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How cold war is so important in history of IR and what effects it produce that

are still important in present era?

As we know about the cold war is era in which there was the bipolarity due to two powerfull poles of
the hegmonic groups in which USA poles mainly consist of westren europe with his NATO aliences and
Soviet union consist of Eastern and central Europ with his Warsaw Pact allience ,no dought there were
no as such direct encounter between these powers at that time expect the cubin missile crisis but the
proxy wars were some how held in that era but our main concern is its effect is to discuss it in the
present context ,so we see even after the disintegration of soviet union the NATO is still exist that
shapes the world today also , the other view is that in that era there were ideological war between
captalism and communism so this concept of ideologies also still exist in those countries that chose
either one side or other .the arms race that give the world new era of nuclear arms , the consiquence of
that era in Afghanistn america still face due to over expansion of nuclear weapons that give them to just
integrate each other.

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