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Nutrition for Wireless Radiation Protection

See also: PrecaObjective: Ginger has always been known as one of the most famous medicinal herbs in
eastern Asia (China and India). In this study we examined the effects of antidepressants-like activity of
Ginger on the protection of central nervous system against oxidative damages.

Material and Methods: Male Wistar rats (n=30) were allocated into three groups, control (n=10) and test
groups (n=20) that subdivided into groups of 2 that had been exposed to 50 Hz electromagnetic fields
(EMFs) for 8 weeks, one of the test groups received Ginger rhizome powder (1.5 g/kg/day. body weight)
for 8 weeks as well. In the second and eighth weeks, we used forced swimming test in order to evaluate
the antidepressant effect of Ginger powder on the rats exposed to EMF.

Results: In the second week results revealed EMF exposure increase immobility but decrease loco-motor
function of swimming and climbing in comparison to control group (P < 0.05) whereas at the end of 8th
week, rats that had been fed with Ginger powder (1.5 g g/kg/day .body weight) showed decrease in
immobility score and increase in swimming (P < 0.001), but not in climbing scores significantly. (P =0.18).

Conclusion: Ginger powder could act as serotoninergic antidepressant medicine in order to decrease
depression presentation in exposed subjects to EMF.utions | Detection | Shielding

The adverse health effects of wireless technologies and other types of EMF can be exacerbated both by
deficiency of key nutrients (e.g., antioxidants) or toxicity (e.g., metal toxicity). The good news is that
some foods and supplements can provide some protection against wireless health effects. Below, where
key nutrients are suggested for healing the effects of EMF, recommendations are provided for either
natural sources (through food) and/or nutritional supplements (such as vitamins). The best solution,
however, is still to reduce EMF exposures to begin with, because EMF not only leads to biological
damage, but also to reduced ability to repair this damage. For more recommendations, check out our
blog articles.

Disclaimer: The author is not a physician. Please check with your physician before making changes to
your diet. Both food and vitamins may be subject to varying quality, depending upon increasing use of
GMO and pesticides, contaminated or depleted soils, artificial vitamins and fillers, and should be chosen
with care.
Protection through Nutrition


A good night's rest for melatonin

Supplementation with Vitamin D3, magnesium ascorbate (Vitamin C), and Vitamin E (in its "Dry E" form
d-alpha tocopheral succinate)

Cruciferous vegetables (cabbage, kale, cauliflower, etc.)

Organic berries, e.g., blueberries/raspberries/strawberries

Herbs like turmeric and garlic, combined with a little coconut oil and black pepper for absorption (see

Antioxidants (Vitamins C, E, flavonoids, etc.) — blueberriesHenry Lai and Narendra Singh at the
University of Washington found that EMF-induced DNA damage could be blocked with antioxidants used
before and after exposure. Vitamin C, E, caffeic acid, and melatonin are said to be helpful against
microwaves, based on rat studies. In particular, vitamin C is said to offer protection to aqueous, or
watery areas of the cell from oxidative damage. Meanwhile, vitamin E, is said to offer protection to the
fatty areas of the cell from oxidative damage, such as the cell membrane, and may therefore help protect
nerve membranes. Both vitamin E and glutathione may provide some protection against "iron-induced
lipid peroxidation." One study also suggested that gingko biloba can also protect against the oxidative
stress of mobile phone radiation.

Recommendation: For the antioxidant vitamin C, eat plenty of organic non-GMO fruits, especially berries
like the wild blueberry. Dr. Russell Blaylock recommends to avoid combining vitamin-C rich foods with
foods with high aluminum content, like tea, or high iron content, to avoid increasing one's absorption of
these metals. For the antioxidant vitamin E, almonds are a good source, if they are not treated by
irradiation. You can search on high ORAC foods for a list of foods with high Oxygen Radical Absorbance
Capacity. See below for more information on increasing levels of glutathione and melatonin. Caffeic acid
comes naturally in foods such as cabbage, cauliflower, bok choy, kale, and apples. An Indian study also
found that Caffeic acid can help protect blood lymphocytes against ionizing radiation.

If one's intake of antioxidants through foods is inadequate, an iron-free multivitamin containing natural
rather than synthetic vitamins may also be helpful on days when exposure is unavoidable. Look for one
that does not include the additive titanium dioxide, nor high levels of potential excitotoxins (aspartate or
glutamate), nor synthetic forms of vitamins. Additional vitamin C (buffered as magnesium ascorbate) on
an empty stomach and/or vitamin E (e.g., Dry E: d-alpha tocopheral succinate) may also be helpful. Dr.
Blaylock recommends avoiding synthetic vitamin E which starts with dl- rather than d- as well as avoiding
the acetate form of vitamin E.


-(1) PubMed: "900 MHz radiofrequency-induced histopathologic changes and oxidative stress in rat
endometrium: protection by vitamins E and C."

-(2) PubMed: "The protective effect of caffeic acid phenethyl ester (CAPE) on oxidative stress in rat liver
exposed to the 900 MHz electromagnetic field."

-(3) LEF Magazine "Nutritional Protection against Cell Phone Radiation" (end of article)

-(4) Toxicology Letters: "The effects of glutathione and vitaminE on iron toxicity in isolated rat

-(5) Blaylock, Russell. Health and Nutrition Secrets That Can Save Your Life

Related Blog Articles

Voltage Gated Calcium Channels: A common mechanism for EMF and Chemicals in Neurodegenerative
diseases? - May 1, 2018

How to Potentially Save Your Brain - May 21, 2012

Lessons from Anti-Cancer Nutrition - April 20, 2012

Potential Benefits of Vitamin D for Electrosensitivity - February 1, 2012

High Iron Content “In the Brain” – Part II - January 31, 2012

Could High Iron Stores be a Risk Factor for Electrosensitivity? - January 26, 2012

Acupuncture, Acupressure, and the Body Electric - December 20, 2011

Vitamin D3 may be beneficial to individuals with electrosensitivity. Dominique Belpomme's team
observed more than 450 patients on electromagnetic field intolerance from 2008 to 2011 and found
Vitamin D deficient in 70% of the group. Vitamin D may be neuroprotective, helpful to maintain serum
calcium levels, and may be beneficial for those with Multiple Sclerosis. Dr. Russell Blaylock explains that
vitamin D can cool down overactive immune reactions that may be involved in multiple sclerosis.

Recommendation: Under optimal conditions, vitamin D levels can be increased by 10-15 minutes of daily
sunlight. Note, however, that vitamin D produced from exposure to the sun's UV-B rays may vary
depending upon how cloudy it is, one's geographical coordinates, the time of day, one's skin color, and
use of sunblock.

Due to the above limitations, some individuals may want to consider supplementation with Vitamin D3,
with care not to overdose on it. 1000 IU to 2000 IU per day, monitored to prevent toxicity from vitamin D
excess, may be helpful for those with vitamin D deficiency. Some even suggest that 5000 IU a day may be
helpful, although this should be done with care to prevent overdose.

Melatonin has a neuroprotective effect on the brain. It is also an important free radical scavenger and is
important for cancer prevention. A study by G. ERDEM KO and Dr. Suleyman Kaplan found that 900 MHz
EMF reduced the neurons in the rat brain, but melatonin used after exposure had a neuroprotective
effect. Be sure to get a good night's rest after an exposure to EMF. Because melatonin levels produced by
the pineal gland can be reduced by light and EMF's, it is recommended to sleep in a room that is pitch
dark, for example, by using blackout curtains, and to lower one's EMF exposure at night. Some foods, like
oats or cherries, may also provide a natural source of melatonin.


ERDEM KOC, G., KAPLAN, S. et al "Neuroprotective effect of melatonin and omega-3 on the hippocampus
of rat that prenatally exposed to 900 mhz electromagnetic fields", 31, 2, 6/2014,

(4) PubMed: "Melatonin and a spin-trap compound block radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation-
induced DNA strand breaks in rat brain cells."

(5)PubMed: "Melatonin and N-tert-butyl-alpha-phenylnitrone block 60-Hz magnetic field-induced DNA

single and double strand breaks in rat brain cells."

Omega-3 fatty acids have been recommended by Dominique Belpomme as part of a treatment plan for
electrosensitivity. (Note, however, that a study by G. ERDEM KO and Dr. Suleyman Kaplan, suggested that
its protective effect was found in combination with melatonin and not when taken alone.)
Our modern diet often contains a higher proportion of omega-6 fatty acids than omega-3 fatty acids. Dr.
David Servan-Schreiber recommends that we adjust this ratio because omega-6 fatty acids favor
inflammation, in contrast to omega-3 which can reduce it. For omega-3 fatty acids, he advises olive oil,
oily fish, omega-3 eggs, nuts, lambs'-ear salad, linseed or flaxseed oil and flax seeds. Note that olive oil
and flaxseed oil are heat-sensitive, and may be damaged by high heat. Chia seeds are also a source of
omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants. Walnuts can be used both for omega-3 fatty acids and glutathione
content. To lower levels of the inflammatory omega 6 oils, he advises AVOIDING red meat, dairy
products, sunflower oil, corn oil, safflower oil, and soybean oil.

Supplementation with omega 3, e.g., from fish oil, may also be helpful provided that the source is
pharmaceutical-grade, uncontaminated with mercury, and does not lead to over-dosage of vitamins A
and D. Vitamin E is sometimes added to fish oil to protect the fish oil from oxidation.

Flavonoids from Turmeric/Green Tea — Microwaves have been found to increase free radicals by the
iron-catalyzed Fenton cycle. Iron, in its unbound form frequently used in vitamin fortification ("reduced
iron"), may be undesirable for those with electrosensitivity. Unbound iron may also contribute to
vascular damage.

