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Section A

Question 1

Globalization is all about countries open to other counties internationally on aspects of

economical, social, educational and so on. The world has developed in many terms because of
the globalization. Local businesses have become global multinational business. This would have
never happened if those businesses had not started working internationally. Similarly, social and
educational aspects have also evolved in which the countries have been able to get together to
work towards the enhancement of the betterment of world as a global village. However, with
regard to the current situation of the world, it seems that the countries are getting away from the
globalization which could now be called as the deglobalization. This happened because of the
distance theory that was imposed by the countries due to the pandemic.

Distance theory is challenging to many countries since it makes countries isolated and raises
problems about trust. Deglobalization has its own advantages and disadvantages. When countries
tend to work alone to develop their economies without the help from other countries is good.
Nevertheless, with the distance theory this goes way beyond that. As mentioned earlier, this has
far worse consequences to the world as a whole. This causes big issues to the unity of the world.
For example, this will directly affect on the world economy. As a matter of fact, it has already
started to happen. For instance, countries have been unable to produce their annual products as
they had expected because of the distance theory. Things has become slow.

There are also some benefits of distance theory such as when there is a pandemic, the chances of
spreading it to other countries will be difficult. Therefore, in this case, the world is safe, still
people are having to stay in distance whilst working becomes grimed psychologically as they
will get bored and as a result there will be issues in the production and then it will become a civil
societal issue which will then become globalised issue. However, in deglobalization, the distance
theory will not be tough because the countries do not have to collaborate with other countries but
plan lucid and work hard towards the betterment of the country.
Question 2

International institutes such as United nations organization and other organization that work
internationally have a big responsibility and a role to play in driving the world towards the global
sustainability. These organizations are called international organizations because they have the
capability to conduct their activities to increase productivity of globalization. In the globalised
world, the countries exchange their culture, education and not only that, they even sign for
bilateral and multilateral agreements with other countries about various factors despite the results
of those agreements. For example, the World bank is an international institute which provides
loans and other financial services to countries with regard to the betterment of development of
those countries. Another instance is there was no cricket touring in Pakistan when the Sri Lankan
team got shot by terrorists in Pakistan. For couple of years there were not any international
crickets matches played in Pakistan. However, with involvement of International Cricket
Council, the international crickets are played in Pakistan. Similarly, any international
organization can play a big role in making this world become closer on each and every good

United Nations organization has one of their offices in almost every country in the world. They
have been doing an outstanding work for the sustainability in the world. These organizations
follow their best theories to get rid of war which is there in certain parts of the globe. Hence,
International institutes are a set of organizations the world needs in order to enhance and
overwhelm the globalization in good terms.

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