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By :



CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION..............................................................................................2

A. BACKGROUND.............................................................................................................2

B. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM............................................................................3

C. HYPOTHESIS................................................................................................................3

D SCOPE OF THE STUDY.....................................................................................................3

E. OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY.....................................................................................3

F. SIGNIFICANCE OF STUDY........................................................................................3

CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW.................................................................................5

A. Theoretical Basis.................................................................................................................5

2.1. Self Service......................................................................................................................5

2.2. Marketing Strategy.........................................................................................................7

2.3. Customer Satisfaction....................................................................................................8

2.4. Customer Loyalty...................................................................................................................8

2.5. Relationship of Self Service With Customer Satisfaction..............................................9

2.6. Relationship of Self Service With Customer Loyalty......................................................9

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD AND ANALYSIS.................................................10

3.1. Types of Research.........................................................................................................10

3.2. Location and Time of Research...................................................................................10

3.3. Research Subject...........................................................................................................10

3.4. Research Object............................................................................................................10

3.5. Method of Collecting Data ..........................................................................................10

3.6. Population......................................................................................................................11

3.7. Sample............................................................................................................................11

3.8. Data Source...................................................................................................................11

3.9. Scale of Measurement...................................................................................................11





In the difficult times like today, there is a lot of competition in various fields,

including one of them is competition in the business sector. In order for businesses to move

forward and be able to survive, business owners compete with each other to gain market

share. This spurred business owners to innovate in meeting the needs of consumers by

providing convenience. One thing that can be done to reduce costs, increase value and

increase satisfaction is to implement self service in order to increase sales.

The application of self service has the advantage of being able to provide information

about customers ordering any menu, how many times a customer comes, and also the

details of customer payments. This self service can be used to develop new strategies that

can increase sales. Self service has begun to be implemented in big cities in Indonesia and

one of the places to implement it is Stue Coffe in Purwokerto.

The quality of service provided is closely related to customer satisfaction. With

customer satisfaction will create harmony between sellers and buyers. Customer

satisfaction can encourage customers to make repeat purchases. Based on the background,

the writer wants to know and analyze the effect of applying self service to customer

satisfaction and loyalty at Stue Coffee Purwokerto



Based on the background above, the problem can be formulated as follows:

1. Does the application of self service affect customer satisfaction at Stue

Cofffe Purwokerto?

2. Does the application of self service affect customer loyalty at Stue Cofffe



The influence of the application of self service to customer satisfaction and loyalty at

Stue Coffee Purwokerto


1. Knowing the effect of applying self service to customer satisfaction at Stue

Coffee Purwokerto

2. Knowing the effect of applying self service to customer loyalty at Stue Coffee



This research created a problem limitation so that it remained focused on
researching the problems that had been formulated. These restrictions include:
1. This research was conducted to customers at STUE COFFEE PURWOKERTO
2. The variables used in this study are self service, customer satisfaction, and
customer loyalty


The results of this study are expected to be used theoretically and practically:


a) The results of this study are expected to provide an evaluation for the application of

self service as a marketing strategy at STUE COFFEE Purwokerto on customer

satisfaction and loyalty

b) Provide scientific information about the effect of applying self service to customer

satisfaction and loyalty at Stue Coffe Purwokerto

c) As a reference to other researchers who want to examine how much influence self-

service as a marketing strategy in a food and beverage business


a) The results of this study are suggested to apply self service as a marketing strategy

in achieving customer satisfaction and loyalty

b) The use of marketing strategies with self service can increase customer satisfaction

and loyalty




The theoretical foundation is the part that discusses the breakdown of variables used

theoretically. These variables are: SELF SERVICE, CUSTOMER SATISFACTION and


2.1. Self Service

Orel and Kara (2013) reported that Self services technology is one of the

technologies adopted by business people with the aim of reducing costs, increasing

satisfaction and increasing sales. Lin and Hsieh (2011) report that independent service

based indicators can be seen from the self service quality technology which includes:

functionality, enjoyment, design, assurance, security / privacy, convenience and


  The advantages of using self-service services for companies include: providing

information on what menu ordered by customers, monitoring the number of times

customers come to a restaurant to eat and also the payment process made by customers

(William and Julian, 2015). In addition, Prabu (2013) also reported that changes to the self

service technology system could lead to savings in printing costs for paper-based menus

and could quickly change menus directly to all restaurant locations.