Flavonoids - Curcumin, a flavonoid found in the spice turmeric, is not only a potent antioxidant and anti-
cancer food, but may also aid in DNA repair and in binding iron, according to neurosurgeon Russell
Blaylock. It can be added to extra virgin olive oil, with a little black pepper to increase absorption,
according to David Servan-Schreiber. Other potentially useful sources of flavonoids, according to Dr.
Blaylock, include quercetin, rutin, hesperidin, catechins from green tea, or grape seed extract, which may
also help with binding iron. Eating vegetables when consuming red meat may help to reduce the
absorption of iron from the red meat.

Coconut oil has also been said to have some protective effect for the brain, e.g., for conditions like
Alzheimer's. It may be helpful to try cooking with coconut oil to see if it provides any benefits, or to eat
unrefined virgin coconut oil. Proponents of coconut oil say that in contrast to animal fat, the saturated
fat found in coconut oil is healthy.

Aloe vera may also be helpful after exposure, but avoid the additive sodium benzoate if taken in liquid
supplement form. (Sodium benzoate plus vitamin C may result in benzene, a "known" carcinogen.)

asparagus for EMF protectionGlutathione — Some studies suggest that microwaves cause reduction in
Glutathione levels, a powerful free radical scavenger, which can help repair damaged DNA, activate other
antioxidants, and help chelate mercury.
Artichokes, Asparagus, and Whey Protein: In her book, Zapped, Ann Louise Gittleman recommends
artichokes, not only for its high levels of antioxidants, but also for its glutathione-boosting silymarin.
Additionally, Gittleman recommends asparagus, for its glutathione, selenium, and zinc. Dr. Mercola
recommends cold-pressed whey protein from grass-fed cows to increase glutathione levels. Be cautious,
however, about the potential excitotoxity of certain amino acids in whey protein such as glutamic acid.

Sulfur, found in fish, grass-fed beef, and free-range poultry, may play an important role in the synthesis of
glutathione, proteins, and enzymes, detoxification, vitamin conversion, as well as many other functions.
See Dr. Mercola. Sulfur may also help for the elimination of toxic aluminum. Powerwatch UK
recommends MSM, a form of organic sulfur. Other natural sources of sulfur compounds include foods
like Garlic, Onions, Leeks, Shallots, and Chives, which may also provide anti-cancer benefits as well.

Magnesium A recommended Magnesium-to-Calcium ratio in your multi-vitamin is at least 1 parts of

magnesium to 2 parts of calcium, but a higher proportion of magnesium may be called for in cases of
magnesium deficiency. (See Carolyn Dean, The Magnesium Miracle). The modern diet focuses
excessively on Calcium, but sufficient Magnesium is required to absorb the calcium, and counterbalance
it. Certain forms of Magnesium, such as magnesium malate/citrate, may also be helpful as supplements
to reduce aluminum levels in the brain, according to Dr. Russell Blaylock, as well as to protect against
excitotoxicity. Since aluminum in the brain can increase the toxicity of iron in the brain, magnesium
supplementation may be helpful.

Kelp is one very good source of magnesium, as well as a wealth of other nutrients. Almonds and
chocolate also contain magnesium, although be cautious not to overdose because chocolate may also
contain iron.

Nutritional Supplements: Dr. Russell Blaylock recommends magnesium citramate (citrate + malate) for
reducing aluminum levels, which can be taken also with magnesium ascorbate (a buffered form of
vitamin C).

Ideas for Reducing Metal Toxicity:

Magnesium malate/citrate/ascorbate for aluminum toxicity. Dr. Russell Blaylock recommends Jigsaw
Health's Magnesium SRT.

Garlic, modified citrus pectin, or glutathione-boosting foods for mercury toxicity

Flavonoids like turmeric for iron toxicity

Selenium, which can be naturally obtained through brazil nuts, sunflower seeds, garlic, and barley, is a
heavy metal chelator (e.g., for mercury) and antioxidant. Use in moderation, because high levels can also
be toxic. (See Zapped for more on important minerals and supplements for EHS and see Dr. Russell
Blaylock's book on cancer nutrition for suggestions on the proper form of Selenium to take. Certain
forms of selenium are said to be toxic, so it may be preferrable to use natural sources.). Selenium may be
best paired with vitamins C, E, and zinc.

Garlic: Garlic is a natural source for selenium. Dr. David Servan-Schreiber, author of Anticancer,
recommends combining garlic with a little olive oil to improve absorption. Dr. Russell Blaylock
recommends adding garlic to fish/seafood to help prevent mercury absorption.

Zinc can be obtained naturally from toasted wheatgerm, spinach, and pumpkin seed.

Supplementation: Zinc may be best paired with vitamins C, E, and selenium, according to Michael
Murray, such as in an iron-free multivitamin. Alternatively, one may want to take it every other day,
according to Dr. Russell Blaylock.

Zinc Another recommended element, Zinc, helps preserve levels of anti-oxidants in the blood and
protect cell membranes.

Vitamin B-complex and folic acid have been recommended for neuropathy, and can be taken as part of
an iron-free multivitamin. Unfortified whole grain cereals may provide some B vitamins. Certain forms of
vitamin B may protect against excitoxicity, dementia, and brain shrinkage.

Filtered water is recommended to protect oneself from toxicity from chlorine and fluoride (check your
filter's manual to see what it filters out -- some filters like the Berkey filter require an add-on filter for

Traditional Chinese Medicine, Acupressure, OPT, and Qi Gong

Keep in mind that from the standpoint of TCM, or Traditional Chinese Medicine, some of the healing
foods above may be too cold (yin), and may need to be balanced with hot (yang) foods, such as ginger. A
search on the internet can help one to identify which foods are yang. Adaptogenic herbs, such as
American ginseng, may also be able to help balance yin and yang.

Alternative medicine, such as acupressure and qi-gong, may provide some benefits for those who are
electrosensitive. Acupressure operates under the assumption that the human has electrical channels
called meridians. Knowledge of acupressure may be helpful to rebalance the electrical system after
interference from external sources. Different points may trigger either the sympathetic or
parasympathetic system, similar to EMF. It may be helpful to apply acupressure to certain areas around
the ear, back of the head, and neck, especially points found in original point therapy (OPT). Various
exercises related to acupressure can also help against calcium loss might potentially be helpful against
EMF's calcium efflux effect, and boost the immune system. Qi Gong is another Chinese Medicine
practice, of which Tai Chi may be said to be one of the forms. It also has potential to help people to
achieve better balance within their energy system.

Concerns Regarding Silver Amalgam Fillings

There have been some reports in the Swedish experience in Black on White, linking microwave sickness
to dental appointments involving silver mercury amalgam fillings. (EMF exposure may result in greater
release of mercury from the filling, and metals in the body may result in increased RF energy exposure.)
Replacing silver fillings with white plastic fillings, when done properly, has been reported to help some
individuals in recovering from symptoms. Check that your dentist follows appropriate procedures (e.g.,
IAOMT protocol) to reduce mercury exposure during amalgam removal. For example, one method to
reduce mercury exposure involves using a Rubber Dam. Check also for recommendations of nutritional
support before and after, as well as procedures to minimize inhalation of mercury during the removal.
See Dr. Russell Blaylock's Health and Nutrition Secrets That Can Save Your Life for more information.
Some individuals take a step further to check for the chemical safety/biocompatibility of the composite

Some have recommended protocols for detoxification, such as that of Dr. Klinghardt. However, exercise
great caution, as the excretion of mercury in the body could potentially move mercury into areas where
it can cause damage and make things much worse. It may be safer to rely upon our body's natural
detoxification, rather than attempt aggressive detoxification. According to Dr. Blaylock, long-term use of
aged garlic may be helpful as a milder method of detoxification.

Other Considerations: Metal Objects

The presence of metal implants within tissue may result in excess heating due to increased RF energy
absorption. Thus, it is advisable in high microwave environments to minimize use of metal implants,
metal-rimmed eyeglasses, metal wires in orthodontic braces and mouthgards, metal
crowns/bridges/fillings, as well as the wearing of metallic objects such as metal belts and jewelry (See
Kane, 33-34). One may also want to avoid coils in mattresses, e.g., try a Tempurpedic mattress or futon
mattress— one that is free of dangerous flame retardants -- wool or organic latex may in some cases be a
good option.


Exercise can impact the brain in beneficial ways, including stimulation of new brain cell production in the
area of the brain important for learning and memory. (Meditation and laughing may also be beneficial to
one's mental health.)

Recommendation: Exercising at least 30 minutes a day 4 days a week is recommended. You may want to
avoid excessive, vigorous exercise, however, as that may increase one's free radical load. Strength-
training, such as with the use of resistance bands, may be a helpful form of exercise.
Further Resources

Radiological health expert Daniel Hayes, Ph.D., of the New York City Department of Health and Mental
Hygiene suggests that a form of vitamin D could be one of our body's main protections against damage
from low levels of radiation. Writing in the International Journal of Low Radiation, Hayes explains that
calcitriol, the active form of vitamin D, may protect us from background radiation and could be used as a
safe protective agent before or after a low-level nuclear incident.

Biologists and pharmacologists who specialize in radiation and health are keen to find an effective agent
that could be given by mouth, have few side effects and would protect us against a suspected or
impending nuclear event, whether an accident, terrorist attack, or other incident.

In terms of protecting people from the long-term effects of radiation, cancer formation would be the
main focus. The ideal agent would act by blocking DNA damage or by halting the progression of
damaged cells that might eventually grow into cancers.

While a drug is yet to be found with such ideal radio-protective properties, other researchers have
demonstrated that certain dietary supplements have at least some of the desired properties. Hayes
argues that vitamin D, and in particular its biologically active form, could be the key ingredient in
radiological protection.

