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Jewish Conspiracies Against Islam: Changes in the Hadith and in

the Holy Qur’an*
By: Mustafa Ismail, Ph. D.
Chapter I

It’s a well known fact that many “Israeliyyat” (the Jewish myths) have also entered into the
Islamic Traditions, as they did in Christianity, before. Almost all the Muslim scholars agree, in principle,
about this reality; but they may disagree only about some details.
In this research, we want to dig deeper into the gravity of this problem. But before we go into the
main issue, here are a few quotations from the most reliable Muslim personalities, and the most trusted
Islamic Books of Hadith Sahih Bukhari, the most important Book of Hadith, in Sunni Islam says:
01. “The Holy Prophet Mohammad A.S. heard a blind man reciting the Holy Qur’an in the Mosque. He
said: This reminded me of several verses that I had forgotten to include in the Qur’an!” (Incomplete
From Ayisah, the youngest wife of the Holy Prophet Mohammad A.S. (Ref. “Sahih Bukhari” vol.
3/ p. 225 also in vol. 8, p. 234; /Also Sahih Bukhari/ Hadith 2644 and 5037-38)

02. “My collection of the Holy Qur’an, was eaten by a hungry goat!”(i.e. many verses /Chapters of the
Original Qur’an are missing, today!)
From “Ayisha” the youngest wife of the Holy Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.F)
Ref.1) Sahih Muslim, vol.4 /p.167. Ref.2) Sunan Ibn Maja (=Magi) vol. 1 /p.625. Ref. 3) Imam Sayuti’s
“Durrul Manthur”/ vol.6 /p. 56. Ref.4) Musnad Imam Ahmad Hanbal, vol. 6 /p. 269. Ref.5) Sahih
Bukhari, vol. 8 / Hadith 817, and also Hadith 1945, etc.

03. “The Surah Al-Ahzab was Originally 200 verses; But now it’s73 only!” Ref. “Ayisha” in Imam
Sayuti’s “Al-Itqan Fi Ulumil Qur’an” (So, if only 73 Ayahs are left out of the 200, then were are the
other 127?)

04. “The “Ayah Rajm” (= stone to death/ A Jewish tradition?) was in Surah Al-Ahzab of the Holy Qur’an
before, but it’s not there, anymore!” From “Obay Bin Ka-b” one of the seven original collectors of the
Holy Qur’an. (Ref. Sahih Bukhari/ P. 370/ Hadith 1164.)

05. “Some verses of the Holy Qur’an were different, during the time of the Holy Prophet Mohammad
(P.B.U.H).“From“Omar Bin Khattab”, the 2ndCaliph of Islam.(Ref. “Sahih Bukhari” vol. 6/P. 61, Hadith
521 and also 527.)

06. “Two surahs of the Holy Qur’an are missing!” (Ref. “Omar” the 2nd Caliph of Islam, according to
Imam Sayuti’s Tafsir, called “Al-Itqan”).

07. “The Holy Qur’an has been revealed in “Seven Ahruf” or versions! (=Tahrif?) And all of them are
correct!” The 2ndCaliph Omar / see Imam Sayuti in his “Al-Itqan”. / Also “Sunan Ibn Maja”, Hadith
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08. “The Holy Qur’an Contains 1,027,000 letters!!!” according to Omar, the 2 nd Caliph of Islam. (Ref.
“Darrul Man-thur” by the Sunni Imam Al-Sayuti, vol.6/p.4 /Also the Persian Sunni Imam “Ibn

09. “A big Chapter is missing from the Holy Qur’an”! According to “Abu Musa Ash-ari” the Sahabah of
the Holy Prophet A.S. and one of the seven original collectors of the Holy Qur’an/ see Imam Sayuti’s
“Al-Itqan”. / Also in “Sahih Muslim” Hadith 2286.

10. “The last two chapters of the Holy Qur’an, called “Muaw-wada-tain” (= Protection form Evil) are
Not from the Original Qur’an (Those are just “prayers for protection” i.e. Ta-wid)
(From “Abdullah Bin Mas-ud” the great Sahaba of the Holy Prophet Mohammad A.S. and one
of the seven original collectors of the Holy Qur’an. Ref. 1) “Sunan Ibn Maja (= Magi)” Chapter 20.
Hadith 380. Ref. 2) Sahih Bukhari/ 6/ 2504, Ref. 3) Sahih Muslim 3/ 1317 and 1691.)

11. “Burn all the copies of the Holy Qur’an ( six copies collected by the other Sahaba) and keep my
collection, only!” ( i.e. “Rasmul Othmani”)
Othman, the 3rd Caliph of Islam.(Ref. “Sahih Bukhari” vol.6 / ch.61 / Hadith No. 510.)

12. “No one today has got the original Qur’an of the time of the Holy Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.F.)”
From Abdullah Bin Omar, son of the 2ndCaliph Omar/ see Imam Sayuti’s “Al-Itqaan fi Ulumil
Qur’an.”vol. 2, P. 25/ Also in “Durrul Man-thur” by Imam Sayuti, vol.1, p. 106/ Also in “Sahih Bukhari”
vol.6, p. 61, Hadith 510.

13. “My father Abu Bakr,(the 1st Caliph of Islam) burned 500 Hadith / teachings of the Holy Prophet
A.S.” (also known as the “Sunnah”).
From “Ayisha” the youngest wife of the Holy Prophet Mohammad A.S. and the daughter of the
1st Caliph Abu Bakr.(Ref. “Faza-il A’maal”/ Lahore, Pakistan 2005 / p. 40)

14. “Caliph Omar burned many collections of Hadith, and he even jailed several Sahaba, for teaching
Hadith. He also used to call the Islamic Hadith very similar to the “Jewish Mishna!” (Ref./ The Sunni
Imam “Dhahabi” in “Nubala”, vol. 5/ p. 59.).

15. “There has been many verses “lost” in the Holy Qur’an, collected by the Caliph Othman” (Ref. Imam
Tabari, the first and the greatest “Mufassir of the Holy Qur’an” in the History of Islam)


Those were just some of the many testimonies about the various changes (=Ahruf or Tahrif), that
took place in the Holy Qur’an, and also in the Hadith, quoted from the Holy Prophet Mohammad A.S.
himself, and his own wife, and also from the “First generation Muslims”, immediately after the Holy
Prophet A.S. all from the Sunni Islamic books.

Now, if those assertions, from the most trusted personalities in Islam, and the earliest Muslim
leaders, and the closest people to the Holy Prophet Mohammad A.S. have not opened your eyes to the
gravity of the “tragic events that took place, in the Islamic history and traditions” then nothing else will.
Because, there is nothing more for me to say, except to explain some more, and to further expand those
quotations, or just to add more references to them, i.e. books, Hadith, historical evidences, and figures,
etc. in order to support what they have already said, and what you have already read.

Historical Background
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For us to better understand the “tragedy” that befell on this so-called “Last Abrahamic Religion”,
i.e. Islam, we have to look back, to see the earlier “tragedies” that also befell upon the “second and the
first Abrahamic Religions,” i.e. Christianity and Judaism, as well.

As the Persian proverb says: “The fish goes bad, from the head, first!” (Rumi, in Math-nawy). So, we
shall also look at “Jeudaism” and Christianity first. After all, the “Fish,” which is the symbol of
Christianity and the Pope, came from the Jews, who also got it from the Pagan Babylonian “Fish god”
called “Nuun!” (Remember Jonas and the “fish story” in the Old and the New Testaments, and also in the
Holy Qur’an, mentioned as “Zan Nuun!?”. A very “fishy story” indeed!).

Abraham : “The Father of Faith” (Fish?)

All those three so-called “Monotheistic” religions claim to be the followers of Abraham. The
Jews even claim “Abraham” as a Jew, and the Arabs claim him to be an Arab, and yet Abraham was
“Neither a Jew, nor an Arab” but a Babylonian (Persian Magi? Zoroaster himself? Zoroaster’s grandfather
was named “Brahim” too!/ “Brahmin?”) and his first wife “Sarah” (Princess?) was also a Babylonian, and
his second wife, “Hagar”, was an Egyptian/Palestinian? Now, how could the “Babylonians and the
Egyptians become Jews or Arabs? I just can’t understand that; So, let those proud “Children of Abraham”
explain it, in their own Hebrew or Arabic language, or even Greek, or whatever!

But, according to the great Egyptian Muslim scholar of the 20 th century, Dr. Taha Husayn (1860-
1927 A.D.) “Abraham and his son Ismael never travelled to Arabia! Nor are the Arabs even from
Abraham’s “slave wife, Hajar” and all those “Arab Jahily Potry” were fake creations of the “Umayyad
and Abbasid Dynasties!” (Ref. watch ? v = GsonuunD 914)

Jews in Slavery of Babylon

Why did Nebuchad-Nesor the King of Babylon, take the Jews into captivity in Babylon, I don’t
really know. But here are some possible clues, and your guess is as good as mine:

1.) The Babylonians considered the Jews as their own distant “cousins” (= Semites) and they
wanted to bring them back to their ancestral home of the “Father Abraham” (=Ab+Rahim or
father of many tribes).
2.) The Jews were worshipping many “gods and goddesses” like “Moloch”/ Ba-al /
Osairus /Shemesh/ Set/Adar/ Uru/ Sin/ Nuun/ Ninip / Murdock/ Kivan / Saturn (of the
Saturday!), 71 gods and goodness! (Ref. Bible “Book of Genesis/ and also in
“Deuteronomy”: 32, etc.) There are many other “semitic” / Jewish gods, e.g. 1) Abraham (=
Begetting god) 2) Ram (=god of darkness) 3) Essam (= goat god) 4) Laban (of Lebanon/
“white god”) 5) Mo-ab (=Rain god) 6) Rama (of Ramallah “storm god”) 7) Bat-sheba
(=Daughter of the Moon god) 8) Sinai (=Babylonian Moon god/ 400 B.C. 9) Ur-Salem (=
plague god/ war god) 10) Salem (=sun god) 11) Sakara (=Mother of sun god) etc. The Jews
used to even “sacrifice their own first born babies to “Moloch” by “Burning them alive, and
dancing around them, and beating drums, in order not to hear the cries of those innocent
babies, and then “eating the flesh of their own roasted children” as a sacrifice to god Moloch!
—in other words, the Jews were involved in the worst kind of “Cannibalism” known to
mankind, by “Eating the flesh of their own roasted children in the name of their own god
“Moloch”. (Ref. “The Ass in the Lion’s Skin” or The Great Jewish Mask/Published by The
Bamboo Delight Books. USA, 1935/p.20).
Probably, even a “Beast” like Nebuchad-Nesor of Babylon also could not tolerate those
Barbaric acts, committed by his own “distant Jewish cousins” and he had to save the Jews
from themselves, by hook or by crook (As did George W. Bush of America, using those lies
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about the WMDs in Iraq in 2003, to liberate the Iraqis / Babylonians / from Saddam Husain,
and his devilish Baath party!).
3.) That “Karma” of baby-eating, as well as many other treacheries and conspiracies, which have
become the “Trade Mark” of the Jewish “tribe” since 3,000 years until today, eventually
caught up with them, and they had to pay for their crimes against humanity, by suffering the
“Slavery of Babylon” for 50 long years, (after their 400 years of slavery in Egypt earlier, and
before that, to the Greeks and to the Persians, too) until they were liberated by Cyrus the
Great of Persia, in 500 B.C. (Note: The Old Testament calls Cyrus the Great as the
“Messiah” or the “Savior” of the Jews, and it accuses Jesus of “Failure!” as a savior).

Babylonian Talmud and Jewish Plagiarism

Those 50 years of the Babylonian exile and slavery, turned the Jews and the Judaism totally
“upside down”! Not only were they corrupted by the Babylonian paganism, but all the following so called
“Monotheistic religions/Abrahamic religions” like Christianity and Islam, with their many branches, sects
and denominations, were also “polluted”, by the Jewish Babylonian Talmud (Some 36 big volumes of
the plagiarized / stolen Mythologies of Babylon, as well as Greek and Persian, written by the Jewish
Rabbis, like Ezra, Daniel, Ezekiel, Malachi, Hosea, Jeremiah, Nehemiah, Habakkuk, Isaiah,
Zechariah and many others, who were living in Babylon, under the Persian domination).

The word “Talmud” in Hebrew means “Teachings” which is closely related to the Arabic word
“Tilmid” and also to “Ta-lim” and “Ta-allum” meaning student, study and teaching, respectively.

In other words, the Jewish Rabbis, during those 50 years of their captivity in the hands of the
“Harlot of Babylon” had enough time to “un-learn the Taurah” (=the law) of the Prophet Moses A.S. and
to learn “each and every pagan mythology from the Persian Magis, (i.e. The Astrologers, the Pharisees/
Parsees)in Babylon, and the neighboring Persia, that finally liberated them.

So, while the Muslims have got their own “Kitab and Sunnah” meaning the Holy Qur’an and the
Hadith (e.g. Sahih Bukhari, Sunan Ibn Maja (=Magi) etc.), and the Zoroastrians have their “Gatha” and
Avesta, the Jews also have their own “Taurah” and more importantly to them, the Talmud, the teachings
of the many Rabbis, throughout centuries (i.e. 124,000 “Prophets” of Israel?). Those teachings were first
in the “oral form” and after many centuries, they were written down, as well.

But, as I said before, those “Jewish Teachings”/Babylonian Talmud of 36 volumes/or “Tractates”

have nothing to do with the “Original Teachings of the Prophet Moses A.S.”. Rather, they were the results
of the 50 years of the pagan “learnings” from the “whore of Babylon” (As the Bible calls her), and the
pre-Zoroasterian beliefs of “Zurvanism” (god of time/ and good and evil/ “Dahr” in Arabic) and
“Mithraism” (The Persian Sun-god worship) and other pagan gods, like “Amon” (i.e. of “Amen!”)
“Tamuz”, Murdock and “Ishtar” (Easter!) etc.

Chapter II
Babylonian Talmud vs. The Taurah
Anybody who has read the Old Testament, can easily realize that from the first book (i.e.
Genesis) up to the last one (i.e. Malachi) almost entirely is made up of the “Stolen Mythologies of
Babylon” that the Jewish Rabbis plagiarized, labeling them with the names of their own “Prophets and
Champions”, like the stories of King David and Bathsheba, King Solomon and Queen of Sheba,
Samson and Delilah, King Ahab and Jezebel, Jacob and Esau, Joseph and Benjamin, Saul and
Samuel, etc.
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But the more tragic, dangerous and blasphemous stories are located in the “Babylonian Talmud”
a 36 volume of the Jewish Myths mixed up with the Babylonian Myths, Greek Myths, Persian Myths, etc.
to make it “The myths of all myths!” Just one short sentence from that book is enough to blow away the
mind of any rational human being, especially those who believe in the Great God of Heaven and Earth.
For example, the “Babylonian Talmud” says, and we quote: “The Jehovah in Heaven stands up, and reads
the words of the Talmud, with all respect!” (Ref. “The Ass in Lions Skin”/ The Jewish Mask, USA,
1935/ P. 22

(Regarding the Jewish Rabbis falsifying the Holy Books, see the Holy Qur’an, ch. 2 v. 79 and the
related commentaries).

90% of Old Testament is Babylonian Myth!

Just to know the gravity of Jewish conspiracy against the scriptures, look at the following
“nonsenses” that are being falsely attributed to some of the most respected Prophets of God, in the Jewish
Old Testament:
1.) The Prophet Abraham A.S., “lied” to the Egyptian border guards by saying that “Sarah, his
wife, was his sister!” to save his own neck (See: The Genesis12 in the old Testament) This
story has been accepted by the Christians, too, and it’s in the Sunni Muslim Books of
“Hadith” like “Sahih Bukhari” of the Persian Imam of the Sunni Islam. (Note: The “Sahih
Bukhari” says that the Prophet Abraham “lied”, only three times in his life!. Once in Egypt
about his own wife Sarah, and twice in Babylon, when he said: “That (Sun) is my God!” /
That (Moon) is my God”!) Ref. Sahih Bukhari /vol.3 /Hadith No. 372.)

What kind of a “Liar”, as the Father of Faith and the Prophet, those three
“Monotheistic” religions have got! And what a lying father the Jews and the Arabs are so
Blessed with? (No wonder why the Arabs and the Israelis, can’t even trust each other’s
words) It’s said that after Abraham told the Egyptian guards that Sarah was his “Sister”, they
took Sarah to Pharaoh, and Pharaoh slept with Sarah several times, before returning her back
to Abraham again!!! So, the Jews of today are not only blessed to be the Children of
Abraham, but they are also “Cursed” by carrying some genes from the Pharaoh of Egypt, too!
(This foolish story is told by the Jewish Rabbis about Abraham-Sarah-Abi Melek, the cruel
King of Palestine, as well! So, according to the Jewish Rabbis, Sarah was a “whore” and
Abraham was a “whore-monger”! (Ref. “Encyclopedia Judaica”, vols. 01, 02, 14 and 15).

2.) The Prophet Jacob A.S. (whose name in Hebrew literally means “A deceiver and a cheat!”)
got into a wrestling match with God /angel of God/ from the night till the morning, and he
“defeated God, by not being defeated by the God of the Universe!” And he did not let God go
back to “His office in Heaven” until He gave Jacob, His own “Blessings”! (In other words “A
hostage situation”, in which “God of the Universe was taken hostage by Jacob, as did the
Palestinian guerillas to the Israeli Airline passengers in the 1970’s) A Prophet of God, forcing
God Almighty, to give him the blessings (Ref. The Jewish Bible / Old Testament / Genesis:
This “fantastic fiction” looks very similar to what the American Jews today, are doing
with the American presidents (e.g. Donald Trump was forced to declare Jerusalem, occupied
by Israeli in 1967 war, as the “Eternal Capital of Israel,” in December 2017; It was voted
down in the United Nations by 150 countries against the U.S. and Israel and 7 other small
islands of the Pacific Ocean!) The American congressmen, are also bribed in order to milk
the American tax payers for “Israel’s sake”, or what the Israelis/ Jacob’s children / do with
the European People, and to the rest of the mankind, in extortion and black mail!
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3.) The same Jacob, also stole the “Birth right” (=Progenitor) of his own elder brother Esau, by
not giving him food, until he surrendered his own “God given birth right”! (just like Israel’s
blockade of Gaza, to force those colonized Palestinians to submit to their “Ashk-nazi
European Jewish colonizers”, today?) For the full story of “Jacob cheating his own brother
Esau” and even his own father Isaac, see the Jewish Bible/Genesis 27-28.

It’s surprising that even the Holy Qur’an calls Prophet Jacob as “Ya-qub” i.e. a
“Cheat”! as the Jews call him? (Do we Muslims also believe that Prophet Ya-qub A.S. was a
“Fraud” and a “Swindler” and we still honor him, and take him as a role-model, and one of
the great Prophets of Allah?).

4.) Jacob had two wives (two sisters at the same time!! Which is prohibited in the Bible, too!)
and two “girl friends”/concubines/ and that made his 12 tribes “The Chosen people” of God,
and the “Apple of God’s eyes!” (What a bastard earth and heaven we have got!). How many
of those 12 tribes were from those “girl friends”/i.e. illegitimate relations and fornications?
Ref. Genesis 10-12 (Note: That story is very similar to the first Wahhabi King of Saudi
Arabia / King Bin Saud in the 1930’s/ with 400 wives (some of them just for one night! Mut-
ah??), and hundreds of “fornication children” or the “Aulad Zina”! Islam allows only four
wives, and more than that is adultery! But, that does not surprise me at all, considering the
fact that the Saudi Yahudi royal family also belong to the “Wandering Jews of Arabia”, the
Bani Qaynuqa Jewish tribe!) Ref. 1) “History of Ibn Saud”/ 2) “The Arabs of the Desert” by
Harold P. Dickson, 1983 Ed./ 3) John Philippy “King Bis Saud’s British Adviser and Spy”
1930’s/ 4) Google. /Also 5) “The King of Sand” Movie, as well as 6) “Lawrence of Arabia”,

5.) Jehowah God told the Prophet Samuel, to tell his “chosen leader Saul” (= Talut): Go to the
Filistins/ the natives of Palestine / and kill everything that moved… “Kill their men, kill their
women (not the Virgins! Keep them for sex!) kill their cows, kill their donkeys, kill their
sheeps, kill their goats, kill their dogs, kill their cats, kill their chicken’ oh, by the way, their
“Babies”, smash their babies heads on the stones! “(As I have told the ISIS/ISIL/Daesh to do
with the Muslims, Christians, etc. in Syria and Iraq, in 2014-2017)” Ref. “The Old
Testament” Genesis 10, and also Samuel 12/ 29; and Hosea 13/16, Deuteronomy 20/16 etc.
(Note: This story has been told about the Prophet Moses A.S. entering the “Promised Land”,
too! Ref. Old Testament/Book of Leviticus 31: 15-18)

6.) Prophet Noah (of the Great Flood) got “Drunk” one day! His private parts were exposed,
lying flat in his tent. His son Ham, came in and he saw his father’s “nakedness” and he
sodomized his old father! (And thus “Noah’s curse for Ham” and his children, who became
“Black Slaves!” of Africa (Ref. Book of Genesis 9: 20-25) Then, Noah’s other son entered
the tent walking backward, in order not to see “everything” and he was able to cover up his
father’s “Ass”! (What a great Prophet with almost 4 billion believing followers today, from
the Jews to the Christians and to the Muslims, of all colors and shapes and tribes and

7.) Prophet Lot (the nephew of Prophet Abraham) was made drunk by his own two daughters,
who “raped their own father” and they got pregnant, in order to continue the “tribes of Sodom
and Gomorra” which were destroyed by the Lord, for Homosexuality (So, how many children
of incest are there now among the Jews of today?)
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The two tribes of “Mo-Ab” and “Ammon” (i.e. Ammon capital of Jordan, today) are
from those “Incest-Rapes” of the two daughters of the Prophet of Israel, with their “holy”
father? (Ref. Encyclopedia Judaica vol. 1, 2 and the Old Testament, Book of Genesis)

8.) The wife of “Lot” turned into “Salt” when she looked back toward Sodom! (Ref. The Old
Testament, Book of Genesis)

9.) Earlier, the same Lot the Prophet, was offering his own two daughters for sex, to dozens of
homosexual mob, who wanted to rape his “Angel guests”! That shameful story has been
repeated in the Old Testament, the New Testament and in the Holy Qur’an, too!(Ref. Holy
Qur’an 15:71)

10.) King David had 700 wives and concubines, and yet he lusted after a “married woman, whom
he had watched naked, from the top of his palace, when she was taking a bath!”

So, he inquired about that woman, (i.e. Bathsheba) and when he learned that she was
the wife of his own soldier “Uriah” he seduced her, and made her pregnant! To cover up his
crime of adultery, he committed a bigger crime by ordering his generals to send Uriah to the
war front, and make it sure that he was killed, and then Prophet David “married Uriah’s
widow, as his 701st wife or concubine!” (Ref. The Jewish and the Christian Holy Books! like
2 Samuel: 11-14 etc.) This story has also been repeated in the Holy Qur’an, a little less
offensively! (See The Holy Qur’an: 38/24.) That story resembles the Holy Prophet
Mohammad A.S. marrying the wife of his own step-son, Zaid, which we shall discuss, later.
(Ref. 1) Imam Tabari, 2) Shaikh Hajwiri in “Kash-ful Mahjab”, etc.)

11.)King David’s son Amnon, raped his own step sister called Tamar! (like father, like son?) Ref.
2 Samuel 13: 1-20.

12.)King Solomon (i.e. the wisest man who ever lived) had also his own “harem” of 1,000 wives
and concubines! So, how many Jews are now the illegitimate grandchildren of the King
Solomon? (Chosen people, or Chosen bastards?)

13.)Both King David and his son, King Solomon worshipped “Idols” and pagan gods! (Yet,
according to the Bible, David was a man after God’s own heart, and King Solomon was given
a Kingdom by God, to last forever!!! But there is no historical evidence of those Kings’
Palaces, today! While the Romans, the Persians, and even the Egyptians and the Babylonians,
have their own ruins, as proof of their former glories, there is not even a single “column” or a
wall or a room, to prove that those “Two great Kingdoms” ever existed, at all. (Ref. AFP/AP/
“The Manila Bulletin” Oct. 31/1999 P. 3 / Also “The Philippine People’s Journal,”
October 30/1999 P. 15/ “The King David’s Palaces Myths” Also check the Internet to see that
even the Israeli archeologists of the Zionist regime “Belittle the Kingdoms of David and
Solomon!”). It’s just another myth, or a big lie, invented by the Jewish Rabbis, stolen from
the Babylonian Myths, that has polluted even the Christian and the Muslim Holy Books!
(Note: The Holy Qur’an talks about the “statues” in King Solomon’s Palaces! But no word of
“Worship” H.Q. 34/12)

14.)Noah’s Flood. An old man of 900 years of age, (with an unbelieving wife and an unbelieving
son!) built a “wooden boat” that could also carry one pair of all the living animals (i.e.
5,000,000 species times two, makes 10,000,000 animals?!) for six months (feeding those wild
beasts with grass and meat, only by 10 people on board?) and the water reaching up to the top
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of the mount “Ararat” (now in Turkey or near mount “Judi” in the ancient Iran City of
“Nahavand” or “Noah-Avand”, meaning the “Noah’s Ship”). And amazingly, that flood did
not rash into the Mediterranean sea or to the Euphrates river or the Tigris, or into the Persian
Gulf or even the Arabian sea, or the Indian Ocean???

And how did those 10 people manage to survive, till the next harvest, with 10 million
animals, like the African elephants, lions, tigers, cheetahs, leopards, wolves, foxes, rabbits,
Siberian bears, sheeps and goats, camels, cows, donkeys, horses, snakes, lizards, birds,
chickens and a million other species of roaches and flees, worms, etc. etc.(The first big zoooo
in the world!) How did the old Noah and his 8 followers got the time, the manpower and the
means to collect all those animals from around the world--Africa to India to Latin America
to Siberia and to pack them all in “One” small ship or even a big one???

And how did those three sons of Noah/ i.e. Sam, Ham, and Japheth/ repopulate the
entire world again, by impregnating their own sisters (?!) when their father, Noah, was 1,000
years old and his children were 900 years old, or even older! (How could 900 years old
people still make babies, and also make so many?? Miracles upon Miracles, indeed!)

No wonder, Thomas Jeferson, one of the founding fathers of America, also

denounced the Bible, and he even wrote the “Bible According to Thomas Jeferson” by
removing all those “superstitious” parts from the Old and the New Testaments!
(Note: The story of the great flood has been recorded in the Babylonian mythologies, long
before they were even mentioned in the Bible or in the Qur’an!).

Jewish Bible Polluted Christianity, too.

Actually, the main purpose of this research is to focus on the “Plague” of Judaism in the Islamic
Traditions, and in the Holy Qur’an. But, since Christianity is a “connecting link between Islam and
Judaism” then we have no choice but to mention Christianity also in passing, if not in full details, in
order to help us see the complete picture, for a better and clearer understanding of this “biggest
catastrophe and hoax” in the history of mankind --- The Jewish “Fake-ology!”/ The mother of all
religious scams!

So, before we go into the Islamic part of the story, here are just a few examples of how
Christianity was also polluted by adapting and adopting the Jewish Talmudic stories from the Babylonian

1.) First of all, all those shameful stories that we have already mentioned above, regarding
the Jewish Bible, are also accepted by the Christians - - hook, line and sinker, without
even questioning their validity, authenticity or even their possibility!
2.) As we all know, some 30% of the Christian Bible (i.e. New Testament) was invented by
the Jewish “Paul” the “Pharisee” (= Parsi/ Persian magi / similar to Simon the Magus, or
to the Jesuit order). He claimed to have been miraculously inspired by the Holy Spirit!
(While the Original 12 disciples of Jesus were being inspired, also by the Holy Spirit, in a
very opposite direction).This is the same Jewish Paul (=Saul) who stoned to death, the
first Christian Martyr, called “Steven”! Then suddenly he “converted” into Christianity,
and he was able to destroy Christianity from the “Inside” just like another Jewish Rabbi,
who also “converted” to Islam, and he, too, destroyed the “Sunni Islam!” His name was
“Ka-bul Ahbar” (=the Ka-bah of the Jewish Rabbis!) who was the “Bible teacher of the
Caliph Omar, and also the Caliph Othman, Abu Huraira, Abdullah Bin Omar and
Muawia, too! “(Ref. “St. Paul and Ka-bul Ahbar”, the 2 Jewish Agents that Destroyed
Christianity and Islam”). Just look at those “Paul’s letters to the Church in Corinth”, etc.
etc. which are nothing more than the Hellenistic influences like Plato and other Greek
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Philosophers and Jewish Cabalah teachers writings, plus some Persian Magi and
Babylonian Talmud, all being sold to the Christians as the “Word of God” and the
revelations by the Holy Spirit to the former Jewish killer, now called St. Paul!
3.) The Christian Scholars/ Priests have also confessed to the fact that their Holy Books, too,
have been polluted by the Jews. Here is a quotation from Martin Luther, the former
Catholic Priest, who started Protestantism in 16th Century A.D. He said, and we quote:
“They (Jews) are the real liars… They perverted and falsified the entire
Scriptures, from beginning to the end.” (= St. Paul?). Ref. “On The Jews and Their
Lies” By Martin Luther
“They would like to deal with us, as they did with the Persians, at the time of
Esther…” (i.e. The “Purim” or the Persian Holocaust, at the hands of the Jews, who were
ironically liberated from the Babylonian Slavery, by Cyrus the Great of Persia!/ The
Messiah of the Jews!/ see the Old Testament the Book of Esther)
4.) The most visible example of pollution by the Jews, that did influence the Christian (and
the Sunni Muslim) practices, too, was the word “Amen!” This word refers to the pagan
“god of the gods of Egypt”, the “Amon-Ra” or the “Mithra”, the sun-god of the Persians,
the god of the “Sunday”/Sun – day / Lord’s Day, who was also worshipped by the Greeks
as Apollo, and by the Romans, as the “Sol Invictus” and by the Jews as “Shemesh” and
by the early Arabs as “Shams”. (Mithra of the Persians is the most worshipped “deity” in
the history of the world). Even Abraham is alleged to have said: “That (i.e. sun) is my
god, too!” / Ref. Holy Qur’an/ ch. 6. verses 76-78.

Chapter III
Islamic Traditions Polluted by the Jews
The Islamic Traditions, called the Hadith, especially the Sunni and the “Wahhabi” versions of
them, are full of thousands of the “Israel-iyyat” (= the Jewish and the Biblical Fake-ology) that have
polluted the religion of Islam, too. That’s clearly visible in the most “reputable book of the Sunni Islam”
called “Sahih Bukhari”.(Note: Sahih in Arabic literally means, those “correct narrations” from the Holy
Prophet Mohammad (A.S.). This book is a nine volume collection of the Islamic Traditions -- just like
the Babylonian Talmud in Judaism -- compiled by a “Persian Imam from Bukhara” in Central Asia
/Ancient Persia /some 200 years after the death of the Holy Prophet Mohammad A.S.).

This so-called “Sahih” contains many of those foolish Old Testament stories of the Jews (i.e. the
stolen mythologies of the whore of Babylon). It’s not possible to mention all of them here, but just to
prove the point, we shall be quoting a few examples out of the many “Jewish Myths”, in that so-called
“Best book of Islam, after the Holy Qur’an”: (According to the Majority Sunni Muslims):

1.) When Prophet Mohammad A.S. migrated to Medinah, from Mecca, he saw that the Jews
were observing “Ashura” (from the Hebrew “Ashura”, adopted from the Persian “Ashura”/
Ahura, and synonymous with the Indian “Asura”, and the Japanese “Akura” meaning the
“Titans”). He asked them what was that all about? And the Jews said: “It’s Prophet Moses
A.S and the Israelite’s freedom-day from the captivity in Egypt”. The Holy Prophet
Mohammad A.S. said: “We are closer to Moses A.S. than you. So, we will observe
“Ashura”, too!(Ref. “Sahih Bukhari”/ vol.3/p.54).

Now, why the Prophet of Islam himself didn’t know much about the Prophet Moses A.S,
whose stories and even his name are mentioned 136 times in the Holy Qur’an, (more than any
other Prophet or person) and why he had to “follow the Jewish Traditions” while he already had
brought “Islam” for the mankind? Those questions must be answered by the “Sunni” and
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“Wahhabi” followers of the Persian Imam of Bukhara! (Note: This Moses being mentioned so
much more than anyone else, and so many Biblical stories of the Jewish Prophets like King
David, King Solomon, etc. gives more credence to the fact that the Jewish Rabbi “Ka-bul
Ahbar” has played a hand in the Othman collection of the present day Qur’an, some 20 years
after the death of the Holy Prophet Mohammad A.S. plus Othman’s burning of six other Qur’ans,
collected earlier, by the closest people to the Holy Prophet A.S.)

2.) According to the “Sahih Bukhari” the Prophet Solomon A.S. in one night “made love to 99 of
his wives!?” (How many minutes for each woman? Did he wash or not? Who was changing
the bed-sheets for the King? What happened to his Maghrib and Isha and the Fajr prayers?
How about his “Mid-night prayers”? or did this great Prophet of Allah S.W.T. not pray at all?
I, almost forgot to ask about his “Dinner”!).

Then, “Imam Bukhari” goes on to say that: “Miraculously” all those women got pregnant
in those “Quicky rooster-style sex” of the great Prophet King of Allah S.W.T. And miraculously
all the babies were born alive, and again miraculously all of them were “boys!” (God doesn’t like

But, there was just “one problem!” All those boys were born “gay”! (Eat your heart out,
Los Angeles, the “First gay capital of the world” was Solomon’s court in Jerusalem, some 3,000
years ago! or was it Sodom and Gomorrah, before?)

