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Intelligence - most of think we are not intelligent enough, but dont give up - an opening will
come eventually. 2. Be covetous - really want to know 3. Patience and enjoy each other to
patient as study is incremental and can plato which are very dangerous periods which can
cause boredom. 4. Stress free environment 5. Go to a place that you dont call home 6. Learn
from a teacher 7. Have Time. 8. Have Humility and be humble in front of the subject your
reading and your teacher 9. Have a good opinion - Have a good opinion on people 10. Have
a scaffold - Learn Grammar & logic 11. Studying in Groups amongst your classmates and
share your views and insights 12. Have a True Friend 13. Engage with others, but dont be
vulgar 14. Dont just associate with other for entertainment 15. Dont get into arguments, but
discussion 16. Listen to others criticism, but dont be quick to criticise 17. Dress as per your
station, well. 18. Be True to Yourself, and you will be True to Others. 19. Dont meet Others,
learn to be alone; unless its to rectify your state or to Learn & Study!

1. Intelligence - most of think we are not intelligent enough, but dont give up - an opening will come

2. Be covetous - really want to know

3. Patience and enjoy each other to patient as study is incremental and can plato which are very
dangerous periods which can cause boredom.

4. Stress free environment

5. Go to a place that you dont call home

6. Learn from a teacher

7. Have Time.

8. Have Humility and be humble in front of the subject your reading and your teacher

9. Have a good opinion - Have a good opinion on people

10. Have a scaffold - Learn Grammar & logic

11. Studying in Groups amongst your classmates and share your views and insights

12. Have a True Friend

13. Engage with others, but dont be vulgar

14. Dont just associate with other for entertainment

15. Dont get into arguments, but discussion

16. Listen to others criticism, but dont be quick to criticise

17. Dress as per your station, well.

18. Be True to Yourself, and you will be True to Others.

19. Dont meet Others, learn to be alone; unless its to rectify your state or to Learn & Study!

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