"Our general understanding and appreciation of the multifaceted protective actions of vitamin D have
recently entered a new era," says Hayes, "It is now becoming recognized that its most active molecular
form, 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3, may offer protection against a variety of radiation- and otherwise-
induced damages."

Hayes has reviewed the various biochemical mechanisms by which vitamin D protects users from the low
levels of natural radiation released by the rocks on which we stand and the skies above us. He points out
that calcitriol is involved in cell cycle regulation and control of proliferation, cellular differentiation and
communication between cells, as well as programmed cell death (apoptosis and autophagy) and

Calcitriol is the form of vitamin D that activates the body's Vitamin D Receptor (VDR), which allows gene
transcription to take place and the activation of the innate immune response.

It is possible that several of the transcribed by the VDR will help transcribe proteins that protect the
body against radiation.

"Vitamin D by its preventive/ameliorating actions should be given serious consideration as a protective

agent against sublethal radiation injury, and in particular that induced by low-level radiation," concludes

Effect of electromagnetic waves from mobile phone on immune status of male rats: possible protective
role of vitamin D.

El-Gohary OA1,1, Said MA1,1.

Author information


There are considerable public concerns about the relationship between mobile phone radiation and
human health. The present study assesses the effect of electromagnetic field (EMF) emitted from a
mobile phone on the immune system in rats and the possible protective role of vitamin D. Rats were
randomly divided into six groups: Group I: control group; Group II: received vitamin D (1000 IU/kg/day)
orally; Group III: exposed to EMF 1 h/day; Group IV: exposed to EMF 2 h/day; Group V: exposed to EMF 1
h/day and received vitamin D (1000 IU/kg/day); Group VI: exposed to EMF 2 h/day and received vitamin
D (1000 IU/kg/day). After 30 days of exposure time, 1 h/day EMF exposure resulted in significant
decrease in immunoglobulin levels (IgA, IgE, IgM, and IgG); total leukocyte, lymphocyte, eosinophil and
basophil counts; and a significant increase in neutrophil and monocyte counts. These changes were
more increased in the group exposed to 2 h/day EMF. Vitamin D supplementation in EMF-exposed rats
reversed these results when compared with EMF-exposed groups. In contrast, 7, 14, and 21 days of EMF
exposure produced nonsignificant differences in these parameters among all experimental groups. We
concluded that exposure to mobile phone radiation compromises the immune system of rats, and
vitamin D appears to have a protective effect.

How to Protect Yourself from EMF Radiation

by dminich | Aug 28, 2018 | Uncategorized | 1 comment

How to Protect Yourself from EMF Radiation

Photo: Nana_studio/

Quick Read:

As societal reliance on electrical devices increases, it becomes important to understand the potential risk
as well as ways to protect yourself.

Enough evidence has accumulated for the International Agency for Research on Cancer to list
electromagnetic radiation from radiofrequency range (including Bluetooth and cell phones) to be listed
as potentially carcinogenic in humans.

Many studies point to the potential oxidative damage caused by EMF radiation, and oxidative stress is
linked to many chronic diseases.

There are a few things you can do to protect yourself besides completely avoiding activities and devices
associated with radiation emission, such as: minimizing the amount of time you spend exposed to
radiation and putting as much distance between yourself and the source.

You can also strengthen your antioxidant capacity so you can naturally protect yourself against the
irradiation that occurs and the resulting oxidative stress.

Diet plays a key role in strengthening your antioxidant capacity, especially a diet rich in colorful
vegetables and fruit. (See the table below for specific recommendations.)

The Deeper Dive:

When you think of radiation, you might just think about nuclear fallout. However, there are small levels
of radiation most people are exposed to on a regular basis that may lead to health problems in some

In a previous blog post, I discussed the potential health problems of “dirty electricity,” the
electromagnetic pollution electrical wires emit. Over the past few decades, several studies have also
looked into the potential problems caused by the low levels of radiation emitted by electromagnetic,
microwave, and radio waves, all of which stem from everyday devices.

As societal reliance on electrical devices increases, as well as continual advances made in technology, it
becomes important to understand the potential risk of these devices, especially from chronic use, as well
as ways to protect yourself.

Radiation 101

Radiation falls into two categories: electromagnetic waves (non-ionizing) and particle (ionizing).
Electromagnetic waves produce radiation at low or high levels. Low energy electromagnetic examples
include electrical, infrared, visible light, and ultraviolet light. Higher levels include x-rays and gamma rays.

Particle radiation is what you think about when you think about nuclear reactors or nuclear bombs. This
is the most dangerous form of radiation, and most people are relatively safe from it unless you live or
work in or near a nuclear reactor site, there is a nuclear meltdown (such as what occurred at the
Fukushima plant in Japan and at the plant in Chernobyl), or you live in an area where an atomic bomb

The bigger radiation threat to most people may actually come from the small amounts of radiation we
are exposed to every day from electronic devices as well as routine dental and medical procedures.
Additionally, minerals in the earth and the sun’s UV rays also emit small amounts of radiation, with some
areas of the world having a higher level than others.

Some of the common contributors to daily or routine radiation exposure include:

Air travel

Bluetooth devices

Cell phones

Cordless phones



Powerlines and cell phone towers (also known as base stations)

Smart devices (meters, security systems, speakers, etc.)



X-rays, CT scans, MRIs, etc.

People in some specific careers also are exposed to radiation at higher doses, such as electronic
equipment repairers. A recent study found that flight attendants had a higher risk of certain diseases,
including reproductive cancers and all cancers, with at least some of the contributing factors stemming
from the cosmic radiation to which one is exposed when in the air.

Risks of Routine Radiation Exposure

There is an acceptable amount of exposure for one person to radiation. The average exposure in America
is about 6.2 millisieverts per year from a variety of sources, including from natural background sources
such as cosmic and terrestrial radiation as well as medical sources. Many of the estimates do not include
EMF radiation. To put this in perspective, 10 Sieverts, or 10,000 mSv, is the amount that can be fatal
within weeks of exposure. Chernobyl workers who died were exposed to 6 Sv, or 6,000 mSv.

Although the risk to ionized or particle radiation is generally accepted, the view on the risk of EMF,
especially low-frequency EMF, is more controversial. However, studies have started to demonstrate the
potential to cause harm. Many of the studies remain at the animal model and cellular model (in vitro
studies) level. However, enough evidence has accumulated for the International Agency for Research on
Cancer to list electromagnetic radiation from radiofrequency range (including Bluetooth and cell phones)
to be listed as potentially carcinogenic in humans despite the limited evidence.

One thing to also bear in mind is that our reliance on electricity, especially on WiFi, computers, tablets,
and smartphones, is still relatively new. Studies on the long-term effects do not exist as not enough time
has passed since it has only been just over a decade that we have used technology in this way. The
literature that does exist points to a need to be aware and potentially take protective action in case there
are long-term consequences we have yet to discover.

Potential Diseases/Harm
As I mentioned, the literature has limited studies detailing possible health problems and EMF radiation
exposure. Much of the evidence is from animal studies or mechanistic studies at the cellular level. A few
health problems with some evidence pointing to a possible link include:

Anxiety and behavior changes

Increased cancer risk, including male and female breast cancer

Changes to cognitive function, including to attention and concentration

Developmental problems, especially in the brain

Increased release of mercury from dental amalgams

Increased stress response and impact on the adrenal gland

Infertility, negative impact on sperm quality, hormonal imbalances, or reproductive problems

Neurological disorders, including dementia and ALS

Obesity and diabetes

Oxidative stress and lipid peroxidation

Potential problems with fetus development in pregnant women

Lower levels of nutrients and trace elements


Many studies point to the potential oxidative damage caused by EMF radiation, and oxidative stress is
linked to many chronic diseases. Although some studies do not demonstrate a significant change to the
oxidative stress that would overwhelm the antioxidant capacity and create damage, it is another stressor
that may become the tipping point in those susceptible or who do not have sufficient antioxidant
capabilities due to poor intake of antioxidants or other factors. Additionally, the effect may come from a
long-term, additive effect for which we do not yet have studies.

Some people are more susceptible to issues with EMF exposure, a condition termed electromagnetic
hypersensitivity (EHS) or idiopathic environmental intolerance attributed to EMF (IEI-EMF). Children are
at a higher risk as well.

Ways to Protect Yourself

In 21st century life, it can be hard to completely live without some of these conveniences, especially cell
phones and WiFi. You may also not be able to avoid certain medical or dental imaging, or you may need
to (or want to!) fly frequently. Luckily, there are a few things you can do to protect yourself besides
completely avoiding activities and devices associated with radiation emission.

One of the first ways to protect yourself is to reduce your exposure to radiation. The EPA sets advice
based on higher risk radiation exposure, such as an increase in natural radiation or a nuclear situation.
However, the concepts can still be applied to working with low levels of radiation.

The three concepts they discuss are:

Time and Duration—minimize the amount of time you spend exposed to radiation. In a rat study, 50 days
was enough to impact the oxidative stress due to EMF exposure. Another study found that 50 minutes a
day may be enough to increase the risk of developing dementia or brain damage

Distance—Put as much distance between yourself and the source.

Shielding—Use protective shielding when necessary (such as using the lead blanket when you get x-rays
at the dentist).

So, how can you apply these concepts to help you reduce your exposure to EMF and other low-level
radiation? Some common-sense changes to your routine may help, such as:

Avoid having electronic devices in your bedroom, including your cell phone

Unplug electronic devices, especially TVs, computers, and microwaves, when not in use

Turn your WiFi off at night or when you are not using it

Avoid carrying your cell phone on your body (i.e., pockets or in a bra) when possible. One study found a
significant difference in sperm quality between men who carried their phones in their pockets and those
who carried them on their belts.