Why were all of them “gays”? Well, according to the “Persian Imam of Bukhara” and his
source “Abu Huraira” (= Father of a Kitten!) quoting direct from the Holy Prophet of Islam (!!!)
the reason for all those children of the Prophet Solomon being born “gay” was that: “He forgot to
say “Bismillah…” before having sex with his 99 wives!” (why not 100 wives? What’s that
Jewish magic number of 99 for? Just like the 99 Names of Allah s.w.t.?! I don’t know; maybe
King Solomon’s energy went out!).

The “moral of the story” is that saying “Bismillah…”is so important for the believers,
even for “sex”! But how come 90% of the “Wahhabi” and Sunni “Imams” do not say
“Bismillah…” even for their “Daily Salat to Allah!!!” (Some claim saying it “silently”/hiding it!)

However, “Shaikh Ibn Abdul Wahhab” (1703-1792 A.D.) the founder of the Saudi
Wahhabism, in his own book of “Al-Salat” openly says that “Bismillah” is not a part of any
“Qur’anic Surah, even in the Al-Fatiha”! except inside the “letter of Prophet Solomon to Queen
of Sheba, in Surah Naml. (So, it means that the Muslims/ Sahabah/ have added to the Holy
Qur’an, by placing the “Bismillah” in the beginning of all chapters of the Holy Qur’an, except
Ch. 9? In other words, there are, 113 additional lines (or “Tahrif”) in the Holy Qur’an, today? Is
that not Haram to change the sayings of Allah s.w.t. and His Messenger A.S.?)

3.) The Imam of Bukhara also says that: One day Prophet Moses A.S. was taking a bath. He
placed his clothes on top of a stone. But the stone run away with his clothes! So, the Prophet
Moses had to run after that stone “naked in public”, and the people could “see” that Moses
was “circumcised” after all (What a Miracle!). That shameful story is only one of the many
“Israiliyyat” or the Jewish fictions in the Islamic Texts.
4.) Imam Bukhari says: “Prophet Moses A.S. boxed the Angel of Death in the eye, and rendered
him blind, because he did not want to die, yet.” (Ref. “Sahih Bukhari” vol. 4 /191 also 2/113,
and “Sahih Muslim” vol. 4 /1842)
5.) Imam Bukhari again says that: “God created Adam in His own Image! “(That’s exactly what
the Jewish Bible says, too. So, we know how God looks, today?) But, the Holy Qur’an twice
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declares that: “There is nothing like Him/Allah!!” (Ref. Holy Qur’an, 42:11). So, Bukhari
Sunni Hadith vs. the Holy Qur’an? Which one is to be believed?
6.) Imam Bukhari says that: “Allah puts His own foot inside the Hell, to stop the Hell from
complaining and asking for more people to burn”! (Ref. Sahih Bukhari, vol. 6, p. 353)
7.) Both Imam Bukhari and Imam Muslim Neishabury, narrate that: “Allah is “Jogging” in the
Heaven!”/ Ref. Sahih Bukhari, Hadith No. 7405; and Sahih Muslim, Hadith No. 2675
8.) Imam Bukhari (and also Imam Ahmad Hanbal/, of the Wahhabi/ Sunni Muslims) say that
“The Holy Qur’an is as old as Allah Himself!” /Existed from the beginning (Another Jewish
and Christian belief that entered into Islam/ i.e. “In the beginning was the word, and the
word was with God and the word was God!” Ref. “New Testament”/ Gospel of John 1: 1-5)
Note: when one says that the Holy Qur’an existed with Allah since “Ever” than what happens
to the Holy Books of the Jews – “Suhuf Ibrahim and Moses”/ the “Zabur of Dawood” who
were from the same Allah s.w.t.? It also means that its Arabic texts is also “Eternal”, while
we all know that all the languages are developed by the primitive people. (The Christians
believe that the “word”/ Jesus/ Zeus/ was with God, from the beginning! In that case, Jesus
becomes “The Brother of God”, not the Son of God!).
9.) Imam Bukhari says that: “The Holy Prophet A.S. wanted to commit suicide by jumping from
the mountain, because he was feeling so lonely and depressed, after the angel Gabriel did not
show up for a long time!”
10.)Imam Bukhari says that: “The Holy Prophet A.S. used to buy and sell “wine” in his early
days as a businessman!!” (Buying and selling, but not drinking? while we know that Caliph
Omar and one of his sons were drinking upto the last days of their lives!!?).
11.) Imam Bukhari says that: “The Jewish Rabbis made a magic spell on Prophet Mohammad
a.s.” (Ref. Sahih Bukhari, vol. 7, p. 444, also 7/177 and 8/57)
12.) Imam Bukhari says: “The Holy Prophet a.s. said: “We /Arabs/ are “Bookless People”/
illiterates! We don’t read, nor write nor we know how to count!” etc. (Jewish stories to insult
the Holy Prophet A.S. and the Arabs?) Then who collected the Holy Qur’an and the Hadith of
the Holy Prophet A.S.?
13.) Imam Bukhari says that: “The Angel Jibrail told the Holy Prophet A.S. to “Read!” /Recite
the Holy Qur’an from the heart!/ “The Holy Prophet answered: I don’t know how to read!
Then Angel Jibrael held the Holy Prophet by the neck and squeezed him three times and
repeated “Read!” (As if Jibrail was a gangster!) Until the Holy Prophet started reading!
(Another Jewish story to insult our Prophet?)
While the Prophet’s first wife, Lady Khadijah R.A. and her Christian Priest uncle
(i.e. Waraqa bin Naufil) knew many years in advance that “Mohammad A.S.” was the same
Last Prophet, to come from Arabia, the Prophet himself did not know it, until the age of 40?!
(Yet, the Holy Qur’an says that Prophet Jesus A.S. declared himself “Prophet” upon his birth!
(Ref. H.Q. 19:21) And Prophet John/Yahya/ was given “Authority” when he was a “young
boy” Ref. Holy Qur’an: 19/12. And the mother of Prophet Moses A.S. knew that his “baby”
was born a Prophet, too! (Holy Qur’an:28/7)
14.) Imam Bukhari also says: “A group of monkeys stoned another monkey to death, because that
monkey had committed adultery!” (Another Jewish story?) Sahih Bukhari vol. 3/p. 215
15.) Imam Bukhari says that: “When people commit a sin, Allah s.w.t. doesn’t know it
immediately, because it will be reported to Him the next day!” (Jewish stories of an ignorant
16.) Imam Bukhari says: “When the sun sets, it goes down to make “Sajda” to Allah s.w.t. and to
ask permission to rise again, the next day!” (The sun never goes down! It’s the earth, stupid!)
17.) Imam Bukhari says: “Omar will question the Angels of death, inside his tomb, by asking
them: “Who is your God” before those Angels ask Omar “Who is yours”!
18.) Imam Bukhari says: “Omar saw the Holy Prophet A.S. in a dream; his fingers were oozing
with milk, and Omar was drinking from it, and the Holy Prophet A.S. said: “Omar!
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Knowledge! That’s Knowledge!” (But the Holy Prophet A.S. had already said that: “I am the
city of Knowledge and Ali is the Gate!” and Omar had to ask Ali about the Islamic
Jurisprudence, and he used to say: “If it were not for Ali, Omar would have been perished for
his wrong Judgements!”)
19.) Imam Qurtubi (of Cordoba / Spain 8th century A.D.) said: “Omar was a beloved of Allah
s.w.t. even when he was in Mecca, worshipping idols for 35 years!” (The first idol
worshipper to be a “Beloved” of Allah? While Allah in the Holy Qur’an condemns them!)
20.) Imam Bukhari writes: The verse in the Holy Qur’an that says: “Take Ibrahim’s place (in Ka-
bah) a worshipping area” came upon the suggestion of Omar, to the Holy Prophet A.S. to do
so!” (i.e. Omar teaching the Prophet A.S. and Allah, too?)
21.) Imam Bukhari quotes Abu Bakr as saying: “Whenever the word of Allah s.w.t. would come
down to the Holy Prophet a.s. and he was on a camel, I had to place my knee under the
camel, to support it from falling, under the weight of the revelation!” (Another Jewish tale?)
22.) Imam Bukhari says: “When Abu Bakr would recite the Holy Qur’an, in his Salat, it was so
intensive that his lungs would fry, and the smell of “kebob” would come out!” (Jewish tales?)
23.) Imam Bukhari says: “Othman would recite the entire Holy Qur’an, in One Rak-ah of his
prayers!” (How much time he got left to finish the other 16 Rak-ats?)
24.) Imam Bukhari says: “Omar sent a letter to the Nile River, to stop it from flooding Egypt, and
it stoped!” (Omar’s miracles?)
25.) Imam Bukhari says: “Omar, on top of his chair lecturing in Madinah, suddenly shouted an
order to his commander in Persia, how to fight: “Ya Sariya Al-Jabal! Al-Jabal!” (watch out
for the Mountain!) and the commander heard him! (without a cellphone?)
26.) Imam Bukhari says: “When Prophet Mohammad A.S. went to Mi-raj, Allah s.w.t. gave his
Ummah 50 Rak-ah daily prayers. But on the way down, he met Prophet Moses A.S. on 2 nd
Heaven. Moses told him to go back to Allah, and to bargain for lesser number of prayers,
because people can’t do it! The Holy Prophet A.S. went up, and bargained, until Allah gave
him 30 Rak-ah, and again he met Prophet Moses, who told him to go back and to bargain
some more! Until he got the 17 Rah-ahs!!! (Another Jewish tell tale?)
27.) Sahih Bukhari says: “If there were any Prophets after Prophet Mohammad A.S. it would be
Omar! (Despite 40 years of idol worshipping by Omar! /The first idol-worshipping
Prophet? /Omar also buried his own baby girl alive, in Jahiliyyah and despite his alcoholism
upto the last minute! And his own “confession” to have been a “homosexual”, before Islam!
Ref. “Imam Ibn Sa-ad Tabaqat” vol. 3/p. 289 and “Imam Dahabi in Nubala”/ 5/59, etc.)
But, in another chapter it claims that the Holy Prophet A.S. said: Among my
successors, the first one is the highest in “spiritual position” and then the second and so on!
So, how come Omar was worthy of “Prophethood” but not even to be, the first
28.) Sahih Bukhari quotes Abu Huraira as saying: “I have got two packages of Hadith; I have
given you one of them, only. Because, if I give you the second one, too, then Omar will cut
my throat!” Ref. Sahih Bukhari, Ch. Hifzul-Ilm/ Hadith 117. (Abu Huraira was afraid of
Caliph Omar, who beat him up several times, after accusing him of lying about Hadith!)
But, the Muslims believe that Islam is based on two things: 1) The Holy Qur’an, and
2) The Hadith or Sunnah. Now, if Abu Huraira kept to himself half of his Hadith, fearing for
his own life, then it means that the Muslims Sunnah is incomplete, too? (As the Holy Qur’an
was called “incomplete”, according to Ayisha and Omar!).
While Allah s.w.t. in the Holy Qur’an tells the Muslims that “Today, I have
completed your religion for you” (Ref. H.Q. 5/3)
29.)Sahih Bukhari and other Sunni scholars say that: “The Holy Qur’an was not completely
collected, until Othman put it together, some 20 years later” (Ref. Ibn Hajar, “Fat-hul Bari”
13/p. 124). A complete Islam, without a complete Holy Book, with six copies burned by
Caliph Othman?! (Note: This ugly practice of burning the Holy Qur’an by the Caliph
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Othman, was also repeated by the Catholic Church, later, when Pope Leo I ordered the
burning of all “Gospels” except the official Catholic version, in 1440 A.D.)
30.) Imam Bukhari also says that: when the Holy Prophet A.S. got the Message from the Angel
Jebrail for the first time, he was so confused, that he told his wife Lady Khadijah:“I am
scared”, but Lady Khadijah, and her Priest uncle “Waraqa Bin Naufil” told the Prophet that
he was not “imagining” and that he was the Last Prophet (Another Jewish insult).
31.) Imam Bukhari also accused the Holy Prophet A.S. of marrying one of his wives, called
“Ayisha” at the age of six, and going to bed with her at the age of nine!(Another Jewish story
in the Sunni Islam books of Hadith)
32.) The Ayah of “Hijab” came after “Omar scolded the Holy Prophet A.S. about his wives
“Hijab-lessness!!!” (Omar teaching the Prophet? And by extension, Allah, too?!)
33.)Imam Bukhari also writes about the “False Messiah”/ Massih Dajjal/ as the Jewish books
have stated for thousands of years. In fact, this Dajjal curse, has even entered into the “Sunni
Muslim Daily Salat” in Tasha-hud, too! (Addition to the prayers?)
34.) Imam Bukhari narrates that the Holy Prophet A.S. once saw the Angel Jibrail A.S. in his
“real form, and he was as big as the entire horizon!” (Then how did he enter the small house
of the Prophet? /Another Jewish story, from the Babylonian Talmud / “Israiliyyat” in Islam)
35.) Imam Bukhari narrates that “Allah has a house in Heaven, where he lives!” (Ref. Sahih
Bukhari, Hadith No. 7002)
36.)Imam Bukhari also says that: “Caliph Omar used to drink “wine” even up to the last day
before his death???” (Not to mention Omar urinating like a camel, on his feet! or beating his
own son to death for drinking! or burying his own baby girl, alive during his Jahiliyya days,
or having homosexual experiences “both-ways” in Jahiliyya, /Ref. Sunni Imam “Dahabi” in
“Nubala” 5/59 and “Tabaqat” by Sunni scholar “Ibn Sa-ad” vol. 3/289 etc.)
37.) Yet, the same Imam Bukhari also narrates that the Holy Prophet A.S. said: “If there were any
Prophet after me, it would be Omar!!! (Has anybody ever seen a Prophet worshipping idols
for 40 years,? a homosexual Prophet, a killer of his baby girl, a drunkard? etc.?)
38.) The same Imam Bukhari again says: “When Omar walked in one street, Shaytan would go
into another street!” (Omar was greater than the Holy Prophet A.S.?!)
39.) Imam Bukhari narrates that the Holy Prophet A.S. told Omar: “If Allah punishes every one
of us, He will not punish you, Omar!”
(So, Omar’s position was safer than the Holy Prophet himself? And from Abu
Those are only some of the many forged hadithes, falsified during the 90 years of Bani
Umayya’s anti-Islam conspiracies.
40.) Imam Bukhari says: The Holy Prophet A.S. told his followers that: “My father and mother,
both are in Hell, just like yours!”
Yet, we know that the name of the father of the Holy Prophet a.s. was “Abdullah”=
servant of Allah! And his mother’s name was “Aminah”= Believer! How could the believers
in Allah S.W.T. still be in hell? (That’s another one of the Jewish conspiracies and the Bani
Umayya’s efforts to discredit the Holy Prophet a.s.)
41.) The same Imam Bukhari says: “The Holy Prophet A.S. put his wife Ayisha on his shoulder,
so that she could watch a “concert, performed by an African Band, inside the Holy Prophet’s
own Mosque, in Madinah!” Then how come the Wahhabi Sunni Muslims say that music is
Haram! But, it’s Ok if it is performed in the Mosque of the Holy Prophet A.S. by some “Kafir
Singers from Africa” for the Holy Prophet A.S. and his young wife?
42.) Imam Bukhari also says that “Angel Jibrail” operated on the chest of the Holy Prophet A.S.
and he took out his heart, and he removed a “Black Spot” from it!!! (Jahiliyyah!) This is
another of those Jewish Talmudic stories, that has polluted the Islamic Hadith, too.
43.)Imam Bukhari says that: “When the call to prayer starts, Satan runs away “Farting”! (Also in
“Sahih Muslim” vol. 4/ Hadith 0756).
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44.) Imam Bukhari says that: Don’t pray during the “sunrise” or the “sunset”, because the earth is
on the “horn of the cow!” (Another Jewish/ Persian/ magian mythology from Babylon)
45.)Imam Bukhari says that: The Holy Prophet A.S. ordered a woman to “Breastfeed her own
servant boy of mature age” to make him her “Mahram” – As “Ayisha” used to breastfeed the
young men of Quraish, both during and after the Holy Prophet A.S.!!!/ Ref.1) Sahih Bukhari,
Hadith No. 2504/Also 2) Sahih Muslim, vol.8/Hadith 3421-26/ Also 3) Sunan Abu Dawoud
Sistani/Lahore, Pakistan, 1984/vol.11, Kitab Nikah/Hadith No. 2056/and also in vol.6 p.
302/Also 4) Sunan Tirmidi, Hadith No. 944/Also 5)“The Gulf News” Aug.22/2010 “Muslim
Adult Breastfeeding”/ Also 6)“The New York Times”/June 4/2007 as well as on April
16/2007, etc.
(Now, how did “Ayisha” breastfeed men, when she was never pregnant, to have any
milk? And how come she who was an “Ummul Mo-minin”/ mother of the believers!/ had to
“Breastfeed his own “children” once again, to make them “Mahram?!” Furthermore, did
Ayisha keep “Hijab” from those Sahaba? What kind of a mother still needs to have hijab in
the presence of her own sons? And finally, if the wives of the Holy Prophet a.s. were the
“real” mothers of the believers, (as some have mistaken) then the Holy Prophet a.s. must also
be their father! While the Holy Qur’an clearly states that: “Mohammad is not the father of
any of your men folk”! Ref. Holy Qur’an, 33/40) What a confused concept of Islam is that?!
46.) The Sahih Bukhari says that “Ayisha, the youngest widow of the Holy Prophet A.S. used to
teach men, how to wash themselves after sex! (Ghusl Jinabah) and she would demonstrate
this in front of the men, in her own bath-room!” (in the House of the Holy Prophet A.S. ?)
Ref. Sahih Bukhari, vol. 1/p. 68/ Also Sahih Muslim, Book of Menses, Hadith 320, etc.

(These are only a few out of thousands of such “Jewish stories” added into the
Islamic Hadith/ Traditions, in order to pollute and to destroy Islam, as they did previously
with the Jewish Old Testament, and with the New Testament of the Christians, as well. i.e.
“The Letters of St. Paul,” and others)

47.) Imam Bukhari narrates that the Holy Prophet Mohammad A.S. was boasting about his
“Arabic race, and his Hashemite Tribe” by saying: “Allah Chose the Arabs (Jews say the
“Jews”!) first, and then from the Arabs, He chose the Quraysh, and from the Quraysh He
chose my tribe of Bani Hashim, and from the Bani Hashim, He chose me!” (Ref. Imam
Sayuti / “An Nahw” p. 2)
Not even the white Aryan supremacist racist pagans in America, today, talk about
their own race like that! How could the great Prophet of Islam say such things? Only the
“Jews and the Arabs of Jahiliyyah” could have “faked such kind of hadithes”. However, the
Holy Qur’an and the true sayings and the life of the Holy Prophet A.S. are totally opposite of
this so-called Hadith. For example, see the following, Qur’anic verse (H.Q. 49:30):
a) “O’ Mankind! We have created all of you from a male and a female, and we
have turned you into different nations and tribes, to learn from each other
(=traditions and experiences). The “Noblest” of you in the eyes of Allah, are
the more righteous ones!” (Not the Jews, Arabs, Aryans, Brahmins, Greeks,
Mongols, Huns, Japanese, or even the arrogant Koreans!/see “The Foreign
Post”/ Manila, July 27/2017 p. 15)
b) The Holy Prophet Mohammad A.S. said: “There is no superiority or
preferences for an Arab over a non-Arab, or vice versa, except in a better and
humane character!”
So, how could the same Prophet of God contradict himself by claiming that
the Arabs were the chosen people? (only the Arab racist, nationalists like
Bani Umayya Dynasty, and their Jewish teacher “Ka-bul Ahbar” could have
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created such nonsense, first to “rule over the non-Arabs” as Mawali, and
second, to tarnish Islam and the Holy Prophet’s image, in the world, too!).
Again, the same Sahih Bukhari, who quotes the Holy Prophet Mohammad A.S. of
being proud of his “Arabism” and his own ancestors, also quotes him as saying “Anyone who
brags about his forefathers, tell him go and bite your father’s…..!!!”
48.) Imam Bukhari narrates that the Holy Prophet A.S. said: “In the day of judgment, the people
will come all naked!” (Allah has no garments to cover everyone?)
Then it adds that “Ayisha”, the youngest wife of the Holy Prophet A.S. (being very
naughty, sensual and green minded, as usual!) asked the Holy Prophet A.S. :
“O’ Prophet! Won’t the people look at each other’s private parts!”
The Holy Prophet A.S. said:
“No! they are so horrified that they don’t have time for those things!”
(Another Jewish Babylonian Talmudic story, coming from the sex-starved malicious
minds of the Jewish Rabbis/ Israiliyyat, in the Sunni Islamic Texts)

