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Name: Grade: 1. Mr. Mis bringing brownies for the students in the flex time group that he is a 3 leading. His recipe calls for 1 = cups of butter. He only needs to make ; of the recipe because his group has only five students. How much butter does Mr. M need to make sure that he has before starting to make his brownies? Use a picture to explain your answer. how did you maxe the Fraction to Tht @ the bold lines? | 7 close, ‘< buy no? quite! 2. Mr. R, Mr. S, and Mr. M combined their valentine’s day candy and found that they have 2 pound of chocolate. They are going to divide their chocolate equally among all three of them. How many pounds of chocolate will each of them get? Show or explain how you found your answer. Lal ligtes 3. Mr. M bought a 5 cup bag of veggie straws from Meijer. One serving of veggie straws is : of acup. How many cup servings does he have in his bag?

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