Keep your cell phone and tablets at a distance when you are not using them

Use the speakerphone function to talk on your phone (remember that Bluetooth devices also emit EMF
radiation, so use them sparingly on your body)
Avoid placing laptops and tablets on your body while in use

Take some time away from electricity and devices, and enjoy the outdoors!

In addition to reducing your exposure to devices, you can also strengthen your antioxidant capacity so
you can naturally protect yourself against the irradiation that occurs and the resulting oxidative stress.
This is especially important for preparing for the situations where you are exposed to higher levels of
radiation in unavoidable circumstances, such as for work, when you fly, or as part of a medical or dental

Build Your Antioxidant Capacity with Nutrition

Diet plays a key role in strengthening your antioxidant capacity, especially a diet rich in colorful
vegetables and fruit. The top nutrients to focus on include:

Melatonin, another important antioxidant shown to protect against oxidative stress

NAC (n-acetylcysteine)

Omega-3 fatty acids, including EPA and DHA

Resveratrol, gallic acid, rosmarinic acid, and other phytonutrients


Vitamin C

Vitamin E—especially when combined with vitamin C

Zinc, another antioxidant

Most of the nutrients listed above are antioxidants, so it comes as no surprise that studies have
demonstrated their capacity to protect against EMF radiation. An easy way to ensure you consume all of
these nutrients is to eat a colorful dHacking Your EMF Exposure for Improved Health and Longevity with
Brian Hoyer

Let’s start things off with a few questions. Do you ever keep your phone in your pocket for convenience?
Do you talk with it against your face? Maybe most importantly: have you ever noticed the ultra-fine-print
disclaimer in cell phone manuals that says to keep your phone a certain distance away from your body?
The reason these questions matter is because having your phone too close to your body exposes you to
electromagnetic fields, or EMFs. Even if you’re already aware of EMFs and choose to use Bluetooth
instead, you may still have a problem.
A few weeks ago, Luke Storey mentioned EMFs in our conversation on this podcast. We only got a few
minutes to talk about them, though, and I want to make sure you get the whole picture! Brian Hoyer
joins me today for an in-depth discussion on EMFs and their health effects. Brian uses EMF shielding as a
primary tool in his wellness practice, and has toured the country doing workshops. In our conversation,
he’ll explain what EMFs are, why they’re such a problem, and how you can take steps to reduce exposure
and heal yourself.


In this episode number 132, we’re gonna cover EMFS. EMFs, electromagnetic fields are a credible
threat to your health. You might recall we covered the dangers of EMFs in episode 126 with Luke Storey.
Well, we’re gonna deep dive into EMFs and their health effects in this episode with Brian Hoyer. Brian is
a functional nutritionist, kinesiologist, and geobiologist trained by GEOVITAL Academy, a 35 year old
naturopathic clinic in Austria specializing in radiation protection and environmental medicine. EMF
shielding is a primary tool in Brian’s wellness practice, used to optimize lasting improvements in the
health of his clients. Brian built an EMF-shielded tiny house on wheels and toured the country doing
workshops and EMFs inspections in over 100 homes. Brian, it’s great to have you on the show.

Yeah, thanks for having me. I’m excited to share what I have to share with your listeners.

Perfect. Let’s start with EMFs because I have a feeling that our listeners are not really up to speed on
the impact, healthwise, on electromagnetic fields and radiation from everything from their cellphones,
to the wi-fi routers, to everything is plugged into the wall sockets and they are just not aware. I wasn’t
aware. It was the latest Bulletproof Biohacking Conference where I really got it that it’s important that
we reduce our exposure. I was really surprised when speaking to Dr. Mercola after his keynote talk. He
had a huge crowd of people around him to ask question. He made sure that nobody had their phone on
except in airplane mode before they came close to him. I’m like, “Okay, if Dr. Mercola is that serious
about EMF exposure, I need to pay attention to this.” I’m really glad that we met at the conference and
that we’re gonna get to share some of this important information with our listeners.
Yeah. There’s a lot of people that have a misunderstanding about the whole electromagnetic radiation
because there is this conventional idea out there that only ionizing radiation is damaging because it can
damage your DNA and cause mutation, and everything with the nuclear radiation, and the gamma rays,
and x rays and that sort of thing. Everybody knows that that stuff can be damaging. But there’s
traditional science, it’s always behind in my view anyway. They think that there’s only thermal effects of
radiation, so your microwave creates heat, it heats up your food but the idea is from all the
telecommunications company is that as long as we keep the heating of tissue down then it cannot
damage your body. It doesn’t have a biological effect. Recent studies, the experience, my experience,
and the experience of many practitioners, and those of the academy that I trained with in Austria,
GEOVITAL Academy. They’re a 35-year naturopathic clinic. They’ve been doing this for a long time.They
found that people who are exposed to non-ionizing have other biological effects that are not thermal
effects but they have different physiological effects on the body that are damaging in many ways. I can
point to some studies and get into that.

People who are exposed to non-ionizing radiation have other biological effects that are not thermal
effects but they have different physiological effects on the body that are damaging in many ways.

Perfect. Let’s talk about the studies and what they found. What happens with non-ionizing radiation
from cellphones, from wifi, and all the other stuff that we’re getting doused with? What parts of our
body are getting affected? What types of cells, is it our brain cells, is it our digestive system? What’s
getting the impact and what kinds of impact?

One of the reasons that it’s so impactful is because it’s actually activating these voltage gated calcium
channels and probably some other voltage gated ion channels that are in every cell of your body. It’s
essentially affecting the whole nervous system and the places where those voltage gated channels are
concentrated are in the brain and the heart. They depend heavily on different voltage changes for
physiological functions that the whole body, all the metabolic processes, and everything, they depend on
those to bring minerals and open the door, into the cell when voltage’s a certain way, and then excrete
minerals out of the cell and use them up in a certain way. When we have the stimulation from these
voltage, the cellphones, the microwave radiofrequency radiation, and even television signals, when that
goes to the air you can actually measure on the body your micro voltage and what your body is being
exposed to from those frequencies. When I do an assessment at someone’s house and we’re trying to
see how much exposure they’re getting in their home, I have a meter that actually measures micro
voltage on the body and it’s taking a measurement of all the radiofrequency, microwave radiation from
the cellphone towers to the wifi or bluetooth, baby monitor, smart meters, anything that’s wireless
that’s being sent through the air, it’s showing what is actually hitting your body, the whole surface area
on all sides. It’s a measurable thing and we can turn off or shield you from those frequencies and your
body voltage goes way down. As far as the study that points to this, there’s one that actually Dr. Mercola
at the Bulletproof Conference key referenced it several times by Dr. Marin Paul, and what he found was
that when you give calcium channel blockers, it actually mitigates the effect of non-ionizing radiation
from cellphones and wifi, basically all the radiofrequency and microwaves. That is physiological proof
that if you take a calcium channel blocker that you basically don’t have the same oxidative stress that
happens when you don’t take one and you’re exposed to the same exact frequencies.

Interesting. Are there certain frequencies that are more damaging than others?

That’s something that’s more of a bio individual thing. Some people feel worse in wifi, others feel worse
in areas where there’s heavy cell phone tower use. I have a friend who whenever when we’re in a rural
area and we’re around a lot of people, and they all have their cellphones with them, she gets heart
palpitations. The reason for that is because the cellphones in a rural area where they can’t reach the
tower very well, they push out more juice essentially. They’re trying to reach the tower and so
everybody’s cellphone just kind of raises up the power to try to reach the tower and connect with it
because it’s got low bars. That just totally increases all the exposure to everybody in those rural areas.
People who want to reduce their exposure and get away from all the cellphone towers, they tend to
wanna move out into the country, but then a lot of them keep their cellphones and they don’t find that it
helps them because their phone is pushing out so much juice to connect to the cellphone tower all the
time. That’s something that a lot of people don’t think about is that it’s not only the towers that are the
issue which is probably the biggest issue that I see when I’m doing these assessment at people’s homes.
But it’s also like if your cellphone is not connected well to a tower, then it’s actually pushing more juice
to get to that tower. That’s right next to your body. You’re getting a whole lot more exposure from that
than the tower most of the time. If you’re saturated in a city then you have towers all around you, that’s
very likely more of the bulk of the exposure that you’re getting.

The bulk of your exposure in the city is what, the tower because there’s towers everywhere, or is it
the cellphone itself that’s next to your body?

Well, it would be both. But because there’s towers all around you and it’s really easy to get
connected, there’s a reason for that and your micro voltage is super high even though your phone is off.
Most of the homes that I assess, I turn off all their wireless devices in the entire home, and we still have
higher readings. The micro voltage I’ve seen anywhere from 200 or 300 microvolts all the way up to
above 10,000 microvolts. You turn off all the wifi devices, and all the phones in the home, and it makes
very little difference on the body micro voltage. The only way we can get that down is to actually shield
the room with a special paint that we have or you can get a canopy, but they have to shield at the right
frequencies. There’s a lot of products out there that don’t shield at the frequencies that you’re being
exposed to and they don’t always sell the meters that can detect those frequencies. You can have a false
sense of security if you don’t have the right instrumentation to measure these things.

Alright. You mentioned a little bit ago baby monitors are one of those devices that gives out the
radiation and wow to expose your new baby to all this EMF radiation. Parents probably are just
not thinking about that kind of impact. I would imagine that age has something to do with your
resilience and the potential damage that EMF exposure can do to you.