49.) Sahih Bukhari says: “The Prophet Mohammad A.S. saw his uncle Hamza’s dead body has
been very badly mutilated, by the Meccan enemies (i.e. Bani Umayya tribe, whose leader
Abu Sufyan’s wife, Hind, ate the “Liver” of Hamza, fresh!/ just like what the Wahhabi ISIS
are doing in Syria, today!) The Holy Prophet swore that he will also mutilate 70 of the
Meccans/ Abu Sufyan family!/ But Allah stopped him!
50.) Sahih Bukhari says: According to Sunni Imam Sha-feiy the water of your mouth washed
during “Wodu” /Ab-dast/ is “Najis”!! and you must throw it away! (Najis?)
51.) Imam Bukhari says: “When the Holy Prophet Mohammad A.S. first met the Angel Jibril, he
was so shocked that he run to his first wife Khadijah (R.A.) and said: “I am touched by a
Genie!” But, his wife told him no! You are a true Prophet of Allah!”(Is that the Prophet of
Islam? or a Jewish caricature of this religion? / His wife knew that he is a Prophet, but he
himself, did not?)
52.) Imam Bukhari says: “If a dog, a donkey or a woman pass ahead of you, when you are
praying, your prayer is destroyed!” (Another Jewish Talmud?)
53.) Imam Bukhari says: “If you are praying and somebody passes before you, 40 years of your
prayer (Not his/her!) will be null and void!”
54.) Imam Bukhari says: “The Holy Prophet Mohammad A.S. has said: If you eat cooked food,
you must re-new your “Wodu” /washing/ before you could pray, again”?! (cooked foods
create gasses in the stomach?)
55.) Imam Bukhari says: “Muawia is second only to the Angel Jibrail, in Revelation, to me!!!”
(Another faked story forged by the Bani Umayya, in 90 years of their absolute rule!
Muawia was fighting the Holy Prophet A.S. in Mecca, and in all the other wars in Medina,
until the Bani Umayya were defeated. So, he claimed to have accepted Islam, only two years
before the Holy Prophet A.S. died in 632 A.D. How could that two years become the “23
years of Revelation”??? comparable to Angel Jibrail?)
[Note: After the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt won the elections, in 2012, another
“Hadith” was faked by the Sunni Scholars that the “Holy Prophet A.S. has said: The Egyptian
Army is the best army for Islam!!! That’s how the rulers create fake Hadithes]
56.) Imam Bukhari narrates: “The Holy Prophet A.S. said that after me Islam will remain pure
only for 30 years, but then it will become a Kingdom!”
Yet, the Wahhabis claim that no one knows the future! And they want also to falsely
support the 30 years of Caliphate “exclusively by the Mecca Migrants” as legitimate!
57.) Sahih Bukhari narrates that: “The Holy Prophet Mohammad A.S. said: “My people are the
closest to the Jews in Religious practices!” (Another attempt by the Jewish Rabbi “Ka-bul
Ahbar” the Chief Justice of Othman, to justify all the “Israiliyyat” that they mixed with
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58.) Abu Bakr and Omar “advised” the Holy Prophet A.S. not to listen to music or to allow his
wives, to do so??? (who is the Prophet here?)
59.) Bukhari says: The Holy Prophet blessed Yemen and Syria, but he cursed the “Saudi tribal
land of Najd”/ saying the “Horn of Shaitan will come out of there”! (So, the Wahhabi Saudi
Yahudi rulers, today are cursed by the Holy Prophet A.S. long time ago?!)
It sounds very similar to the Bible where the Jewish Prophets blessed one son, and cursed
the other. (Just like Prophet Noah cursing his son Ham/ the Black one/ to become the slave
to his other “white” brothers Shem an Yapheth, because Ham “Sodomized” his own old
father, Noah! (Ref. Genesis 9:20-25 etc.)
60.)Sahih Bukhari says: The Holy Prophet Mohammad A.S. advised some tree planters on how to
grow their “Trees” and it caused damage to the trees! And the Holy Prophet A.S. said don’t
listen to me about farming, etc. I only know about religion? (So, why advise about those
things that you don’t know about? Another Bani-Umayyah story to destroy the character of
the Holy Prophet A.S.)
61.) Sahih Bukhari writes: The Holy Prophet A.S. said: A believer eats one bowl of food, but an
unbeliever seven bowls! (Let’s observe the believers-unbelievers in a Mc. Do!)
62.) Sahih Bukhari narrates that: The Holy Prophet A.S. said: “Everything, the good and the bad,
all is caused by Allah/ comes from Allah! (Another Jewish belief?)
63.)Sahih Bukhari says: The Angel Jibril A.S. operated on the heart of the Holy Prophet A.S. in
the desert, removed a “black spot” (unbelief?) from his heart, and when his heart was outside
his body, the Jibril poured “Iced-water” on his heart? (In Arabian Desert, 7 th century and
“Iced-water?) Sargent/ Dr. Jibril? Another Jewish myth?
64.)Sahih Bukhari says, the Holy Prophet A.S. said: “Never use a bell” for chiming (i.e. schools,
doorbells, etc.) because next to every bell, there is a “Satan”! (But the same Holy Prophet
A.S. and his young wife Ayisha were watching a “concert in the Mosque of Medinah”
performed by the African “Kafir” Singers!)
65.) Sahih Bukhari says that the Holy Prophet A.S. said: “The closest people to my Ummah are
the Jews!” while the Holy Qur’an says the opposite! The Holy Qur’an says: “You will find
the worst enemies of the believers (Muslims) to be the Jews! (Ref. Holy Qur’an 5:82) “But
the nearest to you are those who are called the Christians! (Ref. Holy Qur’an 5:82)
66.) Imam Bukhari says that “Abdul Mutallib” the grandfather of the Holy Prophet A.S. saw in a
dream that “A tree was growing on his back and reaching into the heavens”. The
“soothsayers” told him that “You will have a grandson, a Prophet, whose religion will spread
to the whole world”. Yet, the same Imam Bukhari, and his Sunni followers claim that “The
Holy Prophet himself did not know that he was a Prophet, upto the age of 40”??? (the
Soothsayer was more knowledgeable than the Holy Prophet A.S.? Is “soothsaying” halal for
the Sunni, Wahhabis, but haram for others?)
There are a hundred other predictions about the Holy Prophet A.S. in the Jewish and
Christian holy books, yet the so-called “Sunni Muslims” say that even the Holy Prophet A.S.
himself did not know about it! (Another Bani Umayya and Jewish conspiracy to destroy the
image of the Holy Prophet?)
67.) Sahih Bukhari says that: The Holy Prophet A.S. accepted the request of the Meccan idol
worshippers, to destroy all the idols, but just leave the main three idols of “Laat / Uzzat/
Manaat” as the three daughters of Allah S.W.T.”! This was after a proposal by Abu Sufyan
and other Meccan idol worshippers!
But, next day the Holy Prophet A.S. reneged on that, after Angel Jibril A.S. came to him,
and told him not to accept the “deal”!! (Another Bani Umayya and Jewish attempt to destroy
the integrity of the Holy Prophet A.S.)
68.) Sahih Bukhari, just like the Jewish Bible says that “circumcision was started by Prophet
Abraham A.S. /Sunnah / but the truth is that long before Abraham and the Jews, the
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Egyptians practiced circumcision! (It’s still visible on the stone carvings in the Temples of
the Pharaohs of Egypt!).
69.) Imam Bukhari and other Sunni Imams say that there were 124,000 Prophets, as the
Babylonian Talmud of the Jews says, also. But, in the Holy Qur’an there are only 25 names
of those Prophets (less than one in one thousand? So, where are the others?)
(Note: If you divide the 124,000 to 10,000 years, it will mean that there have been 12.4
Prophets in this world, every year, from the time of Adam and Eve!)
70.) Imam Bukhari says that there was no collection of the Holy Qur’an until 20 years after the
death of the Holy Prophet Mohammad A.S. Bukhari claims that it was the third Caliph
Othman “who did the great job of collecting the Holy Qur’an / Othman’s version / after
burning the other six “incomplete texts!”
But, the Holy Qur’an in page 2 of the same Othman collection states (20 years before
Othman collection!) that:
“This Book, no doubt, is a guide for the righteous people” Holy Qur’an, 2:2
How could it be a book, during the life time of the Holy Prophet A.S. and yet it be made
a “Book” only 20 years after the death of the Prophet A.S. ? ?
(The Shiah Muslims believer that the Holy Qur’an was already in a complete book form,
during the life time of the Holy Prophet A.S. It was collected by the “First Muslim, the Imam
Ali Bin Abitalib”. This goes well with another Qur’anic statement, in which Allah S.W.T.
“Today, I have made your religion complete for you” Holy Qur’an 5:3. How could this
religion be “Complete” without its foundational Holy Book, being completed, too?
71.) Imam Bukhari says: Omar gave pensions to the Mecca/ Muhajir Muslims/ double the amount
of the Muslims of Madinah! And he used to give the Arabs twice as much as to the non-Arab
Muslims! (Islamic apartheid and discrimination or the Jewish law? No wonder the Jews
called Omar “Farooq”/ the Jewish Messiah/ to liberate Jerusalem, from the Romans, and also
Omar’s great Bible teacher was the Jewish rabbi “Ka-bul Ahbar”!). It’s very shameful for
“Omar” to invade, kill and loot other countries, and start giving “salaries”/ Pensions to his
“Arab Brethren” to sit and do nothing but just pray five times a day to Allah, and to fast one
month in “Ramadhan”! That’s “extortion” not a Religion/ “Omarism”, not Islam!
72.) Sunni Imam Al-Sayuti says: “The Persian Imam “Ibn Marduyah” has quoted Omar, as
saying “The Holy Qur’an has 1,027,000 (One Million twenty seven thousand) letters!!!” Ref.
“Durrul Man-thur”/ Imam Sayuti/ vol. 6/ p. 4
So, according to the great Sunni Imam, and the Sunni Caliph Omar, the Holy
Qur’an has been “distorted”? Then why blame the Shiah Muslims regarding the
“Tahrif”/Changes/ in the Holy Qur’an, that you are saying yourselves, already?
73.)Imam Bukhari quotes “Ayisha” the youngest widow of the Holy Prophet A.S. saying:
“The Prophet A.S. had the sex power of 40 men!” (Another Jewish-Bani Umayya
Attempt to scandalize the Holy Prophet A.S. and by extension, Islam itself!).
74.)Again, Imam Bukhari quotes “Ayisha” saying:
“After sex with the Holy Prophet A.S. I would not wash his “Pajama”/Sirbal, but
rather I would let it dry and then I would remove the dried sperms with my nails!”
(Another Jewish Babylonian Talmud?)
Also “Ayisha” (and now the Wahhabi Saudi, Yahudis) claim that the “sperm is
not “Najis” and we can pray with it!” (But, water from your washed mouth is “Najis”,
according to Sunni Imam Sha-fe-iy!”)
Also “Ayisha” claims that the Prophet A.S. had sex with her, when she had
menstruation! (=Jewish?)
Also that the Holy Prophet A.S. had sex with 11 of his wives, in one night, with
one “ghusl Jinabah”!! (the story of King Solomon and 99 wives in one night?!)
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75.) Imam Bukhari writes: “The Holy Prophet Mohammad A.S. says that any people who choose
a “woman” as their leader, are destroying themselves!”
Yet, the same Imam Bukhari also “Respects Ayisha, the youngest widow of the
Holy Prophet A.S. who disobeyed the order of Allah s.w.t. in the Holy Qur’an (Ref. H.Q.
33:32) and the repeated orders of the Holy Prophet A.S. by “Leading an army of 30,000
rebel men in deserts (Day and Night?) in a disastrous civil war, against the Islamic
Caliphate of Imam Ali (the most honest ruler in history, according to the U.N. security
council report of 2002)
In that tragic rebellion, headed by “Lady Ayisha” some 20,000 Muslims died,
both from the government and the rebels side; A very misfortunate adventure by that
“woman”, the youngest widow of the Holy Prophet A.S. indeed, (But now, the Sunni
Ulama in Pakistan, India and Bangladesh issue the “Fatwa” against the election of
women leaders/ what a dishonest “religious leaders” they are! The case in point was the
1990 election of Madam Benazir Bhuttu, the daughter of the former Prime Minister,
Zulfaqar Ali Bhuttu).
76.) Imam Bukhari says: “The body of the Prophets A.S. (like Daniel in Persia, or Prophet
Mohammad in Arabia, etc.) are still “Fresh” in their graves! Because, the soil can’t consume
the body and the bones of the Prophets!” (another Jewish mythology?)
The Sunni Imams even claim that the “Holy Prophet Mohammad A.S. is “living”
in his own grave, and he is eating, drinking and having “sex” with his many wives, every
77.) Imam Bukhari says: “When the Holy Prophet A.S. went up to the heavens (Isra-Miraj) in
every heaven the Angels asked the Jibril, with him,: “Who is this “guy”? The Angel Jibrail
said: It’s Mohammad the Prophet” then they allowed them in! But, not before their
introduction and clearance!” (Another Jewish myth about the Prophet of Islam, whom the
Angels “Did not know! “And his great trip to heaven was “un-known and unplanned”??
78.) Imam Bukhari says: “Anybody who recites the Chapter 67 (Surah Mulk) of the Holy Qur’an,
he/she surely will go to heaven! Because, in the day of judgement this “surah will argue with
Allah s.w.t. saying “You must either forgive this person, or you must remove me from the
Holy Qur’an!”
However, Allah s.w.t. in the same Holy Qur’an has already stated that: “No one can
change the words (i.e. the Decisions) of Allah!” (Another Jewish Talmudic argument / Moses
Style arguments/ with the God of universe?)
79.) Sahih Bukhari says: The Holy Prophet A.S. once told one of his followers called “Obey Bin
Ka-ab” that “Anyone who bragged about his tribal ancestors or his father, tell him “go and
bite your fathers Penis”! And tell him “frankly, with no ifs and no buts!”
(Is this the same Holy Prophet A.S. who was more “shy” than the “virgin girls” and about
whom Allah s.w.t. in the Holy Qur’an says: “Surely, (O’ Muhammad!) you have the highest
moral character”. H.Q. 68/4 or this is another Jewish “Ka-bul Ahbaar” effort to damage
Islam, by destroying the reputation of the Holy Prophet? Such fake hadithes were
manufactured by the thousands, during the 90 years of Bani Ummayya Dynasty.
80.)The Bukhari and other Sunni Imams quote the Holy Prophet A.S. as saying that: “I see
behind my head, as I see what is in front of me!” (Meaning he knew /saw what others could
not, or the “Ilmul Ghayb”)
Yet, they also say: “Anybody who claims to see/ know the “unseen” is a Satan/ Taghut!
(Another Jewish attempt to discredit the Prophethood and Islam, as a whole).
81.)Imam Bukhari says: “Ayisha, the youngest wife of the Holy Prophet A.S. said: “The Holy
Prophet A.S. was enchanted by a Jewish magician, (i.e. the Prophet of Islam under the spell
of a Jew?) and he imagined having “sex with women, but it was just his illusion!”
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82.) Again, the Sahih Bukhari quotes “Anas Bin Malik” that the Holy Prophet A.S. made love to
eleven of his wives, in one hour, in one night! (like King Solomon in the Bible and also in
Sahih Bukhari).
When somebody asked “Anas” could he do that?! He said yes! The Holy Prophet A.S.
had the “sexual strength of 30 men!” (But, his youngest wife Ayisha said 40 men!)
83.) Again, the Sahih Bukhari says “One day the Holy Prophet A.S. forgot and he prayed two
rak-at instead of four rak-at! When his Sahabah “Zul Yadayn” reminded the Prophet about
his mistake, he asked the other Companions if Zul Yadayn was right. When they said yes, the
Prophet added two more rak-at! (A forgetful Prophet? / or a Jewish conspiracy!)
84.) Again, the Sahih Bukhari says: “In the Day of Judgment, Allah s.w.t. will show off his
“legs” (Ref. Holy Qur’an 68/42) and all the “Believers” will bow down and worship His
Legs! (Jewish Bible Talmudic teachings?)
85.) The Sahih Bukhari says: “The Holy Prophet A.S. did “Tarawih” for 3 nights only. Then he
said: I stop it, I am afraid that Allah will “like /enjoy” your prayers so much that he will make
it “obligatory for you!” (As the Sunni Muslims do, today!)
But, Ayisha (the youngest widow of the Prophet A.S.) says: The Holy Prophet never did
it again, until he died. After him, the Caliph Abu Bakr also did not do the Tarawih prayers.
Until several years later, Omar re-started the “Tarawih” prayers for the entire 30 nights of the
month of Ramadhan and he said: “This is an excellent Bid-ah”! (Innovation in Islam. /Ref.
Sahih Bukhari, vol. 3 /p. 126) Is “Bid-ah” allowed in Islam?
Just like Othman creating “Two Azans” for the Friday Prayer!! (While during the Holy
Prophet A.S. it was only one Azan, also during Abu Bakr and Omar)
86.) The Sahih Bukhari says: “The Holy Prophet A.S. saw one of his companions, who was to
lead the prayer, spitting towards “Ka-bah”, and he said: “You have spat on Allah and His
Messenger! Don’t lead the prayers, anymore! Don’t you know that between you and “Qiblah”
stands Allah???”
87.) Imam Bukhari says: “The Prophets A.S. / Including the Holy Prophet Mohammad/ sleep
physically, but their hearts are “awake” and their “Wodu”/ Ab-dast/ is always valid” no need
for them to repeat their “Ablution” after sleeping”.
88.) Imam Bukhari says: “70,000 Angels everyday visit “Baitul Ma-mur” (the Holy Ka-bah
replica in Heaven, exactly above the Ka-bah, in Saudi Arabia) and till the Day of Judgment
none of them will get another chance to repeat his pilgrimage again!” (that’s how big the
number of the Angels are!/ just like Jewish and Christian debate about how many thousands
of angels can dance on the tip of a “pin”?)
89.) Imam Bukhari says: “Angel Jibrail stopped coming to the Holy Prophet A.S. for a few days.
Then he told the Prophet A.S. “I did not come to your house, because you kept a dog under
your bed! Please remove your dog, so that the angels could visit you again!”
90.) Imam Bukhari says: “Satan came to Abu Huraira, in a human form, and taught him the
“Qur’anic verses of Ayatul Kursi” and its benefits of recitation!” When the Holy Prophet
learned about it, he approved Satan’s teaching the Holy Qur’an, to “Abu Huraira!” (Note:
The most popular verse in the Holy Qur’an, was taught to the most “Popular” companion of
the Holy Prophet A.S., not by him, but by Satan!?)
91.) Imam Bukhari says: “A few months before his death the Holy Prophet A.S. said: “My death
is near, I remind you about my “Ahlal Bayt” / Descendants! And he repeated the word Ahlal
Bayt three times.”
Yet, the Wahhabis believe that no one knows about his own death. And anyone who
claims to know about it, is a “Taghut” / Satan! (Another Jewish belief?)
92.) Imam Bukhari says: “The Holy Prophet A.S. told one of his closest companions “Hodaifa of
Yemen” the name of 12 “Hypocrites” among his followers” (Sahabah?) who plotted to kill
the Holy Prophet A.S. in “Aqaba” expedition!”
Yet, the Sunni Muslims have been fooled by their Jewish teacher “Ka-bul Ahbar” that
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“All the 100,000 companions of the Holy Prophet A.S. were “Perfect” / Ma-sum/ and
beyond any criticism! And anyone who criticizes even their crimes and their “Bid-ahs in
Islam” is infidel! (Another Jewish-Bani Umayya Conspiracy against Islam and the Holy
Prophet A.S.?)
93.) The Imam Bukhari quotes the Holy Prophet as saying: “My good companion named
“Ammar Yasir” shall be killed by a “criminal rebel group”! Ammar was killed by “Muawia”,
yet, the Sunni Muslims “respect Muawia” even if that means “denying the Holy Prophet’s
words, and the martyred “Ammar Yasir’s memory”! Why? Only the Jewish Ka-bul Ahbar
and the Bani Umayya rulers “Propaganda Machine” can answer.
Yet, the same Imam Bukhari says: The Holy Prophet A.S. told his followers: 1) If you
see Muawia on my pulpit, pull him down!” 2) May Allah s.w.t. never satiate Muawias cursed
stomach!” 3) Cursed be “Marwan of Bani Umayya”, the “cursed tree in the Holy Qur’an”!
(Ref. Holy Qur’an: 17/60) Now, was Muawia “cursed” or “Radi Allah”??
94.) Imam Bukhari says: “Ma-az bin Jabal, a six years old child, used to lead Salat/ Obligatory
Islamic prayer for the elders!” (But Islamic Jurisprudence says: Obligatory prayers are not
required before the age of 15 years for the boys and 9-13 years for the girls).
95.) Imam Bukhari says: “Caliph Omar used to ask Allah S.W.T. “Please give me martyrdom, in
Medinah City!” Because, anyone who dies in Madinah goes direct to Heaven! (Another
forged Hadith, by the Bani Umayya?)
96.) Imam Bukhari writes: “It’s prohibited to pray any other prayers, after Morning and Asr/
Afternoon/ because during those times “The earth moves from one horn of the “Cow” to the
next one!!” (Jewish Talmudic myths, again?!)
97.)Imam Bukhari says: “The Holy Prophet A.S. did not “hide” any revelations from the
Muslims, except the names of the 12 Hypocrites, from among his on closest companions,
who plotted to kill the Holy Prophet A.S.! He told the names of those “12 hypocrites, only to
Huzaifah of Yemen!” (So, the Prophet A.S. hid something from the Muslims? Another
Jewish Bani-Umayya forgery?)
It also quotes “Abu Hurairah” the biggest source of the Sunni Islam Hadith, saying: “I
have got two containers of Hadith, from the Holy Prophet A.S. I have given you one of those
containers! But, the second one if I give you, my throat will be cut (by the ruling class/
Caliph Omar, Othman, Muawia, etc.?) So, he was also hiding almost half of the Prophet’s
Hadith /Sunnah/ Teaching from the Muslim Ummah! (Such contradictions puts the Sunni
Islams narrations into question, and that’s why the Shiah Muslims “reject” such fishy stories,
and they are called “Rafidhi”/ Rejectors, until today!
98.)Imam Bukhari writes “Abu Hurairah said that the Holy Prophet A.S. told us “If you threw a
rope down inside the lowest level of the Earth, it will fall on Allah, there!!! (Not even a Jew
can go that low in foolishness!)
99.)Imam Bukhari writes “The Holy Prophet A.S. said: “Anyone who has the smallest amount of
pride in his/ her heart, will never see the heaven!” (Have you ever seen anyone who didn’t
have at least some “pride” in his/ her heart? So, the heavens must be empty!)
This sounds like the Catholic dogma that says: “Anyone who even thinks about the other
person sexually, is guilty of adultery, already!” (And no adulterous person can go to heaven!)
100.) Imam Bukhari says: “The Holy Prophet A.S. went to bed (Marriage) with “Safiyyah” the
Jew, (one of his several wives) the same day that her husband was killed in the battle of
Khaybar (Jewish castle). And that was just after the uncles and the cousins and even the
father of the “widow” were killed in that battle against the Jews.
Is it the same Prophet A.S. that the Holy Qur’an called “of the highest morality”? And he
says: “I have come to perfect the moral teaching of all the previous Prophets”? or is
this Jewish story in the Sunni books an attempt by the Bani Umayya Dynasty to destroy the
Holy Prophets character?.
(Note: In the Islamic Law, a woman, widowed or divorced, must wait for three
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menstruations/to be sure that she is not pregnant / before she could marry another man!)
By the way, isn’t it that in the Islamic Law a woman has also to say “Yes!” to marriage?
Now, how could a “widow” whose husband has been killed in the same day (not to mention
her uncles and cousins and even her father!) say “yes” to marriage/ sex to “an enemy
husband” the same day?? Even if that husband were the Prophet Mohammad A.S. and
especially if the husband is the Prophet of Islam, and she is still a Jew? Or just converted in
one day, by force or no choice?
More importantly, how could the Prophet Mohammad A.S. (the best of all mankind) even
accept such a deal?(Truly, a shame and scandal in the family! A Prophet with 16 wives, can’t
even control his sexual urges for a few more days?).
101.) Imam Bukhari says: “When the Holy Prophet A.S. went to “Mi-raj”/ Night Journey to
heaven/ the unbelievers asked him about “Jerusalem” from where he went up.”
Imam Bukhari then adds: “The Holy Prophet A.S. said: I was “scared” how to describe
“Jerusalem” to them! Then Allah S.W.T. brought the city of Jerusalem in front of my eyes!
And I was able to answer all their questions about the city! (sounds like the “Jewish Book of
102.) Imam Bukhari says: “In the Day of Judgment, Allah S.W.T. will use His own “Shadow”
over some people, to bless them! (Allah had “Shadow”?/ Body? It sounds Jewish to me!)
103.) Imam Bukhari says that: “Allah S.W.T. will come down to the first heaven from the
seventh heaven, every night, and He says: “Is there anybody who wants to call on me, that I
will forgive him!” (Which night is it? America’s night or Saudi Arabia’s night!?/ Another
Jewish Talmudic belief, in the Sunni Islam?)
104.) Imam Bukhari writes: “Muawia (a Sahaba?) told Abdullah Bin Omar (another Sahaba)
that: “I am more qualified than your father (= Omar/ 2 nd Caliph/ another Sahaba) to be the
Khalifah of the Holy Prophet!!
Yet, the same Imam Bukhari also quotes the Holy Prophet Mohammad A.S. as saying:
“If there were any Prophet after me, it would have been Omar!” (even higher than Abu Bakr,
the first Caliph?)
Now, which one of these “great personalities” are telling the truth, and which one is a liar
and false? But the Sunni Muslims believe that all the Sahaba are always “right!”
105.) Someone asked Othman (the collector of the present day Qur’an) why did you not place
“Bismillah” in the 9th “Chapter”/ Taubah/? He said: “I forgot whether during the time of the
Holy Prophet A.S. this “Surah” was part of the chapter of “Anfal” or weather it was a “New
Chapter”! Ref. 1) “Sunan Tirmidi” p. 105 2) “Sunan Abu Dawoud” p. 100.
(So, even Othman himself was not sure, some 20 years after the death of the Holy
Prophet A.S. what and which chapters were connected or separate; Then how did he place
those 6,235 verses next to each other, correctly?!)
106.) Imam Bukhari writes: “When the Prophet A.S. passed away, his “followers” left his body
for three days, before burying him! Because, they were busy with the elections for a “
Caliph”??? (About whom the Prophet A.S. did not “teach” a word!!!)
So, his family and his close friends buried the Prophet A.S. three day later. (he died on
Monday and he was buried on Wednesday), That was against the Wahhabi, Saudi, Yahudi
rule that a dead person must be buried “The same day he died!”
Then Bukhari adds: “The Muslims did not have any “Salat Mayyit/ Jinaza” for the Holy
Prophet A.S. ??? (No Jama-ah Salat?!) But, everybody prayed “Salat individually!” (So, how
come today all Muslims pray for their “Dead leaders” in a group prayer? Another “Bid-ah”
upon another “Bid-ah” upon another Bid-ah!? What a confused Islam is that?
107.) Imam Bukhari writes: “Sa-ad bin Ubadah,” the leader of the Muslims of Madinah, did not
“vote” for Caliph Abu Bakr. Later he was “Assasinated” and Omar, the “right hand of Abu
Bakr” (who succeeded him as the 2nd Caliph) said: “Sa-ad was killed by the genies!! (or the
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Now, did Omar really believe that the genies killed their “Political Opponent” or was
Omar a “Liar”? Islam started going wrong way, from that day!
108.) Imam Bukhari says: “When you pay “zakat” Allah S.W.T. extends his “right hand” to
recieve it!” and He blesses it. (Allah’s right and left hand? A Jewish belief?)
109.) Sahih Muslim writes: “Ayisha, the youngest widow of the Holy Prophet Mohammad A.S.
used to say: “Until the death of the Holy Prophet we used to read in the Holy Qur’an the
verse about the “Five times of breast feeding, to make a baby/ and adult!/ Mahram”!
(But today, there is no such verse in the Holy Qur’an, the Othman version! / So, it’s
another “Tahrif” according to Ayisha?)
110.) Sahih Bukhari and other books of Sunni Islam say about the “Giant People” after Adam
A.S. and Noah A.S. One of them is “Auj Bin Uq” who lived from the time of Adam up to
Moses, some 3,500 years! He was so tall, that “he would catch a fish and hold it to the sun
and the fish would cook by the sun!” (Another Jewish Myth?) A question: How about his
hand, also “cooked” or not?
111.) Imam Bukhari writes: “Imam Abu Hanifah saw Allah s.w.t. in his dreams 100 times!”
But, the Holy Qur’an says: “Moses! You shall never see Me!” Holy Qur’an 7/143
112.) Sahih Bukhari also writes: “Water came out of the fingers of the Holy Prophet A.S. and
his follower were drinking from it and washing their faces!”
113.) Sahih Bukhari writes: “The Holy Prophet Mohammad A.S. once rode a donkey! The
donkey turned his face and said “Hello”! To the Holy Prophet and then it added: My father
and my grandfather and great-grandfather were also mounted by 3 other Prophets 1) Noah 2)
Abraham 3) Moses!!! (Sounds Jewish to me!)
114.) Imam Bukhari writes: “The Holy Prophet A.S. said: I forgot the real “Night of Qadr”
(Ramadhan 21/23/27?) It was a curse on the Muslims! All that happened, because two of my
“Sahabah” were fighting over it! So, Allah got angry and He made me forget the exact date of
that night!” (A forgetful Prophet, could still be reliable?! Another Jewish-Bani Umayya
attack on the Prophethood?)
115.) Imam Bukhari writes: “The Holy Prophet A.S. added from himself in Azan (=call to
prayer) the saying: “Prayer is better than sleeping!” (Not from Allah?)
Then in another book he says: “It was Omar, the 2nd Khalif who started this
“innovations in Islam”! (plus 70 other Bid-ah, like “Tarawih” prayer).
116.) Sahih Bukhari writes: “When a man insulted the Holy Prophet A.S. Abu Bakr (who later
became the first Caliph) cursed that man by saying “Go! and bite your idol’s Ass!”
117.) Al-Az-har University of Egypt (the highest Sunni Islam Center of Education) in it’s
official text book says that: “It’s allowed to eat from the flesh of the dead un-believers /
apostates!” (Jewish cannibalism in Islam, too?!)
And the Wahhabi, Saudi, Yahudi “Mufti Bin Baz” openly on the internet preaches that:
“It’s allowed for a man to sacrifice his own wife and to eat her flesh, in case of emergency or
to his own life” (Another Jewish Law?)
118.) Sahih Bukhari writes: “ Sahabah of the Holy Prophet Mohammad A.S. used to “Share”
their wives, with each other, by divorcing one of them for the new “Migrant” from Mecca to
Sa-ad bin Ubadah, Sahabah in Medinah, told a migrant Sahabah from Mecca that I am
ready to share my property and one of my two wives with you!”
Go, look at my two wives, and choose which one you prefer! I will divorce her,
and you can marry her!!! Ref. “Al-Wilaa wal Biraa Fil Islam” by Mohammad B. Al-Qah-tani
Riyadh/ Saudi Arabia 1992/ p. 140 (Another Jewish / Bani Umayya conspiracy to malign
Islam and its early supporters!)
119.) Sahih Bukhari (Just like Jewish Myths) says that: “The Prophet Job was tested by God;
So, he lost everything and he became so sick that his body was full of worms! Not only he
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did not look for a cure, but rather every worm that would fall from his body, he would again
put it back on his wounds!” (Another Jewish story in Islam!)
120.) Sahih Bukhari writes: “The Holy Prophet A.S. told the Muslims that “Ali is with the
Qur’an, and The Qur’an is with Ali!”
If that Hadith is true, than “why the Holy Qur’an of the Muslims today, is not “Ali’s
collections of Qur’an” but “Othman’s Qur’an”??? Ref. 1) Sahih Bukhari 5/19, 2) Sahih
Muslim 2/360, 3) Sunan Tirmidi 5/304, 4) Sunan Ibn Maja, 1/28, and 5) Musnad Imam
Ahmad 3/328
121.) Sahih Bukhari writes: “The Holy Prophet A.S. told his followers: “Don’t obey my words
about worldly issues! Only when I tell you about the religion!” (How could you separate the
worldly from the spiritual, in Islam?)
And how could an “Ethical Person” even say something that he is not qualified to talk
about? A Prophet at that?
122.) Sahih Bukhari writes: “A spiritual Muslim guy, used to pray with “One wodu” for 10
days!!! (Another Jewish Myth? No C.R in 10 days?)
123.) Imam Bukhari says: “A man’s touching his wife will destroy his wodu/ Ablusion! Yet, it
also quotes Ayisha, the youngest wife of the Holy Prophet A.S. that “In our small room, I
used to lay down, when the Prophet used to pray. So, he would touch my feet, to make space
for his prostration!” (What a confusion and contradiction? Jewish Talmud, again!)
124.) Sahih Bukhari writes “In the Day of Judgement Ibrahim confesses and regrets that he told
lies three times in his life!” (see the previous pages regarding Prophet Ibrahim’s alleged three
“Lies” that the Jews and some Muslims, too, accuse that Holy Man of committing!)
125.) Sahih Bukhari writes: “The Holy Prophet Mohammad A.S. agreed with Mecca
polytheists to “Keep the three Idols” of Ka-bah, as “worshipable” _ _ The Laat (goddess of
birth /Astrology) The Manat (goddess of Fortune) and The Uzza (the goddess of Might
/honor) as the “Three daughters of Allah”. That was also the basis of the book title “The
Satanic Verses” or the so called “Satanic Influenced/ Inspired Verses” (by Salman Rushdie)
Ref. Holy Qur’an 53/18-21 And 22/52 and 17/74
But, then the Angel Jibrail came down and he “prevented the Holy Prophet Mohammad
A.S. from the “agreement” with the “Idolaters of Mecca” (Another lie made by the Jews and
the Bani Umayya, to discredit the personality of the Prophet A.S.)
126.) Sahih Bukhari writes: “The Holy Prophet Mohammad A.S. said: Satan is “imprisoned”
(Not to mislead the people) during the Holy Month of Ramadhan, but in the next page it says,
the Holy Prophet A.S. has said: “If during the sunset you don’t break your fast very quickly,
the “Satan” will grab and run away with your fast!” (what kind of prisoner is that can still run
away with people’s fast? Another “Babylonian Jewish Talmud” in the Sunni Islam!)
127.) Sahih Bukhari writes: “The heaven has 8 doors, but the Hell has 7 gates!” (The Jews have
counted those gates, too!)
128.) Imam Bukhari writes: “The body of the Holy Prophet Mohammad A.S. is still fresh in his
grave, 1,400 years later!” (Another Jewish Myth, like the Egyptian Mummies?)
129.) Sahih Bukhari writes: “The Holy Prophet A.S. in “Miraj”/trip to heaven / was offered
three “cups of drink” 1) Wine, 2) Milk 3) Water. The Prophet chose milk to drink.
Allah S.W.T. told him: “We were testing you! Had you taken the wine, then you and
your people would also be punished for your mistake!”
“Alcoholism in Heaven”? Another Jewish story/ Israilism in Islam?
130.) Sahih Bukhari writes: “Caliph Omar, used to give “pension” to his Meccan brethren
(=the Muhajirs) twice as much as to the Sahaba of Medinah (i.e. the Ansar).
What kind of Islamic equality and brotherhood was that? Another “Bid-ah” innovation by
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Omar, (some 70 other Bid-ah by him are recorded in the Islamic books, or was it “A Jewish
concept of Chosen People vs. Goyim!” (cows/cattle). It’s very possible, because Omar’s
great Bible teacher was the Jewish Rabbi “Ka-bul Ahbar” already!
131.) Sahih Bukhari writes: “One time Muawia told everybody, in front of the son of Omar (i.e.
Abdullah) that: “I am more qualified than Omar (!!!) to be the ruler of Islam! (Wahhabis ???)
But, then Sahih Bukhari also write: “The Holy Prophet A.S. said: If there were any
Prophet after me, it would be Omar! (Now, who is the liar here, Muawia or Bukhari?)
Again, Imam Bukhari, shamelessly writes: “The Holy Prophet A.S. said that: The best
person after him was his second Caliph (Omar!)
How did the Holy Prophet A.S. know the future ??? The Wahhabis believe that nobody
knows the future except Allah s.w.t.!
132.) Sahih Bukhari narrates: “There was a “very good companion of the Holy Prophet A.S.”
whom the Prophet said: “Will go to hell!” (The companion/Sahaba/ going to Hell?)
The other companions of the Holy Prophet A.S. could not “understand” how could such a
“good Sahaba” go to Hell!
After a few days that Sahaba committed “Suicide” (like The “Wahhabis”/ The Taliban/
ISIS/ ISIL/ The Palestinians”?) and he went to Hell!
The Holy Prophet A.S. told his own companions: “I told you so!”
Now, questions:
1) How could a “Sahabi” go to Hell? (The Wahhabis tell us that everyone who even saw
the Prophet once, will not go to Hell!)
2) How did the Holy Prophet know the “Ilmul Ghayb”/the future /while the Wahhabis
say: “Anyone who claims to know the future is “Shaytan”!
3) The Suicide bombers go to Hell, or will they be rewarded 72 beautiful virgins in
4) How could the Holy Prophet’s companions/Sahaba/doubt his prophecies and still
remain “Sahaba”?
133.) Sahih Bukhari writes: “The Holy Prophet A.S. said “Anyone who ever saw me even
once, the Hell fire will never touch him!” (or anyone who died in Madinah city will go direct
to Heaven!/ Yet, they also say that the Holy Prophet A.S. told his own beloved daughter
Fatimah Zahra A.S. “I can’t do anything for you on the day of Judgement!/ Yet, the Prophet
A.S. also told the Muslims that “Fatimah is the lady of the ladies in Heaven!”)
134.) The Imam Bukhari writes: “When one of the followers of the Holy Prophet A,S. died, he
lead the prayer for the dead Muslim/ Munafiq! But Omar protested and said I will not allow
you to pray for him, because he was a hypocrite! (The Holy Prophet had already said that
there are 12 hypocrites among my Sahaba!)
Despite Omar’s protest, the Holy Prophet A.S. not only lead the prayer for that hypocrite
companion (i.e. Abdullah Bin Obey) but he even used his own clothes as a shroud for that
Now, who was right? The Holy Prophet A.S. or Omar?
135.) Imam Bukhari writes: The Holy Prophet Mohammad A.S. said: “I fast every Monday,
because I was born on Monday!” (celebrating “Birthday” 50 times a year, by the Holy
Prophet A.S. / Yet, the Wahhabis say that any celebration of the birthday/except Aquiqa or
the first one, is “un-Islamic” or Bid-ah! (But then again, according to the Persian Great Imam
Abu Hanifa, even “Aqiqa” was a “Jahiliyya”/ Pre-Islam tradition, too!)
136.) Imam Bukhari writes: The Holy Prophet A.S. said: Everybody’s heart is between the
“Two fingers of Allah!!” (Another Jewish Talmudic Myth?)
137.) Imam Bukhari writes: “Ayisha the youngest widow of the Holy Prophet A.S. said, the
Holy Prophet A.S. courted me when I was six years old (!) and I was playing with my “dols”
(idols?) How did the Holy Prophet A.S. or even the father of Ayisha, Abu Bakr, allow his
daughter to play with “idols (Another Jewish story, to destroy the good reputation of the
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Holy Prophet and his family?) Just like the Old Testament sayings about “Prophet Solaiman’s
wives “idol worshipping”?.
138.) Sahih Bukhari writes: “One day, in the presence of the Holy Prophet A.S. two of his top
commanders (i.e. Abu Bakr and Omar) started an argument. Allah S.W.T. condemned their
“shouting match” in the presence of the Holy Prophet A.S. by this Qur’anic declaration:
“Never raise your voices above the voice of the Messenger! It will destroy your “good deeds”
even without you being aware of it!” Ref. Holy Qur’an 49/2
Yet, in the Vol. 5 of Sahih Bukhari, p. 511, the same Imam Bukhari writes: “When the
Holy Prophet A.S. was in his deathbed, he told his own followers: “Bring me a piece of paper
and a pen, I want to record for you my last will, that if you followed it, you won’t ever go
astray after me!”
Omar, shouted back: “(No need for your writing!) The Book of Allah is enough for us!”
Then Omar added an insult to an injury by saying: “This man! /the Holy Prophet A.S. ??? / is
talking nonsense on his death bed!” Ref. Sahih Bukhari, vol. 5/p. 511
Now what? Were all the “good deeds” of Omar gone, as Allah said, or is Omar still the
“good Sahaba” that his followers claim? Qur’an vs. fake Hadith?
139.) Imam Bukhari narrates that: “Abdullah Bin Omar /son of Caliph Omar/ used to throw
“small stones” at those individual Muslim worshippers, who used to make mistakes, during
their prayers, in the Mosque of the Holy Prophet A.S., to “call their attention” to pray
correctly!” (Is that Sunnah of the Holy Prophet, or another “Jew-Jahiliyyah-Jihadi Islam?)
140.) Sahih Bukhari narrates from Abu Hurayra, that: “Sometimes, some people appear among
us, that we don’t know them well, but they claim to “teach us Hadith” and then suddenly they
Be careful! They might be either “Satan or the Jewish infiltrators!” (= Jewish
141.) Sahih Bukhari writes: “Omar asked a Jewish Rabbi” what is written about me in your
Jewish scriptures! The Rabbi said: In our books it’s predicted that you will be killed, and
after you will come a “Weak Caliph” etc. Omar said: “May Allah help Othman, three
1) Omar is asking about his future from the Jewish “soothsayers”?? While the
Wahhabi Saudi Sunni rulers “Burn and kill the soothsayers” as “Apostates”!
2) Since when did those Jewish scripts become more “Truthful to Omar than the
Holy Qur’an and the Hadith of the Holy Prophet Mohammad A.S.? (Omar
was the “top” student of the Jewish Rabbi “Ka-bul Ahbar”!)
3) The Jews and Omar knew the future, but the Wahhabi Sunnis teach and
preach that no one knows the “unseen”/ the future, except Allah, and anyone
who claims to know the future is “Satan”!
But again, the Sunni Imams themselves say that the Jewish Rabbi and Omar
knew the “Ilmul Ghayb!” (Ref. “Sunan Abu Dawoud” Hadith No. 4665)
142.) Sahih Bukhari narrates that “The Persian Sunni Imam Abu Hanifa / the Imam of the 80%
of Sunni Muslims / had seen Allah in his dreams 100 times in his life!” But, the Holy Qur’an
states that Allah S.W.T. told Prophet Moses A.S. “O’ Moses! You can never see me!” Ref.
Holy Qur’an.
143.) Sahih Bukhari narrates: “The Holy Prophet A.S. told his followers that “Dajjal” / the
Anti-Christ of the Jews and the Christians! / will appear” either during my life time of just
after my death!
Well, 1,400 year have passed, and still the Muslims are “waiting” for him and the
Jews and the Christians are “wet-ing”, too!
144.) Imam Bukhari writes: “The Holy Prophet Mohammad A.S. said: In the day of judgement
the sun will come close upto one “mile’s” distance, and the people will perspire, until their
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perspiration reaches their necks! (How much water is there in a person’s body? / Another
Jewish fiction.)”
145.) The Sahih Bukhari says: “Since Allah is in “Arsh” / His Throne / then it means that His
Arsh is also “Since Ever”!! (As the Hambali / Sunni/ believe the Holy Qur’an as the “word of
Allah” is since ever! (So, how many Ever Existing beings are there with Allah? / Another
Jewish Myth!). This universe is the “Brother” of God, or His creation?
146.) Imam Bukhari narrates that: “The Holy Prophet A.S. ordered his followers not to “spit”
towards “Qiblah” / Ka-bah/ because “Between you and Qiblah is Allah!” (Spitting on God???
/ Another Jewish fiction?)
147.) Imam Bukhari narrates: “The Holy Prophet Mohammad A.S. said: “Once Allah showed
me the “Night of Qadr”! But when I came out of His presence, I saw two of my Sahaba
(=Companions) were quarreling among themselves (Omar and Abu Bakr?!); So, Allah
(S.W.T.) made me “forget (!) the Nigth of Qadr,” because of the “curse of my two
companion’s quarrel!!” (Islamic rules are lost / Incomplete / because of the companions
148.) Sahih Bukhari narrates: “Ayisha said, the Holy Prophet A.S. used to get “spell bound”
and he imagined he was doing something, but it was his “illusion!” (The Holy Prophet???
And illusions? Being accused by Ayisha, his wife??? (Ref. Sahih Bukhari /2 / p. 677)
So, Omar was “right” when he said: “This man (the Prophet???) is talking
“Nonsense on his deathbed!!! (Ref. Sahih Bukhari vol. 5 /511)
149.) Sahih Bukhari narrates that “The Holy Prophet Mohammad A.S. went to Heaven (i.e.
Isra-Miraj) and he met and talked to “Abraham” and to Moses and other Prophets, who are all
Yet, the Wahhabis say that “Nobody can talk to the “dead”! And still all the
Muslims say: “As-salam Alaykum” to all the “dead Prophets, including the Holy Prophet
Mohammad A.S. five times, every day in “Salat” / Tashah-hud”!!
Not to mention the “Talqin” of the Muslims, in which they “talk to the dead
persons” before entering them in to their graves!! (Hello to dead?) which one is true
Islam, and which one is truly Jewish?!
150.) Sahih Bukhari narrates: “The Holy Prophet A.S. told one of his Sahaba / companions /
called “Suraqah” that one day, in future, you shall be wearing the “Golden bracelet of the
King of Persia!”
Just two years after the death of the Holy Prophet A.S. (i.e. 632 A.D.) the Persian
Empire was conquered by the Islamic forces, and “Suraqah” was wearing that “Looted
But, again the Wahhabi Saudis always shout that: “Nobody knows the future,
except Allah! And anybody who claimed to know the future is “Devil” himself!
151.) Sahih Bukhari says: “Three centuries after Omar’s death, a flood destroyed his tomb, and
his feet were exposed, as “fresh as when he was alive!” (Jewish-Bani Umayyad lies!)
It also mentions that during the time of Omar, when Persia was invaded, the
shrine of Prophet Danial A.S. in Susa/Persia/ was exposed, and his body was still fresh!
Omar ordered his re-burial! (Another Jewish fiction in Islam).
152.) Sahih Bukhari narrates that “Ayishah, the youngest widow of the Holy Prophet A.S. said:
The Prophet used to “Snore” when asleep! And he would wake up and pray with no need for
“wodu”! (=Ad-dast)
I told him how come you pray without “wodu”? He answered: We Prophets
sleep, but we are not “Asleep”! But “Awake!” (Another Jewish-Banu Umayya’s attempt
to the character assassination of the Prophet of Islam?)
153.) Imam Bukhari narrates: “At the “Badr war” when Meccan warriors were defeated by the
Champion of Islam “Ali”, the Holy Prophet A.S. addressing the “dead fighters of Mecca”,
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said: “Now, you are in Hell!” Omar said: “O’ Prophet! You are talking with the “dead
people”! The Holy Prophet answered: “They can hear me better than you!!!”
(The beliefs of the “Wahhabis” that talking to the dead is “Shirk” started 1,400
years ago from Omar’s objections! Actually, it was another Jewish influence in Arabia!)
154.) Sahih Bukhari narrates: “Ka-bul Ahbar said: “Ka-bah” makes “Sajda” to “Jerusalem” one
hundred times everyday!” (Jewish Temple is higher than the Ka-bah of Islam??)
155.) Sahih Bukhari narrates that: “The Holy Prophet A.S. told his other wives, I receive
revelations/ Holy Qur’an/ only when I am in the “room” of Ayisha! (Not with other wives?
Another effort to glorify the “rebellious Ayisha” by the Bani Umayya, and their Jewish co-
horts? The Holy Prophet A.S. favoring one of his wives against of others, against the clear
Qur’anic order?!)
Again, this so-called “Hadith” has been further extended in Sahih Muslim Sunni
book of Hadith and “Mish-kat Al-Masabih” by saying: “The Holy Prophet A.S. scolded
his other wives, telling them “Don’t annoy me about Ayisha! I don’t get revelation,
except in the “Bed”/ Rope/ clothes of Ayisha!” (Ref. 1) Sahih Muslim/ chapter “Virtues
of Ayisha!”/ Hadith 4472 Also Ref. 2) Mish-Kat Al-Masabih”/ vol.2/ Book 26/ Ch. 38)
156.) Sahih Bukhari narrates: “A new bound-maid from Syria called “Baraka” was working in
the house of the Holy Prophet A.S. One night she drunk a “Bowl of liquid under the bed of
the Prophet”, mistaking the “urine of the Prophet for water!”
The Holy Prophet told her” “Now, you have a protection from the Hell-fire,
because of entering my urine entering into your stomach!”
157.) Sahih Bukhari narrates from the Holy Prophet A.S. that: “When I went to the Heavens
(=Isra-wal-Miraj) I reached a point that I could hear the sounds of the pens, by which the
Angels were writing the records of people’s deeds!” (Pen and Note-books? No computers
available in the Heavens, yet???) Another Jewish Bani Umayya “fake-logy” to destroy Islam
and its Holy Prophet?
158.) Sahih Bukhari records that Ayisha said: “A Jewish sorcerer influenced the Holy Prophet
Mohammad A.S. so, the Prophet:
1) Was “confused”
2) Didn’t remember his wives schedules!
3) Became very forgetful on all issues!
Then Ayisha adds: “I told the Prophet A.S. why don’t you inform the people about this
“Jewish spell on you?” The Prophet answered: “How could I tell the people! They will
not believe in my Prophethood, anymore!” (Another Bani-Umayya and Jewish
conspiracy to discredit Islam and its Holy Prophet?!)
159.) Sahih Bukhari narrates that: “The Holy Prophet Mohammad A.S. used to fast every
Monday, when his Sahaba asked him why on “Monday”? He said: Because I was born on
Monday (My Birthday Celebration?)
But, the Wahhabis say “Celebration of the Birth day of the Holy Prophet A.S. (or
our own birth day) is “Haram” / Bid-ah !!! (Another Jewish-Bani Umayya plot to confuse
the Muslim Ummah?).
Interestingly, in the Holy Qur’an, talking about the “Birth Days” of two other
great Prophets (John the Baptist/Yahya/ and Jesus/ Isa son of Mary/ it’s very clearly
stated: “Peace/ Salutations/ on them, on the day of their birth/ Birth-Days/ and the day
they died/ commemoration/ too!” (Ref. Holy Qur’an 19:15 and 33)
(That’s the combination of the “Prophet Mohammad’s Birth Day” and Imam
Hosain’s martyrdom, held by the most Muslims, every year!)
160.) Sahih Bukhari narrates that: “Jesus Christ or Prophet Isa A.S. son of Mary “has died”!
While the Holy Qur’an says: “Isa was taken up by Allah to the heavens, alive”! and he is to
come back one day, again. (So, who is telling the truth (Another Jewish-Bani Umayya
conspiracy to mislead the Muslims?!)
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161.) Sahih Bukhari narrates: “Omar saw another Sahabi, called “Hisham Bin Hakeem”
reciting Surah Al-Furqan, in the Qur’an (Ch. 77) very differently! He quarreled with him, and
called him a “Liar!” Both of them came to the Holy Prophet Mohammad A.S. and recited
their “Two different ways” (Hisham version vs. Omar version!) The Holy Prophet A.S. said:
“Both of you are right! Because, Jibril came to me, and he told me that Allah S.W.T. has
revealed the Holy Qur’an to be recited in 7 different versions”!!! (Ref. “Al-Nashr Fil Qira-aat
Al-Ashr”/ Explanation of 10 version of Recitation of the Holy Qur’an / by Islamic Shaikh
Shamsud Din Al-Jazari/ vol.1/ P.8)
162.) Imam Bukhari narrates that “One day Omar, the 2 nd Caliph saw Hassan Bin Thabit, (the
Poet of the Holy Prophet A.S.) is reciting “Barzanji”/ Na-at/ Nashid/ Qawwali/ in the Mosque
of the Holy Prophet A.S.
As ususal, Omar “objected” to poem recitation, in the Mosque (i.e. Wahhabi/
Talibans grand master?) But Abu Huraira, defended Hassan Bin Thabith saying: “He
used to do this Na-at in the same Mosque in front of the Holy Prophet, himself!
(Omar’s Jewish teacher “Ka-bul Ahbar” was teaching him extremism opposite of
the true teaching of the Holy Prophet?!)
163.) Sahih Bukhari narrates: “One day the Holy Prophet A.S. sent Ibn Abbas (his cousin) to
call Muawia. But Muawia said: I am eating! Again the Prophet sent Ibn Abbas to call
Muawia, again Muawia said: I am eating! Until the third time. The Holy Prophet A.S. got
angry and he cursed Muawia by saying: “May Allah never fill his stomach!” (what kind of a
“follower” / Sahabah was Muawia, to be cursed by the Holy Prophet A.S.?!)
164.) Sahih Bukhari narrates: “The Holy Prophet A.S. said “Anyone who quotes fake Hadith
from me, will be in Hellfire!”
Then, Imam Bukhari in the first page of the same Sahih Bukhari also says: “I
have discovered 600,000 fake Hadithes quoted from the Holy Prophet A.S. (by his
Now, how many so called “Sahabah”/ Tabe-in, are in the Hellfire???
165.) Sahih Bukhari narrates: “The Holy Prophet Mohammad A.S. said “Even I don’t know
what will happen to me on the day of Judgement.”
But, the same Sahih Bukhari, in next page says: “The Holy Prophet A.S. said:
“Ten of my Sahabah will surely go to heaven and he even gave their names!!!”
(=”Asharah Mubash-shara”)
What kind of a Prophet whose “commanders” are guaranteed to be in heaven, but
he himself is not sure? (Another “Jewish Bani-Umayya effort to discredit the personality
of the Holy Prophet A.S.?)
Again the same Sahih Bukhari quotes the Holy Prophet A.S. as saying “On the
day of Judgement some of you my Sahabah will come to me, asking for “water” and I
want to give you water, but the angels will take you away from me”. I will say: “O’
Allah! My Sahabah! My Sahabah! (Please let me give them water!)
But a voice will say: “These people changed your religion after you!” Then I will
say: “Get out of my sight! Off with you!” (what a contradiction in the best book of
Hadith in Sunni Islam. First, he allegedly “Doesn’t know what will happen to him,
second he promises 10 of his followers to be sure that “you will go to Heaven”
(=knowledge of the “unseen”/ Ilmul Ghayb?!/ Third, he says I will be “giving water of
blessing to you!”/ Another knowledge of the future!/ And forth, how could someone who
is not even sure about his own situation, be allowed to give the blessing of Heaven to
others, or even telling them to “go away!” etc.)?!
166.) Sahih Bukhari narrates: “The Holy Prophet A.S. said I don’t know even what is behind
this wall!” (Not a Prophet?! Then how come his “Prophecy” is one fourth of the entire
Islamic Hadith/ future events prediction? Or telling his followers that: I can see my back, as I
see in my front!”)
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167.) Imam Bukhari narrates that Ayisha said: “When the Holy Prophet A.S. and Abu Bakr
were buried in my room, I would not keep my “Hijab” inside my own place; Because one of
them was my husband and the other was my own father; But when Omar was also buried in
my room, I started “Hijab” from Omar!!!
1) So, Omar is “Alive”?
2) “Mother of Believers”/ Ummul Mo-minin/ still needs to keep “Hijab” from
her own “Believing Children”? (A mother and son Hijab?)
3) Ayisha was praying next to the “graves of the Holy Men” for 45 years?
Worshipping the dead?!
(Well, let the Wahhabis and their Jewish teachers answer it!)
168.) Sahih Bukhari narrates: “Abdullah Bin Zubair was given some blood, by the Holy
Prophet A.S. that he had removed from his own body by “Hajamat”/ Blood letting/ Cupping.
The Holy Prophet A.S. told Abdullah, pls. burry it somewhere safe!”
Abdullah, got the “Blood of the Prophet A.S.” away, then he thought to himself
that it’s a great blessing, and he “drunk it”! When he came back to the Holy Prophet, the
Prophet asked him: Did you bury it in a safe place?” He answered; “Yes! O’ Prophet of
But, the Prophet saw his smile, and he doubted his word; until Abdullah told the
truth! The Holy Prophet said: “You have protected yourself from the Hellfire, with
drinking my blood!”
Now, the Questions: 1) The Holy Prophet A.S. cutting himself, and removing
blood? How come the Wahhabis object to the Shia “Blood letting during Ma-tam”? 2)
Sahabah “drinks human blood”? And the Holy Prophet A.S. approves his “Blood
drinking”? 3) The Sahabah is a “Liar” to the Holy Prophet A.S.? 4) The Wahhabi Islam
accepts all that as “Hadith in Sahih Bukhari, the most important book after the Holy
(Another Bani-Umayya and Jewish conspiracy against the Prophet, and his
169.) Sahih Bukhari narrates: “When the Holy Prophet A.S. died, Abu Bakr came, and he
“kissed” his face!” (As Judas did to Jesus?!)
But, the Wahhabis say: “Kissing the shrine of the Holy Prophet A.S. (over his
body) is a “Shirk”, and Shiah Muslims are “Mushrik” because they kiss the shrine!
170.) Sahih Bukhari writes: “Abdullah Bin Omar used to look for any place where the Holy
Prophet A.S. prayed/ walked/ stayed/ as a “Holy Place”! But the Wahhabis believe that the
“grave of the Holy Prophet A.S.” is worthless, and visiting it is a “Shirk” and un-Islamic!
(Now, whom should we believe and follow? The Sahaba or the Wahhabi Saudis?)
171.) Sahih Bukhari narrates: “Once a companion of the Holy Prophet A.S. mistakenly drunk a
“liquid from a jar, in the house of the Holy Prophet A.S.” when the Holy Prophet A.S. came
back and he saw the “Jar” was empty, he asked what happened to that liquid? The companion
said: “I drunk it!”
The Holy Prophet A.S. said: “But that was my urine!” Then he added: “By
drinking my urine, you have created a “curtain” between yourself and the hellfire!”
(Another Bani Umayya-Jewish story to insult Islamic personalities?!)
172.) Sahih Bukhari says: “The Holy Prophet A.S. said: “Sometimes “Satan” appears in human
form, and he mentions “Hadith” in my name! So, always check any “Hadith” that is being
attributed to me!”
(Another Bani-Umayya and Jewish conspiracy to attack the Islamic teachings?!)
173.) Sahih Bukhari narrates: “The Holy Prophet A.S. once shaved his head and he distributed
it among his companions; One of those companions said: “This one hair of the Holy Prophet
A.S. is more valuable to me, than the entire universe!” Yet, the Wahhabis say that: “Shiah are
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the Kafir, because they respect the graves of the Holy Prophet A.S. where His entire body is
Now, which is which or “witch hunting”? (Note: The Othman museum in
Istanbul still is keeping the “Teeth of the Prophet A.S.”, his turban, his clothes, his shoes,
etc. with all respect or reverence. While they keep his hair, teeth, shoes, yet they kill his
children, and call Shiah Kafir, because they visit the Shrines of the Prophet’s children,
“His flesh of flesh, blood of blood, bones of bones, and his entire DNA!)
174.) Sahih Bukhari narrates: “One time in a trip, one of the wives of the Holy Prophet A.S. by
the name of Zaynab was told to share her “camel” with another wife “Safiyyah” (i.e. The
Jewish woman, whom the Prophet had married, after killing his father, uncles, brothers and
even her husband in the war of Khaybar!)
Zaynab (i.e. the daughter in law of the Prophet, who was now his “wife”) said: I
won’t share my camel “with that Jew”!
The Holy Prophet A.S. got so angry with Zaynab, that he did not go to her room
for three months!”
(How many insults exist in this “Hadith” alone, to destroy the personality of the
Holy Prophet A.S.)
175.) Sahih Bukhari narrates: “The Prophet Abraham A.S. circumcised “himself” by an “Axe”
at the age of 70!”
Then again Bukhari (and the Holy Qur’an) say that Prophet Abraham A.S. was a
“Muslim” and he was fighting against the “idolatry” as a young man!
This, despite the Egyptian pyramids showing “circumcisions” on their walls
1,000 year before Abraham A.S. (How many Jewish lies in one person’s story?!)
176.) Sahih Bukhari narrates: “One time the Holy Prophet A.S. was praying. He moved his
hand forward and back. When his “Sahaba” asked him why? He said: “I saw the fruits of
Heaven, I wanted to pick some for you, but then I changed my mind!” (???)
177.) Sahih Bukhari narrates: “The Holy Prophet A.S. celebrated his own “Aqiqah”/
Celebration upon the birth of a child/ A “Jahiliyyah” tradition before Islam! at the Age of 40
plus!” (Yet, this Jahiliyyah “Aqiqah” is a tradition among the Muslims, today!).
178.) Sahih Bukhari narrates: “The “Black Stone” /Hajarul Aswad/ is a “Heavenly Stone”/
Holy Stone/ It was “Snow white” before, but it turned into black, because of people’s sins!!!
(Whose sins? Muslims, Christian, Jews or the Hindus?)
179.) Sahih Bukhari narrates: “The Holy Prophet A.S. was very angry that some people would
not attend the morning prayer in the Mosque (i.e. 4:30 A.M.). So, he said: “If I would not
consider their children and their wives, I would “Burn their homes!” (It sounds Jewish Bible
to me!)
180.) Sahih Bukhari narrates: “One day the Holy Prophet A.S. saw one of his followers eating
with his left hand! He told him “use your right hand while eating”. He jokingly answered:
“My right hand doesn’t work”
The Holy Prophet got irked and he said: “May your right hand never work
again!” This curse of the Prophet caused his hand to be “useless!” (Another Jewish
181.) Sahih Bukhari narrates: “The Holy Prophet A.S. prophesied that at the end time “70,000
Jews from Isfahan City/ in Iran / will come out, with “green turbans” to support “Dajjal”/ the
Anti-Christ/ Imam Mahdi.”
(Well, first of all the Jews never use “green turban”! And in Isfahan there is no
more than 200 Jews left! All migrated to Palestine, in 1950’s)
182.) Sahih Bukhari narrates: “A number of Prophet Mohammad’s “Companions” were sent
for teaching Islam, to an Arab tribe. But that treacherous tribe killed them all! Before they
died, they said: “O’ Allah! Please inform our Prophet, about our death. And Allah informed
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the Holy Prophet, and he also told it to his followers in Medinah. (Still the Wahhabis claim
that nobody knows the “Ghayb” / unseen, even the Prophet Mohammad A.S.)
183.) Sahih Bukhari (via Imam Tabari) says: “The women’s menstruation was given by God to
the women, because of Eves first sin! (This is from the Jewish Talmud)
184.) Sahih Bukhari narrates that: “In the Day of Judgement, “Death” shall be presented as a
“sheep” and then slaughtered! Then there will be no more Death! (A Jewish story again!)
185.) Sahih Bukhari narrates that: “The Holy Prophet A.S. said: When you see a bad dream/
Nightmare/ You better “spit right and left” after you wake up, to avoid the bad influences of
the bad dreams! (Another Jewish/ Talmudic teaching?)
186.) Sahih Bukhari narrates that: “One day in the presence of the Holy Prophet A.S. an Arab
was defending his own “idol gods!” Abu Bakr shouted at him by saying “Go! And chew the
“Ass” of your god!” (And the Holy Prophet A.S. did not stop Abu Bakr from cursing other
people’s gods!/ Yet, the Holy Qur’an orders the Muslims not to “curse the other peoples
beliefs”) Ref. Holy Qur’an 6/108
187.) Sahih Bukhari narrates: “Imam Abu Hanifa, the Greatest Sunni Imam said: “Salat
Istisqa” or the “prayer for rain” is not needed, only “A simple prayer/Not “Salat”/ is enough!”
This, despite the Holy Prophet A.S. himself performing the “Salat Istis-qa”!
(Now, 80% of the Sunni Muslims follow the Persian Imam Abu Hanifa, against the
Sunnah of the Holy Prophet A.S.!)
188.) Sahih Bukhari narrates that: “Abdullah Bin Omar, the son of 2 nd Caliph Omar, used to
look for any place that the Holy Prophet A.S. had prayed, and he would also pray there! Even
he would “Urinate in those places that the Holy Prophet had urinated!”
Ibn Taymiyyah (the Kurdish grandfather of Wahhabism) called this a “Bid-ah”
/Innovation/ in Religion and thus “Haram”! Because, the Holy Prophet A.S. told his
followers to “follow his Sunnah and the Sunnah of his “Khulafa Rashidin” only (i.e. Abu
Bakr /Omar /Othman/ Ali/ and Imam Hasan - - six different “Sunnah”?!)
Now, if even the “Urination place” of the Holy Prophet A.S. becomes special,
then how come his “shrine” is not?!
189.) Sahih Bukhari narrates that: “Um Salmah, and Ayisha, the two wives of the Holy Prophet
A.S. used the “clothes” and even the hair of the Holy Prophet as blessings, to cure the
sicknesses of the Sahabah, yet the Wahhabis call the Shiah “Mushrik” for even touching the
shrine of the Holy Prophet A.S. for blessing!
190.) Sahih Bukhari narrates: “Imam Bin Hussein, a companion of the Holy Prophet A.S. used
to say “Salam” to the Angels, and the Angels would answer his Salam, until he got a “tattoo”,
then the Angels stopped answering his “Salam”!
191.) Sahih Bukhari narrates: “Othman Bin Affan donated 700 camels and their goods for
Islam! (Bill Gates, too, doesn’t have 700 camels, or even their parking space or their goods,
Then Bukhari it goes on to add, even a more dangerous “lie!” It says: “The Holy
Prophet Mohammad A.S. told his follower that: After what Othman did for Islam, he will
surely go to Heaven! Now, he is free to do anything he liked!!” (Like the born again, who
are free to do anything they want!)
Yet, this Othman was murdered by the Sahaba, and his body was left on the
streets, eaten by the dogs, until three days! And no Muslim wanted to bury him! Finally,
his Bani Umayya tribe buried Othman in the “Jewish Cemetery of Madinah, next to his
Jewish friends and advisers!
192.) Sahih Bukhari narrates: “The Holy Prophet A.S. said: “Never slap someone on the face,
because Allah created “Adam” like Hmself in “Face”! So, when you slap someone on the
face, you are actually “slapping the Face of Allah”!!!
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Chapter IV

