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Digital Learning Day Project

Extending the learning environment

(​Total Points = 200​ See the details at the end of the page.)
This activity packet will serve as an independent study of the topic of Digital Learning
Days. Follow the steps below to gain a deeper understanding of various options for
Digital Learning Day activities.

First, make a copy of this form and save it in your Google Docs folder. Add your name
as part of the new title. When completed, you will share a copy of your document and
your final project with your professor.

Part 1: Gaining a deeper understanding

Step 1:​ ​ ​So,​ why​ do we need Digital Learning Day plans? Review at least two of the
articles below and provide your response in the Reflection section. The images are linked to
the specific article.

7 Benefits of 10 Benefits and E-learning Becomes

Online Learning 10 Concerns Snow Day Alternative

Reflection:​ ​ ​What information did you glean from the articles you read? How does the
information impact your view of establishing an online learning environment for your students?
What challenges do you believe you may need to address?​ ​Reflect on this information and
assimilate the issues we face today due to the Coronavirus.

From these articles, I learned that there are definitely benefits to switching to online
learning like individualized learning for students. However, there are concerns about
online learning. These included teachers trying to teach with old paradigms and not
being able to sync all programs. This information helps me understand that it won't be
easy to set up online learning but it can be done. I think with the right amount of
research on apps and other tools online learning can be very beneficial to students
who like to work at their own pace. The challenges I face are management and
scheduling. I will need to make sure I create enough time for students to utilize tools
and time. Another challenge I will need to address is infrastructure, not every student
has access to the tools needed. One last challenge is security and cheating, safety is
highest priority and so the rules for technology will still apply for distance learning. I
will need to know these rules and regulations the tools and school have. Cheating is
another aspect that is a possibility with online learning. Students will have access to
more online resources and the freedom to ask others. The issue we face today due to
the Coronavirus is now that children must learn at home teachers were not prepared to
make the switch. This switch happened so quickly that some teachers never used
technology in the classroom before and now their whole class relies on it. Many
teachers are not on the same platform as others and some are trying to use old ways of
teaching with multiple tools. A problem that students and teachers face is the
accessibility to reliable broadband. Some students don’t have the technology to learn
from home and some students don’t have the motivation to learn from home. Teachers
are trying to use apps and some are forgetting the copyrights and safety procedures
we need to follow to protect students. I do believe once fine-tuned and for those
teachers who already had some experience utilizing technology they have found the
transition easier and beneficial for students. I believe the individual attention and the
students ability to work at their own pace will help and open new windows for digital

Step 2:​ ​What do the experts say? How do you transition to Online learning?
Review a minimum of ​three ​articles to ​gather information and strategies​ for setting up an
online learning environment for your students. Images are linked to the specific sites.

Step 3:​ ​ ​Terms to support your learning experience.​ Images are linked to specific sites.
Learning Management Personalized Learning Design Thinking:
System (LMS) A Problem Solving Framework

Reflection: ​ ​After viewing the three mini-videos, which topic piqued your interest the most?
Why? How do you feel this topic will support your Digital Learning Day project?
Design Thinking video really piqued my interest because it was so different from any lesson I
have seen before. I really liked how it was shown with a 2nd grade class and their abilities to
empathize then identify the problem. The student’s all seemed very committed to finding a
solution because of how they related to the problem.
Part 2: Designing your Digital Learning Day project.
Step 1:​ ​Identify your standard(s).​ Select a standard that would support a 3-4 day
learning experience. You may even involve standards from other content areas once you
begin to design your project. Students will be allowed to work at their own pace.

What standard(s) have you selected?

ELAGSE2W7 Participate in shared
research and writing projects (e.g.,
read a number of books on a single
Image is linked to GaDOE
topic to produce a report; record
science observations).

Step 2:​ ​Collect and/or create materials to support the learning

activity. ​This serves as a time for you to identify a variety of materials to support the UDL
principles - reaching the marginal learners within your class. Find a variety of resources to
support your learners: video, audio, interactive sites, games, articles and websites for
researching information, assessment tools, etc.

Use this space to ​list specific ideas and URLs​ for your Digital Learning Day project:
(This is a great time to do some Application Smashing - use the tools we have learned over
this semester. Sprinkle in any new resources you have found.)
Students will research using the link above to consider the pros and cons about having
a class pet. (class pro’s and con’s list)
2) Students will each pick a pet they want from a list and research their choice of
a class pet and share their research with classmates.
3) Nearpod- students will create a bar graph of the poll results from the class
4) Students will Graph the results of the data to see which pet they think will be
best for the class. (graph)
5) Students will research their choice of class pet and add information to the
Padlet. (research links on padlet)
6) Students will research the cost of supplies based on a budget.(budget paper
under budget)
7) Students will research a suitable living space, supplies needed for the chosen
class pet.
8) Students will use scrap material to design a living space for the pet. (use
9) Extension- Students will create a persuasive Powerpoint presentation about
why we should pick their choice of pet.
Step 3:​ ​Assessments? ​What resources and/or tools will you use within your project
to provide feedback to students? What formative assessments do you plan to use for this
project? What summative assessment do you plan to have in place? If your summative is a
final project, you will discuss that in the next step. (Socrative, Kahoot!, GimKit, Flippity,
Flipgrid, online games, GooseChase, etc.)