Yeah, definitely. The infants, their brains are developing and if we’re stimulating those voltage
gated calcium channels that are concentrated in the brain and in the heart, that can cause some damage.
Most parents that have a baby monitor want one, they’re getting it to protect their child, and so that
they can be attentive and everything. I think that in so many ways, technology has blessed us but it’s also
been a curse in a lot of ways. I think people are waking-up to the fact that we need to get back to some
of our ancestral ways because that’s how we came about to be who we are today. Our bodies can’t
change so quickly with technology to adapt that quickly. We’re just kind of thrown into this big fight or
flight stress response. Everybody is so caught up in this sympathetic state. It’s a fight or flight state when
most of the time, throughout history, humans have been in a parasympathetic rest and digest state, it’s
no wonder we have all these digestive issues, and autoimmune conditions, and neurological conditions. I
really do feel that the whole electromagnetic stressors that we have today are one of the primary causes
of these things going awry because these frequencies actually attack the blood brain barrier and the also
attack the gut membrane, so you have intestinal permeability also known as leaky gut.

Wow. A lot of this exposure that you get, there’s nothing you can do about it. You can certainly build
a canopy in your home or use the shielding paint in your bedroom, and so forth. You can unplug the
different devices from the wall socket at night at least and not have things plugged in while you’re
sleeping. But let’s say you’re going to the airport. First of all, they want you to go into this device that’s
gonna blast all those microwave radiation on you, “Oh, no. It’s completely safe.” I’ll refuse that. I’ll just
get patted down if I get randomly selected. I got TSA pre-check.

Yeah, I got that too. I decided to get that too then I won’t have to go through all that stuff.

If they randomly select you even though you’re in the pre-check lane and they want you to go
through the, what’s the machine called?

The Millimeter Wave Machine.

Yeah, Millimeter Wave Machine. Notice they use the millimeter wave rather than microwave
because even though that’s the correct wavelength, that would freak out people because, “What? You
mean you’re gonna blast microwaves? Like the microwave I have at home? Like destroy things if I cook it
too long or will start a fire if I put anything metal in there. You’re gonna put me in that?” “No, no, no.
This is completely safe.” Do you opt out and get patted down if you have to?

Yeah, I opt out everytime. These millimeter waves, like you said, they’re technically the right term,
but what people don’t realize is it’s actually a higher frequency of microwave radiation. It doesn’t
penetrate through solid objects as well but it still penetrates through the skin to a point and it can cause
damage. It does with these voltage gated calcium channels. There’s other physiological effect too that
just happen by default because of the oxidation and the inflammation that the physiologic that co-
response of these voltage gated calcium channels being stimulated. It can really reduce your melatonin.
Yeah, there’s all these places where we can’t reduce it. We’re at the airport, we’re flying, we’re travelling,
we’re trying to do business, and then raise a family in this world that we all live in. But what I found and
what a lot of people who are putting in solutions for electromagnetic stressors have found is that if you
just protect the bedroom, then you have eight hours of healing therapy every single night, and that’s
when your body repairs and restores everything. It’s like the maintenance time for your body is when
you’re sleeping.

Right. The garbage collection happens and all that sort of stuff in your brain. Yup, exactly.

Yeah, right. Your brain shrinks by about 40%. The glymphatic system is activated and the
melatonin floods the brain. A lot of people don’t realize that melatonin is the body’s most potent
antioxidant. Your brain is flooded with this melatonin and it cleans up, like you said, all that garbage, and
it basically dumps it out through the cerebrospinal fluid at the back of your neck, and the goes into the
circulatory system for delivering kidneys to filter everything out. But that only happens when you’re in a
parasympathetic state which basically means not stressed. We have all these frequencies that are
coming in and causing a rise in cortisol that the adrenal glands produce which is your stress hormones
and that automatically lowers your melatonin. The body actually also perceives a lot of these frequencies
as if it is light. A lot more people know more about blue light stress than EMF. It’s well-known that blue
light reduces your melatonin production. But a lot of people don’t know is that because your body was
never been exposed to these radio frequencies and microwaves before, the hypothalamus perceives
these frequencies as if it’s light. It then regulates melatonin production via that physiological response as
Wow. People might think that, “Oh well, companies like Apple, and Microsoft, and GE, they’re looking
after us. If these were a serious thing, they’d know about it.” But think about how long we’ve had to wait
before Apple introduced night shift mode into the iOS on our iPhones. Now it’s more common
knowledge that the blue light exposure is gonna really mess with your melatonin production. We have
night shift mode built right into our iPhones, into the iOS. But how many years went by with the iPhones
being produced and iOS updates with no night shift modes until just recently. Something as known as
blue light now, think about EMF exposure and how years it’s gonna take for Apple or Samsung or
whoever to introduce something that’s going to reduce our EMF exposure. You might be dead by the
time they get around to it.

Yeah. It’s gotta definitely take a long, long time. There’s a book by Dr. Martin Blank called Overpowered.
He talks in there about how the telecommunications industry is actually three times more powerful in
politics, in the government with their lobbyist than what big pharma is because they have three times
much more revenue every year. Every cell phone that you get comes with an instruction manual. If you
look very closely in that instruction manual, the very end, they’ll say you’re not supposed to, basically
they don’t want you to use the phone within a centimeter of your body, and you shouldn’t keep it within
a centimeter of your body. Yet, they don’t tell people practical things like, “Don’t put this in your pocket.
Don’t put it right up to the side of your head like everybody does when they talk on the phone.” They
have their little disclaimer in there about radio frequency and they totally deemphasize it. But they know
that there’s an issue and they have to put that in there so that in case something happens, they can’t get
sued but they know. But it’s gonna take a long, long time like you said.

What do you do if you don’t have your headphones with you or your earbuds and you need to take a
call? You don’t put it to your head. You put it at least 1 cm away or you just put it on speaker phone and
hold it. What do you do if you have to take a call and you don’t have your earbuds with you?

I actually have a shielded pouch that I use. It has this metalized fabric and it has a pocket on the
outside and I stick my phone in there and then half of the pocket on the outside is shielded with
that fabric as well. I have two layers of this shielded fabric between me and my phone and I can
talk through it. And yes, I can also put it on speaker phone but then I hold it in my hands
shielded on the outside by the outside pocket. Then my face and my head, and the rest of my
body is shielded because there’s two layers of fabric between me and my phone. The other thing that
I do is I have this app called OpenSignal. I use that to locate which cell phone tower that I’m connecting
to then you can kind of orient yourself before you get on a call to, “Okay, if this cell phone tower is on my
right side, then I gotta make sure that my phone is on the right side of my head so that I’m getting clear
signal, and it’s not trying to push more juice, and more signal is coming out of the phone.” There’s a
bunch of little hacks you can do like EMF hacks, various things that you can do to help reduce your
exposure. But bottom line is that if you’re using this technology, you’re gonna be exposed, and if you’re
out and about and still in the real world operating and functioning like everyone else is, you’re gonna be
exposed during the day time, but at night you can definitely reduce your exposure and get it down to a
healing level if you use the right shielding solutions in there that are attenuating the frequencies that are
out there.

Right. This shielded pouch that you described that you have, is that something that you just
bought off of Amazon or there’s a special place you have to get it from?

Well, there’s several companies that make them. GEOVITAL makes them. I’m a consultant with them but
the one that I use is actually I had my wife make for me. We just got our own shielding material and
made it the way that I wanted it designed. People can do that or they can find a GEOVITAL consultant
and order one from them. There’s a lot of different options online. A lot of them don’t work as well as
others. Anyone that has a hole in the shielding doesn’t work very well. There’s some that flip and they’re
like you can flip it back on and they just have one side that’s shielded but there’s a hole right through the
microphone. The radio frequencies are kind of blasting through that hole so it’s not very effective. It’s
hard to design something that works that also fully protects you. There’s no perfect solution for using the
phone other than getting it away from your body and then using a wired headset if you can.

Right. Speaking of wired, would it be better to have a landline with a wired phone rather than
using cellphones?

Oh, yeah. If you had a wired phone that’d be good. A lot of people use cordless phones indoors with
their landline and that lets off a lot of electromagnetic radiation too with the radio frequencies. Those
can be just as bad or worse than wifi. I think they’re, a lot of times, the cordless phones in people’s
homes are worse than the wifi.

Oh, wow. Oh, shoot. Because I have a cordless phone. Okay. Alright. That’s good to know.
Speaking of the shielded pouch again, I would love to see what yours looks like. I know it’s custom-made
by your wife, but would you be willing to take a photo of it and then I can put that on the show notes
page with our show notes and everything?

Yeah, I could do that. It’s funny you say that because I actually didn’t get to pick out my fabric. My
three daughters picked it out.

It’s a really weird color. One side is orange,and then it’s got basketballs on it, and everything.

Aww, that’s cute.

They are like, “Oh, daddy likes basketball.” So they decided to give me this thing. It looks like a little
kid’s bag but I still use it. It reminds me of them.

Aww, it’s cute. I like it. Alright. That’d be great to see what that looks like and I can share that on the
episode page, on the We’ll also include links to the different tools and resources
that we talked about so that app called OpenSignal that you use we’ll link to that and all the other stuff,
GEOVITAL, etcetera. Let’s say, back to the airport again, you’re walking through the airport, there’s wifi
everywhere. They’re blasting wifi through the whole airport so that you can use the different wifi
options. You can’t reduce your exposure to that or can you? Can we wear special tin foil hat and then
blast the radiation or what do we do?