Jewish Plague in the Holy Qur’an

Now, we are approaching the most sensitive part of this saga, which is the “Jewish Conspiracies
against the Holy Qur’an”.

For an average Muslim (especially the fanatic ones, just like the fanatic Jews and the Christians)
it’s absolutely “shocking” to even mention that the Holy Qur’an, too, has been polluted by the Jews, in
many ways than one could even imagine!

But, as we have already quoted in the beginning of this book, the Holy Prophet Muhammad
himself, and several of his most trusted and respected associates have already attested to the “changes” in
the original version of the Holy Qur’an (= 7 Ahruf/ Tahrif). Those were 1) Ayisha, the youngest widow
of the Holy Prophet A.S. 2) Omar, the second Caliph of Islam, and the most controversial of them all. 3)
Othman, the third Caliph and the collector of the present version of the Holy Qur’an (i.e. “Rasm
Othmani”). 4) Abu Musa Ash-ari, the great companion of the Holy Prophet A.S. and himself one of the
original collectors of the Holy Qur’an, as well. 5) Abdullah Bin Mas-ud, the famous Sahaba of the Holy
Prophet A.S. and one of the seven collectors of the Holy Qur’an (He believed that the last two small
chapters of the Holy Qur’an are not part of the original revelation!) 6)Obay Bin Ka-ab, another original
Sahaba and collector of the Holy Qur’an.7)Abdullah Bin Omar, the son of the 2nd Caliph of Islam
“Omar Al-Hattab” (= the “Wood gatherer”/Not the “Lecturer”) etc. all quoted from the great “Sunni
Imam Sayuti” in his very famous “Commentary of the Holy Qur’an” titled “Al-Itqan” and also from
many other Sunni and even some Shiah scholars of Islam. (e.g. Shaikh Mufid, Shaikh Al-Kolayni, Sharif
Radhi, Shaikh Tabrisi, Allamah Majlisi, etc.)

Further more, the Sunni book of Hadith, called “Sahih Bukhari” says that “Abdullah Bin Mas-
ud” had a “different Holy Qur’an Collection”; The same goes for “Mus-haf Hafsah”/ Mus-haf Ayisha/
Mus-haf Umm Salamah/Mus-haf Obay Bin Ka-ab/Mus-haf Fatimah/ Mus-haf Imam Ali/ Mus-haf
Othman, which is the present day Holy Qur’an, etc. (Note: Dr. James White has counted 67 varieties of
readings in the Holy Qur’an. Also the Muslim Scholar Dr. Shehzad Saleem and others have confirmed
those facts and figures).

Now, before going into details, I must make it very clear that, by saying that the Jews have
infiltrated in the collection of the Holy Qur’an, during the Caliphate of Othman, we do not mean:

1.) That the Holy Qur’an is totally missing (No, it’s not!)
2.) That the Original Qur’an is not saved (In fact, it is!)
3.) That the Holy Qur’an or the Holy Prophet A.S are not true (God forbid!)

Besides, if you just compared this with some 50,000 mistakes and contradictions and variations
found in the Christian and Jewish Bibles and 5,000 different versions of them, a few “Infiltrations” in the
Holy Qur’an are very negligible, indeed. And most of that happened about the Jewish stories and about
the Jewish Prophets, copied from the Jewish Bible, almost word for word, and those were included in the
Islamic Hadith, as well. (Mostly seen in the Sunni books). Unfortunately, during the collection of the
Holy Qur’an, by the 3rd Caliph Othman, some 20 years after the Prophet A.S. a few of those “stories/
fictions of the Israelites/ were included in the Holy Qur’an, too. The main calpurate was a Jewish man, by
the name of “Ka-bul Ahbar Yahudi”, the Chief Justice of the Islamic State, during the 3 rd Caliph
Othman!!! (He was also the Bible teacher of the 2 nd Caliph Omar!!! And also a teacher of Abu Hurairah,
Abdullah Bin Omar, and Muawiah, the first King in Islam!!!)
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But, even ten verses of the Holy Qur’an are good enough for the guidance of the mankind, as
were the “Ten Commandments” of Moses A.S. and the “One Command- ment” of Eisa A.S. / Jesus Son
of Mary A.S. / i.e. “Love your enemies, too!” Even one chapter of the Holy Qur’an is rich enough to lead
us to the right path! (e.g. The First Chapter / Al-Fatihah).

Yet, the Holy Qur’an today consists of 6,235 verses, full of guidance, for a better life, both in this
world and in the hereafter, as well. And every “Page” of it could suffice, as did the Prophet Moses’ two
“Tablets” / the 10 Commandments, before.

The Original Holy Qur’an vs. “Othman’s Version”

As we have mentioned before, several great personalities in Islam/ i.e. The first generation
Muslims/ have already attested to the many changes that have occurred in the present day Holy Qur’an;
and both the Sunni and the Shiah Ulama have also discussed this matter in details, in their various books
and lectures. (Pls. check them out).

But here, very briefly, we would like to concentrate only on that “Jewish plague in the Holy
Qur’an” /the Version of “Othman”/ the copy that all Muslims (both Shiah and Sunni) around the world,
are using, today:

1.) Firstly, anybody who has read the Holy Qur’an, knows very well that the 114 chapters (or
112 or 116) of the Holy Qur’an are Not arranged, according to the order of their revelation to
the Holy Prophet Mohammad A.S. On the contrary, those Chapters which were revealed
earlier in Mecca, are now placed at the End, while those which were revealed in Medina, are
now placed in the beginning! Some verses from the Mecca period are now placed in the
chapters of Medina, and vice versa! And you ask yourself why this confusion and the absence
of order, in the first place? Some Muslim scholars say that it was how the Holy Prophet A.S.
had ordered the Sahaba to collect them. Well, if the Holy Qur’an was already collected during
the time of the Holy Prophet A.S., then why Othman had to collect it “Again” some 20 years
later?! (Maybe the short and the long chapters had to be placed together? We don’t know!)
So, this is already a big change from the original order of revelation (i.e. first come first,
order) not to mention the numbering each chapter, or numbering each verse, or adding dots
and Marks (E-raab) on each word, etc. which were all added some 200 years after the Holy
Prophet A.S., or even changing from the Kufic script to the new Arabic alphabet, developed
by “Ibn Muqalla” the first Minister in the Islamic era – A Persian scholar, as usual!.
(It’s narrated that after the death of the Holy Prophet A.S. his cousin, Imam Ali A.S.
presented the “collection of the Holy Qur’an” to the new Caliph Abu Bakr, but he said: No
need for “your collection”/the collection in the House of the Holy Prophet A.S.? /So he
rejected it, until some 20 years later, Othman decided to make his own “collection”, by
burning six other collections, by other Sahabah! The collection of Imam Ali was organized
according to the “Revelation Order”, i.e. Mekkah Surahs first, and then the Medinans. (Note:
Recently, the Al-Azhar University in Egypt has tried to repeat the same order, again!).
Another problem with putting the last chapters first, and the first chapters last, is to cause
many confusions in a better understanding of the Holy Qur’an. For example, the “Nasikh”
comes ahead of “Mansukh”;meaning to say that those verses which came later to abrogate
some earlier rules, are now placed before those verses that they came to abrogate, in the first
place! (The Beduin Arab logic?)
2.) The various old copies of the Holy Qur’an, like the “San-aa Qur’an” discovered in the “Attic
of a Mosque in Yemen, in 1972” that differ in many parts, with the Holy Qur’an, today.
(Note: The present day Qur’an was standardized by King Farooq of Egypt in 1924 A.D. only.
/That’s why it’s sometimes called as the “Cairo Text”/ Which means to say that many other
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manuscripts before 1924 were “different”. You may see some of them in the Museums of
Istanbul, and other old libraries).
3.) Not only the verses of the Holy Qur’an are not located in the order of their revelation, but
also they are not even related one to another, in most cases, and a big number of them have
been “Repeated” many times over!! And again you ask yourself “why a God whose words are
Endless” (see Holy Qur’an, ch.18/v.109) had to repeat Himself page after page after page? (or
those repetitions are Othman’s fault?)
4.) Many contradictory verses, like the “Creation of the world in six days” just like in the Bible,
and again creation of the earth in two days, etc. are visible in the text, and according to the
Holy Qur’an itself, any contradictions is a “sure sign of them not being the words of God”
(See the Holy Qur’an: 4:82) Like the Bible that says “God created the Sun, the Moon and the
Earth, on the 4th day! How could there be “days” before the creation of the sun?!
5.) Almost all the “Stories of the Prophets” of the Old Testament (the Jewish plagiarism and
their “thievery” from the Harlot of Babylon) are repeated, exactly the same, or with a little bit
of “Cleansing” in the Holy Qur’an, too! (We shall bring some examples, later).
6.) The number of “Surahs”/ Chapters in the Holy Qur’an today, are 114; But some scholars
believe that several chapters were only a continuation of the others (e.g. chapter nine is only a
part of the chapter eight, etc.) So, the number of the Chapters become113 (what a lucky
number!) And if you accept the great Sahaba “Abdullah Bin Mas-ud’s” version, where he
says that the two small Surahs at the end, called “Muaw-wada-tain” are not part of the Holy
Qur’an, at all, then the Chapters become 111 only! And so on. (Remember the Hadith of the
Seven Ahruf/ versions/ or even 67 different “readings” / The Qur’an of San-a/ The Qur’an of
Tash-Kint/ The Qur’an of Top Kopi in the Turkish museum, etc.)
7.) Several chapters of the Holy Qur’an have different titles and names, (e.g. Ch. 1/ Ch. 9/ Ch.
76/ Ch. 103, etc.) which means to say that those could not be a mistake by Allah S.W.T. or
the Jibril A.S. or the Holy Prophet Mohammed A.S. himself, but rather those were
manipulated by others, after him. (i.e. The role of Hajjaj Bin Yusuf, and Caliph Abdul Malik,
and other Arab despots, in the new arrangements of the Holy Qur’an, as well as its
transferring from the “Kufic” alphabet into the present Arabic characters and formats, etc.)

How Did Jews Penetrate and Pollute the “Islamic Texts?”

It’s an open secret that the Jews penetrated the “Muslim Society” in Madinah, as “spies” and they
tried, and often succeeded in “infecting the Islamic Texts, both the Holy Qur’an and the Hadith” in many
ways, and in many days. Some of those Jewish infiltrators (i.e. spies) were also caught, and they were
executed by the Muslim rulers of their time. In the Islamic history, those “infiltrations”(i.e. espionage
activities) are known as the “Israel-iyyat” or “Israilism”. (Note: A Jewish “infiltrator” by the name of
“Mughayra Ben Sa-eed” was caught for the crime of “forgery in the Islamic Texts”, during the Abbasid
Caliphate in 8th century A.D. He confessed that he had forged 100,000 “Hadith” in Islamic Traditions!
(Ref: “Shaikh Mohammad Reza Al-mamaqani”/ “Fawa-id Rijaliyyah”/ p. 64)

Here are a few examples of those “infiltrations”, very briefly:

1) After the Jewish treason against the Islamic Ummah in Madinah, and after they had broken their peace
treaty with the Holy Prophet A.S. by joining the war of “All Parties”/Al-Ahzab/ the Holy Prophet A.S.
fought them in Khaybar, and under the Command of the Champion of Islam, Imam Ali, the Khaybar
was conquered. (After Abu Bakr and Omar failed to conquer it!)

When the Jews were defeated, the Holy Prophet A.S. made peace with them again, and as it was
the tradition of those days, he even married the daughter of the Jewish Chieftain “Hay Bin Ahtab” ( As he
also married the daughter of his defeated enemy “Abu Sufyan”. So, being a wife to the Holy Prophet A.S.
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doesn’t necessarily guarantee holiness, it may even be the mark of hooliganism! In old times, the rulers
used to marry the daughters of their enemies! “You marry your enemy as the saying goes!”)

Therefore, the first Jewish infiltration into the heart of the Islamic Ummah, took place through a
marriage! (Note: Before Islam, 55% of the population of Madinah were made up of the Jews, who
migrated from Judea, waiting for the last Prophet A.S. who was to come from Arabia, as it was
prophesied in their Holy Scriptures, too!)

2) Then came another Jewish woman, whose sons were killed by the Islamic forces, in the battle of
Khaybar. She apparently converted to Islam, then one day she invited the Holy Prophet A.S. to a dinner,
and she poisoned him through the food, that some Muslim historians believe was the cause of the Holy
Prophet’s death, later. (i.e. cancer of throat?)

3) But, the most damaging “infiltrations” by the Jews into the Islamic society took place, after the death
of the Holy Prophet A.S. when all of a sudden “Four top Rabbis” of the Jews, converted to Islam!
(Something like the Anti-Christ, the Jewish Rabbi “Saul” who later became Paul, suddenly converted to
Christianity on the “Road to Damascus” and created a “New” Christianity, altogether!)

Those four “Dangerous Rabbis” (spies), who did the greatest damages to the “Islamic Texts”/both
in the Hadith and also in the Holy Qur’an/ were the following:

1.) “Ka-bul Ahbar” or the “Ka-bah of the Rabbis” or the “Shaikh of Shaikhs”/ something
equivalent to the Christian Pope! / This Jewish Rabbi, Ka-bul Ahbar from Yemen, later on
became the “Spiritual adviser” and “the Bible Teacher” to the second and the third Caliphs of
Islam: Omar and Othman! (And also to Muawia the first “King” in Islam!)
2.) “Abdullah” Ben Salam (Another Snake in the grass)
3.) “Abdullah” Ben Saba (A Satan with a human face) whose original name was “Beh-Zad
Hamedani”, the son of a Persian Satrapi/governor / in Yemen, Circa 630 A.D. He even
became the “Imam” in the Mosque of the Holy Prophet A.S. in Madinah!!!
4.) Abdullah Ben Suria (a Jew, who was the enemy of the Archangel Jibrail!/ See the Holy
Qur’an, Ch. 2 verse 97-98)

Those four“Spies” did the greatest damages to the Islamic Ummah; although there were also
many other Jews inside the Islamic Society, eating it from within, as the rats inside the cargo ships, do.

The number two, three and four i.e. the three Abdullahs, caused many “Divisions” amongst the
Muslims, like the “Sunnis” and “Shi-ahs”/ “Asha-ira” Mu-tazila, Hanafi, Hanbali, Maliki, Sha-fe-iy,
Dhahiri, Maturidi, Sufi, Khawarij or Abaadi (= old Wahhabis) etc.

But the No.1, i.e. “Ka-bul Ahbar” was by far, the most dangerous “spy” who infiltrated the
Islamic Caliphate, during “Caliph Othman”. First of all, he was “the Bible teacher of Omar”! (Note: Omar
was very fond of the stories in the Bible, i.e. King David and Bathsheba, King Solomon and his “Harem”
of 1,000 wives! etc. Even during the life of the Holy Prophet Mohammad A.S. he used to “study Bible”
for which the Holy Prophet A.S. reprimanded him by saying: “Omar! I have brought you the Holy
Qur’an, and you still read the Old Testament?!”/ Ref. Musnad of Imam Hanbal, 3/387, also Ibn Kathir’s
“Al-Bidaya…” 2/133, etc).

