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“Pensar Hacer y Actuar con Excelencia”

YOUR NAME: Carla Vasconez

TOPIC: My admiration

The immortal: Gloria Rivas

Doctors called her like that for his courage and desire to live.
Gloria Rivas is my maternal grandmother and she is 72 years old.
She lost her mother at age of 5 and lost his hearing at 7.
She got married and had 3 children who took care of them alone.
His health was damaged at age of 24, and got its worst stage at 33, with the help of
specialists and family she apparently exceeded cancer.
When she was 50 she fell again and the tests were positive and returned cancer, so she had to
receive cobalt therapy and chemo therapy again.
12 years ago after an incorrect medical practice, she lost 90% of her intestine and was
attended for 12 months in IESS hospital; with no changes or health improvement after 5
operations between colostomies and union of intestine doctors evicted her and sent to die at
Clinging to life and suffering the worst pain, she had a last operation.
The doctors cannot explain how she could overcome the disease and after researching his
case they found that it was the force of will and faith that kept her alive
Nowadays we know she lives by the grace of God and to take care of her granddaughters
My grandma always teaches us that everything can overcome if we believe that we must fulfill
our purposes. He obtained a certificate of bravery which is meaning of the big courage she
has always had, even nowadays.
She is a great example to follow.

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