No. The only way to do it would be to wear like a bee keeper suit that’s got metalized fibers in it.
Because you’re an antenna and so if any part of your body is sticking out. There are some EMF blocking
clothing that people wear or they use but some people that are sensitive find that it worsens their
symptoms. The jury’s out on that one but as far as what you can do at the airport, because it causes
oxidative stress, anything that you can do to basically counter that is good. There’s this product
molecular hydrogen that they know helps to mitigate the damaging effects of EMF. There’s also
antioxidants you can take. There’s this product by Biotics Research that I use because it basically reduces
the formation, it’s called KappArest. It has turmeric, ginger, black pepper, frankincense, Boswellia, and
then Propolis, and then some enzymes and things but it’s very anti-inflammatory and it’s really good for
remediating the damaging effects of EMFs. But even with that, I kind of explain to people, I tell them,
“Picture a scale. On one side of the scale, you have all the nourishing things you’re giving your body. This
nutrient dense whole food into your body that’s organic, and free of pesticides, and GMOs, and all that
stuff. Then on the other side, you have stress. In order to get your body to heal, the nourishing side has
to outweigh the stress side.” But what happens for so many people is that they’re trying to put
supplements and good food and everything on one side, on the nourishing side. But the stress side is
weighed down so much that it’s budging and tipping that scale in the right direction. What we have to do
is remove those stressors and the most important time to do that is in the evening when you’re sleeping.
That’s why we’re really focusing on the bedroom when I do my assessments at people’s homes. So far,
we’ve only talked about one type of electromagnetic radiation. There’s also electric fields from the
wiring in the walls. There’s magnetic fields that are from a lot of your home appliances that if they’re
penetrating the sleeping area or an area where you are spending a lot of time, that can be an issue.
There’s also the geopathic stress. That’s radiation that comes up from the earth. That’s magnetic field
lines of the earth and there’s underground water currents that can be under extreme pressure that
create the energy that comes up. There’s different ways to measure these different types of EMF. All of
them have different solutions. There’s a lot of companies out there that try to sell you something that
says, “This is the one solution to all your EMF problems. It changes the frequency. Blah, blah, blah.” I
don’t doubt that those things could possibly support your body in some way. According to my meters
and my readings, it’s not removing the stressor. You see what I’m saying? They claim that it’s doing
something and maybe it is but is it anything more than a placebo effect? I don’t know. I like to work with
real solutions that show a difference on the meters and basically kind of recreate that ancestral
environment where our body could be like, “Oh, man. Finally! I can heal. I’m supposed to be in the
stress-free environment.”

In a cave.

Yeah, I’m supposed to be in this cave. I’m supposed to be free of all the microwave and radio frequency
radiation flying in from all these technology. I’m not supposed to have wiring around. It’s causing my
body voltage to go very, very high. If you think about the way that electricity impacts the body, it causes
muscle contraction. Your muscles when you put electrodes on them and out voltage through them, it
contracts your muscles. The heart is a muscle. How do we restart the heart? We use the defibrillator and
we shock it into rhythm and that causes a contraction. When we surround ourselves with this electricity
and we have a very high body voltage while we’re on our bed that’s made of metal, springs, and the
frame is often made of springs, and so we have all this voltage that easily comes up to the body from the
wiring in the walls, and the lamps plugged in next to our bed. All of our muscle cells on the cellular level
are contracting and releasing minerals all night long causing a stress response that’s just enough that
we’re not able to get into that deep detoxification state, and a parasympathetic state, and that brain
dump doesn’t happen.

Yeah, the garbage clean up.

Let’s talk about what we should do to make the bedroom a safe cave like you’ve mentioned you could
shield the room with special paint, we can unplug various devices from the walls, not have things
plugged into the wall sockets for the electric fields there. We can make sure that different devices are
not close by to the bedroom, like for example if your wifi router is just on the other side of the wall,
that’s not good right?

Yeah, definitely.

Let’s say that your microwave in your bedroom or close to the bedroom, that’s not good either. Walk us
through the process of making your bedroom a safe haven from all these EMF exposure.

Sure. Basically, you can reduce your electric field exposure, let’s just talk about electric fields first.
Every home I go into typically has electric field exposure because you have wiring in the walls. You have
things plugged in. Even if something’s not on and it’s plugged into the wall, it’s still bringing in electric
field into the room closer to your body. You can measure this. Yes, unplugging things from the wall helps
but it’s still not gonna get you down to that healing level. In order to fix that, you really need to have that
shielding paint put on the wall. You don’t just paint it on the wall and then leave it. You actually paint
one layer on in the whole entire room. And then you let that dry. You use this grounding tape, and you
have each panel of the wall has this grounding tape on it, and the ceiling as well. The grounding tape is
connected to the ground outlet of your electrical system. You just have an electrician pull that out, pull
out the ground wire, wrap it around, then the whole room is grounded. Then when I come back and test
a home after they’ve been shielded, a wall that was 100 V/m causing their body voltage to be like 1300
V/m on my one meter, or like on another meter it might be 4000 mV, all of a sudden the wall is zero and
their body volt is just down to 20 mV or 30 V/m on this other meter that I have. That can only happen if
you ground out the walls. The alternative to that is to find out which breakers are going to the bedroom
and turn those off. That can help reduce the electric field exposure but that doesn’t really always fix the
issue. I’ve even been in houses like two out of three homes that I do this test, this home assessment for,
you can turn off the main power and the person will still have too high of a body voltage. You have the
power off in the whole house and somehow there’s still voltage leaking it onto their body and their bed.
It’s because wherever the main power comes into the home there’s an electric field there with those
power lines and that is overlapping with other metal wires that go throughout the entire house. That
voltage kind of slips onto those and finds its way to the bedroom and onto the body kind of stimulating
you all night long. There’s a lot of people who give blanket statements, “Just turn off the entire power to
your house except your refrigerator.” I haven’t found that to be the ultimate solution. The ultimate
solution is to use the shielding paint and that’s because it takes care of these electric fields but it also
blocks out the outside wireless radiation from coming in. Your wifi is not gonna be able to get in there
and cause an impact on your body. The cell phone towers are not gonna be able to get in and cause an
impact on your body because those are reflected away. It’s reflecting away the outside stressors and it’s
trapping the electric fields on the wall. It’s a dual purpose with this paint.

Very cool. How expensive is this paint?

Oh, it’s pretty spendy.

I bet.

When I tell people about this, I say, “This is more like a home remodel for your health,” and a lot of
people spend thousands of dollars on other types of healing therapies whether they’re hyperbaric
chambers, or saunas, PMF devices, whatever. They spend thousands of dollars on those things when
every night they could be having eight hours of healing therapy in their bedroom and spend a couple
thousand to shield their room. The thing I like about shielding a room especially with having kids is that
you have 100% compliance every single night. All you gotta do is do the project once and then your kid
goes to the bed and they get healing therapy for eight hours every single night. They sleep better, they’re
gonna be happier, and healthier. It’s the easiest thing to implement that I can even think of. I can’t even
get my kids to eat their vegetables half the time, you know. Just like saying, “Go to bed,” that’s easy.

Go spend 20 minutes in the infrared sauna is not gonna get the compliance there as much as,
“Okay, it’s time for sleep.”

Yeah, exactly. I love saunas. I’ve been working with a sauna company to make a EMF-free sauna.
That’s a very powerful therapy but if you use that in combination with the idea that you can have eight
hours every night of this innate healing that the body is yearning to do, and most of us has never
experienced a EMF-free sleep, but for all of humanity before electricity was introduced, we had it every
night. Now we have all these modern diseases that are creeping up. There’s other modern stressors too
that contribute but the EMF attack this barriers and because of that it’s really detrimental. We do have a
toxic environment and if those barriers are not intact then our defenses are down for all the pesticides,
the glyphosate, the air that we’re breathing that’s polluted and everything. It can infiltrate our bodies all
the more because those barriers are compromised.

Okay, let’s say that we’ve put the shielding up for the bedroom at night, we also wanna reduce the
exposure during the day, and we need to be able to take phone calls, we need to be able to work on our
phones because we’re knowledge workers or what have you. Do you just normally keep your phone in
airplane mode with the wifi hooked up or do you have the phone off altogether and then you rely on
maybe getting phone calls through your computer. How do you handle the day time?

There’s things that I do and then there’s also things that I recommend. There’s a whole full spectrum of
options. At the very least, the data on our phone doesn’t always need to be on. If you keep your data on
on your smartphone, then your phone is continually checking for messages on Facebook, and WhatsApp,
and Instagram, and everything all the time. It’s pinging the tower pretty consistently. If you turn your
data off it’s not pinging the tower consistently. It’s only waiting for a phone call or a text message to
come in. That’s the first step for people that are addicted to technology to reduce their exposure. The
second step would be to turn it in airplane mode and check it whenever you feel like it. Have certain
times where you can check your phone. For those who are extreme, you can actually get an adapter that
goes to an ethernet port, and they have one for iPhone and one for android phones. You can connect
that to an ethernet cable and it goes into a mini USB or what’s the Apple connection? A lightning?

Lightning, yup.

Where it can go into a lightning input there and you can have your data on your phone while
your phone is on airplane mode. You can actually use it, and the same thing for tablets and
iPads. You can also enable wifi calling and you can make calls with your phone that way. It’s like
an old wired phone but it’s a cell phone. If it’s on airplane mode, there’s no radiofrequency coming out
of it. There are options out there. It’s just not as convenient as just using a regular old phone.

I’ve enabled wifi calling on my phone. I’ve started getting the habit of turning my phone into airplane
mode and keeping the wifi on. It’s not as ideal as plugging ethernet cable through the lightning port. I do
know that that’s reducing my exposure at least to the cellular signal. I can still get phone calls because of
the wifi calling. I can see that on my iPhone because Verizon’s my provider and it says ‘VZW Wifi’ or
something like that as the message that lets me know that I’ve got the ability to take calls and make
them as well as the data.

Right, right.

That’s at least a step in the right direction.