After Omar’s death at the hands of a Persian Artisan/ Slave by the name of Abu Lo-lo (i.e. Firuz
Nahavandi) Othman became the 3rd Caliph. During the Caliphate of Othman, he appointed the Jewish
“Ka-bul Ahbar” as the “Chief Justice” of the Islamic State (!) as well as the “right hand of Othman
himself”(He even “advised” Muawia bin Abu Sufyan, the first “King” in Islam!)
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Ka-bul Ahbar,who had just recently “converted” to Islam, suddenly became the most powerful
“Mufti” of Islam, and an “Adviser to Caliph Othman” the collector of the “present day Qur’an”!!! That’s
how he was able to enter all those “Old Testament Stories/ Mythologies of Babylon” into the Holy Book
of Islam, too. And no matter how much “Abu zar”, the great Sahaba of the Holy Prophet A.S. fought
against this Jewish infiltrator (spy), nothing happened, but instead, “Abu zar” the great Sahabi of the
Holy Prophet A.S. was exiled by the “Caliph Othman” first to Syria, and then to “Lebanon” (Where the
“Hezbollah” of today, are his converts/ children!) Finally, Abuzar was exiled again for the “Third time”
to Rabadha, where he died a lonely death! (No thanks to Caliph Othman and his “Jewish Right hand”,
Ka-bul Ahbar, who was now “Shaikhul Islam”, and the “Qadhil Qudhat” or the “Chief Justice” of the
Islamic Caliphate, too!)

How Did the Jewish “Ka-bul Ahbar” Pollute the Qur’an

As we said before, the present version of the Holy Qur’an is the “Collection of the third Khalifah
Othman” (i.e. Othman’s Version!), some 20 years after the Holy Prophet Mohammad A.S.

Actually Othman, first burned all the Holy Qur’an collections by the other Sahaba of the Holy
Prophet A.S. (i.e. Imam Ali, Abdullah bin Mas-ud, Ubey Bin Ka-ab, Abu Musa Ash-ari etc.--- All in all
Six “Collections”/Versions?) and he only offered his own collection/ version, to the Muslims of his time.
(So, the Muslims today have no idea of what was in the other six copies of the Holy Qur’an that were
burned by Caliph Othman!)

Now, considering that “Othman” was never an scholar himself, but a “Businessman” (= Othman
Ghani) and his top adviser and “right hand” and “Shaikhul Islam” (=Shu-Khul Islam?) was a “Top Jewish
Scholar of the Hebrew and Arabic Languages” who was a Mufti of Judaism, Christianity and “Islam”,
too, you could imagine the fundamental role of this “Adviser/Scholar” on the entire “Islamic Caliphate,
the Islamic Texts and especially on the Holy Qur’an, collected by his master, the third Khalifah Othman”
– i.e. The Holy Qur’an of the Othman version, which is being read in the Muslim world today, both by
the Shi-ahs, as well as the Sunnis!

“Ka-bul Ahbar” was familiar, not only with the so-called Abrahamic religions of “Judaism,
Christianity and Islam”, but he was also well versed in the literatures of the Jews and the Arabs; And that
gave him a “Perfect” opportunity of creating some fake verses (with the Qur’anic rhythms!) and giving
them, or better yet “Feeding” them to his “Master Othman” to create a “Collection of the Qur’an, in
Othman’s Version”! ( i.e. The exaggerated stories of the Jewish Prophets in the Bible, which were
repeated almost word for word, in the Holy Qur’an, too!) Ref. “Al-Itqan” the Holy Qur’an commentary,
by the great Sunni Imam Al-Sayuti.

(Note: Actually, Othman created a “group” to collect the Holy Qur’an. But none of the original Sahaba or
the first – hand collectors of the first Qur’an were included in that “committee”! So, Imam Ali, Abdullah
Bin Mas-ud, Ubey Bin Ka-ab, Abu Musa Ash-ari and others were not consulted by Othman! But,
rather the Jewish Ka-abul Ahbar, and a 20-year old boy, called “Zaid Bin Thabit” and the infamous
“Marwan of Bani Umayya” (who was actually cursed by the Holy Prophet himself!) collected this present
day Qur’an, for the Muslims, which is appropriately called “Othman’s Version!” and not “Mohammad’s
Version!” or Jibrail’s version or “Allah’s version!”)

Now, the question is how did this “committee” know exactly where to put a certain verse, out of
the 6,235 verses, some 20 years after the Prophet’s death? Then they must be either “Ma-sum”/ Infallibles
or just imposters, making a poor job out of it! (e.g. Repeating one verse again and again, etc.)
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So, the arrangements of the verses of the Holy Qur’an, today, as well as the arrangements of the
Qur’anic Chapters, are “Arbitrarily” done by Othman and his “Jewish dominated Committee” some 20
years after the Holy Prophet A.S., and not as they were, during the time of the Prophet A.S.

Chapter V

Examples of Jewish Bible in the Holy Qur’an:

It’s so shocking to see the exact words/ Expressions/ Stories of the Jewish Bible are “repeated” in the
Holy Qur’an, too. While many of those stories go against the logic, as well as the basic principles of
Islam and Judaism, as well! Here are a few examples of the “Jewish Bible” in the Holy Qur’an, very

No.1)In the Holy Qur’an, just like in the Jewish Bible, Adam and Eve are projected to be the
“First Human Beings”; And just like in the Jewish Talmud, the Islamic Traditions give the
genealogy of the Holy Prophet Mohammad A.S. and Jesus, up to Adam to be from 9,000 to a
maximum of 10,000 years! Meaning to say that the Human Beings were created some 10,000
years ago (the Jews believe its 7,000 years only!); while the Human Skulls found in Kenya,
Tanzania, Ethiopia and South Africa, are some 2.5 million years old! And some scientists even
say that the early humanoids existed 5-6 million years ago.

Then how could we solve these great contradictions between the scientific evidences viz-
a-viz the “Babylonian – Jewish – Talmudic Traditions”? (Which have entered into the Islamic
texts, too!)

Probably, the best answer so far has come from the former lecturer of the Tehran
University, in Iran, Dr. Yadullah Sahabi, who said:

“Adam was the first “Guro”/Prophet/Khalifah for mankind, and not the first human
being!” (Ref. Dr. Yadullah Sahabi, “Creation of Man” 1970, Tehran, Iran P. 109) This could also
solve the problem of the marriages of Adam’s Children to each other / or to the other pre-existing

(Note: The Jewish Bible says: “Sons of God married the daughters of Man! / Ref. Book of

No.2) The Holy Qur’an says, just like in the Jewish Bible, that God created the universe in six
days. But in another place it contradicts itself by saying that the earth was created in two days
(Holy Qur’an 7/54 & 41/verse.9). How could Allah S.W.T. contradict Himself, except in the
Jewish mythology? (Six days vs. two days? / Ref. Holy Qur’an 41/9)

No.3) The Holy Qur’an, just like in the Jewish Bible, talks about the “Great Kingdoms of the
Prophet David and Palaces of the Prophet Solomon”, too. (See Holy Qur’an, Ch.34/V. 12-13)Yet,
there is not even a “Single evidence” to prove the existence of such great kingdoms, at all! While
the Romans, the Greeks, the Egyptians, the Babylonians, and the Persians have left the traces of
their own great empires.

No.4) The Holy Qur’an, just like the Bible, talks about the “Shooting stars” that shoot down the
“spying spirits” from reaching the “Information room” in Heaven. (A CIA scenario or the “cloak-
and dagger?”) Ref. Holy Qur’an 15/16-18.
(Note: The shooting stars come from outside the earth into the earth’s atmosphere non-stop by the
millions, day and night!)
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No.5) The Holy Qur’an, just like the Bible says: “The number of the months with Allah have
always been 12, since the creation of the heaven and the earth, four of them are the Haram/
“peace months” Ref. Holy Qur’an: 9/36
a) Well, the months are 12 only in the planet earth! Not on the planet Mars, where every
month is as long as one year, and in some planets, one month is 1,000,000 years or
more. (In other galaxies there have never been any day or night or weeks or months
at all!!)
b) The “Four months of peace” or “Haram” were agreed upon by the “warring Arab
Tribes” long before Islam, and billions of years after the creation of the universe or
the mankind.
No.6) The Holy Qur’an, just like in the Jewish Bible, talks about King David’s many wives and
even his plan to “Covet” his own younger brother’s wife, too! (or the neighbor’s wife!)??? Ref.
Holy Qur’an, Ch. 38: V. 24. (see the Holy Qur’an commentaries, for details of that “Dirty story”)
But, that’s not the “Holy Prophet that we believe in. At least not in the three major
“Abrahamic” religions, who are so proud to be “Monotheistic”, too. Not even the pagan people
do such dirty things. Wake up you stupid “Believers” wake up! Enough is enough!

No.7) The Holy Qur’an, just like the Jewish Bible, calls the Jews a “Chosen People”! Another
Jewish Myth. (See The Holy Qur’an 2:122 also in 45:16 and 2:47 and 44:32) You mean to say
that the Jews, the killers of thousands of Prophets and the Holy Men, those bastard, money-
lending, usurious bankers, lying, cheating, racist, heartless sex traffickers, Porn masters, white-
slavery gangs, the atheist-communist (Marx-Lenin-Trotsky) the occupiers, murderous “tribal”
folks, who call all of mankind as “Goyim” (i.e. cows/ cattles/ animals) are still the “Chosen
People”? No wonder they don’t allow anybody to convert to Judaism, and they consider even the
heaven as their own monopoly!! However, in another part of the Holy Qur’an, Allah S.W.T.
denies the Jewish myth of being the “Chosen People” (Holy Qur’an, Ch.62/V.6) and it says that
they have been disobedient to Allah, and they are “to suffer and to be tormented”! (Holy Qur’an:
2/61 and also 62/6). Even in the Bible, God curses the Jews many times for their hypocrisy,
disobedience, prostituting themselves to other gods (70 gods and goddesses! / Ref. Deuteronomy:
32) and being unfaithful! (See the Old Testament Book of Judges and also Book of Revelations
2: 9, etc.)

No.8) The Holy Qur’an, just like in the Jewish Bible, says that the “Prophet Solomon” had
“Statues” in his palaces that were being built by the “Jinns”/ the underworld / Bad Spirits! (What
kind of a man of God does those satanic acts, i.e. creating “statues” / Images, and working with
the Mafia?!) Ref. Holy Qur’an, ch. 34/ v.12-13. The Bible even goes so far as to accusing the
Holy Prophet Solomon of worshipping those “idols”!! (Ref. Old Testament / I Kings 11: 1-8 also
I Samuel 19, etc)

No.9) Again, regarding the Prophet Solomon, the Holy Qur’an says: “We, testing Solomon, threw
a dead body on his thrown (= A dead baby?) so, he repented” (and got his lost Kingdom back,
again!) See the Holy Qur’an, ch. 38, v. 34 (Also the commentary of the Sunni Imam Tabari) This
strange story looks more like the Jewish Old Testament, and a page from the Arabian Nights (i.e.
Persian/ Babylonian legends) rather than a Holy Book from Allah s.w.t.

No.10) The Holy Qur’an, just like in the Jewish Bible, says that King Solomon was very proud of
his Kingdom, and he even prayed to Allah S.W.T. saying: “Please give me a Kingdom that no
one else has ever had, nor anyone after me will ever have!” (What kind of a selfish person /
Prophet / Megalo-maniac speaks like that?) Holy Qur’an, Ch. 38/V. 35 (Now, tell me where is the
evidence of that “Great Kingdom of Solomon?” Was it greater than the Empire of Cyrus the
Great of Persian or even Alexander the great, some 200 years after Cyrus?)
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No.11) The Holy Qur’an says that one day Prophet Solomon was playing with his own beautiful
horses/ touching their “Necks and legs until the sunset”; and he even “forgot to pray to God!”
(What kind of a Prophet gives more priority to his sexy horses than to his God!?) See the Holy
Qur’an, ch.38 / v.32

No.12) The Holy Qur’an says that “King / Prophet Solomon died while he was supervising the
“Genies” who were constructing his palaces (What palace? Where are they? Show us even one
column, just like the Egyptians the Romans, the Greeks or the Persians!)

Then it goes on to say that: “Solomon died in a sitting position, but the “Genies” did not
know that he was dead, and they continued working for him, until a “Termite” ate into the King
Solomon’s cane, and he dropped dead! Then the Genies realized that they have been fooled (by
whom? by Solomon or by Allah?) and they have been working needlessly!” Ref. Holy Qur’an

Now, here are some very important questions to answer:

1.) Why God or his Prophets “Fool” anybody, the Jinns included!
2.) How long will it take for a “Termite” to eat the cane of a King?! One month? One
year? Ten years?

Are you telling me that the King of a great Kingdom, who in every minute of his life has
to deal with thousands of people, did not communicate with anyone, that long? His bodyguards
did not wake him up for “Food”/ urinating / not even for his “Daily prayers”/ A Prophet of God,
who doesn’t even pray??? His many children, his many wives, his brothers and sisters did not
miss him, at all? For that long?! (Since when, being “religious” meant being stupid and blind,

No.13) The Holy Qur’an, just like the Jewish Bible, talks about “Qaroon” the nemesis of Moses
A.S. being so rich that “The keys of his treasures needed many people to carry!” (i.e. 70 mules
just to carry the keys?!) Ref. Holy Qur’an, Ch. 28, V. 76. (See The Persian Imam Tabari’s
Commentary of the Holy Qur’an).

Not even “Ali Baba” treasures, in the Arabian Nights (= Persian Legends) were written
like that! But the Jewish Talmud and the Old Testament are full of such mythologies stolen from
the Babylonian legends. And unfortunately those “Myths” have entered into the Islamic Hadith
and into the Holy Qur’an (Othman version!), too!

No.14) Earlier, the Holy Qur’an tells us how the Holy Prophet Yusof A.S. planted a “false
evidence” in his own brother’s baggage, and then he accused him of stealing the “King’s Cup”,
and holding his own brother hostage, as a “Criminal”! (Something like what the CIA, and the FBI
do?) see the Holy Qur’an, Chapter 12, Verse 76. (A Prophet of God telling a “Lie”? Accusing an
innocent man, or several innocent children of another Holy Prophet of “Thievery”? And he is the
Prime Minister of a Kingdom? /Add to this the story of Prophet Abraham A.S. telling several
“Lies” like “The sun is my god!” The moon is my god!” “I am sick!” “This woman is my
sister!”etc. etc.). Ref. Jewish Bible, Book of Genesis and the Muslim Books of Hadith like “Sahih
Bukhari” and others.

No.15) Five times in the Holy Qur’an, and many times in the Islamic prayers, the “Jewish” word
“Eluhim” meaning “Plural gods” has been repeated, as “Allahumma!” i.e. “O’Allahs”! How
could the two so-called “Mono-theistic” religions call on “Eluhim”/gods? (Just like “Theos” in
Greek, Deus in Latin, Dios in Spanish, “Joss” in Javanese, which are all plural, too, meaning
“The multiple gods”!) See The Holy Qur’an (3:26) / Note: The Jewish Bible speaks of 71 gods
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and goddesses! The “El-Elyon” i.e. the most High god “The Father”/ like the Greek “Father of
gods”/ and 70 of his children who are gods of 70 nations! Jehovah being one of the “70” god-
Childs who is “Exclusively god of the Jews, not of the Gentiles or the “Goyim” i.e. the “cows”!
(Ref. Old Testament Book of Genesis /Also in Deuteronomy: 32)

No.16) The Holy Qur’an says: Abraham (=the father of faith?) joined the unbelievers (i.e. Sun
worshippers /the Babylonian and the Persian Magis/ “Mithra” devotees!) and when they said: The
Sun is our god! He also shouted: “That’s my God!” And when he saw the “Sabeians” (i.e. the
Mandaies) worshipping the moon, he also said: “That’s my God!” etc. (Ref. Holy Qur’an
ch.6/verses 76-78)

Now, the question is:

1.) Was Ibrahim truly worshipping the “Sun and the Moon?” or was he a “Liar”?
2.) Was he just a “Pretender” to help others see the truth? (Teaching the Truth, by
falsehood? By a good Prophet? The end justifies the means?)
3.) None of the above, but that he was just playing with his own faith and the faith of the

No matter what the answer, still such a person (As described) won’t qualify for being
called the “Father of Faith or a great Prophet!” who wants to teach mankind the “Truth! And
nothing but the Truth!” ( No wonder why the Sunni Muslim Imam Bukhari also accuses the Holy
Prophet Ibrahim A.S. of telling lies, three times, in his life!/ See “Sahih Bukhari” / vol. 3/ Hadith

No.17) A few verses later, the Holy Qur’an says: “When the people of “Ur” (i.e. Ur/ Urok /Iraq /
Babylon) were going out of town for a “ Religious festival” (=Yasna /Yasin /Jashin in Persian)
Abraham said: “I am sick!” (Another lie?) and he stayed behind, and then he went to the
“Babylonian Temple, and he beheaded all their idols, with an axe, except the big one!” (Just like
what the ISIS were doing in the museum of Mosul in 2015???) When Ibrahim was arrested and
he was questioned about those destructions, he replied: “Maybe the biggest god has done it to the
small gods, you better question him!”

Again, here the “father of faith” is lying and cheating, by 1) Saying that I am sick, just to
stay behind and to destroy the idols of the Temple? (i.e. the end justifies the means, as the
communist “saboteurs” also believe!) And 2) While he “Kills” all the idol gods, yet he leaves the
biggest one “Alive”/ untouched! This father of faith even becomes funny by 3) Telling another
“White Lie” i.e. “Maybe the biggest god did it”!

No.18) The Holy Qur’an, just like the Old Testament says that: “Prophet Solaiman A.S. forced
the Bad spirits/ Genies to work for him, in building his Palaces and Temples and statues/
“Idols!”!” (Just like the Pharaoh of Egypt building the Pyramids and Sphinx, with forced labor?
American slavery? or Stalin’s Gulag and Mao Tse-Tong’s concentration camps? Or Polpot of
Cmpuchea’s death camps?/Another Jewish story, like the Arabian Nights/ Persian stories?) Ref.
Holy Qur’an Ch. 3/ verse 13.

No. 19) Just like in the Jewish Bible, in the Holy Qur’an there are many contradictory statements
about the “creation of man” (something that is impossible from Allah S.W.T. and the Holy
Prophet Mohammad A.S.) which proves definitely that the “Qur’an collected by Othman, some
20 years after the Holy Prophet A.S., and burning the six other copies of the Holy Qur’an, are all
parts of a conspiracy, i.e. a “Jewish pollution”, in the present day Qur’an. Now here are, very
briefly, some more contradictory verses, in the Holy Qur’an, about the Human creation:
41|P a g e 41

a) We created man from “salsal” (Dry Soil) from “Hama” (Black Soil) and “Masnun”
(wet soil) and the “Jin” before (man) from the killing fire!” H. Q. 15/ V. 26-27
b) “We created man from sperm and egg mixture” H. Q. 37/11
c) “We created you from soil” H. Q. 22/5
d) “We created them (men) from sticky soil” H. Q. 37/11
e) “He (Allah) created, from the water/fluid, the mankind, and made them families” H.
Q. 25/54
f) “He (Allah) created all of you from one person” H.Q. 4/1
g) “We created you from a male and a female” H.Q. 49/13
h) “He created you from one person, and created from him, his partner (wife)” H.Q.
i) “He created you from (dry) soil” H.Q. 30/20
j) “He created you from (wet) soil” H.Q. 6/2
k) “Did we not create you from “slow/weak water/ sperm?” H. Q. 77/20
l) “He (Allah) created man from clot of Blood” H. Q. 96/2
m) “Your creation and resurrection is just like one (Human Being)” H. Q. 31/2

Regarding the creation of Heavens, there are several contradictory statements, too;For

a) “We created seven heavens, one above the other / seven storeys” H. Q. 67/3 and
b) “We created above you seven “Hi-ways” H. Q. 23/17
c) “We created the heavens and earth in six days” H. Q. 57/4
d) “He created the earth in two days” H.Q. 41/9

No. 20) The Holy Qur’an, just like the Old Testament, praises Jacob, as a great Prophet, and the
father of the 12 tribes of the Israilites. Yet, just like the Bible, the Holy Qur’an also insults him by
giving him the two most shameful names in the history of mankind, i.e.:
1) Ya-qub (A cheat, deceiver, swindler!)
2) Israel (God-fighter! /A man who defeated god!)
(Ref. Encyclopedia Judaica, vol. 11, Jew )
(Note: The Old Testament says that Jacob deceived his own brother Essau, and stole his
birth right! He also fooled his own father Isaac! He had two wives and still he took two “girl
friends”, etc. etc. /Ref. Bible /Book of Genesis). According to the Jewish Bible, Jacob’s “father-
in-law” fooled him, by giving him the “wrong daughter”/ Lea instead of Rachel!/ So, Jacob also
“fooled” his father –in-law, by marrying his two daughters at the same time!/ which is illegal
under the Jewish Law/ Deuteronomy/ Not only that, Jacob had sex with the “Bound-maids” of his
own two wives, too! And he created the 12 Bastard holy tribes of Israel!
No. 21) The Holy Qur’an says, just like the Bible, that: “God gave the law to Moses!” While
everybody knows that long before Moses, the ancient Persian King “Hushang” created the first
laws, (i.e. Pish-dadian) and after him, was“Ha-murabi” the “Teacher/Ruler” of Babylon, who
created the 300 rulers/code of Hamurabi, in Babylon (Iran-Iraq of today) Ref. “World History” P.

No. 22) The Holy Qur’an, just like the Bible, says we “Melted Iron for Prophet David” (Ref.
Holy Qur’an Ch. 37 V. 10.) While everybody knows that long before King David, the Persians
and the Sumerians, of the “cradle of civilization” (Today’s Iraq, Iran and Turkey) had already
discovered “Metals” and before that, they had even discovered the fire, to melt them, as well as
the “Wheel” and then the “Persian Wheel” also. (The Bible / Old Testament / says: Cain was the
first “metal worker!” / Ref. The Book of Genesis).
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No. 23) Earlier, the Holy Qur’an, praises King David even higher than the Holy Prophet
Mohammad A.S. by saying:

“We told the mountains to “cooperate” with David /obey him?/ and the birds, too!” Holy
Qur’an 37/10

How come this honor was not given to the Holy Prophet of Islam, who is the “Imam of
All the Prophets?!” (Another Jewish-Othman attempt to use the Biblical fictions, in order to put
down the Prophet of Islam? And Islam itself, by extension?)

No. 24) The Holy Qur’an repeats the story of the Old Testament that: “God told Abraham in a
dream, to kill his own first born son, for God!!!” (As the Jews used to sacrifice their first born
children for their god “Molock”, by burning their children alive, and then eating their flesh - - the
Cannibalism, Jewish Style!)

Here are a few questions, that I want to ask some 3,000,000,000 foolish Muslims,
Christians and the Jews, who still believe in that story, after 5,000 years of falsehood:

1) How could God the Merciful, order (in a dream?) the “Beheading of an innocent
boy”?! (Except if that god is the Jewish god of “Molock” or the cruel Pharaoh, or
Nimrud, or Shad-dad or Herod or ISIS/ISIL/Daesh or any other blood thirsty
“monster”. But the Allah of Islam says: “Allah, surely, will never order immoral and
sinful practices! / Allah will never abuse His people!”/ Ref. Holy Qur’an 7:28).
Everybody knows that the killing of an innocent person is wrong, under any
circumstances, especially killing a child, in the hands of his own father! A Prophet??
(through a dream!).
2) Was God really serious in that “Child sacrifice” or human sacrifice, (which was an
ancient Jewish pagan practice!) or was He just “playing a game”, in a dream (?) with
Abraham and His son (Ismael or Isaac, depending on which “Believer” you talked to,
3) Is the “Child sacrifice”/ Human sacrifice still valid in the Abrahamic religions (As
the father of one young boy did in Karachi, Pakistan, in 1971)? And if not, then in
which verse of the Holy Qur’an, or the Bible it says that it was “Abrogated”, and why
is God changing his mind?! While the Holy Qur’an clearly states that “Allah’s style
will never change!” (Ref. Holy Qur’an, ch. 33/v. 62.)
4.) The Holy Qur’an says that the Holy Prophet Mohammad A.S. is the follower of the
“Tradition of your father, Abraham” (H.Q. 22/78) then why did he not also sacrifice
his own sons, as did Abraham? (Except probably the story of the Martyrs in
Karbala, which is, another matter, altogether! See. Dr. Mohammad Iqbal of
5.) Finally, why does Abraham receive the news of that son’s birth from an Angel, face
to face, but the order to sacrifice the same son, not from the angel, but through a
dream? No more Angelic contacts? (very fishy indeed!)

The truth is that the entire story of “Fathers sacrificing their children for god or gods” is
as old as the “Greek Mythology”! Long before even Abraham was born in Babylonia/ Iraq/ and
long before Abraham went to Palestine, and long before he got a “Son” and long before he saw a
dream to “sacrifice him for Allah”! (Note: The archeologists, recently discovered 300 children
sacrificed for “gods” in Peru, 1,500 years ago!” / Ref. National Geographic/ “The Philippine
Star”/ Apr. 29/2018/P. 16).
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In fact, most of the other stories of the Bible, like “Noah’s Flood” King David, King
Solomon, Moses in a “Basket” etc. are found in the Babylonian Mytholgies, too! (Ref. “World
History” p.80)

No. 25) The Holy Qur’an, just like the Old Testament, “Praises” a pagan King, as “our servant”
who was sent by Allah s.w.t. to punish the “Gog and Magog” (= Majus/Magi, the Caucasian
mountain barbarians). He is also known as “Zul Qarnayn” a man of two horns (Alexander the
Great or better yet, the King Darius of Persia /Ref. 1) A. Yusof Ali/ Holy Qur’an commentary /P.
761/ 2) Also “Abul KAlam Azad, the Education Minister of India/ 1950/ Also 3) Iranian
Philosopher-Jurist Allaamah M.H. Tabatai, in his monumental commentary of the Holy Qur’an,
called “Al-Mizan” 4) Abul A-la Mandudi of Pakistan 5) Dr. Israr Ahmad of Pakistan 6) Sir
Sayyid Ahmad Khan of India, and others).
Then, just like the Bible, the Holy Qur’an says: “He reached the end of the earth, where
he found the sun setting in a muddy lake” Holy Qur’an: Ch. 18/Verse 86

No. 26) The Holy Qur’an, just like the Bible, says: “Allah talked to Moses face – to – face!” (Ref.
Holy Qur’an ch. 4/v. 164)
In another verse it says: “Allah talked to Moses from the “Burning Bush Fire” (Ref.
27/8). So was Moses really worshipping that “Fire” (as the Arabs call the Persian/Zoroastrians/
who keep the fire as a symbol of Abraham’s fire and Moses’s fire) or was he really worshipping
the true God, through that fire? (Just like the Muslims who worship Allah, through “Qibla”/ Ka-
bah, in Saudi Arabia! / Tawas-sul?!)
But Allah (S.W.T.) sent only His Angel Jibril to bring His Messages to the Holy Prophet
Mohammad A.S. So, it means that Prophet Moses was closer to God Almighty than the Prophet
Mohammad A.S. (An attempt by Ka-bul Ahbar the Jewish teacher of Othman, to show that
Moses was actually higher than the Islam’s Prophet?)

No. 27) The Holy Qur’an says that “Allah took Ibrahim as His own bosom friend /Khalil Allah/
but Prophet Mohammad A.S. was only a Messenger of Allah!
(Again the Jewish Rabbi of Othman, wants to put the Prophet Mohammad lower than the
“Father of the Jews, Abraham”?)
No. 28) The Holy Qur’an, just like the Old Testament says that “Allah destroyed the entire
humanity and the entire animal kingdom, just for the sins of an small Middle Eastern Semitic
tribe! - - the insignificant unbelieving tribe of Noah??? (what was the sin of the other nations or
animals around the world?/ Is that the Justice of All Just Allah? Or is it the same “flood story of
the Greek gods” that the Jews stole and copied in their “Holy Bible”/ the Book of Genesis?!)

No. 29) The Holy Qur’an itself says: “Do they not think about this Qur’an, that if it were not from
Allah, they would have surely found in it many inconsistencies!” Holy Qur’an: Ch. 4/V.82

Now, here are some more examples of those inconsistencies, just to prove that the present
Qur’an (i.e. Othman Version) contains many Jewish infiltrations, too:

a) While in many verses of the Holy Qur’an it’s stated that: “There is no compulsion in
Religion” (Holy Qur’an:ch.2, verse 256) yet, in many others it also says: “Fight /kill
those who don’t believe!” /Holy Qur’an:9/29. (Note: The Old Testament Bible also
orders the “Mass Murder” of those who worship any other god, except Yahweh!” /
Ref. Exodus / 22:20 also Deuteronomy 30, etc.).
b) “Tell the unbelivers… Your religion is yours and my religion mine!”. Holy Qur’an:
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c) “Fight the Idol worshippers a total war, as they fight you atotal war” Holy Qur’an:

For more evidences, just look at the following verses, and compare them with the
verses that were mentioned above:

d) “Whatever good happens to you, is surely from Allah, and whatever bad happens, is
because of yourself” /Ref. Holy Qur’an, Ch. 4 / v. 79
e) “Tell them everything (blessings and calamities) comes from Allah” Holy Qur’an,
Ch. 4 / v. 78 (i.e. All the good and evil is the Will of Allah (???) as the Wahhabis and
some Sunnis believe!) Then, what is the justification for the Hell and Heaven if the
people have no choices?
f) “When Allah brings you a harm, no one can help you, except Him!” /Ref. Holy
Qur’an Ch. 6 v. 17
g) “We have explained everything completely, in the Book” /Ref. Holy Qur’an, Ch. 17/
v.12 (Yet, many things are not in the Holy Qur’an, and that has created 73 plus
different sects in Islam). Where in the Qur’an it says “The morning Prayer is two
Rak-at?” or “How to perform other prayers” etc. etc.
h) “(O’ Prophet) we have not sent you as their “guardian”! /Ref. Holy Qur’an, Ch. 4/ v.
83, etc. (Yet, we see that the Holy Prophet A.S. establishes the Government of Islam,
implementing punishments for the law breakers, and he even wages wars against the
cruel Arabian tribes, etc.)
i) “There is no nation that did not have a “Warner” (=Prophet?). Then how come almost
all the Prophets are from the Israelites, and also four of them from the Arabs! Who
are the Prophets of Europe, China, India, Persia, Turkey, Latin America, etc.?(See the
Holy Qur’an: 35/24)
j) “(O’ Mohammad!) You are only a “warner”, but for every people there is a “guide”
(too) /Ref. Holy Qur’an, Ch. 13, v.7 (who is that guide, today?)
k) “No one can change His Words” /Ref. Holy Qur’an 18:27. Then the Holy Qur’an
again says that “They (Jewish Rabbis) changed the words to other meanings.”(Holy
Qur’an 33:53) The Old and the New Testaments are full of those forgeries and lies!
And then, the Caliph Othman had to burn six copies of the Holy Qur’an also, just
because they were “different”/ changed/ forged? Otherwise, why burn the true words
of Allah by a Muslim Caliph?
l) In one place in the Holy Qur’an, Allah describes the Holy Prophet Mohammad A.S.
as “Having the great morality and ethics” (Ref. Holy Qur’an, Ch. 6/ v. 4) yet, in
another chapter He scolds him for “Frowning and turning his face away from a blind
poor man” in order to pay attention to a “Rich guest!” (Actually, the story is not
about the Holy Prophet A.S. but one of his visitors) see the Holy Qur’an
commentaries on verse 1-2 of chapter 80. Or again the Holy Qur’an states that the
Holy Prophet A.S. was interested in his own daughter-in-law, that he ended up
marrying, later! (H. Q. 33/37) As did Prophet David marry the wife of Uriah, in the
Old Testament!
m) The Holy Qur’an states that: “The Jews said “Ozairus” is the son of God!” (Ref. Holy
Qur’an, Ch. 9/ v. 30)
But a Muslim scholar, named “Ibn Taymiyya” (the Kurdish-Persian grandfather
of Wahhabism)has contradicted that statement of the Holy Qur’an, by saying “Not
all the Jews, only a certain rabbi and a small group of the Jews have said that”. (Ref.
“Fahmul Qur’an” by Ibn Taymiyya /P. 88.
And then Shaikh Ibn Abdul Wahhab (the father of Wahhabism) adds “An insult
to an injury” by claiming that in “Sunni beliefs”, “Allah has a body” /walking in
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Heaven / Jogging/ Laughing / sitting on a throne of gold / looking like a “handsome

boy” are all true(!!!), and the Holy Prophet Mohammad A.S. learned those things
from “A Jewish Rabbi” Ref. “Aqidah” by Shaikh Ibn Abdul Wahhab / p. 280.
(Note: The Sunni Muslims’ beliefs in Allah’s Body, etc. are also mentioned in
“Sahih Bukhari” vol. 9/ 156-9).
n) Allah, in the Holy Qur’an (Just like in the Jewish Bible/ Jeremiah, Ch. 27/ V.6) calls
the pagan Babylonian King Nebuched-Nessor as “Our powerful servant, whom we
sent to destroy the Israelites!” (see the Holy Qur’an/ch. 17 v. 5). How could
Nabuched-Nessor the pagan, be called a “Servant of Allah” and he be sent by God
for the barbaric mission of massacre, plunder, rape and slavery of an entire people?
(or Cyrus the Great of Persia, whom the Bible calls the “Servant of God”/ and the
Jews call him “The True Messiah” while Jesus was called a “Failure”!)
o) In the Holy Qur’an, Allah mentions about “Maqam Ibrahim” in Ka-bah, and that
Abraham and Ismail re-built the Ka-bah, etc. But, there is not any historical evidence
of Prophet Ibrahim A.S. ever travelling to Arabia, much less building the Ka-bah,
with his son Ismail A.S.(Ref. Holy Qur’an, ch. 2 v. 125 ) Is it possible that this
“Ibrahim” is different from that Abraham of the Jews? (Ref. Dr. Taha Husain of
p) Allah s. w. t. in the Holy Qur’an says that: “There is no blame on the blind nor any
blame on the lame, nor any blame on the sick, nor on yourselves…… if you eat in
your homes (???) or in the houses of your fathers (???) or in the houses of your
mothers (???) or in the houses of your brothers (???) or in the houses of your sisters
(???) or in the houses of your father’s brothers (???) or in the houses of your mother’s
brothers (???) or in the houses of which the keys are in your possession (???) or in the
houses of your friends (???) there is no sin committed, if you eat together or you eat
separately (???) “Ref. Holy Qur’an 24:61 (Some people say that these verses were
revealed to remove some Arab superstitions regarding eating in certain places! But
definitely this verse has some “Beginning and the ending missing” and it goes against
the common sense to tell the believers that there is “No problem if you eat in your
own houses!” (And the blind and the lame or the sick to eat? etc.)
q) The Holy Qur’an, just like the Bible, says that “The Jews were wandering in the Sinai
desert for 40 years!” (and nobody even noticed that the journey from Egypt to the
Promised Land takes one week only!) And all those years,Allah was sending them
“Manna”/ Food from heaven/like fried chicken/ Quvails, water and bread, etc.
everyday! (How many trucks of food are needed to feed 2,000,000 people, three
times a day, for 40 years? Even the sun cannot penetrate, if that much food and water
were to fall from heaven!) Yet, we can see that when the Holy Prophet Mohammad
A.S. and his sincere followers were suffering hunger for three years, in the “Abu
Talib Valley” /Desert/ the same Allah did not send them food, even once! Is that
logical??? The mischievous Jews (the cow worshippers and the baby killers!) were
more “special” to Allah s.w.t. (chosen people?) than the greatest Prophet, and the best
of mankind?!(Another Jewish Bible Mythology, entering into the Holy Qur’an, just
to insult Islam and the Holy Prophet A.S.?)
r) In the Holy Qur’an, just like in the Old Testament, the Prophet Moses A.S. asks
Allah S.W.T.: “My Lord! Show thyself to me!” (Holy Qur’an: 7:143)
What?! A Prophet of God is asking Him that which even an Atheist does not
dare to? Then, in the Qur’anic Commentaries, the Muslim scholars tell us: “Ayisha
said: It’s a mistake to mention that Prophet A.S. saw Allah s.w.t. twice! Once
physically, and second time in his heart!” (And Sunni Imam Hanbal claims that he
saw “Allah in my dreams 99 times!” and Sunni Imam, Persian Abu Hanifah, saw
Allah in his dreams 100 times! etc.) Which is the true Islam, now?
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s) Again in the Holy Qur’an Allah s.w.t. says: “Moses! You shall never see Me!” (Holy
Qur’an: 7:143)
Then in another chapter it says: “On that Day/ of Judgment/ some faces will
shine, and they will be looking at their Lord!” (Holy Qur’an, 76:22-23)
t) Allah S.W.T. in the Holy Qur’an, tells the Holy Prophet a.s. “We shall repeat (the
Holy Qur’an) to you, so that you won’t forget it! Except those (parts) which Allah
wants (to be forgotten!) /Ref. Holy Qur’an, 87:6-7. (i.e. Abrogated rules?)
u) The Holy Qur’an says: “The stars are for the decoration of the skies, and as a
protection against the mischievous devils, that want to “spy” on the Heavens, and
they will be “hit by the missiles of the shooting stars!” (Ref. Holy Qur’an, 37:6-10)
These verses are more like the Jewish Bible stories rather than any scientific or
logical statement, and they need a lot of explanations, for which there is no time and
space in this booklet. (see Bible/ Book of Genesis about the “Angels with swords
protecting the garden of Eden from the Devil Army” etc.)
v) Some other examples of the inconsistencies (Just as in the Old Testament) are those
stories in the Holy Qur’an, regarding the “rumors” accusing the Holy Prophet
Mohammad A.S. and some of his wives of the “Immoral /Sensual” behaviors (that
lead the British Indian Muslim author “Salman Rushdie” to write his notorious book
“The Satanic Verses” (= Gharaniq?) and the subsequent fatwa of the late Ayatullah
Khomeini of Iran, in 1989, to kill the “Apostate Salman Rushdie”).

