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The results that are required for a Program support officer to achieve are:

 The work load of HOD, PM and faculty was reduced with the assistance of PSO.
 Record of various documents, letter and record form was maintained properly.
 Effectively conveyed relevant information to visiting faculty regarding schedules,
announcements and course requirements.
 Unnecessary administrative activities were eliminated with the help of PSO.
 Timely and practical solutions were provided to staff and students with respect to their
 Kept supervisor up-to-date with the progress of graduate student thesis writing.
 Collect data from all departments at SZABIST and provided it to higher authorities in
time and effective manner.

In order evaluate the Results achieved by the Program support officer I would recommend the
use of ranking method. It may not be the best way to measure results but its adequate for the post
of PSO. The PSO is sort of a facilitator hence we to his seniors, knowing that a 360 degree
approach is used at SZABIST hence all the people he serve will better be able to give an analysis
of how well he/she was able to assist them.

Since the objectives for PSO are not quantifiable we have can not go for quantities approach
such as work standard method. The MBO is simply unnecessary as the objective to achieve
simple in nature.

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