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Name: Luciana Rossetti Date: 29/11/19

Course code:

This Writing must be handed in to your course teacher on class 13 or 14. It should NOT be done in class.

In this apparently simple 3-minute talk, Dr. Laura Trice talks about the power of the magic words "thank
you" to make a friendship stronger, to repair a bond, to make sure another person knows what they
mean to you. Is it easy for people to say “thank you”? Is it difficult to be grateful? Why has our society
forgotten to be grateful?

Write a text of approximately 150 words to state your opinion. In developing your ideas you should
include new areas of vocabulary and grammar structures that you have worked with during the

Laura Trice talks about the importance to say thank you, something so simple, but at the same time so difficult
to ask.
We don't want to say what we want to hear, maybe it's because we are afraid to open ourselves and show our
insecurities. Sometimes it's difficult to say because our society has forgotten the education, respect for the
other and they just think about themselves. The work and life are frustrating, but we never stop and said:
"thank you to the life for the simple things that we have, family, friends, love, healthy and all that things we
can't buy with our salary."
We need to down to earth and meditate for 30 minutes each day to calm the anxiety. I think is very difficult to
be grateful because all the time we are thinking about material things and the future. Our society has forgotten
to be thankful because we live in a consumerist world when the only that matters is money, power, and the
latest technologies. I wish people would enjoy more simple things.

Teacher’s remarks:

Final Grade:
Pass (Satisfactorio)
Needs Improvement (A mejorar)


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