Here, in brief, are a few examples of those “alleged immoralities” that were
committed by the Holy Prophet A.S. and one of his wives /Ayisha/ from the Holy

1.) Ayisha was rumored to have had illicit relationship wih “Safwan” her “Camel
driver /boy” in the verse of the Holy Qur’an, (ch.24/v.11) which was denied by the
Revelation. (Note: Three Sahaba of the Holy Prophet A.S. accusing his wife of
adultery and other immoralities? So, who were the liars? Those three Sahaba, or that
wife? The Wahhabis believe that all of them were righteous, both the accusers and
the acused!) It’s very interesting to know that one of those people who accused
“Ayisha” of adultery was “Hisan Ben Thabit”, the personal poet and a close friend of
the Holy Prophet A.S.!
2.) Ayisha, the youngest wife of the Holy Prophet A.S. could not have a child, so she
accused another wife of the Holy Prophet a.s. called lady “Maria Qibtiyya” of being
impregnated by an slave man; meaning to say that one of the sons of the Prophet
Mohammad A.S. called “Ibrahim” was not the “True son of the Holy Prophet A.S.!
(Ref. Holy Qur’an, 24:4)
3.) Ayisha, again claimed that there were some verses in the Holy Qur’an, “Allowing a
woman, to breastfeed the adult men” to make them “Mahram!”(Ayisha and her
sisters and nieces used to breastfeed the young men of Quraish. See the Sunni books
of Hadith/ Ref. 1) “Sahih Bukhari,” Hadith No. 2504/ Ref.2) “Sahih Muslim”
vol.3/Hadith 3421-26”/ Ref.3) “Sunan Abu Dawoud”vol.11/Hadith No. 2056”/Ref. 4)
“Sunan Tirmizi” Hadith No. 944”/ Ref.5) “Musnad of Imam Ahmad Hanbal” vol. 6/
p. 269, etc.

Ayisha, even claimed that those verses regarding the “Islamic adult breast
feeding” were in her copy of the Collection of the Holy Qur’an(= Mus-haf Ayisha) but
they were later eaten by a hungry goat, when she was not at home! (So, the Holy Qur’an
that we have today is “incomplete” according to this wife of the Holy Prophet, himself!).
Ref. 1) Musnad Imam Ahmad Hanbal vol. 6 /p. 269; Ref. 2) Sahih Muslim , vol. 4, P.
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167, etc. (So, Ayisha claimed that the Holy Qur’an has been “changed”? was she a “Shia-
ah” too?!)

Regarding Ayisha’s claims of the “Verses on adult Breast-feeding” some

interesting questions are: 1) Why she who claimed to be the “Mother of the Believers”
(Holy Qur’an: 33/6) still needed to breast-feed her “Adult Children” to be “Their mother
again”? 2) Why she had to keep “Hijab” from her “children”? Any mother-child “Hijab”
in Islam? and 3) How did she “Breast-feed” while she was never pregnant, in order to
have “Milk?” 4) And what kind of Islam is it that allows the practice of “Adult-Breast
feeding” in the first place? (only the Wahhabi, and Bani Umayya Islam!)

Not only that, the Sunni books of Hadith say: “Ayisha, the youngest widow of
the Holy Prophet A.S. used to teach the men how to wash, after sex!/ Ghusl Jinabah!/ in
her own bathroom! (In the house of the Holy Prophet???) Ref. “Sahih Bukhari, and other
Sunni books of Hadith, like “Sahih Muslim”, Book of Hadith / Menses Chapter, Hadith
320, etc.

4.) According to the “Othman’s version” of the Holy Qur’an, the Holy Prophet
Mohammad A.S. was sensually interested in the “Wife of his own step-son, Zaid!”
This, despite the Holy Prophet having 16 wives of his own (or just 9) and the
possibility for him to marry any girl in Arabia, of those days!

Here is the “Othman”/ Jewish/ Version of that story, in the present day Qur’an,
(ch.33/v. 37.) as follows:

The Holy Prophet Mohammad A.S. told his adopted son Zaid: “Keep your wife
(Zainab) and don’t divorce her, but he was hiding inside himself a “desire” for her! And
when his adopted son divorced his own wife, the Holy Prophet A.S. married her”! (For
the full story, you may see “The Sunni Imam Tabari’s” Tafseer Al-Qur’an)

There are many other controversial verses in the Holy Qur’an, of the “Othman
version”, but even one verse is one too many in a Book of God, which is supposed to be
perfect! (Ref. Holy Qur’an: 41/42)

5.) “We prescribed for them (the Jews) the law of retaliation - - A person for a person, an
eye for an eye, a nose for a nose, a tooth for a tooth, and the wounds to be
retaliated...”/Ref. Holy Qur’an: 5/45 (Just like in the Old Testament Books
Deuteronomy and Leviticus 35:10)

But the next verse is very problematic, that even the Muslim Scholars have
avoided to explain: “O’ Believers! We made the law for you regarding murder – A
free man for a free man (death), a slave for a slave, a woman for a woman…” ???
Holy Qur’an: 2/178

So, what will happen if a “Free man kills an slave or a woman? Or vice
versa?”, That is against the principles of fairness in any law, only the “Jewish Tribal
rules that is based on discrimination and “apartheid”, can create such unfair laws!

Even the Hamurabi laws of the ancient Babylon/ Magis of Persia/ are more
equitable and fair, than this Qur’anic (=Jeudaic) law. It’s also possible that this refers
to the “Old tribal Vengens” vs. other tribes, as a whole, which is beyond our topic,
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No. 30)The Holy Qur’an (Just like the Jewish Bible, and even before them, the “Zoroasterian
stories about “Arta Viraf” /Ref. “The Persian Names”/ India/ p. 44) mentions the “Isra wal Mi-
raj” or the night journey of the Holy Prophet A.S. to Heavens. There are many “unbelievable
statements in the Holy Qur’an and the Hadith, about what happened in that trip to heaven (which
is a copy-cat from the Jews and the Zoroastrian tales) but one example is more interesting, to
quote here:

The Holy Qur’an says: “He (the Prophet A.S.) went very close to the
throne (of Allah) … and he saw Him the 2nd time around ??? (Holy Qur’an: 5/13)
But in many other Qur’anic verses it’s very clearly stated that:
“No eyes can see Him” (Holy Qur’an: 6/103)
“You will never see Me” (Holy Qur’an: 7/143)

(Note: The Jewish Bible says: God told Moses that no one can see my Face and survive!
But you can look at my back when I have passed you!” Exodus 33:19)

No. 31) The Holy Qur’an repeats the story of the two children of Adam A.S. – Abel and Cain,
and their “sacrifices” exactly the same way as in the Bible, which is another “Jewish Mythology”
than the reality. (Ref. Holy Qur’an, 5:27)
Now, the question is:
Who did copy this story, exactly as it is, in the “forged” story of the Old Testament in the
Holy Qur’an, of the Othman version, too? Most probably the “Jewish Ka-bul Ahbar” the Chief
Justice of Othman himself.
No. 32) The Holy Qur’an, just like the Old Testament, says: “Pharaoh told his minister, Ha-man
(?) you build for me a “Tower” or “Ziggurat” so that I may reach the heavens and to “find out
about the God of Moses!” Holy Qur’an, 40:36
First of all “Ha-man” was not the minister of Pharaoh (!) as the Bible and other history
books say. “Ha-man” was the minister of the Persian King Xerxes (Ref. Old Testament/ Book of
Esther.) Secondly, this “Tower” or Ziggurat, as it is mentioned in the Old Testament, too, was the
“Tower of Babylon” (Now in Iraq, but then part of the Persian Empire)
Thirdly, the entire story is another Babylonian Myth, which have polluted the three
religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam, altogether. (see details in the Old Testament/
Google/ Wikipedia and other sources.) Note: The word “Haman” or better yet “Ha-man” is not a
person, but a personality! It means “The Minister”/ the Prime Minister of any Emperor, be it
Pharaoh of Egypt or Nimrud of Nineva in Syria and Iraq, or the Persian King of Kings
Artaxerxes, etc. Ha-man”/ The Man/ is an old Persian-Avestun title. (Ref. “The Persian Names”
Maneka Gandhi/ India (1994/ P. 302) Also “Standard Desk Dictionary” 1993/ P. 290
No. 33)The Holy Qur’an “Chapter of Elephant” (Ch. 105) tells the story of how Allah killed
Abraha, the Ethiopian King, who came to destroy Ka-bah, in Mecca; and how “Miraculously
Allah sent the birds that killed the Elephants of Abraha”, and saved the Ka-bah.
But, we can see that the same Ka-bah was attacked several times, with “Catapults” by
Hajjaj bin Yusuf, the commander under Yazid son of Muawia, (683 A.D.) and it was used for
“Drinking Wine/ Bar?!” by Abdul Malik of the Umayyad Dynasty (693 A.D.) and also it was
attacked by the “Qarmati Rebels” (= Communist Esmaili/ Mazdaki?/ 930 A.D.) who stole the
“Black Stone” and took it away for 22 years, until receiving a huge amount of “ransom money”;
Yet, again the same God who protected Makkah before Islam, 1,500 years ago, failed to protect it
from all other attackers, with the “Birds” after that! (Yet, the Holy Qur’an says: “Allah’s “style”
never changes!” How come He “Protected one day and abandoned another day”?)
The same Ka-bah was again attacked in 1979, by an Arab called “Al-Qahtani” who took
over the House of Allah, and desecrated it, until some “French Commandos” (who converted to
Islam just for two days, to be able to enter Mecca!!!) stormed the Ka-bah, and freed it from the
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rebels! Where were those “Birds” of Allah, to liberate the Ka-bah, as the Chapter 105 of the Holy
Qur’an has stated?
It’s also another “Mythology”/ Arabian Nights or Jewish fiction/ that has been added to
the Holy Qur’an, during the Othman collection, some 20 years after the Holy Prophet A. S.?!
No. 34) The Holy Qur’an says that: The Holy Prophet Solaiman A.S. used “Forced Labor” of the
Genies, to build his Temple, palaces, statues (???) etc. as Pharaoh used the Israelites in building
the Pyramids of Egypt! (Both stories are lies and Myths).
N0. 35) The Holy Qur’an quotes the story of Adam and Eve, and their sons Abel (=Habil) and
Cain (=Qabil) almost exactly as it is in the Jewish Old Testament (Ref. H.Q. 5/27-32) etc.
But what is very amazing is that while the Jewish Bible says “Cain” was the first “Iron-
smith”/ Metallurgist / forger, the Holy Qur’an says that it was Prophet Dawoud A.S. that “We
melted for him the metals” (H.Q. 34/10) Now, which one we have to believe as the true word of
(The Persian /Babylonian myths say it was “Kiu Mard”/ Jamshid, who discovered the
metals first/ Also the Greek and the Indians have their own stories and myths about “Zimer” etc.)
Now, how could it be “Prophet Dawoud” on one story and “Cain” also many thousands
of years before him, and also the Persians, and the Indians and the Greeks, too? (How about the
Chinese, the Africans, the American Indians, the Latin Americans, etc.!)
No. 36) The Holy Qur’an, just like the Bible, tells the story of “Baby Moses in a basket, who was
miraculously saved, then he lead the Israelites out of Egypt!”, etc.” But, the truth is that the
“entire story of the baby in the basket, is copied by the Jews, from the legend of King Sargon of
Babylonia, several thousand years ahead of the Jewish Moses!” (Ref. “Sargon of Babylonia”)
No. 37) The Holy Qur’an, just like the Jewish Bible says that, on the Day of Judgment: “Comes
Your Lord/ Allah / with the Angels row upon row!” Holy Qur’an 89:22
Is Allah S.W.T. a “Body” just like in the Bible? Or is it another “Jewish pollution” in the
Holy Qur’an, collected by the Caliph Othman, and his right hand, the Jewish rabbi “Ka-bul
No. 38) The Holy Qur’an, just like the Jewish Bible says that: “The Ark of Covenant” (with the
face of an Angel on it!/ Statue?) would come down to the Jews, to secure them (in wars) inside
which shall be the cane of Moses (the Divine serpent god of Levitan/ Jesus?) and the broken
tablet (of Moses? Not yet repaired?), the Angels would be carrying that “Coffin” /Ref. Holy
Qur’an 2/248
Not even the Prophet Mohammad A.S. got such an honor, in which the Holy Qur’an or
the Holy Prophet’s cane, or any coffins be carried by the Angels! (Another Jewish attempt to
show that they were the “Chosen People” and special to God, and higher than the Prophet of
How come in the wars of Islam, no such “Ark of Covenant” came to protect the
Muslims? (Only some unseen 3,000 Angels, who came to help in “Badr”/ Ref. Holy Qur’an
In “Badr war” Imam Ali, the Champion of Islam, killed 1/3 of the enemy attackers alone,
or some 35 Meccans, (something that the “Bani Umayya” never forgot and they never “Forgave
Ali” and up till today many Arabs like the Saudi Nasibis hate Ali for that war!!!)
No. 39) The Holy Qur’an, just like the Jewish Bible talks about the “Throne of God, being carried
by 8 Angels!” Ref. Holy Qur’an 69/17 (Does Allah have a “throne”? He is sitting somewhere? He
needs some “other” forces to carry Him around?!)
No. 40) The story of “David and Guliat” and “Adam and Eve” (eating from a tree is sin???) etc.
are almost the same in the Holy Qur’an, and in the Jewish Old Testament, which makes you think
how did that happen? And who copied whom?
No. 41) The Holy Qur’an uses the term “The hypocrites/ unbelievers/ can’t enter into heaven,
until a camel could enter the hole of a needle” Ref. Holy Qur’an:7/40
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This is exactly what the Bible uses for the “rich people” (i.e. arrogant, unbelievers?) and
the impossibility of them entering the heaven, as the camel won’t enter through the eye of a
needle!” (Ref. Mathew: 19/23) And you ask yourself again, how did those who were collecting
the Qur’an (Othman version) got that “expression”? Unless you believe that even Allah s.w.t. had
to “Borrow His words from the Christian and the Jewish Bible!” While the Holy Qur’an says: “If
the world’s trees became “pens” and the oceans became “ink” still they could not finish writing
the “unlimited words” of Allah”. Ref. Holy Qur’an: 18/109
The Bible says that the Elohim (=The 71 gods of the Jews!) created Adam, and then they
said: “It’s not good for him to be alone! Let’s create for him, from his own ribs a “woman” Ref.
Genesis: 2/18
As if God had no master plan, but an “ad hoc” delusion, as things go on, and problems
pop up! (Even the gods later regret why they created man at all! And so they even decided to
destroy the humans through the flood of Noah”! etc. etc.)
In the Holy Qur’an (i.e. Othman version) also Allah (single God) creates the man and
then “He created from him (=ribs?) his partner, for him to have peace with her and relaxation!”
Ref. Holy Qur’an:7/189
The story of Adams two sons, one killing the other, and not knowing what to do with the
“dead brother’s body” and even their story of offering sacrifices to “Yah-Weh Elohim”/ Allah,
are almost the same. (But, it’s more in details and more unbelievable and even silly, in the Jewish
Bible, than in the Qur’an (Othman version) How come they are so “mythological” in both the
Holy Books? Someone has to answer.
No. 42) The Holy Qur’an says: “You (i.e. the Muslims) are followers of your (spiritual) father
Ibrahim; He called you as “Muslims” even before…”/ Ref. Holy Qur’an: 22/78
Well, considering that Abraham and Sarah (his sister, according to the Bible!) were
actually Babylonian (=Iraqi or Magi, in the “Fire” of the Nimrud of Nineveh?) then we should
ask ourselves “How was the Arabic word Muslim” mentioned by the Babylonian Abraham? Such
a term does not even exist in Hebrew or the Babylonian languages, or Assyrian or Aramaic; nor
there exists any word “Muslim” in the Holy Books (= Suhuf Ibrahim wa Musa/ Abraham and
Moses Books).
In fact, as we have said before, there has never been any proof of the Babylonian
Abraham, and his Egyptian or Palestinian 2nd wife Hagar, ever reaching Arabia (or building the
Ka-bah, and Zam-zam, and Hagar’s “Safa and Marwa” running, etc.) Ref. The great Muslium
scholar of Egypt Dr. Taha Husain.
No. 43)The Holy Qur’an says: “(The Holy Prophet Mohammad A.S.) surely, saw Allah (in
Heaven) twice!” Holy Qur’an: 53/13
And before that, it also says: “His heart did not doubt what he saw” Holy Qur’an: 53/11
Yet, the Holy Qur’an also (contradicting itself) says that Allah S.W.T. had already told
Prophet Moses A.S. 2,500 years before, that: “You will never see Me!” Holy Qur’an: 3/143 (You
can never see me! As Bible also says “No one can see God and live) Exodus: 33/20
1) Again the Holy Qur’an repeats: “No eyes can see Him..” Holy Qur’an: 6/103
2) “No human can talk to Allah, except through revelation or from behind a curtain”
Holy Qur’an: 42/51
Now, let’s see the entire above Qur’anic verses, in the Jewish Old Testament:
* Exodus 33/20 says “You can’t see Me face to face, for no one can see Me and live”
* Exodus 33/11 says “And the Lord spoke to Moses face to face”! (Holy Qur’an: 4/164
and 20/9-14)
* Genesis 33/20 says: “For I have seen God face to face”!
Now, what will you make of so many contradictions, in the “Words of God!?”
No. 44) The Holy Qur’an, just like the Jewish Bible, says: “Allah created Adam from the soil,
and then He created “from him, his partner, too” (Bible: from Adams ribs!) / Genesis 2:7. In other
word, Adam married himself!?
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No. 45) The Holy Qur’an just like the Jewish Texts, says “Satan made him to forget!” Holy
Qur’an 12/42 and also 18/63 etc.
This concept of “Satan influencing the world, independent from God” is a Jewish belief,
which the Jews also got from the Persian Zoroasterians of “Ahura Mazda and Ahriman Dualism”.
There are many other “Zoroastrian influences in Judaism from the Babylonian slavery days, like
“The day of Judgement”, the “Bridge above the hell”/ (that entered into Islam, too!) the “Sushia-
nt” savior or “Mahdism”, the five times prayers a day, the white cloth and white cap, the “cross-
handed praying of the Jews, the Babylonians (And the Sunni majority of Muslims!) the “Huma”/
Suma or the “Holy wine”, the “Facing to Ka-bah”/ theTemple / the Fire Adoration/ the demons
worship or “Demonology” (=Satanism) of the Jews, etc. etc.
No. 46) The Holy Qur’an says: “We gave Moses the Tablets in which “Everything” was
mentioned and explained in “Details” Holy Qur’an: 7/145
But the question is “who wrote those Tablets, in details”?
1) Did Allah himself wrote them? But, Allah is “Creator” not a scribe!
2) Angel Jibrail wrote them? No, because Angel Jibrail would bring “Verbal Message to
the Holy Prophet Mohammad A.S./ Not written tablets.
3) Did Moses or his companion /companions wrote them down? The answer again is
Because, there were no companion/ companions with Moses, and also there is no
evidence to show that “Moses himself ever wrote anything!”
4) Also remember that Moses was educated in the place of Pharao, so he knew Egyptian
language, not Hebrew!
So, who “wrote those Tablets, some 3,000 years before the Microsoft? The correct
answer is “All that is another Jewish Mythology” that was mixed with the Holy Qur’an (Othman
Version), too!” In fact, Moses was carrying only two tablets, that he broke them, later! (Ref. Holy
Qur’an: 7/145) How could two tablets conatain “Everything in details?”
Actually, the “10 Commandments” were not even Moses work, but “Ezra” the Jewish
Rabbi in Babylon, who was sent by Cyrus the Great, (after the liberation of the Jews from the
slavery of Babylonia) to Jerusalem, to keep the Jews in worshipping one God, rather than a dozen
idols, like Moloch, Ba-al, Shimish, Ninip, Kivan, Sin, Uru, Murdach, etc. (or even worse, the
71 gods and goddesses of the Bible / Book of Genesis!!/ Also in Deuteronomy: 32).
In reality, Ezra became “One of the officials/ functionaries/ of the Cyrus the Great”,
starting the new Jewish order called “Pharisees”/ Parsees/ Persis =Persian Magis (similar to
Simoun the Magus/ Magi and Paul of Tarsus, another “Pharisee”/ Parsie.).
It’s also possible that Ezra has “copied”/ Plagiarized the 10 Commandments from the
earlier “Code of Ha-murabi”, who himself was one of the “Satrap” (=Shahr-Aba/ father of the
state/ governor of Babylon, under the Cyrus of Persia, or even before that.
So, the Jews stole everything Babylonian, and they claimed those “stolen stories” to be
their own, and then they polluted the Christian and the Muslim Holy Books, too!
No. 47) The Holy Qur’an, just like the Bible, describes the Prophet Moses A.S. as “Bad
Tempered”/ holding his own elder brother Harun’s beard and pulling him in public!! And then
saying “O’ Lord forgive me and my brother” etc. (Ref. Holy Qur’an: 7:150-151)
Is this the Holy Prophet/ “Ma-sum” whom Islam describes??? How can a “Ma-sum”/
Infallible/ Impeccable be like that?? (those are how the Jewish Bible talks about their “Prophets”
who are “Liars” like Abraham, “Cheats” like Jacob, “womanizers” like David, “Idol
worshippers” like Solomon “Rapists/Sodomizers” like the sons of “David” and “Noah” and
“disobedient” like “Adam and Eve” as well as “Mass Murderers” like “Samuel and Saul” etc.
But, our Islam says that: “All of them (Prophets) we made “righteous”! (Ref. Holy
Qur’an: 21/72) How could those “righteous people do all those unrighteous deeds?”
Then, the Holy Qur’an describes the Holy Prophet Mohammad A.S.:
a) “You have the highest moral character” Holy Qur’an: 68/4
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b) “You were sent only as a blessing to the worlds” Holy Qur’an: 21/107
c) “I was sent to complete (the previous Prophets) moral teachings!” Hadith by
the Prophet Mohammad A.S.
Now, are those “contradictions” from Allah S.W.T.? or rather, those are the
contradictions by the Holy Prophets A.S. ?? or are those contradictions by the Jewish Rabbis,
who destroyed all the truth in Judaism, Christianity and Islam, too!
No. 48) The Holy Qur’an, just like the Jewish Bible says: “When Allah ordered Prophet Moses
A.S. to go to Pharaoh and bring him the Message of Allah s.w.t. Moses said: O’ Allah! You better
send my brother Harun! He is more “Articulate” than me!” Holy Qur’an: 28/34. Then Allah s.w.t.
said: “Go, both of you together!” Holy Qur’an: 26/15. So, now there were “two brothers in the
Palace of Pharaoh? Or just Moses, alone?” And how could a great Prophet like Moses “Bargain”
with Allah s.w.t. about His order of Prophethood?! Only the Jewish rabbis could create such kind
of mythology.
Then, the Holy Qur’an talks about Moses who “Got scared of snake which was actually
his own rod!” Holy Qur’an: 20/67
No. 49) The Holy Qur’an, (Ch. 7/ 19-27) just like the Old Testament says that: “Allah placed
Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden and He told them to eat from everything, except one tree!
For if they ate from that tree, they surely will harm themselves! (Bible says they would die!) But
they ate, upon Satan’s advice (=Snake in the Bible, Snake “Speaks”???) and their “sexuality
appeared” (=Their eyes were opened!/ the Bible).
“So, they covered their “sexual nakedness with the leaves of the trees” (Bible says their
eyes were opened and they became wise just like God/ gods!)
“And their Lord told them, didn’t I tell you not to eat from that tree?! (Bible: who told
you that you are naked! Did you eat from the tree that I told you not to eat? / God doesn’t know
“(Allah) Told them go down (to earth) some of you will be enemies to each other” (Bible:
Adam and Eve were enemies of the snake! And God said: Adam and Eve have open eyes and
they have become “wise” just like us! Gods!
(So, it means Satan /snake “opened the eyes of man” but God did not want man to open
his eyes! It also means that God was Jealous and Selfish, while snake/ Satan/ was a “true” friend!
That’s why the Jews “Love Satan, worship him, and call him Lucifer (=The Light bearer!) Ref.
Genesis 2:4-3 also Genesis 3) Also Holy Qur’an 20/ 121, etc.
Are these really the Qur’anic verses from Allah S.W.T.? Or from those Jewish Bible that
were entered into the Holy Qur’an by the Jewish Rabbi “Ka-bul Ahbaar” the Chief Justice of
Othman, in the early Islamic Caliphate in 640 A.D.?

Chapter VI
“The Un-Holy Bible” inside the Holy Qur’an?

The Old Testament /Jewish Bible/ claims some unbelievable long lives for the Prophet Adam
A.S., Seth A.S., Noah A.S. etc. (some of which has entered into the Holy Qur’an / Othman version, too,
by his Jewish teacher “Ka-bul Ahbaar”)
Here is the List of those “unbelievable” /Mythological/ lives of the Prophets, in the Jewish Bible
The Prophets:
1) Adam was 130 years old when he got his first son! He lived another 800 years! He
died at the age of 930!
2) Seth - 105 / 807 more years/ Died at 912 years of age!
3) Enoch – 90 / 815 more years/ Died 905 years of age!
4) Kenan – 70/ 840 more years/ 910!
5) Mahalalel – 65 / 830 more years /lived 895 years!
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6) Jarel – 162 / 800 /lived 962 years!

7) Methuselah – 187 / 702 / 962 years
8) Lumech – 182 / 595 / 777 years
9) Noah – 350 /600 / 950 years!
10) Etc. etc. etc.

Now, let’s see what the Holy Qur’an (Othman version) says about Prophet Noah A.S. :
“And we sent Noah to his people, he stayed with them 1,000 years, minus fifty!” Holy
Qur’an: 29/14
So, Noah was sent to his tribe (how old was he when he was sent? 20 or 40 just like the
Prophet Mohammad A.S.? / After he was sent at that “age”, he “stayed among them another 950
years”? Then, how old was Prophet Noah A.S. when he died? Who put these kind of Jewish “Old
Age” into the Holy Qur’an?
By the way, almost all those stories of the Jewish Prophets are also repeated in the Holy
Qur’an, and almost all the Biblical stories (i.e. Noah’s flood, King David, King Solomon, Moses
in the basket on the river, etc. etc.) are mentioned in the “Babylonian Mythologies some 5,000 to
7,000 before Islam and Christianity and Judaism, by the “Babylonian Magis”/ Zurvanians and
Zoroastrians, as well as some Greek legend books! See the History of Myths and legends”.
Now, comparing the long lives of the Jewish Prophets Adam and Noah (Almost 1,000
years) with the short life of the Holy Prophet Mohammad A.S. (just 63 years) we can see a
“Jewish attempt” to show their own Prophets in a much higher position and favor, than the
Prophet of Islam? In the Holy Qur’an itself? (i.e. The Othman version!)
It seems that Allah s.w.t. in the Holy Qur’an has already predicted such “conspiracies”
and many futile attempts to destroy Islam and the credibility of the Holy Prophet A.S. by saying:
1) “We never sent any Prophet, that Satan did not try to oppose his mission! But Allah
destroys / exposes/ Satan’s plots, and establishes His own; Allah Knows, and He is
Wise. He uses Satan’s plots as a “Test” for the “sick at heart” and the “hard headed”;
surely the corrupt guys are far from the Truth” Holy Qur’an: 22/52-53
2) “And thus we have assigned for every Prophet, some criminals, as (Hypocrite/
Sahaba???) enemies!” Holy Qur’an 25/31, etc. Examples: Moses disobedient
followers/ Sahabah/ as well as the Prophet Mohammad’s.
(Note: Sahih Bukhari says: Some Sahaba plotted to “Assassinate” the Holy Prophet Mohammad
A.S.!!!/ Also it narrates that the Holy Prophet A.S. said: “Among my companions there are 12
Hypocrites!!!”/ let’s count them!).

The Story of Adam in the Bible and in the Qur’an

The Bible tells us that Adam “was created 7,000 years ago! And God created his wife from
Adam’s rib, after putting him to sleep!” Ref. Old Testament /Book of Genesis
The Holy Qur’an repeats the same story and says: “Allah created Adam by His own Hands, and
(then He) created his wife from “him”! Ref. Holy Qur’an: 4/1
Aside from the myth of 7,000 years or 9,000 vs. the truth of 2.5 million years old human bones in
Africa - - Kenyad, Tanzania, South Africa and Ethiopia, etc. the fact that “Adam’s wife came” from
“him” or from his “rib” means that “Adam was raping “himself” every night, and all the humans are the
products of “Incest”!!!
But, the truth is that the human beings were “born” in several parts of this world, as “families”/
tribes, and finally as “Nations” some 3 to 6 million years ago; And they inter-married and inter-mingled
and mixed and matched, without any need to “Mary their own sisters” as the Bible openly claims.

The Story of Jonas in Bible and Qur’an

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The Bible says that Jonas was thrown into the sea, (somewhere in Jafa port, in Palestine /Israel of
today). The Holy Qur’an states that: “Had he not repented, he would have been staying in the belly of the
beast/fish/ till the “Day of Judgement”! Holy Qur’an: 37/144
You mean to say that the fish and Jonas would be living several thousand years to come?
(Another Jewish Mythology from the Babylonian Talmud, entered into the Holy Qur’an by Othman?!)
This, and many other similar Babylonian myths are repeated many times, in the Jewish, Christian
and Muslim Holy Books, alike!