Dimensions of Self-Service Services (SSTQUAL)

Lin & Hsieh (2011), described the seven dimensions that shape consumer


service quality in self-service technology (SST), including:


1. Functionality, this dimension represents the functional characteristics of self-service

technology (SST),

that is :

a) Reliability, is the ability to provide the promised service

reliably and accurately.

b) Responsiveness (responsiveness), is the ability of SST devices in responding

command entered by the user.

c) Simple and Easy to use, SST devices can be operated easily and

only requires a little effort.

d) Respond request quickly, is a service on SST devices can be completed in

short time.

2. Enjoyment

Is a perception of pleasure and interest that the user encounters when

use and after using SST devices.

3. Security / Privacy

Refers to freedom from risk or doubt the user will feel. Amenities

given the SST device in building a sense of security and comfort in themselves

consumers in operation.

4. Design

Covers the overall appearance of the SST, which gives rise to an aesthetic appearance

well. The beauty of the shape and arrangement of the SST device to create the appearance

that attracts users.

5. Assurance

Assurance describes self-confidence because of reputation and competence

from the SST device that prioritizes trust because of the reputation and competence of

SST provider. Assurance can create a sense of security for consumers. Dimension

this is important in the service industry where consumers feel unsure of ability

the industry because it has a high risk.

6. Convenience

The convenience dimension illustrates the accessibility of SST services, with ease

and SST service convenience to use.

7. Customization

It is a dimension where the SST device can be changed to suit the preferences and

consumer desires. Aim to understand and meet the needs of users with

not fixated on the system structure.

2.2. Marketing strategy

According to Purwanto (2008), starategium analysis "The strategy triangle", namely:

Customers, Competitors and Company. Capable of a company / business unit carry out

production and operations only until it's finished making only products, including small-

scale companies to medium. The company accepted too pay attention to business use

strategies maintain develop a business that already exists, in order to remain competitive.

Marketing strategy is one way win a competitive edge Sustainability is good for that

company producing goods or services. Marketing strategy can be considered as a basic one

used in corporate planning overall. Viewed from the breadth Problems that exist in the

company, then Is required to take instructions for the company segment in carrying out its

activities. Another reason marketing strategy is getting tougher The competition passed by

the company at General. So, nothing again another choice for the company to deal with it

or completely come out of arena of competition. The company must improve customer

effectiveness and value, like those


Bestari (2003: 85) stated that is the response The best way to protect the market is

to make continuous innovation innovation). The company keeps on trying increase

competitive effectiveness and value company in the eyes of its consumers.

2.3. Customer Satisfaction

Kotler and Armstrong (2008) report that customer satisfaction is an impulse that

makes consumers make purchases that depend on product performance against consumer

expectations. If consumers feel the results are not in accordance with food expectations

consumers will be disappointed and feel dissatisfied, but otherwise consumers will feel

satisfaction if the satisfaction obtained is in line even exceeding consumer expectations.

Tjiptono (2006) Customer satisfaction is strongly influenced by the convenience

factor in service and Alexander (2006) reports that customer satisfaction is an indicator for

the company about the extent to which the company can meet consumer demand for the

products it produces.

2.4. Customer Loyalty

Tjiptono (2006) reports that loyalty is a commitment held by individuals to

repurchase or to subscribe to a product or service that is consistently liked in the future. It

is this commitment that can cause repeated purchases of a product's brand range, even if

there is a change in the situation that causes switching behavior.

