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Far Eastern

Institute of Nursing

Roco, Hanz B.

Journal Article regarding Reproductive Technologies

Identifying and discussing bioethical issues

Name of the Journal Article:

Access to fertility treatment by gays, lesbians, and unmarried persons: a committee opinion
This article is related to the Reproductive Technologies, which will be used by gays,
lesbians and unmarried persons who would want to have children by means of their own decision,
which is reproductive technologies. There are several types of Reproductive technologies: In vitro
fertilization (IVF), Zygote intrafallopian transfer (ZIFT), Gamete intrafallopian transfer (GIFT),
and Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI).

Salient points of the article:

Single humans, unmarried heterosexual couples, gay and lesbian (LGBTQ) couples have
their own interests in having and taking care of a child or children.

As to what is found in this article, the overall results of the research suggested that the well-
being, adjustment, the development, and the stability of the children with lesbian and gay parents
do not differ from children with heterosexual parents.

This has been thought well through; hence, the data do not support restricting access to
assisted reproductive technologies on the information of a parent’s marital or partner status, even
sexual orientation.

All programs should treat all requests for assisted reproduction equally regardless of
marital or partner status and especially sexual orientation.
Additional Information:

Fertility programs are not always consistent, they have their own rules and they pick who
they want to offer requests to, hence, fertility programs often offer treatment for single persons,
and unmarried heterosexual couples. Few programs accept lesbian and gay couples and some
programs never accept the treatment of unmarried persons, whether heterosexual or homosexual
couples. In modern society, this type of issue is common, as there is already same sex marriage, it
is not impossible for them to think about having children someday. Fertility programs should
accompany these type of changes as they should treat every individual the same regardless of their
sexual orientation. It is also possible that the number of unmarried persons, including gay and
lesbian couples who wants children are increasing, also those who seek medical assistance to

There are plenty of ethical issues found within the article, grouped in specifically three, first
reproductive interest of unmarried, gay and lesbian persons, the second one is the protection of
the well-being and welfare of the offspring and lastly, the third one is whether professional
autonomy, combined with prevailing law, provides a limit on the duty not to discriminate on the
basis of marital status or sexual orientation.
Whether professional autonomy, combined with prevailing law, provides a limit on the duty not
to discriminate on the basis of marital status or sexual orientation.
Autonomy- the right or condition of self-government
Prevailing law- to obtain a law or to win an action
Discrimination is considered as an issue, as in bioethics, discrimination is something that shall
not be continued and that shall be ended. All person, all individual has their own rights, and no
one is above the law regarding human rights. It is ethical for same sex couples to have their own
children as long as the couple is mentally stable, financially stable, and are able to provide the
needs of the children they want to have.
Reproductive Technology is a right and everyone should be educated about it, everyone
should have access to it as long as they are capable, it should be legally provided for everyone
who needs it.

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