Some More Stories and Legends

The stories (legends) of “Harut and Marut of Babylonia (another Jewish story from the Bible and
Babylonian Talmud) has been repeated in the Holy Qur’an (the Othman version) as follows: “The Satans
falsely accused the Kingdom of Solomon (!) by the (fallen angels) of Harut (i.e. the Indian Haruta?) and
Marut (i.e. the Indian Maruti) in Babylon” (=Iraq/ Urok/ Old Persian province of the Magis and
Astrologers) Ref. Holy Qur’an: 2/102
This story comes from the Old Testament Book of Kings 11:1-11. Now, how did those “Satans
enter into the Kingdom of Solomon, in the first place? How did those two fallen angels “suspended by
their feet in a well in Babylonia” (according to many Islamic traditions, contaminated by the Jewish
Babylonian Talmud) were still able to mislead the people? How did such stories enter into the Holy
Qur’an of Islam, too? Those are the “Israiliyyat” that go back to the Jewish teachers around Othman, the
collector of the present version of the Holy Qur’an.
Look at this statement from the Bible (Old Testament) and compare it with Harut and Marut story
in the Holy Qur’an (Othman version): “The sons of god (Angels) taught the art of war and weapon
making (like David?) to the men, and the art of seduction to the women!” Bible /Book of Genesis 6:1-5

The Jewish Bible, book of Genesis talks of the Angels, in the Garden of Eden “with flaming
swords, that turned every way, to guard the tree of life”! (Ref. Genesis: 3 /24)
The Holy Qur’an (i.e. Othman Version) also talks about the “Shooting stars/ the Angels in
heaven/ who will shoot down / like a missile? / any Satans that wanted to reach to the heaven “and eves-
drop” to listen to the news of “heaven” (just like the CIA spy satellites?) Ref. Holy Qur’an Ch. 15/ verse
*The Holy Qur’an (i.e. Othman version) says: “It’s prohibited to marry your own mothers, and
daughters, and sisters…. And any married women, “except the slave (Married) women!!!” (to share them
with your “slave husband of the slave woman!”/ see “Holy Qur’an commentary of the greatest Sunni
Muslim Commentator, the Persian Sunni Imam Tabari/ verse 23-24 of Ch. 4 / “Women’s Chapter” (Also
in “Al-Kafi” by Shaikh Kolaini).
This is another Jewish Law, that considers “only Jews to be humans, and the chosen people” and
the rest of mankind as “Goyim” / cows/ cattles and animals!

The entire story of “Adam and Eve”/ Angels “prostration” to Adam/ Sajdah/ Adam and Eves
“Sins” and their children Abel and Cain, are “repeated” in the Holy Qur’an (Othman version) too! Here
are a few verses:
1) “Allah created Adam with His own hands!” (The Sunni Book of Sahih Bukhari completes the
picture, by saying: “In His /Allah’s own Image”!!!)
2) “Allah also created Eve from him” (rib?)
3) “Allah tells Adam and Eve not to eat from that “tree” because they will be losers!” (Die?)
4) But, Satan (serpent) says it’s Ok to eat”!
5) Allah punishes Adam and Eve, by ousting them from the “Garden”, to suffer down below!”
6) His children Abel and Cain offer “sacrifices” (No human Sacrifice!)
7) “Cain kills his own brother Abel” etc.
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All these are from the “Babylonian Talmud” the Jewish Bible, which entered into the Holy
Qur’an (Othman version) too! /Ref. Holy Qur’an 2/25-32, etc.

*The Holy Qur’an (Othman version) says that “Allah spoke with Moses!” (=Direct?) Holy
Qur’an 4/164 Also Allah S.W.T. told Moses (Direct) “Surely, I am your Lord!” Holy Qur’an 20/11-12
These are exactly what the Bible says about Moses. But we all know that Allah S.W.T. never
spoke to anyone, personally, not even with the Holy Prophet Mohammad A.S., who is the highest

Again, the Holy Qur’an states that “Satan” makes the Holy Prophet A.S. “Forget” or even other
spiritual men to “Forget” doing something.
This concept of “Satan” doing his own games, despite Allah S.W.T. or with His Permission to do
as he wished, is a “Zoroastrian Concept” of “Ahriman” countering “Ahura Mazda”. This was also
adopted by the Jews and the Christians and later by the Muslims, too! (Ref. Holy Qur’an 6/68 and 18/63
also 12/42, etc.)

*The Holy Qur’an (Just like the un-holy Bible) says: Job the Prophet A.S. who lost everything
and was badly sick, got angry with his wife! So, he swore to God that: “I shall punish you with 100 lashes
when I will become healthy!”
Then, when he was restored back to health, he was regretful about what he had said, and didn’t
know what to do with his “pledge to strike his wife 100 lashes!”
God Almighty taught Job a “trick” saying: “Tie 100 twigs together and strike her once with that,
it shall be considered 100 lashes by God!” Ref. Holy Qur’an 38/41/ Allah, teaching “Tricks”/ Hilah! / to
His own Prophets?! In the Holy Qur’an (the Othman version!) He also told Joke:
“Kick your feet, there shall gush two springs, one for washing and (healing) and the other to
drink!” Holy Qur’an: 38/42

*The Holy Qur’an (Just like Jewish/ Zoroastrian Myths) says that “Satan” afflicted two Prophets
- - i.e. Moses and Job, misguiding the first one, and making miserable the other (without God’s will?)
“Moses killed the Egyptian man by Satan’s influence”! Holy Qur’an 28/15 (Satan influencing the
Prophet of Allah?) A killing Prophet?
“Job Got the disease by Satan’s will” Holy Qur’an 38/41

*The Holy Qur’an, chapter 17 “Al-Israa”, starts with the story of the Prophet Mohammad’s
“Journey to Heaven” beginning from Mecca Holy Mosque to Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, (or the “Bait
Al-Ma-mur” in Heaven. (Ref. Holy Qur’an 17/1)
But, the Old Testament of the Bible claims the same “Journey to Heaven” for Enoch, a man who
walked with God…” Ref. Genesis 5:25 (Also for Elijah).
And the Zoroastrian Avesta, (the first Monotheistic religion in the world, even before Judaism by
a 1,000 years) claims that “Heavenly Journey” for Persian Prophet Arta-viraf (Ref. “The Persian Names”/
India/ New Delhi, 1994/ p. 44)
Now, which of these three religions got the story from the other? That’s the question.

*The Holy Qur’an, just like the Jewish Bible says: “Prophet Moses A.S. killed an Egyptian man,
who was fighting his Jewish brother! Then the Holy Qur’an adds “Moses said: This was a work of
Satan!” Ref. Holy Qur’an: 28/15
A Prophet of Allah that Islam says are “Ma-sum”/ sinless/Infallible/ is still doing the “work of
Satan”? (Another Jewish corrupt belief entered into the Holy Qur’an/ Othman version?)
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*The Holy Qur’an (Othman version) says that: “The number of the months (of the year) with
Allah, is 12, since He created the Heavens and the Earth; And four of them are (made) “Haram”/ (by
whom? By Allah or by the Arab tribes?) Ref. Holy Qur’an 9:36
Then how come one “Month” on earth is 30 days /29 Days/ but one “Day” on the planet Mars is
365 of our earth Days?! (So, 30 years on Mars is just one month! And 12 months on Mars is 4,380 days
or 146 of the earth months in one year ???)
How come one “Month” in the Stars like the Sun, is millions of years (Not 30/ or 29 Days of 2
hours?) That’s another Jewish Myths from the Babylonian Talmud?) In fact, even on the earth, some
“religions” have months counted as just 19 days, and the months of the year into 19 months? (Ref. The
“Babism” cult of Persia)
The truth is that the origin of the 12 months was not with Allah S.W.T. in the creation, but rather
it started with the Persian Magis/ Zurvanian and Zoroastrian Austrologers (the first Scientist in the world
5,000 years before Aristotle of Greece). All of that took place in the so-called “cradle of civilization” or
the “Babylonian Province of the Persian Empire” some 7,000 years ago! (Ref. “Contribution of Persia to
world Civilization” by Prof. M.S. TAJAR http.;
Those Persian Magi Astrologers started the scientific method of dividing the year into 12 months,
and the months into 4 weeks, the weeks into 7 days and the days in 24 hours and the hours into 60
Their purpose was to set the right time for planting and harvesting as well as the Zurvanian/
Zoroasterian “Festivals of the Year, also known as “Gohan – Bar”/ Jashn/ Yasna/ Ya-Sin or the “Yaum
Audinah” which is called as “Yaum Al-zeena” in the Holy Qur’an, too. Ref. Holy Qur’an 20/59
The Holy Qur’an just like the Jewish Bible talks of the creation of the world in six days/ the earth
in two days/ but how could there be a “Day” while there was not yet the “sun”/ the moon and thus no
sunrise/ sunset?
The truth is that there is no “Day or night” in other galaxies, at all! (some people say that the “six
day” means “six stages”/ periods, etc. But still the fact is that among the stars/ like our own sun/ there has
never been any “Day” or night since the start of creation /Big Bang/ from 13.5 billion years upto now!)
The Jewish Bible says: “The sun and the moon and the stars were created on the 4 th day”!!! Ref.
Genesis 1:17 (How could there be a “Day” before there was a “Sun”???)

*The Holy Qur’an says: “(O Muhammad!) we have sent you to a people (Arab tribes) where there
have never been any warner before!” Holy Qur’an. (How about Prophet Ismail A.S.? or there was never
Ismail and his father Ibrahim in Arabia, at all, as the great Egyptian Muslim scholar Dr. Taha Husain has
But in another chapter of the Holy Qur’an it also says: “There has never been “any” people that
did not have a warner among them!” Holy Qur’an: 35/24
Now, if that’s not a clear contradiction, I don’t know what is!

*The Holy Qur’an, just like the Bible says: “We held up the mountain on top of you (Jews) as a
“Shadow”! Holy Qur’an: 2/63
Mountain as “umbrella” on top of 2,000,000 people for 40 years in the desert of Sinai? (Another
Jewish Myth?) or was it a “Mountain of clouds”?
The Holy Qur’an very often refers to the “Seven Heavens and Seven Earths” Ref. Holy Qur’an
 Creation of “seven Heavens in 2 days” ??? Ref. Holy Qur’an: 41/12
 Creation “In six days”??? Ref. Holy Qur’an: 50/38
This number “Seven”/Lucky 7, is definitely much older than Islam, and it’s very popular in the
Bible of the Jews and the Christians, too!
(Like: God created the world in six days! /144 hours only?/ and on the seventh day, he rested!/ Ref. Book
of Genesis 2:1-3
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But, as for the “Seven Heavens and Seven Earths” in the Holy Qur’an, anyone who has been to
school, even a few days, knows very well that the “Earth is only One” and there are probably billions of
other earths in other galaxies, but definitely not seven, only!
The same goes for the unlimited Heavens, whatever you imagine the heavens to be!
So, how did this “Jewish number seven” enter into the Holy Qur’an (Othman version)? You
better ask that from the “Jewish rabbi Ka-bul Ahbar” the Chief Justice of the Caliph Othman.

*The Holy Qur’an talks about “Babylon”! / and the land of Magic/ Magicians/ Persian Magus!/
and how the “Two Angels of Harut and Marut (Sanskrit Names!!/Persian-Avestan Origians!!). Then the
Holy Qur’an (Othman version) adds that: “These two fallen Angels job was to “Teach the people of
Babylon the black magic of how to “separate husbands and wives”!! (just like what the “Jewish
Pornographic Youtube and the Facebook are doing, today?!) Ref. Holy Qur’an 2:102
This same story of “Angels corrupting the mankind” is almost word for word in the Jewish Book
of Genesis:
“The angels were teaching the men the art of war and the women the art of seduction!”
“The sons of God (Rebel Angels?) came down to the earth and they took the human women for
sex!” Ref. Genesis 6:1-5
Again, the Bible says: “Moses asked God to see His Face” But God said: “No one can see Me
and survive!”
In the Holy Qur’an it says: “Allah told Moses you can never see Me! And But, watch the
Mountain! when his Lord “Appeared” in the Mountain, it turned into a powder, and Moses fell down in
shock / And 70 of his followers were also struck with thunder and died, and brought back to life, again!”
Ref. Holy Qur’an 7:143 (How did these stories of the Bible enter into the Holy Qur’an by the Jewish
rabbis like Ka-bul Ahbar, the right hand of Caliph Othman, who collected the present Qur’an “Othman
The verse 145 of the chapter seven in the Holy Qur’an reports about Moses on the Mount Sinai,
(zion?) this way: “And We (=God) wrote for him, on tablets, advises about everything, (and told him)
hold it with power….” Holy Qur’an 7/145

Now, the Questions:

1) Moses was alone on the Mount Sinai, then who wrote those things (i.e. We wrote for
him)? God? Or Angels? Others? Moses himself? Did Moses, who was educated by
the Pharaoh of Egypt, know the Hebrew or the Egyptian language i.e. Coptic
Language? He certainly did not get “Hebrew Education” in the palace of Pharaoh!
2) Did Allah s.w.t. teach Moses miraculously, but he kept Prophet Mohammad A.S.
3) How many “Tablets of stone” to contain the “Explanations for Everything” (???) are
needed? (Remember the Holy Qur’an also later on says: “Moses threw the Tablet on
the ground” (Broke them) and grabbed the beard of (his elder) brother/ Haroon/
pooling him (like a horse?) to himself!” Ref. Holy Qur’an 7/150.
4) Are such “Biblical stories” in the Holy Qur’an, in accordance with the “Islamic
standards” about a Prophet or Prophets, at all? The “Impeccables” the “Infallibles”
the best “Examples” (=Uswah) to us, the people? Are these the “Etiquettes” of the
Prophets of Allah??
The correct answer is: “Absolutely not”! Only the Jewish writers of the Bible with countless
“Incestuous ancestries” and “Mixed sperms in their DNA gene pools” (Brother raping sister, fathers
raping their two daughters, sons sodomizing their old fathers!!!) could come up with such kinds of “Make
believe,” and contradictory stories!
And only the “Bani Umayya enemies of Islam, and their Jewish “Ka-bul Ahbar” /Chief Justice of
the Islamic Caliphs!!/ Can forge these kind of stories, in the Islamic books.
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*The Holy Qur’an, just like the Old Testament, talks of “Heaven, with precious stones!! People
wearing “Silk” ?? (Chinese Silk?) and golden bracelets” etc. / Ref. Holy Qur’an
Do you think that “Heaven” is also like this world in which “precious stones” or gold and silver
or silk are “valued”? or are these the same “Jewish Fictions and Myths that have entered into the Islamic
Texts, too?

*The Holy Qur’an in many places promises the men who are struggling for the cause of Allah
(i.e. Jihad) many “Beautiful virgins for sex!” (Is the Heaven the biggest “sex house” of God or a
“Brathel”? How about Muslim womens “sex life”! These are all from the minds of sex starred Jewish
rabbis in the Bible!

The “wife beating verse in the Holy Qur’an” (i.e. 4:34) seems to be another “Jewish influence” in
the Islamic scriptures. (Note: There is not a single story that says the Holy Prophet Mohammad A.S. or
his righteous companions ever beat their wives, even though some of their wives were scandalous,
indeed! Like Ayisha and Hafsa that the Holy Qur’an condemned for their misbehavior/ Ref. Holy Qur’an
66: 4-5 and 10-11)
On the other hand, the Jewish “Bible” says that:
1) “It’s allowed to beat your wife, for discipline” (Ref. Irshut 21: 10)
2) “The woman was not made in God’s image, therefore she must serve her husband!”
3) “The Husband is the head of the wife, but the head of the man is Christ” (Ref. Ephesians
5:21) Paul the Pharisee/ Helenistic / Roman citizens “Mysinesm?”
4) In Hebrew (and Arabic) the husband is called “Ba-al” meaning he is the “god” over his wife,
and children.

*The Holy Qur’an, just like the Bible mentions how the Jews started worshipping a “golden calf”
after Prophet Moses A.S. was “late” for ten days. Then it says: “You must kill/ massacre each other for
the crime of “Calf worshiping”! So, between 3,000 – 20,000 Jews killed each other as a punishment, on
that day, alone!”. (Ref. Holy Qur’an Ch. 2/ Verse 54/ And Bible the Book of Exodus 32/27-28.
How could a just God order such an unjust massacre of “the good and the bad people” together,
except in a distorted Jewish mentality! (Why should the innocents be killed for the sins of the guilty, by
the Just God?!)

*The Holy Qur’an (i.e. Othman’s Collection) just like the Old Testament, says to the Jew that:
1) Prophet Moses A.S. told the Jews: “God has Chosen you!”/ He gave you Prophets
and made you Kings over other nations!/ He gave you what no other nation has been
2) “Go to the Holy Land that has been given to you!!”/ Go and “conquer”/ Drive the
natives out of their lands!!” (Ref. Holy Qur’an: 5/ 20-26)
And that is what the Old Testament told the Jews to do (Numbers 25:1-3) “Go and
massacre the Philistins/ Natives / men, women, children, chickens, cats, dogs, sheeps, goats,
camels!!! (Ref. Deuteronomy 20:18)
This is exactly what “Zionism” is all about. That’s what the Israeli Jews from Europe and
America have been doing to the Palestinians since 1948 upto now!
Then how come the 1.6 billion Muslims object to the “crimes of Zionists in Palestine, and
what the European Jewish colonizers are doing” while the Holy Allah in the Holy Qur’an,
through the Holy Prophet Mohammad A.S. / Prophet Moses A.S. / has ordered them exactly to do
that??? (unless you accept the Jewish conspiracy of injecting their Bible into the Holy Qur’an
collection, by Othman, and his Jewish teacher Ka-bul Ahbar!)

*The Holy Qur’an, just like the Bible, considers “sky” as a “roof” that can fall on the earth! “He /
Allah / holds the sky from falling on the earth, except by His will!” (Ref. Holy Qur’an, 22:15)
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*The entire story of “Joseph and his brothers, his sale as a slave, his imprisonment, and his
becoming Prime Minister in Egypt” is from the Old Testament, (Book of Exodus 1:18) and it is copied in
the Holy Qur’an, too.
But, no Ancient World History of the Greeks, (e.g. Herodot, the father of history) or any Egyptian
historian or Persian or the Romans ever mention such a story. And there has never been any archeological
evidences in Egypt about “Joseph the dreamer!/ or dream reader!” at all! (Another Jewish Myth? Just like
“Samson and Delilah?”).
Take note that even “Moses” is not a Hebrew, but an Egyptian name, meaning “Born of”/Baby,
just like the “Ramses”/ Ra-Moses/ Born of God Ra. Even Aron, brother of Moses got an “Egyptian
name”/ not Hebrew! (Ref. “Encyclopedia Judaica” and others)

*The Holy Qur’an (Othman’s version) says that: “Arch of the covenant of the Jews was being
carried for them by the Angels (of Allah)??? (The Angels serving the idol-calf-worshipping Jews, but not
the Muslims under the Holy Prophet Mohammad A.S.!/ who can still believe that this verse is not part of
those self-serving verses of the Bible to “glorify” the Jews as the Chosen people, and even above the
Islamic Ummah!”) Ref. Holy Qur’an: 2/248.

*The Holy Qur’an tells the Muslims to pray 3 times a daily: 1) before sunrise 2) afternoon and
3) At night (Ref. Holy Qur’an: Ch.50/V.39-40) while 90% of Muslims (=Sunnis) pray 5 times, as they
claim the Holy Prophet Mohammad A.S. used to do (Ref Sahih Al-Bukhari /Book of the prayers.)
The Jewish Bible also teaches 3 times of the Daily prayers (Ref. Daniel 6/11 and Psalms 55/17)
How could such a confusion of the Holy Qur’an and Hadith/ Muslim practices be Justified?

*The Holy Qur’an says: “O’ Mohammad! The people ask you about the crescent, (the moon) tell
them: It’s for timing purposes! And Hajj performance! (No Ramadhan, yet?) Holy Qur’an 2:189
But the Moon timing goes back long before Islam itself, planned by the “Persian Magis of
Babylon and Sumeria” (And millions of years before the creation of mankind).

*The Holy Qur’an (Othman version) says: “An adulterous man, must marry (only) an adulterous
woman or to an unbelieving woman (not to a Muslim woman, at all!) Ref. Holy Qur’an/ Ch. Nur/ V.3
This seems to be also one of those Jewish Rules from the Old Testament, that has entered into the
Holy Qur’an. But the Muslim jurisprudents don’t implement it.

*The Holy Qur’an praises the Holy Prophets, and the Prophethood by after repeathing that: “All
of them we made righteous!” (Ref. Holy Qur’an: 6/85)
Another principle that all Muslims agree (+Ijma/ consensus) is that “All the Prophets are
Yet, the same Holy Qur’an (Othman version) has so many verses which state that those Prophets
were doing things that even the average “Believers” would not do! Here are just a few examples:
1) “Moses got so angry that he threw away the “Tablets of God” (i.e. The Holy Book of Allah!)
Ref. Holy Qur’an: 7/150
2) “Moses held his elder brother’s beard and pulled him on earth, in front of the people!” (what
a manner!) Ref. Holy Qur’an: 7/150
3) “Moses hit and killed an Egyptian man fighting his fellow tribesman, a Jew!” (Ref. Holy
Qur’an: 28/15
4) “Moses promises his own “Teacher” Prophet (i.e. Khidr Elyas A.S.) three times to listen and
to follow him, Yet three times he broks his own promises and “Even objected to his own
teacher!” (Ref. Holy Qur’an: 18/67-75)
Only in the Jewish Bible, the Prophets are “Misbehaving”/ trouble makers and worst than the
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average believers (And those false and “filthy” things have been “copied” by Othman, and his Jewish
“Ka-bul Ahbar” in the Holy Qur’an, too.

Chapter VII

Contradictions in the Holy Qur’an

1.) The Holy Qur’an in one chapter declares the “equality of all men and women” as human
beings (= “You have all been created from one male and one female! The most respectable of
you with Allah, are the noblest in character!”/ Ref. Holy Qur’an: 49/13. Or again it says: “An
eye for an eye and a nose for a nose, and an ear for an ear and a tooth for a tooth.” Ref. Holy
Qur’an: 2/194. But then it “discriminates” between the “Free Men vs. slaves” or “ Men vs.
“O’ believers! It’s written / ruled / for you regarding the crime of “Murder” … A free
man for a free, a slave for a slave a woman for a woman!” Ref. Holy Qur’an/ 2 / 178
(Now, what will happen if a Free man killes 10 slaves or 20 women? That’s exactly the
Jewish discriminatory law of the “Talmud”).
2.) In the Holy Qur’an Allah says: “There is nothing like Him…(i.e. Allah) Ref. H.Q. 42/11.
Then in another chapter it says: “Allah is the Light of the Heavens and the Earth. The
LIKENESS of His light is like a lamp!” Ref. H.Q. 24/35
3.) Allah in many places in the Holy Qur’an calls Himself “The Most Kind”/ “The Most
Merciful” Ref. H.Q. 1/1 and in many other places.
But in another verse it says: “If we (Allah) wanted, we would have given everyone their
“Guidance”. But, I have Decreed already that I shall certainly fill up the Hell with the Jin and
the Mankind, all!” Ref. H.Q. 32/13 and also 11/119, etc.
4.) The Holy Qur’an says: “Don’t enter homes where no one is staying, until you get
permission”! But, if you were told to get out, then get out! (from the house that no one is
staying, who gives “Permission” or shouts get out?!)
But, in the next verse it says: “There is nothing wrong, if you enter homes that no one is
living in, if you have a business to do!” Ref. H.Q. 24/29
5.) The Holy Qur’an says: “Those whom Allah wants to guide, He will open his/ her heart for
Islam, (But) those whom He wants to mislead (???) He will close his heart, as if he is
climbing in the sky, and that’s how Allah will put impurity into the hears of the unbelievers!”
Ref. H.Q. 6/125
(Allah guides and misguides??? As the Holy Qur’an guides and misguides? )
6.) The Holy Qur’an addressing the Prophet A.S. says: “Always remember your Lord, when you
forget!” (H.Q. 18/24)
How could a Prophet of God, whose entire life and message is miraculous, be
forgetful of “His own Message”?! (Another Jewish attempt to discredit the Holy Prophet A.S.
and his Heavenly mission?)
7.) The Holy Qur’an (verse one, chapter 17) states: “Holy is He, who took His servant
(Mohammad) from the Mecca Mosque upto the “Aqsa Mosque”/ Jerusalem Mosque”!
Everybody knows that “Jerusalem Mosque” was built some 20 years after “The
Journey of the Holy Prophet A.S.” to the Heavens! Jerusalem was conquered by the Muslim
forces several years after the passing away of the Prophet, and that “Jerusalem Mosque” was
built by the 2nd Caliph Omar and it was completed by the Umayyad Caliph “Abdul Malik” - -
70 t0 100 years after the death of the Holy Prophet A.S. in 632 A.D.
(Some Muslim Scholars believe “Aqsa Mosque” means “Farthest Mosque in the
Heaven” above the Ka-bah, known as “Baytul Ma-mur”)
What a confusion and contradiction in the Islamic texts and its history, all created by
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the Jews and the Umayyad and Abbasid rulers.

The “Qur’anics” vs. the “Hadithis”= ISIS

Nowadays, after so many scandals that have been exposed about the “Jewish conspiracies
in the Islamic Texts, a new group has emerged which calls itself the “Qur’anics”. They believe
that too many “Israiliyyat”/ Hadithes falsely attributed to the Holy Prophet of Islam/ have made
his “Sunnah”/ Hadith very doubtful and unreliable; Therefore, the best solution, according to
them, would be to “leave” all the Hadith/ Traditions / Teachings, and hold on to the “Holy Qur’an
alone, to be sure!” (very similar to the American Protestant slogan of “Sola Biblia” or only the
Bible!!! But, they cannot tell us what were the people doing before those 60-200 years, when the
Bible was not written?)
The Muslim “Qur’anics group” use a saying from the Prophet of Islam, that states:
“Whenever you are confused about any “Hadith” try to present it to the Holy Qur’an, if it matches
and agrees, than take it! But if it did not agree than “Throw it to the wall/away!”
They also quote another instruction from the Holy Prophet A.S. that said: “When the
darkness of “doubts and unbelief” come upon you, just like the dark clouds, then hold fast / hold
on to the Holy Qur’an, to stay safe!” (These guys also, like the Jews, choose when to use the
words of the Prophet A.S. and when to reject it—in other words “Cherry picking” or
opportunistic faith, otherwise, the same Holy Prophet A.S. who brought us the Holy Qur’an, also
gave us his teaching/ Khutbas/ Hadith, too! Why accept one part of his message, but reject the
other? Holy Qur’an: 2/85)

Historical Background

But, this “Qur’anic” versus “Hadithis” is neither new, nor even unique to the Muslims.
Such kind of “religious diseases” existed long before, even among the Jewish and the Christian
Unfortunately, this “virus” infected even the early Muslims, and it has infected various
Muslims sects, in every generation. Actually, it was that “rebellious Omar” who in front of the
Holy Prophet A.S. shouted: “(No need for your advice/ Hadith/) The Holy Qur’an is enough for
us!” Ref. Sahih Bukhari, vol. 5 p. 511-512)
While Omar knew very well the Holy Qur’ans strict instructions that: “Never raise your
voices above the voice of the Prophet (i.e. oppose his orders!) that all your good deeds shall be
null and void!” Holy Qur’an: 49/2
Omar Denied Hadith

The most outrageous denial of the Hadith /Sunnah or teaching of the Holy Prophet
Mohammad A.S. took place, just a few days before the death of the Prophet A.S., by one of his
rebellious “commanders” /companions called Omar (who later on became the second Caliph,
after the Prophet A.S., in a “silent coup” in 632 A.D.)
The famous story is known in the Islamic History as the “Tragedy of the Thursday” in
Sahih Bukhari (vols. 5, and 7, 8 and 9).
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In that “Tragedy of Thursday” the Holy Prophet A.S. was on his “Death Bed” (He passed
away 3 days later on Monday) and his close commanders/ companions were around him,
pondering his death, and expecting any last message from him.
At this moment, the Holy Prophet A.S. opened his eyes, and he told them: “Bring me a
piece of paper, and a pen, so that I may dictate for you an instruction, that if you followed it, you
will never go astray, after me!” (The Hadith/ Tradition / Teaching by the Holy Prophet A.S.).
Suddenly, “commander Omar” got angry and he shouted: (No need for your instructions/
Hadith) “The Holy Qur’an is enough for us!” (Hasbuna Kitabal laah!) Ref. Sahih Bukhari, vol.
5/p.511-512/ also vols. 7, 8 and 9 of the same book.
So, Omar was the first Muslim, who denied the need for “Hadith”/Sunnah, and he
became the first “Qur’anic”/ the father of modern “Qur’anics” of our day. (i.e. not Sunni?!)
To complete his “opposition to the Hadith” Omar even went further with his
“disobedience” and he shouted: “This man (=The Holy Prophet???) is talking nonsense upon his
death/ Delirious!!!” (Sahih Bukhari, vol. 5/511)
The Holy Prophet A.S. got very angry and he told him/them: “Go away from me, you! I
am in my right mind!”
(Note: Didn’t Omar know about that strict warning of Allah S.W.T., in the Holy Qur’an
that says: “Don’t raise your voices above the voice of the Prophet! (or else, I Allah) shall erase all
your rewards from you, and you won’t even realize it!” Holy Qur’an: 49/2)

Omar’s Reasons for Being So “Qur’anics”

There are several possible reasons for Omar’s “Opposition to Hadith/ Sunnah, and even
“Burning Hadithes” and punishing the other Sahabah, for teaching the “teachings” of the Holy
Prophet A.S. But to my understanding the biggest reason was that Omar used to be the “student
of the Bible” before his conversion to Islam, and especially after the Holy Prophet’s death when
Omar’s “grand teacher was the highest Jewish Rabbi, “Ka-bul Ahbar” (A Yemeni Jewish
“convert” to Islam, after the death of the Holy Prophet A.S.)
Omar, even used to compare the Islamic “Hadith” to the “Jewish Mishna”, and therefore
like many Jews, he also believed that “only the Book of God must be saved, and not the
“Teachings of His Prophets” (He did not know that even the “Book of God” was brought to us by
the Prophets. So, it’s still coming from the Prophet’s Mouth!)

The “Qur’anics” Are as Wrong as the “Hadithis”

What these “Qur’anics” holier than thous forgot to consider is that:

1.) Unlike Omar, all other Muslims believe in 1) Book of Allah, 2) The Sunnah/ Hadith/
Teachings of the Holy Prophet A.S. (i.e. Kitab and Sunnah).
2.) The Holy Qur’an came from the “mouth” of the Holy Prophet A.S., as did his Hadith/
Sunnah/ Teachings, etc.
3.) The Jewish conspiracies were not limited only to the “Hadith”, but in the Holy Qur’an,
collection of “Othman” 20 years after the Holy Prophet A.S., and also after Othman had
already burned those six other Qur’an collections, and he had forced the Muslims to accept
the “Othman version” only.
Add to all that the fact that Othman’s “Chief Justice and the highest Islamic
Minister” was also the highest Jewish “agent” i.e. “Ka-bul Ahbaar”.
So, denying the “Hadith” and holding on to the “Qur’an of Othman version” not only
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doesn’t solve the problem of the “correct understanding of Islam” but rather it even complicates
the issue further; It’s like destroying one of the two headlights of your own car, and thinking that
you are safer in driving!

“The Qur’an Is not the Problem, But Othman Is!”

From what we have discussed so far, it must be clear to you by now that this is not the
Holy Qur’an’s fault, but rather the 20 years later collection of the Holy Qur’an, by a corrupt
person like the “3rd Caliph Othman” and his Jewish Chief Justice of Islam (i.e. Minister of
Justice,) that has damaged both the Holy Qur’an and the Islamic Tradition or Hadith.

“Barking at the wrong Tree”

Once we have established that the “False words/ Jewish Myths” entering into the Islamic
Texts (Both in the Holy Qur’an and the Hadith) doesn’t mean that the Holy Qur’an and Hadith
are totally false and unreliable, but just like a “rotten apple” it can be cleansed and benefited
from, then the second “Clarification” becomes necessary, too.
The second issue is the “Attacks by the anti-Islamic forces” who are using those “Jewish
falsifications in the Islamic Texts” as an excuse to question even the “Authenticity of the Holy
Prophet Mohammad A.S. and the Holy Qur’an, as a whole.”
That started by the Christian missionaries (Both Catholics and the Protestant
fundamentalists) and it was followed by the Muslim heretics, like Salman Rushdies “Satanic
Verses” in 1980’s. (and the fatwa of the Imam Khomenie against him).
Our answer to all of them is that “You are just barking at the wrong Tree”. Because, the
Muslims themselves also denounce those “False Texts”. Just as a few fake “Money” in any part
of the world doesn’t mean that even the genuine currency must be rejected in the same manner a
few false Hadith or verses added to the Islamic texts doesn’t mean that all is wrong

The “Qur’anics vs. the Hadithis”

Another clarification which is necessary here is the fact that because of some “Israeliyyat
Hadithes” in the Islamic Texts, some fooools have gone to another extreme, by denying “All
Hadith” and just accepting the Holy Qur’an alone (=Sola Biblia?!) They call themselves the
“Qur’anics”, following their leader Omar! (Ref. Sahih Bukahri vol. 5/511).
Our answer is: “No healthy and normal person walks on one leg, alone!” The Muslims,
since the first day have accepted “Two things, as the basic foundation of the Islamic Faith i.e. The
Holy Qur’an and the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet A.S. which have continued in his Ahlal Bayt”
(Ref. Sahih Muslim vol. 4/ Hadith 1828)
Those foooolish “Qur’anic hypocrites” have forgotten three very important points!
1.) Before the Holy Qur’an was completed in 23 years, it was the Holy Prophet Mohammad A.S.
who was teaching everyday rules of the Islamic Nation. (So where was the Qur’an?)
2.) Even Holy Qur’an came “through the Holy Prophet A.S. and his tongue” meaning to say that
the Holy Qur’an itself is another “Sunnah” of the Holy Prophet A.S. (Now, how can you
accept some of those words that comes from the Holy Prophet’s mouth /i.e. the Holy Qur’an/
as the truth, but reject his other teachings, i.e. his Hadith and Sunnah?)
3.) As we saw before, the same people who polluted the “Islamic Hadith” were the ones who
falsified the Holy Qur’an” too.
So, “only Qur’an” is as false as the “only Hadith” slogan! The right belief is the “Qur’an
and the Sunnah/ Hadith, together!” Ref. Sahih Muslim, vol. 4/1828.
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Chapter VIII

Jews Corrupted All Holy Books! But Why?!