Definitely, yeah. I think you would really benefit from getting the iPhone ethernet adapter and try
that out. The ones that I’ve seen work for both the iPhone and iPad. We could probably link that in the
details as well for your listeners.

Yeah, in the show notes, for sure. I’ll put the adapter in there too. Great. A couple of thoughts here,
random thoughts to go back to previous things that you’ve said. You’re talking about shielding the
bedroom and then I was thinking about hotel rooms. How are hotel rooms in comparison to our own
home? If you’re in an apartment or you’re in your own house?

Right. Hotel rooms actually, because they’re commercial properties, they use shielded conduit for
the electric wires that are grounded. All their electricity are contained in this grounded conduit. Basically,
metal surrounds all the wiring in the hotels. You don’t have much electric field exposure other than
when the lamp’s plugged in. When you go to a hotel and some of the older hotels, they’re not up-to-
date, but if you’re in a newer hotel, they will be. You’re pretty safe from the electric fields if you unplug
all the lamps and everything in the hotel room. But as far as the wireless radiation that’s coming in,
usually pretty intense in hotel rooms. They also have all the wifi and all of the people have their phones
around. Hotel rooms are not as bad as living in an apartment complex but you still have everyone’s cell
phone which is always communicating all night because most people don’t turn them on airplane mode
at night.

You’re pretty safe from the electric fields if you unplug all the lamps and everything in the hotel

Yeah, right. What do you do about that? Because if you’re travelling a lot, kind of a road warrior, I
speak at a lot of conferences, I’m in a lot of hotels. I can’t bring a shielded cage, a canopy or something
with me, can I?

It’s funny you say that because I’m actually working on a solution for that very thing because I myself
travel a lot. I’m working with a manufacturer and we’re coming out with a travel kit for people like you
and me to be able to go into these conferences and have a shielded place where we can get really restful
sleep. Basically have a better performance during the day when we’re trying to speak to people. I don’t
know about you but when I’ve spoken on conferences before it’s exhausting. You have all the blue light,
the fluorescent lighting, you’re getting wi-fried all day. It’s just kind of almost like a nightmare. It’s like,
I’m speaking at this health conference, it’s very ironic. I’m speaking at this health conference and
everyone’s got their phones on and I’m feeling so unhealthy with all the lighting and everything.
First, giving people tons of sugar throughout the day. Start off the day with scones, and donuts,
and things like that, very unhealthy.

Oh, yeah. You’ve probably go to some different conferences than me. I’m a nutritional therapy
practitioner so a lot of the conferences I go they have amazing food.

Oh, that’s nice. Let’s talk about magnetic field exposure. What are the implications here? What do we
need to do about it?

Magnetic field exposure, in many studies have been related to childhood leukemia, brain
cancers, there’s a lot of studies out there that show this. If your listeners go to Google and use all your
wonderful tips in your Google search book, they can find stuff and links on Google Scholar for some very
interesting articles on the biological effects magnetic fields, so yeah. You’re welcome for that plug.

That’s Google Power Search available on Amazon.

There you go. A lot of people come to me and they’re like getting ready to buy a house and they’re
wondering if they need to purchase it. The number one thing I tell them is, “Make sure you’re not close
to those big power lines.” Those big transmission lines where there are high voltage power lines that are
going down because those things create huge magnetic field that is extremely difficult and impractical to
shield against. You can shield the electric fields, you can shield from the radio frequency and cell phone
towers with the paint but you cannot against magnetic field with a paint. There’s a special type of metal
you can but you’re basically have to create a huge box around your entire home. It’s very impractical and
astronomically expensive to do that. It’s better to just not be near those power lines. That’s essentially
the guideline with magnetic fields is they’re localized and so if you can get away from them then that’s
the best option. One caveat to that is that a lot of times there are magnetic fields in the home from
wiring errors. The only way you can detect these is if you have someone like me or another professional
come in and actually find these wiring errors and being able to explain to their electrician how to fix
them. A lot of electricians don’t necessarily know that it causes something that’s related to health. They
don’t realize that it causes a huge magnetic field. They just know that the neutral wire is not equal to the
hot wire current. That’s not proper electrical code, essentially. They don’t know why it’s something that
they’re supposed to do. They just know that it’s not supposed to happen. Another source of magnetic
field in many homes that I test across the country is when there’s magnetic fields on pipes, on plumbing
on people’s homes. Basically if you’re on city water there’s a high chance you have magnetic fields on
your pipes. You basically have to cut off your connection with the city water with a PVC pipe or what
they call a dielectric union or coupler. That will basically fix your problem because that current is no
longer going through your house and the magnetic fields are no longer there after that. All these things
have to be discovered through a home assessment. You have to have the meters to detect them.

That’s what you do, you travel all across the country doing these home assessments, right?

Yeah. I did nearly 100 of these EMF home inspections last year. I was very busy. I kind of have
this goal to help as many people as I can to put in solutions before the fifth generations of
wireless technology comes out in the phone technology that the telecom industry is rolling out
because I just feel like there’s gonna be some significant changes in our health when these
frequencies get rolled out. I wanna really try to help as many people as possible to put in protection
before that happens.

Yeah. What are the frequencies that are the most problematic ones?

Well, it’s very different for each person. Some people will be more affected by electric fields or magnetic
fields or a certain frequency of radio frequency from the towers or wifi. It’s hard to say just in general
that everybody’s more affected by this frequency than that frequency. But the thing is is that with
shielding, the lower frequencies and the radio frequencies range around 100, 600, 800, 900 MHz. Those
travel through solid objects much easier than the higher frequencies. But the higher frequencies have to
go all the way up to about 28 or 30 from what I understand in the reports and studies that I have seen
before they stop going through solid objects very well. Your wifi is 2.4GHz and then they also have a
5.8GHz band now. And then above that, there’s also cell phone towers that are actually communicating
with one another with these, they call them backhaul transmitters or directional transmitters. They’re
operating at frequencies at 6 GHZ, 8 GHz, 12 GHz, 17 GHz, 19 GHz, even 23 GHz I’ve seen. Those are
basically able to send large amounts of data between the towers so that they don’t have to send smaller
amounts with lower frequencies. That’s kind of what they’re gonna use with G5. They’re gonna use a
bunch of the higher frequencies to get more data pushed between the towers and then use the lower
frequencies in the neighborhoods and some of the higher frequencies too to connect all this stuff
together. It’s kind of drenching us in what we’re already drenched in wirelessly. But then adding some
other frequencies that are a little harder to shield against. The shielding paint will do a good job but a lot
of the solutions that you find online are not gonna cut the mustard anymore.

Yeah. It’s hard to wrap my head around because it’s overwhelming to just think about eating right, and
take all the right supplements, and trying to reduce our exposure to air pollution, and everything. I’m in
LA and there’s a lot of air pollution. Thankfully, I’m near the beach so it’s fresher air than inland but boy,
there’s so much that we need to think about. I don’t wanna just be worried 27/7 that I’m getting all this
bad exposure to stuff. That’s probably hurting my health too just getting all stressed out, worried about
all the exposure to these toxins and to these EMF fields, and to mold potentially, and air pollutants and
everything. Oh my god.

Yeah, I say the same thing to people and I totally understand that. The reason I do this and I try
to make a difference in this field by saying this and what I tell people is that, “Yes, it can be very
overwhelming. But if you just take the first step of fixing the bedroom, you’re giving yourself a shot.”
Because basically, when you shield the bedroom, it’s like taking two steps forward in your health toward
healing. You have exposure during the day that takes you one step backward but at night you get the two
steps forward again. You’re making progress toward your healing. So many of my nutrition clients, they
can’t get well, they can’t heal their leaky gut, or fix their autoimmune condition. But when they put in
the shielding it makes all the differences. They don’t even need a leaky gut supplement anymore. They
just go one month in a shielded bedroom and their leaky gut goes away. Their food sensitivity start to
clear up. All the protocol start working better. This is what happened with GEOVITAL, the naturopathic
that I trained with from Austria. They’ve been doing for 35 years. They’ve been doing the geopathic
stress and the electric fields since the early 80s. What they found, they were doing that for a while, and
about early to mid-90s when all the wireless technology really started to become more widespread.
They were doing these protocols. They had all these herbal protocols and helping people with all their
chronic illness and they were doing great. All of a sudden those protocols stopped working. They’re like,
“What’s going one?” Well, we’re in an environmental medicine clinic so we need to search the
environment. There must be something in the environment that’s changed. They go to the house and
they see all these new technology and they got together and came up with this shielding paint and the
solutions. They’re original inventors of the shielding paint, as far as I know. They introduced this and
then they started putting in these solutions for this patients and all those old protocols started working
again. People started to heal. It’s not a matter of, some people say, “Oh, I took this supplement it didn’t
work for me. I tried this diet it didn’t work.” Well, they didn’t remove the stressor during that healing
time. You know that that’s when the body wants to heal because anytime you get sick, you get tired, and
you wanna go to sleep. Your body tells you that by you getting tired. It’s basically your body is screaming
to you like, “Look. You’re not well. You need to rest and lay down. We need to detox this stuff out of the
system because that’s just how we do things here in the human body.” When we don’t realize that, that’s
to our detriment. If we just fix that sleeping area, I really think that’s the first step, and for most people
it’s a doable thing. There might be sometime in the future when we might need to do more but as far as
the first best step for anybody, as far as EMF goes, fix that freaking bedroom.