Griffin (2005) reports that customer loyalty is a purchase that is made non-randomly

from time to time. Bolbaca et. al (2012) reports that customer loyalty can be seen from the

individual's actual purchase of a product or service that is formed through certain phases

with a number of characteristics and dimensions that are to maintain or reduce loyalty

2.5. Relationship of Service with Satisfaction

Lukman and Dian (2017) report that getting customer satisfaction that not only

includes the quality of a service but also includes the service received is one of the

important evaluations. Yeh (2015) reports that to develop long-term relationships and meet

customer satisfaction the company must choose the steps that are right. Consumers who

already believe in a product can survive with the consideration that switching brands

require greater costs, time and effort to get a similar product or service.

Tjiptono (2005) reports that the quality of service provided has a very close

relationship with customer satisfaction because it will create a harmonious relationship

between producers and consumers. Expectations that the appropriate product will affect

customer satisfaction in using a service or service and lead to ongoing purchases.

2.6. Relationship of Service with Loyalty

Lisdayanti (2015) reports that there is a positive relationship between service quality

and service with loyalty. Sugiyono (2012) reports that what will make customers come

back again to buy a product is a form of the relationship between service quality or

customer loyalty.

Partua (2014) reports that customer loyalty is a result of an initial trial of a product

that is strengthened through satisfaction so that it will lead to a repeat purchase. Repeated

purchases will certainly have a good impact on the company which means an increase in

sales profit.

Kiki (2010) also reports that customer loyalty is formed from the elements of quality

service where the combination of human quality is reflected in personal behavior or

attitudes in interacting with consumers. Therefore, many companies now develop customer

loyalty through customer satisfaction as an indicator.




3.1. Types of research

This type of research is field research, namely direct observation of the object

under study that is useful for getting relevant data. The variables to be measured in the

study are self services as independent variables (X), satisfaction (Y1) and Loyalty (Y2) as

the dependent variable.

3.2 Location and Time of Research

In this study the researchers chose Stue Coffe Purwokerto as a place of research.

The time of the study will begin in the month ... ... until the month ... 2020.

3.3 Research subject

According to Arikunto (2010) the research subject is a place where data for

research variables are obtained. The subject of this research is Stue Coffee Purwokerto as a

place for research.

3.4 Object of research

According to Sugiyono (2012) the object of research is an attribute of people,

objects or activities that have certain variations determined by researchers to be studied

and their conclusions drawn. The object of this study is Self service and its influence on

satisfaction and customer loyalty.

3.5 Method of collecting data

Data collection techniques used in this study were observation and by using

questionnaires to be more efficient. According to Sugiyono (2010) the questionnaire is a

data collection technique carried out by giving a set of questions to be answered. This

method will be used to determine the effect of self service on customer loyalty and

satisfaction in Stue Coffe Purwokerto.


3.6 Population

According to Riduwan and Engkos (2008) the population is a generalized area

consisting of objects or subjects which become specific quantities and characteristics

determined by researchers to be studied for later conclusions drawn. The population in this

study were customers of Stue Coffee Purwokerto.

3.7 Sample

According to Riduwan and Engkos (2008) the sample is part of a partial population

or representative population under study. The population in this study were customers of

Stue Coffee Purwokerto. Sugiyono (2010) reported that a decent sample size in the study

was between 30-500. Because the population studied is not limited and with the limitations

of researchers, the sample set was 50 respondents.

3.8 Data source

The data used in the study sourced from:

1. Primary data is done by means of observation, interviews and questionnaires

conducted by giving a set of statements to respondents to be answered. According to

Jonathan (2012) primary data is data that comes from the first source or source.

2. Secondary data obtained from literature study results such as books, literature,

internet and other sources. According to Jonathan (2012) secondary data is data that has

been processed by certain parties so that the data is available when needed.

3.9 Scale of Measurement

According to Sugiyono (2013) the measurement scale consists of several types

including nominal scale, ordinal scale, interval scale, and ratio scale and from the

measurement scale obtained nominal, ordinal, interval and ratio data. This study uses an

ordinal scale.

According to Sugiyono (2010) ordinal scale is a measurement scale that not only

states the categories but also states the measured construct rating.


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