Use this space to ​list specific ideas and URLs​ for your assessment section of this
Near pod assessments
Padlet ​
Submission of final project.

Step 4:​ ​Final assessment (your ultimate goal for this activity).
​ iscuss what students will be doing to demonstrate mastery of the standard(s) being
addressed in your project. This is a great time to “bump up” the Bloom’s level!

List out some ideas or options of how students can demonstrate mastery of the
Students will write their research finding on a Padlet page that the teacher will review.

Students will create their own habitat that their choice of class pet will need using the
research they have done. They can upload a picture and paper explaining it or a video
based on their research. They then will publish their final product on our class

Step 5: ​ ​BUILD your project.​ For this activity, you will design a Digital Learning Day
project for your students. This activity should provide enough work to address a ​3-4 day
school closing. Be sure to verify with your School District’s policies to help you design an
appropriate project (topic and time required) for the project.

Select a presentation tool​ to help you format the layout of your project. If you select
“Other”, please obtain permission from your instructor prior to starting your project. Each topic
is linked to an informational website.

Nearpod Wakelet HyperDocs Choice Boards

Coronavirus support

Updates/New tools

(​Obtain instructor permission prior to beginning your project.)
Step 6: ​ ​Submit your project for evaluation.
1. Provide your professor with a “Shared Link” to this document.

2. Set up your Online Learning page within your Weebly. Be creative, but make
sure the following items are on your page:
● Two paragraph overview discussing the value of Digital Learning Days
within the learning environment, your views and expectations for Digital
Learning Day projects, or any other thoughts you would like to share
about your project. Hopefully, some of the informational activities you
completed above will help you provide this overview. What steps will you
take to promote FERPA, CIPA, and COPPA regulations? Do you feel
this is a method you might use for your “Sick Day Substitute Folder”
activities? Working through this activity to create a Digital Learning
project, have you acquired a different view toward the value of online
● Image of the product you selected to help present the Digital Learning
Day project to your students and a short overview of that tool.
● Embed, link, or use a screenshot to provide access to the Digital
Learning Day project you completed.

Step 7:​ ​Reflective Practice

After completing this project, provide a short ​reflective overview​ of your learning
experience while learning about and designing a Digital Learning Day project. Share
your views of the tool,its value within the educational environment, and possibly your
classroom. (Remember to provide a shared link of this document to your professor.)

My reflection on this project was it took a lot of time and well thought out planning to
create this online project. Students needed access and links to every page you
wanted them to references or use. This meant a clear step by step direction of your
lesson plan for it to be successful. For example, I couldn't just ask for students to
research a class pet. I needed to send them to an appropriate website that had
reliable information on them. Something else I wanted to keep in mind while working
on this project was that not all students have adults able to help. I tried my best to
keep instruction and examples to aid students through the process. There are a lot of
variables to consider because the student environment at home is very different from
the dedicated one in the classroom. One last thing I had to really think about was the
amount of work that is suitable for 3-4 days without being overwhelming. I tried adding
an extension for students who worked quicker. I think as a teacher deadlines are a
good indicator of who is behind and who is ahead.

Project Points: 200 points total ​(All elements of the project should follow the basic elements
required through APA guidelines. Projects should be attractive and easy to navigate.)
175 points - overall project
● Standard(s) addressed (you may even have several standards for this project. Think of the
various content areas you will address. Do some “Content-Smashing” to enhance your activities.)
● A variety of resources are used to present the information (audio, video, websites, games,
tutorials, quizzes, etc.)
● Students are given voice and choice throughout the project.
● Enough resources are provided to allow a 3-4 day study of the standard(s).
● Assessments are provided throughout the project - formative and summative.
● If the summative assessment is a project, students are given the opportunity to select the
tool/method for their final class presentation. If necessary, a rubric is provided to support the
creation of the final project.
● The overall design/layout of the Digital Learning Day project is attractive and easy to follow.
25 points - Weebly page
● Reflective overview of the project (minimum two paragraphs)
● Image to showcase the product used to implement the Digital Learning Day project (Nearpod,
Wakelet, HyperDocs, Choice Boards, Other).
● Short overview of the product selected and a short discussion as to why you selected that
● A link, embedded code, or linked screenshot to provide access to the Digital Learning Day

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