

Surname, A., & Surname, B. (Year). Title of the chapter or the entry. Title of the book
(pp. xx-xx). City, Country: Editorial.

Surname, A. (Year). Title of the book. (pp. xx-xx). Country: Editorial. Retrieved from
http: // ...

Chapter of an electronic book.

Surname, A., & Surname, B. (Year). Title of the chapter or the entry. Title of the book
(pp. xx-xx). City, Country: Editorial. Retrieved from http: // ...

Internet video.
Surname, N. (Year). Title of the video Video server [Video]. Retrieved from http: // ...

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