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Curriculum & 4Cs

CLIL unit: Things change

Kinga Jędrusiak
January 2017
Things change
 Three states of matter (solid, liquid, gas)
 Changing from one state to another
 Conducting experiments connected with the
characteristics of things in different states – non-
Newtonian liquid; density of liquids
 Relationships between cause & effect
 Let’s make ice cream! – story reading
 Food mixtures
 Good hygiene while preparing food
 Polish carnival, changes in appearance
 Multiplication and division
tasks to discover the photos
with the topic of the lesson
 Measuring amount of
ingredients needed for the
 Counting carnival balloons
 Listening to the sound of
 Songs: “Cause and effect”,
“The snowman”, “Making
ice cream”, “Shake the
sillies out”
 Designing a flip book (topic:
cause & effect)
 Drawing ice cream flavors (as a
part of self-assessment)
 Designing Our Mixture Book
 Decorating carnival masks
 Watching videos:
„States of Matter for
Kids”; „figure of Isaac
 Scanning QR codes
 Atoms game – moving at the
pace connected with a
particular state of matter
 Presenting gases, liquids and
solids – movements
 Jumping game (Ss jump on the
appropriate side of the carpet –
 traditions connected
with a Polish carnival
and the meaning of a
carnival in Christianity
4 C’s Mind Map for CLIL lessons

Communication Culture

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Cognition Content

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 States of matter (solid, liquid, gas)
 Differences between solids, liquids, gases
 Experiments showing characteristics of
 Changes due to heating/freezing
 Describing changes
Content  Relationships between cause & effect
 Mathematical calculations: division and
 Let’s make ice cream! – story reading
 Fruit salad preparation
 Food mixtures
 Good hygiene while preparing food
 Polish carnival
 Lower-order thinking skills:
Remembering (e.g. recalling names of three states of
matter, giving definitions of cause and effect)
Understanding (e.g. comparing liquids and solids,
classifying things depending on their state of matter)

Cognition  Higher-order thinking skills:

Analyzing (e.g. examining the influence of
temperature on the state of matter)
Evaluating (e.g. selecting favorite food mixture and
explaining the choice)
Creating (e.g. designing a project – Our Mixture
 Language of learning:

Key vocabulary: states of matter: solid, liquid, gas; heat, flow, freeze, melt, ice, steam, mixture, pour,
mix, add, water, oil, ink, flour, density, glass, cause, effect, relationships, then, now, cream, sugar, plastic
bags, mixture, open, closed, freezer, coffee, tea, salad, fruit, vegetables, pasta, carnival, mask, costume,
festive season, Lent, spangle, cotillion, feather, masquerade

Key structures:
This is a/an___
There is/there are___
Firstly there is__, next__, last___

Communication Then it was____, now it is____; simple past of verb ‘to be’
We wash___/We don’t wash___

My favourite food mixture is___

It’s a mixture of___

It has got___

 Language for learning:

language for group/pair work, language for describing, asking and answering questions

 Language through learning:

not planned, coming unexpected by students’ questions/suggestions

 Noticing the complexity of the world
 Becoming aware of the rules of the
meal’s preparation and appropriate
behaviour in the kitchen
 Becoming aware of the traditions
connected with a carnival and the
meaning of a carnival in Christianity

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