This is a very interesting question that once my own publisher asked me, after learning
about our research on the Jewish conspiracies against Islamic Holy Book and the Hadith Texts (as
they did with the Old and the New Testaments of the Jews and the Christians, too).
The answer to that “tricky question” can be many, and also a few, short, as well as long.
I will try a few of them here, as brief as possible, although I know very well that it can
end up very long, as well.
1.) My first answer to the reason /reasons behind those “Jewish conspiracies” is that it’s
because of the Jewish mentality of “Tribalism” or “Ghetto Tradition” itself, since
3,000 to 4,000 years upto now. That’s because the Jews consider only themselves to
be the “Chosen People” of God, and all other people as the “Goyim” (=Plural of
“gow”/ meaning “Cow” in English/ gaay in Sanskrit and Gav in Persian) meaning
Cattle or just animals.
This “concept of us vs. them” has created a “Mafia Mentality” and a “Ghetto
culture” for the Jews as the only people who will go to Heaven, and the rest of mankind are
bound for Hell! (And thus to Hell with them!)
That’s also why the Jews do not “convert” anyone to Judaism, so that the “Heaven will
not be crowded with the pesky un-chosen people!”
Even the child of a Jewish man is not considered a Jew, unless the mother who gave birth
to the child was a Jew, too!
That’s why the “Arabs” who are from the sperm of Abraham, too, are not “Chosen”
people; Because they are from the sperm of Abraham (i.e. the Persian-avestan “Bon”/ Ben/ Bin /
Van/ Von/ Wan, all meaning “Seed”/ sperm) which was put into the Vagina of Hagar (An
Egyptian/ Palestinian lady, taken as slave in the war, and sold by the Jews as an “slave” to Sarah/
the princess / the first wife of Abraham, from Babylonia/ Iraq of today!).
That sperm (i.e. Bon/ Ben/ Bin/ Van/ Von/ Wan/ Binhi) could be chosen, only if it were
“planted into a Jewish Vagina”! But, how was “Sarah” of Babylon/ Iraq/ a “Jew”? And how
could 95% the European Jews in Israel/ Ashk-nazis/ Khazars/ Hasidis, etc. /be considered
“Semites”, let alone being from “Abraham-Sarah” sperm and egg? That’s the 6,000,000 dollar

The Temple Revolt Against the Levites

Aside from that “Tribal Mentality” which I would like to call “Tribalism” /the
Tribalititese Disease/ the next reason for all those conspiracies against the holy books, are the
1.) The “Levites”/ one of the 12 tribes of the Israelites were the “priestly” functionaries,
among the Jews/ i.e. Religious community/ order.
2.) After several generations of priesthood, this tribe of “Priesthood” did “prostitute”
themselves and they became very corrupt…financially, morally and even spiritually,
as usual
3.) They started the “Serpent god worship” of the Bronze Serpent that Moses presented
to the Israelites, as a Miracle. (Remember the staff of Moses in the Holy Qur’an, that
ate Pharaoh’s magicians “Serpents” (Ref. Holy Qur’an 7:116-118)
4.) This “Levite” corruptions/ Idol worshippings became so scandalous and sacrilegious,
that it caused a revolt against the “Levite Priestly Order” in the Jerusalem Temple,
after which the Levites were ousted from the Temple, and they were demoted and
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removed from all their religious Positions, by the Reformist “Prophet Hezekiel” (Ref.
2 Kings 18)
5.) After the Prophet Hezekiah / Hezekiel cleansed the temple from the “Levites”, the
Levites (Serpent worshippers of the Synagogue of Satan) started to fight back in a
“Serpently manner” which meant to “Defend the Serpent worshipping / Serpentism /
and the Synagogue of Satan vs. Yahweh, God of the Jews, without being found out
that they were actually “Anti-Yahweh Elohim” / Anti-God/ Atheist!

That’s how their “Conspiracies” against the Holy Books started, and it became a “Satanic
Tradition” (i.e. Satanic Verses) which is on going until today.
Look at these few examples, from the first page of the Bible/ Old Testament / book of
Genesis, very briefly:
1.) God Elohim (i.e. many gods? God “El-Elion”, the most high god and his 70 god-boys
and girls) created Adam, and from his “rib” They created his wife “Eve”.
2.) God Elohim told Adam and Eve to eat from every fruit of the “Garden of Eden”
except just one at the middle. (i.e. The tree of wisdom and knowledge)
3.) He warned them that: “If you eat from that one, you surely will die!”
4.) But, Satan in the form of a “Serpent”/ Serpent of Moses, later ?/ appeared to Adam
and Eve, and he first fooled the woman! (=Male Chauvinism?) and then Adam, too,
by saying: “Did Yahweh Elohim told you not to eat from that “Tree” because you
will surely die?”
No! If you eat, you will not die! But your eyes will be “opened” and you will
become “gods” yourselves!”
Adam and Eve ate from the “Tree” and their eyes were opened! They saw their
“Nakedness”. So, they had to cover their genitals with the leaves of the trees.
5.) The next day “God Elohim” came to the Garden “Walking” (Just like the
“Wahhabis” belief that Allah walks in Heaven, too!) and he said: “Adam! Where are
you” ? ? ? ? (God the ignorant?)
That’s how the Satan worshipping Levites were taking their revenge from the
God of universe i.e. Satanism/ Serpentism!
Adam (and Eve) said: “We are hiding! Because we are naked and ashamed!”
God Eluhim said: “Who told you that you are “Naked”? Did you eat from the “tree” that I told
you not to eat?”
Adam said: The woman that you gave me gave the fruit to me! And Eve also blamed the
serpent. (Ref. Genesis 3: 6-15)
God Elohim (talking to 70 other gods and godesses above) said: “Man has become just
like one of us gods! Let’s punish him!” (Ref. Genesis 3:1)
And then God Elohim talked to Eve, saying: Because of what you have done, (Your
punishment will be) from now:
1.) You shall be made “servant” to your husband!!!
2.) You shall suffer “child-birth pain” (Not sex pleasure?!)
3.) You and the serpent shall become enemies! You shall crush the serpents head! And
she shall bite your feet!
4.) And you O’ serpent! Shall crawl on your belly, and you shall eat from the dust of the
earth! (Ref. Old Testament/ Jewish Bible/ Book of Genesis/ 3:1-24)

What is very clear from this “Biblical” story is that:

a) The God of universe is a “Liar”, while Satan/ Serpent is telling the “Truth”
b) God of the universe is ignorant about the developments, until he discovers it for
himself (e.g. “Wahhabism”?)
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c) This vengeful God of universe punishes Satan, /Serpent/ who served mankind by
helping them to open their eyes, and exposing the “Lies” of God/ gods!! (70 gods
according to Deuteronomy: 32 )
d) God / gods of the universe is/ are “regretful” of creating the mankind! And they later
send the flood, to destroy them all! (i.e. Flood of Noah? Killing thousands of
innocent children for the falts of their fathers?)

The truth of the matter is that the entire “Bible” story is a “Copycat” from the Babylonian
Mythology, plus the Greek Myths of “Zeus” and his 1,000 cousin gods and lovers! And Satan /
the serpent/ helping Adam and Eve, plus the punishment of Yahweh Elohim for this “poor
husband and wife” is the exact story of “Zeus and his cousin Prometheus” who “stole the fire
from the gods” and brought that fire (knowledge / light) to the human beings (i.e. Zoroastrian /
Magi fire?) and Zeus, the “King of gods” of Greek Mythology punishing his cousin Prometheus,
for giving the secret of gods to the humans! (just like that Jewish couple who stole the nuclear
secrets from America and sold it to the communist Russia, in 1951. The Jewish husband and wife,
Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were executed in America, in 1953 for treason to their own country)
There are many other examples of such “Jewish” conspiracies against the God of Heaven,
and in support of Satan, which can be seen in the entire Bible/ Old and New/ as well as Islam’s
Holy Book - - the Qur’an “The Othman’s Version”, today (Ref. “The Lies of the Jews” by Rev.
Martin Luther, /1483– 1546 A.D./ founder of the Protestant Reformation, in the 16 th Century)
But, we believe that the few examples which were presented above, are good enough, just
to prove our point very clearly. As the Persian proverb says: “If there is even one person in the
house, then the knock on the door will sufice!”

However, for those who want to dig deeper into that “Religious Mafia”/ Jewish
Conspirators, etc. which has been thousands of years, behind the crime of the “Synagogue of
Satan”/ Devil worship/ Satanism / Evil against Good/ Satan vs. God the Free Masonery and
Illuminati conspiracies, here are a few more stories in the Jewish Bible/ Babylonian Talmud, etc.
to follow up:
1.) The story of Ham (one of the three sons of Noah, the father of the “Black Africans”)
“Sodomizing”/ raping his own 600 year old father! (or mother?) Ref. Genesis 9:20-
25/ And being cursed by his own father (the Prophet Noah A.S.) to be the “slave” to
his own brothers!/ the “Curse of Noah!”
2.) Abraham, giving his own wife Sarah to Pharaoh of Egypt for sex! And again to King
Abemalek of Palestine for sex! Etc.. (Ref. Book of Genesis: Ch. 16)
3.) Lot, the nephew of Abraham offering his two innocent daughters to a mob of
homosexuals, again for sex! (Ref. Genesis 19: 8-10)
4.) Lot’s two daughter making their own father drunk and “Raping” him and getting
pregnant, by their own father!
5.) King David, with 700 wives, still causing the death of another man, (a loyal soldier
of him called “Uriah”) and seducing his wife.
6.) King Solomon, having 1,000 “foreign”/ pagan wives, and having sex with 99 of them
in one night, according to the Jewish Bible (and also the corrupted traditions of the
Sunni Islam).
7.) King David’s son raping his own sister!
8.) Ruben, the Jewish patriarch, having sex with his own daughter-in-law

(For details, you may also see “Martin Luther’s famous book on “Jews and Their
Lies” written in Germany, 1543 A.D. Also available on the Internet, Google,
Wikipedia, and others)
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“Conspiracy” in the DNA of The Jew?

I, have come to this conclusion that the “conspiracy” is imbedded in the DNA of the Jews!
Remember that according to the Jewish holy Books (i.e. The Old Testament / the Babylonian Talmud /
the Jerusalem Talmud, as well as their Christian Brethren’s Holy Scriptures) Abraham, the grandfather of
all the Jews, gave his own wife Sarah, to Pharaoh of Egypt to “Sleep with!” (Ref. Book of Genesis/ Also
Encyclopedia Judaica, vol. 01 / 02 / 14 x 15) So, the adulterous DNA of Pharaoh became part of the
Jewish gene pool! Again, the Jewish Bible says that Abraham handed over his own wife Sarah (the proud
mother of the arrogant, “Pure Jews”) to King Abi Malik of Palestine “To have sex with!” (Ref. Genesis:
16) what a “wife swapper/ whore monger, started this “The Chosen People”!
Add to that the story of “Sarah” offering her “slave maid” called Hagar to her own husband
Abraham, to “impregnate” and to produce the Arab tribes, and you can see what a “shame and scandal in
the family” has been created!
Then, according to the Holy Texts of the Jews, the champion and the forefather of the Jewish
nation, King David, had 700 wives (Ref. Old Testament) and yet he fell in love (i.e. lust) with another
man’s wife (i.e. Bethsheba, wife of Uriah) plotted the murder of the husband, and went to “Bed with
Dead man’s wife”! (So, he has many Jewish children in adultery plus treachery?)
And the son of King David, raped his own sister! So, how many Jews are from incest and
Then comes the King Solomon, over doing his own father, King David, by marrying 1,000 wives,
many from pagan nations/ idolaters!/ adulterous, too! (So, many Jews from King Solomon also were
“Bastards” /Illegitimates, with immoral and un-godly, impure DNA’s!)
Before these “sex maniacs” there were many other adulterous forefathers of the Jews and their
incestuous children. But, the most well known in the Jewish “Holy Books/ words of God!” are: 1) Jacob
and 2) Lot. (Ref. Genesis 19: 8-10)
Jacob (which in Hebrew means “Deceiver /Swindler /Cheat!) had two wives and “Two girl
friends”! So, at least half of the 12 tribes of the Jews (the 12 children of Mr. Deceiver!) were born
“Bastards” according to the “10 Commandments of Moses”! (At least half of the Jews of today are
“certified Bastards”!) More scandalous is the fact that “Jacobs two wives were sixters at the same time??
which is against Judaism, Christianity and Islam, Tao, and against all human descenly!) And even more
scandalous is that Jacob was not contented with those two sisters, he also “raped” the two Sisters “bound
maids” making them 4 women in one bed!!!
And before, Jacob, another patriarch of the Jews, Lot is “raped” by two of his own daughters,
who got pregnant from their own father, to continue the “Jewish race” after God destroyed the “Jewish
towns of Sodom and Gomorrah”! (Guess how many Jews of that “father-daughters incest” are roaming
around in Israel, the Europe and New York, today!)
This, plus the Patriarch Judah’s incest with his own daughter-in-law, the Thamar and Ruben’s
incest, which is mentioned in Genesis/29:32 etc.
Now, after so many “incests and adulteries, and adulteries and incests” and conspiracies that
resulted in millions of “Bastards Jews” and the illicit “seeds” are you still wondering why the Jews have
been involved almost in every “Conspiracy”/ Treachery/ Free Masonry / Synagogue of Satan/ Illuminati/
Arms Deals / Wars/ Drugs/ Cartels and Trusts/ Stock-exchange manipulations/ Slavery / Sex Trade/
Bootleg Alcohol trade / Pornography/ Usury, etc.?!

How the Evil Entered the Gene Pool of the Jews?

All this is just the story of the “pure genes of Abraham”. How about the “Ashk-Nazi” fake Jews,
who make up 90% of the European Jews in Palestine - - the Middle East Colony of Israel, today?
What about those “Mongolian” (i.e. Mongoloid looking) Khazars of the Caucasus mountains (the
children of the Gog and Magog (i.e. Magus/ Magians?) who are not from the “sperm” and the eggs of
Abraham and the “whore” Sarah) ?!
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Well, that “fake-Jewery” is another “Pandora’s Box” which will add many other “cans of worms”
to the “Jewish conspiracy and the impure “sperms mix up” in the present Jews DNA. (Ref. Genesis 6:4-6)
P.S. Noah was lucky that he did not get “pregnant” after he was “raped” /Sodomized / by his own
son Ham! Otherwise, we would have “Another cursed species the third sex of the monster-men/ Master
race/ Chosen people / roaming the land, today! Just imagine a 100 years old son “Sodomizing” his own
600 years old father! That’s “Holy Judaism in the Holy Bible” (Ref. Genesis 9: 20-25/ the Curse of
This could also explain why the “Jewish Tribes” have been expelled from every nation on earth;
Some 108 countries have expelled those “Wandering Jews” in the past 3,000 years! Throughout history,
the Jews have entered into other nations (as slaves, or by their own scheming) just like a “parasite” that
enters into anybody and destroys it from inside, or a cancerous cell that grows beyond proportion, and
kills it’s own “host”
That’s also what the Jews did in Persia, in 200 B.C. / the Purim Haulocast of the Persians by the
Jews/ also in Spain (7-15 centuries) in England (17th century upto the present) in Germany 16th century
until Hitlers 1940’s “final solution” and many other parts of Europe. But, the most shameful examples at
present are the Zionist strangling the Americas, and controlling almost everything, and extending it to the
“colonization of the Middle Eastern land of Palestine, using “their Old Testament Bible” as an excuse, to
occupy Palestine.

Chapter IX

“Don’t you use your Brains?!

This Qur’anic experission (H.Q. 2: 44) is probably to all people of “Blind faith” and more
especially to the Muslim blind faith folks, who for the past 1,400 years have been reading the Qur’an and
the Hadith and never “thinking that such verses and words inside those texts are contrary to the spirit of
the true religion, and contradicting each other?!”

“Gutenberg Destroyed Christianity, Facebook did the Wahhabi Islam!”

In 15th century A.D. the German inventor Johann Gutenberg (1400-1468) created the printing
machine, and he unwittingly “Killed both Christianity and Judaism”. Because by printing the Bible as his
first work, he gave the Bible to everybody who could read for himself, rather than waiting for the priests
and the Jewish Rabbis to “read” only those parts of the Bible that they wanted, and hiding those shameful,
scandalous forgeries of the Bible in Genesis, Exodus and all those “Lies of the Jews” as Martin Luther
called them.

By reading the “real Bible rather than the reel Bible” the European intellectuals, both Jews and
Christians left their false religions, and suddenly, the Churches and the Synagogues became empty.!

That’s why in the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries we witness the phenomenal growth of “Atheism”/
Humanism/ Socialism and Communism in Europe and especially in Germany, France and England, and
the slogan of “Back to Mithraism, Zurvanism and Zoroastrianism” of the ancient Aryans/ Iranians!

The most interesting part was played by the German philosophers and intellectual like Nitzche
and Hegel, Karl Marx and others, who claimed that “Before the coming of the Christianity (i.e.
Catholicism) into Europe, the Aryan (i.e. Iranian/ Persian) Mithraism, Zurvanism, and Zoroastrianism
were the “right creed” of Europe! But, it was the Christianity that “stole everything and imposed the fake
Jewish Mythology, as the true religion”.

The Catholic Church even stole some parts of “Mithraism” and claimed them as “Christianity”
too. Just like “December 25 as the Birth of Jesus Christ, while in truth it was the Birth of Mithra, the Sun-
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god of the Aryans!” (Refer to “Saturnalia”/ the Three Wise men or the Persian Magis/ and the shepherds
and their Sheep’s “grazing” in December “snow”? or was it in the spring time? Outside Jerusalem!)

“Christianity and Judaism Exposed”

After the publication of the Bible by Gutenberg and exposing the truth about the Bible, when the
European intellectuals discarded the Bible, and the public left the Churches and the Synagogues, the new
generations turned to their early Aryan beliefs i.e. Mithraism, Zurvanism, and Zoroastrianism of the
ancient Persia.

That’s were the German intellectual-philosopher, Nitzche wrote his many books and articles on
those “Old Original Beliefs”. The most notable among Nitzches works are the following two explosive
1) “God is Dead” (Meaning the god of Catholicism)
2) “Thus Sayeth Zaratushtra”

In those two books he used the “Fundamental words of the Aryan/Persian Prophet Zaratushtra” to
expose the Christian-Judaic Mythologies in the Bible.

The term “God is dead” was originally used by the Persian Prophet Zaratushtra some 4,000 years
ago when he denounced “So many man-made gods of the Indo-Iranian/ Indo-European tribes!”. The
Persian Prophet Zaratushtra declared that gods (i.e. plural) are dead (i.e. gone) and long live God (of the
universe) Ahura Mazda, alone! - - just like what Islam declared 3,000 years later as “La Ilaha Il-lal
(So, the original Monotheism was declared by the Aryan Prophet Zaratushtra 4,000 years ago,
and not by the Jews, who claim “exclusive” Monotheism, and still the first page of the Jewish Bible talks
of “God El-Elyon, the Most High/ God of the gods/ and his 70 plus sons/ gods!!!/ who are to be gods of
70 nations, Jehowa being the “god” of the Jews, exclusively! This, despite the early Jewish pagan gods of
“Moloch”/ Uru/ Ninep/ Kivan/ Murdock/ Ba-al/ and a dozen other gods!)

“The King is Naked”

Just like that “Small beggar boy” who shouted “The king is naked” and he exposed the fraud of
the “Fake Tailor” (in the story of Hans Christian Anderson/ 1837, Denmark) the European intellectuals,
especially Nitzche also “Shouted that the Bible was a fraud, and a forgery from the Greek Myths and the
Babylonian Talmud and it was a thievery and plagiarism by the Jews from the exile of Babylon.
That was the beginning of the end for both Christianity and Judaism in the West.
Then came the Martin Luther’s revolt against Catholicism and his book titled “The Jews and
Their Lies and Forgeries” in the 16th century. This was a death knell for both fraudulent official religions.
From that day on, millions of Christians, especially the Catholics, as well as the Jews, left their
traditional faiths. Many turned to “Humanism”/ Atheism/ Buddhism/ Hinduism and even to Islam. (e.g.
German Philosopher-Poeth Goeth converted to Islam, and Carlyle praised “Mohammadan Religion” and
even a socialist thinker like the Irish George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950) even predicted the “Death of
Christianity in Europe and the rise of Islam as the dominant religion, in the West!” (what a prophesy by a
“socialist”! Just last year (2017) more than 500 Churches in England were closed, and some 450 Mosques
and Islamic centers were opened, in England, alone! Not to mention France, Germany, Holland, Sweden,
America, Canada, Australia, Latin America, etc.)
No wonder even the American pastor like Robert Murray was forced to write his book “The
Islamic Invasion” in 1980’s, and the other American pastor, Terry Jones, who could not accept that
“Invasion” wanted to “Burn the Qur’an” in public, in the year 2012.
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Just like the German Gutenberg, who unwittingly destroyed Christianity and Judaism, by
inventing the printing machine, and publishing the Bible, in the same manner another young man called
Mike Zucherberg (German seed, too?) destroyed Wahhabi Islam, unwittingly, by inventing the Facebook!
As Gutenberg brought out those “Hidden parts of the Bible” into the public eye, the Facebook eye
and the “social media as a whole” exposed those “Jewish conspiracies in the Islamic Texts, both in the
Hadith and in the Holy Qur’an” which were hidden from the average Muslims, by the Wahhabi, Salafi,
Akhbari conservative Islam - - both Sunni and Shiah.
Suddenly, everybody, especially the university educated Muslim youth, boys and girls, could read
those “Dirty words” in their supposedly “Immaculate Texts” that for a thousand years were hidden from
the public eye!
This lead to a big number of the “Muslim Youth” (especially from the Wahhabi and Sunni Islam,
in the Arab and Pakistani-Indian-Bangladeshi Sunni communities) becoming “Atheists” /Ex-Muslims/
Mulhid/ Kafir/ Murtad/ Apostates, etc.
The Shiah Islam was less affected by this wave, thanks to the “Non-conservative / less traditional
Shiah scholars of the past and present, but even they were influenced a lot, and many were shaken, too.
“There has been more conversion to other religions/ Sufism/ Atheism, etc. in Iran, in less than 40
years of the Islamic Revolution of 1979, than in the past 400 years before that!” (Ref. “Reza Aslan”

“The Anti-Venom Has Arrived”!

As we all know, the only effective “Anti-Venom” in the world is “From the cobra Venom” itself.
Our “expose” of the Jewish conspiracies against all religions, especially against the Islamic Texts
of the Hadith and the Holy Qur’an, is just that, i.e. an anti-venom against the venom that has infected
billions of “religious people” for thousands of years!
It’s hoped that we have “opened the Pandora’s Box”.

Chapter X

A Question: What about Allah’s Protection of the Holy Qur’an

Allah in the Holy Qur’an has stated that: “We ourselves have sent the “Reminder”/the Holy
Qur’an / and we surely are going to protect it, too.” Ref. Holy Qur’an /ch.15/v.9

The short answer is:

1.) The word “Reminder” here is referring not only to the Holy Qur’an,but also to the
Message of “Islam” as a whole. (i.e. the Qur’an and the Sunnah)
2.) Allah has already saved the Holy Qur’an, with the “Rightful Khalifahs of Him,”
meaning the Holy Ahlal Bayt of the Holy Prophet A.S. the last one of them being the
“Imam Mahdi” that all Muslims are expecting to come (i.e. The Muslim Messiah), at
least 1,000 years before the end of this world (See the Islamic Books of Hadith)
3.) That “Reminder” is now with “the People of the Reminder” i.e. the Holy Ahlal Bayt
(see Holy Qur’an, Ch. 21/v.7; and 33:33) In other words, the Holy Qur’an is saying
that: “The Ahl Ad-Dikr” are the “Ahlal Bayt”! And the Holy Prophet A.S. also did
say: “Those are the two weighty entities that I leave behind for you, and they shall
never separate from each other, until they come to me, on the Day of Judgment” (See
Ref. 1) Sahih Muslim, vol.2/P.238 and also Ref. 2) Musnad Imam Ahmad Hanbal,
vol. 5/P.181, etc.) It’s also known as the “Hadith Thaqalayn” among all Muslim
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4.) If protecting the Holy Qur’an meant a total protection from any attempts, and that
there would be no “mischievous plots” by the enemies of Islam at all, then how come
Allah allowed “Ayisha’s Copy” to be eaten by the goat (Lost!) And Omar saying
that “Some verses were different, before!” And Abu Musa Ash-ari complaining
about the changes in the original copy of the Holy Qur’an, and “Abdullah Bin Mas-
ud’s Qur’an” which was different, and it did not have the two small Surahs, called
“Mua-wada-tain” at the end of the Holy Qur’an! And more importantly, those six
copies that Othman burned, but Allah did not stop those allegedly “wrong” copies
from being written, in the first place, and also from being “Burned by Othman”
later (without any protection from Allah s.w.t.?).
5.) If saving the “Book of Allah” meant those things, then how come many other “Books
of Allah” before the Holy Qur’an were not protected?(some 500 false Bibles?) Those
were also the words of the same Allah, which were “Revealed before” (See The Holy
Qur’an, ch.3/v.3-4.)
6.) As we have said before, a few “Israel-iyyat” in some Islamic Hadith, could not
destroy the “Sunnah of the Holy Prophet”. In the same manner, a “few
changes/additions or subtractions of several verses here and there, cannot destroy the
totality of the Holy Qur’an, just as a few broken windows here and there, cannot
destroy a big building, too. Especially, when you consider that most of those
additions, were just the stories of the lives of the Jewish Prophets, from the Jewish
Bible. (i.e. King David, King Solomon, etc.)

Even a thousand verses of the Holy Qur’an, are good enough to satisfy us, and to
protect the true believers’ souls from the spiritual damnation, as did the 10 Commandme-
nts of the Prophet Moses A.S. before the advent of Islam. Even just one “Page” or two of
the original message are capable of achieving their spiritual Mission! (i.e. even the
“Surah Fatihah” in the beginning page of the Holy Qur’an is a complete lesson of faith as
were those “Two Tablets” of the Prophet Moses A.S. did, some 3,000 years ago!).


1) While there are more than enough evidences to prove the Jewish conspiracies against Islam
and the Muslim Ummah, as a whole, and while there “are many clear examples in the Islamic
Hadith and in the Holy Qur’an of the stories from the Jewish Taurah and the Talmud, too” yet
there are enough truth left there, in order to guide the mankind, to the “Right Path”. So, there
could be no doubt about the Authenticity of the basic Message of the Holy Prophet
Mohammad (P.B.U.H.) i.e. The Holy Qur’an, and his blessed Sunnah / Hadith at all.
2) Anytime you see inconsistencies in the Islamic Texts, both in the Holy Qur’an and in the
Hadith, you must look into the possibility of those Jewish conspiracies against Islam and the
Muslim Ummah, which are also known as the “Isra-iliyyat”!
3) Just like a “Rotten Apple” that must be cleansed to protect the rest of the apple, or a
“gangrene” foot, that must be cut off, in order to save the rest of the body from the certain
death, the qualified Muslim scholars today must also cleanse the Islamic texts, from those
Jewish conspiracies, once and for all. (or at least to be aware of them, in order to avoid any
misunderstandings about the true Islam).
4) Fortunately, those additions have been mostly about the “stories of the lives of the Jewish
Prophets, from the Jewish Bible” and not in the fundamentals of the Islamic Faith.

“Othman was Buried in Jewish Cemetery”

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The story of Jewish conspiracies against Islam will not be complete, without also telling its “Final
Episode” i.e. The Killing of Othman, and his burial in the Jewish Cemetery. Not only the right hand of the
Caliph Othman was a “Jewish Rabbi” by the name of “Ka-bul Ahbar” (who was also the “Bible teacher
of Omar, and Abu Huraira, Abdullah bin Omar and Muawia, as well!) but Othman himself was also killed
by the first generation Muslims (=Sahaba and the Ta-be-in!) and he was buried in the “Jewish Cemetery
of Madinah” after the Muslims refused to bury him in the Islamic Cemetery !!! But why?

The answer to that question alone, could also be an answer to a thousand other questions about
the true characteristic of the 3rd Caliph Othman, and the faith of his followers today, too!

Every Muslim knows very well that even an ordinary Muslim is never buried in a Jewish
Cemetery; then how come the third Caliph of Islam was? This, despite the Sunni Muslims belief that the
3rd Caliph was the 3rd most important Muslim, after the Holy Prophet A.S.

Just imagine the so-called “Collector of the Holy Qur’an” not only was killed by the Sahaba, (i.e.
All of them righteous people?) but also that his corpse was not even allowed by the “Great Sahabah” to be
buried next to the Holy Prophet A.S (as were the first and the Second Caliphs) and even worse, he could
not be buried in the “Muslim Cemetery!” So, they had to bury “Othman” among his “Jewish Friends!” in
the old Jewish Cemetery of Madinah (Which was located next to the Muslim Cemetery, and now it’s a
part of the “Baqie Graveyard”). This, after his body was left in the streets of Madinah, for three days, to
be eaten by the stray dogs!

That fact alone is enough to tell us volumes about the corrupt personality of the Caliph Othman,
and his Jewish mentor “Ka-bul Ahbar” as many Sunni Scholars also have asserted, since the early days
upto the present. How can a “dirty hand” cook a clean food? Then how could those “Notorious
Characters” (=the Hypocrites and the Jews) be trusted to collect the pure words of Allah?

The most recent book written about “Othman’s Corruption and Nepotism” which also lead to the
first “Revolution in Islam” (657 A.D.), was by the prominent Pakistani Sunni Scholar, “Abul A’la
Maududi”, in 1975. He wrote the book, titled “Khilafat Wa Molukiyyat” (=Caliphate and Kingdom) in
the “Urdu” language, which was later on translated into the Arabic, Persian, English and other languages,

In that book, Shaikh Maududi called Othman a “King” and not a “Caliph of the Holy Prophet
A.S.” Now, if Othman was the “First King” in the Islamic Caliphate, then “Muawia” (another Bani
Umayyad) becomes the 2nd “King”!? (For details of that historic “Deviations in Islam” you may also refer
to “Imam Tabari’s History of Islam” or the “Al-Bidayah wan Nihayah” by Ibne Kathir, or “Nubala”
by Imam Dahabi, or Tabaqat by Ibn Sa-ad and many other classic Muslim history books).

That topic is beyond our study here, and it needs many other articles and books of its own.


1) “The Holy Qur’an” English Translation, by Abdullah Yusof Ali, The Arab Republic of
Libya, 1972.
2) “Al-Itqan” by Imam Al-Sayuti, Cairo Egypt, 1050.
3) “Sahih Bukhari” by Imam Bukhari, Damascus, Syria 1985.
4) “Sahih Muslim”, by Imam Muslim Neishaburi, Cairo, Egpyt, 1982
5) “Sunan Tirmidi”, Lahore, Pakistan, 1482
6) “Sunan Ibn Maja”, (Magi) Al-Qazwini, Beirut, 1965
7) “Sunan Nasai”, Lahore, Pakistan, 1975
73|P a g e 73

8) “Muwatta of Imam Malik”, Saudi Arabia, 1980

9) “Sunan Abu Dawoud Sistani”, Karachi, Pakistan 1972
10) “Faza-il A-mal”, Lahore, Pakistan 1989.
11) “Al-Bidayah wan Nihayah” by Ibn Kathir, Beirut, Lebanon 1988
12) “Khilafat wa Molukiyyat” by Shaikh Abul A’la Maududi, Lahore, Pakistan, 1975.
13) “History of Islam” by Al-Waqidi, Cairo, Egypt, 1950.
14) “Al-Tabaqaat” by Ibn Sa-ad, Cairo, Egypt, 1958.
15) “Creation of Man” by Dr. Yadullah Sahabi, Tehran, Iran, 1970.
16) “The Ass in the Lion’s Skin”/ The Great Jewish Mask Published by The Bamboo Delight
Books, U.S.A. 1935.
17) “Tarikh Al-Tabari” by Imam Tabari, Cairo, Egypt 1980.
18) “Isra-iliyyat in Hadith and Tafseer” (=Holy Qur’an Commentaries) by Dr. Ramzi Nana,
Darul Baydha, Beirut, 2005 Ed. P. 243.
19) Professor Ali Dashti/ The Qur’an of Cairo of 1924 A.D./ Tehran, 1962.
20) The List of the Books about “Changes in the Holy Qur’an” by the “Sunni Imams” :
a) “Sahih Bukhari”/ Hadith 6442 / 1945/ 2504/ vol.6/ P. 61/ Hadith 510 and vol. 8/ Hadith
817, also P, 370/ Hadith 1164.
b) “Sahih Muslim”, vol.4/ P. 167; Also Hadith 2286/ and vol. 1/ P.130 and vol. 11/ P. 91
and vol. 3/ P. 100 and vol. 2/ P.726 Also vol.3/ 1317 & 1691.
c) “Sunan Ibn Maja” (=Magi) chapter 20/ Hadith 380 and vol. 1/ P. 625 Also in Hadith
d) “Sunan Imam Nasa-iy”, vol. 1/P. 236
e) “Musnad Imam Ahmad Hanbal”, vol. 6/ P. 269.
f) “Durrul Man-thur, by Imam Sayuti”, vol. 1/ P.105 and also vol. 6/ P. 420 and P. 56.
g) “Al-Itqan”, by Imam Sayuti vol. 1/ P. 64 and vol. 2/ P. 27 and vol. 3/ P. 36 and vol. 6/ P.
25 and also P. 37.
21) “The Old Testament”, New York Bible Society, USA, 1992.
22) “Nubala” by Imam Ad-Dahabi, Beirut, Lebanon, 1985

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