Yeah and get a home assessment too so you can figure how bad the exposure is too.
Yeah. You have to get the right solutions in. A lot of people try to do it on their own but they don’t
have the experience of a 35-year running naturopathic clinic behind them to show them that you don’t
do it this way. I always use this example because I’m kind of a do it yourselfer in many ways. I’ve built this
shielded tiny house that I haven’t even finished yet. If I would have just done that and tried to build it
myself without any instruction or guidance, I totally would’ve made so many mistakes. I actually learned
everything on YouTube. I would follow these YouTube guys to build my tiny house and see all the stupid
mistake that they made, and then I would not make those mistakes. It’s kind of the same with the whole
EMF thing. You can make a lot of really bad mistakes and they can have consequences for your health.
You can just hire a professional to come in. The equipment that we use is a very expensive equipment. I
have about $8,000 – $9000 worth of equipment. The average person can’t afford to just do that as a
hobby. There are less expensive meters you can buy to kind of get an idea but they’re not adequate for
finding a permanent for your home. We are trying to come with a more affordable solutions but if you’re
in a home where you know you’re gonna be there for a long time, or you wanna be there for a long time,
then it’s worth it to go ahead and put the money down for getting someone in there who knows what
they’re doing, and to get you some good permanent solution in your home so you can have a healing
environment every single night.

Yeah, that’d be great. I have a few more questions I wanna ask you. I know we’re really running out of
time. Let’s do a little lightning round here just to ask some quick questions, you give me quick answers.
How’s that?

That sounds good. Let’s do it.

Okay. Smart meters, what do we do if we’re hooked up to smart meters like the electrical grid or

Smart meters, they cause dirty electricity in the home. They have a pulse signal that’s radio
frequency same as the cell phone tower but it just pulses five or six times a minute, every one’s a little
bit different. The solution that I have for that both dirty electricity and the pulse is also the shielding
paint. It’s really, really simple. There’s not much that the shielding paint won’t do for the dirty electricity
and the high frequency because if you’re not exposed to dirty electricity because you’re not being
exposed to any electricity because your wall is shielded then you don’t have to worry about what’s
behind the wall if that’s not reaching your body.

Right. Things aren’t plugged into the wall, if you wanna reduce your exposure because you’re hooked
up to smart meters, and you get the dirty electricity and the pulsing, wouldn’t it be better to get that
smart meter out of there and replace with a regular dumb meter even if you have to pay your electrical
company a little fee to get rid of it rather than just be protected only in the bedroom?

Ideally, you would get rid of it. Some people don’t like that idea or they don’t feel like paying that
monthly fee. In an ideal situation, yes, get rid of it. But in my experience, the bulk of your exposure to
this wireless is coming from the cell phone towers. The smart meters maybe 1% of your exposure but it
can be like the straw that broke the camel’s back in a way. For a lot of people, that’s what it is. They think
that the smart meter is all their woes. If they just get rid of that they’ll be healthy. But there is a lot of
stress that came before that smart meter got installed that up to that point was causing you so that you
couldn’t handle it when it was installed.

It just kind of was compounding effects until that was the thing that tipped you over the edge.

Yes, exactly.

Okay, cool. Let’s move on now to electric toothbrushes. I use an electric toothbrush. Should I stop
using that?

Well, I was talking with Dr. Mercola about this because he asked me the same question. Electric
toothbrushes they run out off of battery and it’s DC current, and that’s what your body runs off of and
it’s not damaging to my knowledge, or at least they don’t talk about much happening with the DC
magnetic field or the DC electric fields being damaging. In my circles, I think electric toothbrush is okay. I
could be wrong about that. I haven’t researched it enough to give a definitive answer on that particular

How about a hair dryer? That one’s plugged into the wall socket.

Yeah. That’s something that releases a huge magnetic field and also electric field. Definitely limit your
use and if you have to use it because you’re a little in love with your hair dryer then keep it as far away as
possible but I don’t know of any good alternative to a hair dryer other than just letting your hair air dry.
How about a blender? You use a blender to make a nice, healthy shake or smoothie in the
morning but you stand right next to your blender while it’s running. Probably not a good thing?

Yeah, it’ll release another magnetic field. Anything with a motor or with a lot of wattage is gonna have a
large magnetic field as much as 4, 6, 8 ft. out. Really when you run your blender, that’s what I do, I’ll run
it and I’ll just step back. I’ve measured so I know how far to step back, so I step back like two steps and
I’m about 4 ft away. I think I use a NutriBullet and a Blendtec sometimes. NutriBullet’s about 4 ft away.
Blendtec’s a little bit further. They’re one of those things that you have to do better, but if you go about
6ft away or just leave it there on the counter that should be fine.

Yeah, okay. If you run into the other room.

Yeah, that’s what I have told people to do if they absolutely have to use a microwave.

Right, right, right. Microwaves that’s another good one. I have a microwave, should I not be using
that? Because I’m kind of lazy when it comes to cooking. I’m actually very lazy when it comes to cooking.
It’s either 35 minutes to heat something up in the oven or it’s 4 minutes in the microwave, I’m gonna opt
for the 4 minutes. But the food is not gonna be as healthy. It breaks down some of the nutrients more.
Yeah, I didn’t even think about the EMF exposure that I’m causing to me and my wife by using the
microwave. What’s your thought about that?

Yeah. Well, the microwave creates too intense frequencies. It’s the microwave radiation but then
there’s also a magnetic field because there’s a lot of wattage going through that to power the microwave
when it’s on. Stepping back from the microwave when you use it is important but we don’t have a
microwave, we don’t use it. A lot of houses I go into they have them. They don’t use them either but one
issue I’ve seen is that the microwaves are right above the stove. Even if they’re not running, there’s
about 3-4 ft. magnetic field that comes up off from the front of the panel, where the little buttons are,
and the clock. People who are cooking there for hours on their stove are getting this huge magnetic field
right in their head.

Oh, wow. Yeah, that’s me too. This is exactly where it’s positioned, right above the stove.

Usually, I know a lot of houses there’s a breaker just for the microwave. If you don’t use it turn the
breaker off. Don’t just keep it on. Turn it off or if you unplug it it will take care of that too. Usually it’s
easier to just turn the breaker off than scoot the microwave out and unplug it if it’s in a little cabinet
positioned where microwaves go.

Right. Two more quick ones. Dimmer switches, you got your light connected up to dimmer
switches which is so you can kind of regulate how much light. Is that a good thing, a bad thing,
and why?

If you have the whole room shielded, it’s not that big of an issue. But if you don’t then it is because
it’s causing more dirty electricity. Basically what dirt electricity is it just transients different frequencies
that are riding on the electrical line. There’s different types of technology that do that that dimmer
switches as one of them. I kind of rag on dirty electricity a lot because it’s only half a solution to get
these filters that filter it out because really the electric fields themselves are damaging whether they’re
dirty or not. My goal is to get all of the electric fields away from the body and not just dirty electricity
because the electricity itself is still causing a body voltage that’s stimulating and causing biological
effects. Overall, I would say reducing all the sources of dirty electricity is really important and dimmer
switches is definitely one of those.

Okay, last one is thermostats. They’re these fancy smart thermostats like from Nest which is owned
by Google, and there’s just regular thermostats, what’s the impact there?

A lot of the thermostats and the technology that you have out there even the security systems
have a wifi signals that are going constantly, and that’s gonna be a stressor. A first step for your
listeners is to go through the house and get rid of or turn off everything that produces a wifi or bluetooth
signal, at least turn those off at night, and that will drastically reduce your internal exposure. You still
have the cell phone towers coming in but at least you won’t have the excessive frequencies in the
2.4GHz range which can be overwhelming.

Great. You just mentioned bluetooth and we didn’t really talk about that this whole episode. How
bad is bluetooth in comparison to wifi, like the 2.4 GHz, and 5.8GHz?

It’s essentially the same when you measure it with a meter. The bluetooth earbuds and things like that,
those are basically putting their radio frequency really close to your head, in your ear. I don’t
recommend those. Try to get rid of those as much as possible with anything even like the wearable tech.
The Bluetooth earbuds and things like that, those are basically putting their radio frequency really close
to your head, in your ear. I don’t recommend those.

Right. Wearable tech like the bluetooth headsets and let’s say smart clothing and stuff that’s
bluetooth-enabled. What about the tiles that help you find your lost keys and everything that’s all

Yeah, if those are bluetooth then those will be an issue. Also, the Apple Watch, FitBit, even the
Oura ring. That’s one that a lot of people in the fitness world are using. That’s a better option if you
wanna use some trackable tech because it uses infrared to get the information from your body. But then
you have to use the bluetooth to download that information, so as long as you disable the bluetooth
while you’re wearing it, and only enable it when you’re downloading the information, that’s the best way
to use that kind of tech.

Yeah. I have an Oura ring. I’m gonna make sure that I’ve got that set-up right. Good to know. Well,
this was mind expanding, and frightening, and exciting. I got so much to do now to get my home and
environment to be safe. Thank you for educating me and our listeners here on what’s important and
what we need to do about it. That’s a very, very important aspect to our health. Many of us, I would
guess, are neglecting.

Yeah, you’re welcome. I’m actually gonna be in LA in a few weeks. If you want me to come by and check
out your home just let me know.

Okay, sure. I’ll definitely follow-up with you on that. If somebody wanted to work with you to do the
home assessment, how would they contact you?

The best is to go to my website which and just fill out the form for being
interested in home assessment. I have a schedule on there of tours that I do. Just tell me where you’re at
and what your situation is and I’ll try to get back to you as soon as I can. I really like to talk over the
phone to kind of hear people’s situations because it’s easier to explain things.
Awesome. Thank you so much again, Brian. This was fabulous. I hope that our listeners are
gonna take action on this because it is so important. So, listeners, is where
you’re gonna go to get the show notes with all the links to the resources, also to get the checklist of
actions to take from stuff that we talked about in this episode and the transcript. We’ll catch you on the
next episode of The Optimized Geek. This is your host, Stephan Spencer, signing off.iet filled with whole
plant foods.

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